HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 07-18DICKERING city Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 07-18 Date: March 5, 2018 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Future Reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway 1331301 Ontario Inc. In Trust 1450 Pickering Parkway File No.: Site Plan Application S 07/17 Recommendations: 1. That City of Pickering Council supports a future reduction in the Pickering Parkway right-of-way width to a minimum of 22.0 metres to accommodate a maximum 7.0 metre widening of Highway 401 into the City's right-of-way, should the Ministry of Transportation widen Highway 401 in the future and that the City accepts responsibility for the future reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway and associated impacts; and 2. That the Site Plan Control Agreement for Site Plan Application S 07/17 contain provisions obligating the landowner to convey the required 2.0 metre road widening along the entire frontage of Pickering Parkway to the City, at no cost to the City, in the event that Highway 401 is widened; and 3. That a copy of this Report PLN 07-18 and Council's resolution on the matter be forwarded to appropriate staff at the Ministry of Transportation and 1331301 Ontario Inc. Executive Summary: In August 2017, the City received a site plan application for an eight storey retirement residence located at the northeast corner of Glenanna Road and Pickering Parkway (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The siting and design of the proposed development conforms to the Council approved City Centre Zoning By-law, and is consistent with the urban design objectives as outlined in the approved City Centre Urban Design Guidelines (see Applicant's Submitted Site Plan, Attachment #2). In response to the circulation of the site plan, the City received comments from the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) indicating that a minimum 14.0 metre building setback must be provided from the north limit of Pickering Parkway. MTO's Building and Land Use Policy outlines minimum building setbacks to essential components of a development to ensure that future widenings of provincial highways can be accommodated (see MTO Comments, Attachment #4). Implementing the required 14.0 metre building setback would negatively impact the proposed development and compromise the City's desired built form objectives for the City Centre. Report PLN 07-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: Future Reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway Page 2 Based on further discussions with MTO, they would be supportive of a 2.0 metre building setback, as illustrated on the applicant's site plan, subject to a resolution from Pickering Council indicating that the City would support a reduced right-of-way width for Pickering Parkway and assume responsibility for the reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway and associated impacts (such as partial road relocation and lane reductions, reduction of boulevards, removal/relocation of utilities, relocation of multi -use path, etc.) should the MTO expand Highway 401 in this immediate area. City staff are satisfied that in the event Highway 401 is widened, a reduced right-of-way width of 22.0 metres for Pickering Parkway can accommodate future traffic volumes, and the various functions for transit, cyclists, and pedestrians as outlined in the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines (see Future Pickering Parkway Cross Section, Attachment #6). Therefore, City staff recommend that City Council pass the required resolution indicating its support for a future reduced Pickering Parkway right-of-way width and accepting responsibility for the realignment of Pickering Parkway and related impacts, in the event that the MTO expands Highway 401. Financial Implications: No immediate direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the recommendations of this Report. However, in the event that the MTO widens Highway 401 impacting Pickering Parkway, the additional costs for the realignment of Pickering Parkway and associated works, (which may include the relocation of existing sidewalks, streetlights, transit infrastructure and a multi -use path on the north side of Pickering Parkway and the potential relocation of a significant power line that exists on the south side of Pickering Parkway), will need to be identified and will be the responsibility of the City. 1. Background 1.1 Applicant's Proposal 1331301 Ontario Inc. In Trust (Rockport Group) has submitted a site plan application for the lands located at the northeast corner of Pickering Parkway and Glenanna Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The subject property has an area of approximately 