HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 20 • f M :S OF THE :ING OF THE PICKERING/ONTAR )RO LIAISON CC ITTEE HELD ON THUF (, MARCH 20, 19S Ai i:30 PM PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX Present: Mayor Wayne Arthurs Councillor Sherry Senis Thomas J. Quinn, General Manager - Town of Pickering Judy Hodgson, Executive Assistant - Town of Pickering Ken Talbot, General Manager - Ontario Hydro (PNGS) Ross Fitchett, Public Affairs - Ontario Hydro (PNGS) Evans Enyolu, Representative of PACT Mark Rohlehr, Durham Nuclear Health Committee Helen Break, Representative of the Public 1. Adoption of Minutes of the Meeting of January 16, 1997 Minutes of the meeting of January 16, 1997 were adopted as circulated. 2. Presentations from the Public Irene Kock, Durham Nuclear Awareness advised that they are presently preparing comments on the second draft of Provincial Master Plan. Bill C23, Nuclear Control Safety Act is before the legislature for the final reading. Ken Talbot advised that the changes to this legislation will be reviewed at the next meeting. 3. Radiation and Health in Durham Region - Presentation by Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, Durham Region Health Department An overview of the report from the Durham Region Health Department was presented to the Committee (see attached Executive Summary and Report dated November, 1996). In summary, the pattern of results do not suggest adverse health effects in the Ajax-Pickering area from the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. The committee were advised that the Health Department are currently compiling and analyzing information for the next edition of the report. In order to allow for sufficient accumulation of data, it is expected that this report be issued after 2001. I 7 r - 4. Ken Talbot- Plant Update Ken Talbot assured the committee that concern with respect to the notification process respecting the recent shutdown of Unit 2 has been addressed. Planned Unit Outages It is expected that Unit 7 will be down for planned maintenance during the spring. The committee was advised of the Pickering Nuclear Station planned unit .)utages from 1997-2000 (see attached summary). Nuclear Performance and Advisory Group (Seven Person Senior Team) - Terms of Reference The Nuclear Performance and Advisory Group lead by Carl Andognini has arrived at PNGS. Ken Talbot will invite Mr. Andognini to the next meeting of the committee in order to review the terms of reference. AECB Re-licensing • It was advised that the re-licensing hearings (June 26, 1997) will not be held in Pickering as the schedule has already been established by AECB. Peer Evaluation Assessment Reports Recently the Peer Evaluation Assessment Reports were released to the public. Helen Break requested clarification with respect to information contained in the document. Ross Fitchett agreed to provide this information at the next committee meeting. In summary, the AECB have seen significant changes and a definite overall improvement. It is estimated that it will take approximately three years to achieve the desired excellence. Open House - May 3, 1997 Ken Talbot advised that the Open House is scheduled for May 3, 1997 (9:00 am - 3:00 pm). All committee members will be invited to attend. The committee agreed to have representation at the open house in order to increase public awareness of the committee and their mandate. Representatives of the committee will attend to distribute promotional material respecting the public meeting on May 29,1997 "Emergency Preparedness in Durham" Page 2 • Information Centre - PNGS The Information Centre will be closed for renovations from April 28th, 1997 to October 1997. In the interim there will be an alternate site on Brock Road. 5. Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee The minutes of the meeting of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee on January 16, 1997 were received. 6. Public Meeting Update - Sub Committee I Minutes of the meeting of the sub-committee were distributed. The public meeting will be held on May 29th, at Pickering Central Library Auditorium from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Ivan Ciuciura, Emergency Measures will deliver a presentation with respect to "Emergency Preparedness in Durham". 7. Other Business Fan-Out Notification ' The General Manager (Town of Pickering) advised that as a result of recent miscommunication with respect to the recent shutdown of Unit 2 a meeting was held with; Mayor Arthurs Thomas J. Quinn, General Manager Tom James, Emergency Measures Terry Young, Ontario Hydro Ross Fitchett, Ontario Hydro to review the communication process with respect to notification of plant incidents, shut downs and emergencies. It was agreed that Ross Fitchett and Tom James would meet to review the fan-out system to identify the terms for notification. It was further suggested that the appropriate terminology be reviewed and utilized in order to ensure that all parties have a knowledge of the status and degree of emergency/non emergency of the incident. As an example rather than using the term "incident" for a mechanical shutdown perhaps the terminology should suggest "change in operational status". A draft document would be compiled for review with the General Manager and subsequent report to Council. Councillor Senis requested that Ward Councillors be notified of any visible activity at PNGS (i.e. escape of steam), in order to keep their constituents Page 3 I mum informed accordingly. As a political courtesy it was agreed that the Mayor, Ward 2 Councillors and the General Manager would be notified in this event. Pickering Neighbours - Publication 1 ' It was agreed that in an effort to increase public awareness, the committee would be featured in the next issue of "Pickering Neighbours". Committee members would be listed along with the appropriate contact information. Ross Fitchett agreed to draft an article for the June edition. Community Challenge - Youth Fundraiser Councillor Senis thanked representatives from Ontario Hydro for their generous support as a sponsor for the Community Challenge - Youth Fundraiser to be held in May at Pine Ridge Secondary School. 8. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 19th at 7:30 pm at the Pickering Civic Complex, Committee Room 1. 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm. Copy: Marianne Takacs, Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Shaw Cable { Page 4