0.63 of a hectare and is currently vacant. The applicant is proposing an eight storey retirement residence consisting of a total of 165 units including units for memory care, and assisted and independent living. The site plan illustrates two accesses to the site from Glenanna Road and Pickering Parkway. A total of 55 parking spaces have been provided on-site, including 9 surface parking spaces for visitors, and 46 parking spaces for residents within a one level underground parking structure (see Applicant's Submitted Site Plan and Submitted Conceptual Renderings, Attachments #2 and #3). The proposed retirement residence will have a number of central common facilities located mainly on the ground floor including, dining room, pool, salon, fitness room, library craft/workshop room, multi-purpose rooms, and offices. Separate private kitchens will not be provided within the units. Services provided to the residents will include: food services, cleaning services, recreational activities, nurse facilities and transportation services. Report PLN 07-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: Future Reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway Page 3 The proposed building is sited close to the intersection of Glenanna Road and Pickering Parkway having a minimum building setback of 2.0 metres from each road. The principal entrance, with a pedestrian canopy, is located on the north facade, and a secondary pedestrian entrance is proposed along Glenanna Road. A central landscaped court yard is provided along Pickering Parkway, and an additional outdoor green space is proposed to the east of the building. The proposal has been prepared in accordance with the Council approved City's City Centre Zoning By-law and is also consistent with the approved City Centre Urban Design Guidelines. 1.2 Ministry of Transportation Comments The site plan application was circulated to internal City Departments and external agencies for review and comment, including the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). The MTO has expressed concerns with the location of the proposed building. The MTO Building and Land Use Policy requires a minimum 14.0 metre setback for all essential site features when a property abuts a service road (Pickering Parkway), which adjoins a Provincial Highway (Highway 401). The 14.0 metre setback is to be applied from the limit of the service road. In this instance, the setback would be applied from the north limit of the Pickering Parkway right-of-way. The intent of the 14.0 metre setback is to protect for a future expansion to Highway 401, which in this area may require a realignment of Pickering Parkway to the north. City staff requested the MTO to explore whether they could consider a reduced setback given that the required 14.0 metre setback would significantly impact the proposal and result in a built from that is inconsistent with the City's urban design objectives for the City Centre. The MTO advised that they would be willing to reduce the required setback to a minimum of 7.0 metres from the north limit of Pickering Parkway since it is consistent with other developments in the area. Further, the MTO indicated that they would be willing to accept the proposed 2.0 metre building setback, as shown on the applicant's site plan, provided that the City of Pickering, through a resolution of City Council, agrees to be responsible for the reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway and associated impacts (which may include partial road relocation and lane reductions, reduction of boulevards, removal/relocation of utilities, and relocation of multi -use path) in the event that Highway 401 is widened in the future (see MTO Comments, Attachment #4). The applicant has requested the City to consider passing the required resolution in support of the 2.0 metre building setback as this option has the least adverse impact on their proposal. 2. Planning Analysis 2.1 Pickering Parkway right-of-way width and designation Pickering Parkway currently has a right-of-way width ranging between 26.0 metres and 27.0 metres with two lanes of traffic. The current configuration of Pickering Parkway includes a 13.5 metre wide asphalt road, 6.75 metre wide boulevards, and no painted bike lane. Pickering Parkway is designated as a Type "C" Arterial Road in the City's Official Plan. Compared to Type "A" and Type "B" Arterial Roads, Type "C" Arterial Roads are designed to carry lower volumes of traffic, at slower speeds; provide access to properties; and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 26.0 to 30.0 metres. Report PLN 07-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: Future Reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway Page 4 The City Centre Urban Design Guidelines identifies Pickering Parkway as a "Special Street". Pickering Parkway is a street that is to be designed to provide a gateway to higher order transit services. Pickering Parkway, east of Valley Farm Road, is to provide two 3.5 metre wide traffic lanes, sidewalks on both sides, a 1.5 metre wide bike lane, and a generous landscaped realm of 3.65 metres on both sides of the street within a 26.0 metre right-of-way (See Pickering Parkway Cross Section — City Centre Urban Design Guidelines, Attachment #5). 2.2 Applicant's Response to MTO comments To support the reduced building setback, the applicant retained the BA Group (transportation consultants) to examine the existing and future operation of Pickering Parkway adjacent to the proposed development, in light of a potential widening of Highway 401, and design options for a reduced right-of-way width for Pickering Parkway. BA Group has indicated that recent design work completed by the MTO to develop an expanded core -collector system through Durham Region did not include a shifting of Pickering Parkway and therefore, it is expected that this widening is not anticipated to occur in the near future. BA Group prepared three potential design options supporting a reduced right-of-way width for Pickering Parkway from the required minimum width of 26.0 metres to 22.0 metres. The potential reduction in the right-of-way width will require a 2.0 metre land conveyance from the subject property to create a 22.0 metre right-of-way width for Pickering Parkway. This conveyance would be required to accommodate the pedestrian infrastructure as outlined in the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines. Should City Council support the potential reduction in the Pickering Parkway right-of-way width, City staff will ensure appropriate clauses are included in the registered site plan agreement requiring the owner of 1450 Pickering Parkway to convey the required 2.0 metre road widening along the entire frontage of Pickering Parkway to the City, at no cost to the City, in the event that Highway 401 is widened. 2.3 City's Engineering Services is supportive of the reduced right-of-way width for Pickering Parkway in the event that MTO widens Highway 401 The City's Engineering Services Department has reviewed BA Group's findings and are satisfied that if Pickering Parkway is reduced to a 22.0 metre right-of-way width in the future, it will continue to provide the intended form and function of a Type "C" Arterial Road as outlined in the City's Official Plan and the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines. Engineering Services has prepared a revised cross section for Pickering Parkway along the frontage of the subject property and further west fronting Pickering Town Centre to illustrate how Pickering Parkway could be redesigned in the event the MTO undertakes a 7.0 metre expansion of Highway 401 in this area (see Future Pickering Parkway Cross Section, Attachment #6). Report PLN 07-18 March 5, 2018 Subject: Future Reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway Page 5 The City's Engineering Services Department has confirmed that future traffic volumes can be accommodated within a reduced right-of-way for Pickering Parkway, the curb reduction from a potential 4 lanes to the proposed 3 lanes of traffic would have minimal impact on the efficiency of the road. The focus was to minimize construction impact on the north side Transit Hub area. The section of Pickering Parkway, from the subject property to the pedestrian bridge, where the road directly abuts Highway 401 does not require the full pedestrian infrastructure on the south side due to the existence of the abutting provincial highway. Therefore, an opportunity to reduce the right-of-way width exists while maintaining the intended function and design contemplated by the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines. 2.4 Potential Costs incurred by the City should Highway 401 be widened in the future The City has not budgeted any cost towards the reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway, and it would be premature at this time to identify all the costs the City would incur as a result of a future widening of Highway 401. A reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway would impact various types of City infrastructure, including the possible relocation of existing sidewalks, streetlights, transit infrastructure and a multi -use path on the north side of Pickering Parkway and the potential relocation of a significant power line that exists on the south side of Pickering Parkway. 3.0 Conclusion Development of the subject property is constrained by a number of existing easements on its north limit. Therefore, shifting the proposed building further north cannot be accommodated. The application of the 14.0 metre MTO building setback could only be accomplished by significantly reducing the footprint of the proposed building, which would further constrain the opportunity to develop the subject lands. Furthermore, imposing the 14.0 metre MTO building setback would result in an undesirable urban design condition along Pickering Parkway. The applicant has worked closely with City staff to ensure that their proposal meets the requirements of the City Centre Zoning By-law, and the siting and design of the proposed building addresses the City's built form objectives as outlined in the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines. Should the MTO expand Highway 401 into Pickering Parkway, a reduced right-of-way width of 22.0 metres for the City's road can accommodate future traffic volumes, and the various functions for transit, cyclists, and pedestrians. Staff recommend that Council support the applicant's request, and pass the required resolution to enable the proposed 2.0 metre setback of the building adjacent to Pickering Parkway to be retained. Report PLN O7-1 8 March 5, 2018 Subject: Future Reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway Page 6 Attachments: 1, Location Map 2. Applicants Submitted Site Plan 3. Submitted Conceptual Renderings 4. MTO Comments 5. Pickering Parkway Cross Section — City Centre Urban Design Guidelines 6. Future Pickering Parkway Cross Section d By: Princip arnett I P anner, Site Planning Nile 5. rti, VICIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design TB:Id Approved/Endorsed By: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner rd Holb rn, P. Eng. D ector, Engineering Services Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P,Eng, Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT # REPORT # TO 1..N 07-18 w o v NPpEN 0 z z z w J -CNE SNE s Sp PNP N\GNW PY "' 0 O cc 2 LL >- w J J IEFENBAKER COURT MI MI C min num maim p\GKER\NG p NV6K P 0 0 2 O W >- 0 z co 0 0 W O z J J G.tp Location Map File: S07/17 of PICKERING City Development Department Applicant:1331301 Ontario Inc In Trust Property Description: 1450 Pickering Parkway Date: Feb. 09, 2018 "e TheCorporacon of the City of PIckenrg Pre dosed On perp under license from 8(Amens Pnrter,Ortano MTN slimy of Na Wal Resources. Affrights reserved.p Her Majesty the Queen In Right of Canada, Den artmert of Nature] Resouces. All nglts reserved.; ;0 Municipal Property Assessment Consolation h onaIts siypters at rights reserved.; Ds Tera net Enterprises Inc. and Its suppliers all rights reservedm2 SCALE: 1:5,000 THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. I .0010.0.00 1.,.001.111...• _� - - 20,r` ..1 E 4..0,--•. v.......�- ur.ur � ,. -- CROP 0 " V V V V VA, VV V .... S r 5 R & PROPOSED 8 STOREY --t - L r- •-j BLuLnu G - - I LF ~ P II ILI PT L—I IS -- — —• 1 1 I _ _ . ._ _- _ .I rri^ 01rn. 4ov.c�...c _ IN. .... i 4 .r o- n.wm Ka ► A� _ ER�NC"p TT 1 ..... ..�..1 .[Krwo Reaut Applicant's Submitted Site Plan Cill FILE No: S07/17 bg PICKERING APPLICANT: 1331301 Ontario Inc. In Trust PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1450 Pickering Parkway City Development Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: Feb. 9, 201$ L;IPLAN N INGICORELIP LAN N INGLAPPS\PCA12018 c • JD C.2= E m z 111 R":�l it1 r M',i 8 1 1A N 111 � ■ 111 BCC LI Ll D UC 012121212'1 �❑ (? ❑ 13 ED[E f ;J f -1'i GCDO - :. fil@ E I 1 J n 37 IK ' AERIAL VIEW OF SITE FROM NORTH AERIAL VIEW OF SITE FROM SOUTH-WEST AERIAL VIEW OF SITE FROM NORTH-EAST AERIAL VIEW OF SITE FROM SOUTH C4 od PICKERING City Development Department Submitted Conceptual Renderings FILE No: S07/17 APPLICANT: 1331301 Ontario Inc. In Trust PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1450 Pickering Parkway FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: Feb 9, 2018 L:IPLANNINGICORELIPLANNI N G WPPSIPCAI2O18 ATTACHMENT #® TO REPORT # , P4N 07-iQ Barnett, Tyler From: Tuz, Sylvester (MTO) <Sylvester.Tuz@ontario.ca> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 9:16 AM To: Rose, Catherine; Barnett, Tyler Cc: Hewitt, Tom (MTO); Aurini, Shawn (MTO); Kolet, Arieh (MTO); Kathryn Randle Subject: RE: Site Plan Application S07/17- 1450 Pickering Parkway Good morning Catherine and Tyler, Further to the Ministry's comments on October 2"d regarding Site Plan Application S07/17 for a proposed retirement home at 1450 Pickering Parkway, I have discussed the concerns pertaining to the 14m setback requirement with my Manager in an effort to move forward. The Ministry of Transportation has reviewed the request for a setback reduction for the proposed retirement home at 1450 Pickering Parkway. The Ministry protects for a 14m setback to account for future expansion of Highway 401, which in this area may require a potential realignment of Pickering Parkway tothe north, which would negatively impact the proposed development. With the above noted, after review, the Ministry will permit a reduced setback of 7m from Pickering Parkway to the proposed development as this is consistent with other developments in the general area of the subject site. If the 7m setback is not agreeable, the Ministry will consider the 2m setback if the City of Pickering provides a Council Resolution stating that if Highway 401 is expanded into the Pickering Parkway ROW, the City will be responsible for the reconfiguration of Pickering Parkway and associated impacts (ex. Lane reductions, loss of boulevard, removal/relocation of utilities, etc...). We hope that the above is helpful for the project. As mentioned to the Developer, non-essential site features such as surplus parking, landscaping, amenity space, signs, etc... can be located within the MTO setback. We look forward to a revised submission. If you have any questions, please feel free to call and discuss. Thank you, Sylvester Tuz, B.E.S. Corridor Management Planner Ministry of Transportation Highway Corridor Management Section- Central Region 159 Sir William Hearst Ave., 7th Floor Toronto, ON M3M OB7 Phone: 416-235-4351 I Fax: 416-2354267 Email: Sylvester.Tuz@ontario.ca From: Tuz, Sylvester (MTO) Sent: October -02-17 10:53 AM To: 'Barnett, Tyler' Cc: Kolet, Arieh (MTO) Subject: Site Plan Application S07/17- 1450 Pickering Parkway 1 ATTACHMENT # 4 TO REPORT # •PL/C O'7 -/ Hi Tyler, The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has reviewed Site Plan Application S07/17 for a proposed 8 storey retirement home at 1450 Pickering Parkway in Pickering. After review, the Ministry offers the following comments: Site Plan • The proposed Site Plan layout in its current state is not acceptable to MTO • MTO requires a minimum 14m setback for all essential site features (buildings, above/below ground structures, required parking spaces, fireroutes, etc...) when a property abuts a Provincial Highway • As per the Ministry's Building and Land Use Policy, when a subject site abuts a Service Road (Pickering Parkway) which abuts the Highway, the 14m setback is applicable from the Service Road property line. o This is to ensure that should Highway 401 be further expanded and Pickering Parkway is shifted, this will not be detrimental to the development. • A 14m setback is required from the Pickering Parkway property line. • Through discussion with Management, due to the irregular shape of the lot, the 14m setback will only be applied to the western portion of the lot. I have attached a rough redlined plan illustrating this. • Non-essential features such as landscaping, surplus parking, etc... can be within the 14m setback. MTO Permits • An MTO Building and Land Use Permit will be required prior to construction on-site. • MTO Sign Permits will be required for all new signage visible from Highway 401. • MTO Permits can only be applied for once all MTO comments have been addressed and the Site Plan has been approved by the City of Pickering. This is to ensure there are no discrepancies with the Site Plan revision numbers. • MTO has recently launched a new online Permitting website, Applicants must apply online at the following link: www.hcros.mto.gov.on.ca/ I trust that the above is clear, however, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Regards, Sylvester Tuz, B.E.S. Corridor Management Planner Ministry of Transportation Highway Corridor Management Section- Central Region 159 Sir William Hearst Ave., 7th Floor Toronto, ON M3M OB7 Phone: 416-235-4351 1 Fax: 416-235-4267 Email: Sylvester.Tuz@ontario.ca 2 L:IPLANNI N GICOR ELIPLANN I N GIAPPSIPCAI2a1 B CIDO I I min. • 1 • 1 _ I - ® 0 26 m ROW 1 1 • -. ._ • t 0C -L�V - i! • Spill out 1 xLandscaping Zone or residential •i yard m OVID/ Parking - G 5 :? co Travel 1�ne Travel lane m co Parking Landscaping s I x c Pickering Parkway Cross Section - City Centre Urban Design Guidelines 0, FILE No: 807/17 01 P l C KE R I N G APPLICANT: 1331301 Ontario Inc. In Trust PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1450 Pickering Parkway City Development Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWINGATTHE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: Feb 9, 2018 L:IPLANNI N GICOR ELIPLANN I N GIAPPSIPCAI2a1 B CIDO Multi -Use Path .❑ N 2.5 m 6.6m Travel Lane 3.75 m Left Turn lane 3.5 m Travel Lane 3.75 m 0.20 m 9.1 m 11.0 m 0.2 m 22.0 m 1� 5 nt 7m MTO Highway 401 644 PICKERING City Development Department Future Pickering Parkway Cross Section FILE No: S07/17 APPLICANT: 1331301 Ontario Inc. In Trust PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1450 Pickering Parkway FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: Feb 9, 2018 L:IPLAN NI NGICORELIP LAN NINGIAPPSIPCA12018