HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 16, 1997 • MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PICKERING/ONTARIO HYDRO LIAISON COMMITTEE HELD ON THURSDAY, January, 16, 1997 AT 7:30 PM PICKERING CIVIC COMPLEX Present: Mayor Wayne Arthurs Councillor Sherry Senis Councillor Maurice Brenner Thomas J. Quinn, Executive Director- Town of Pickering Judy Hodgson, Executive Assistant- Town of Pickering Ken Talbot, Station Director, PNGS Ross Fitchett, Public Affairs, PNGS Jay Amer, Ontario Hydro, Public Affairs Denise Wiese, Past President, Ajax Pickering Board of Trade Evans Enyolu, Representative of PACT Mark Rohlehr, Durham Nuclear Health Committee Helen Break, Representative of the Public 1. Adoption of Minutes of the Meeting of August 22. 1996 Minutes of the meeting of October 17, 1996 were adopted as circulated. 2. Presentations from the Public It was advised that the presentations from the Royal Society Report will be copied to the committee for their information. 3. Doing Things Right - Presentation by Ron Moore. Shift Supervisor, PNGS Ron Moore, Shift Supervisor, Pickering Nuclear Generating Station provided an overview of the guidelines developed jointly with staff and management over the past two years. The following philosophy is followed by all staff in the Operations Division - "The Ten Commandments of Reactor Safety": 1. operate conservatively; operate well below the limits using the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle; 2. do not relax rules in times of crisis, if rules are relaxed once they will progressively deteriorate; 3. maintain defense in department - both in process and equipment - • procedures and authority are not to be changed during a crisis - always plan for multiple barriers assuming that nothing is perfect; 4. verify actions affecting reactor safety; 5. if in doubt - stop and ask; 6. ensure all actions stand up to critical scrutiny; 7. understand the implications of any change (personal, procedural, equipment) - be proactive not reactive; 8. do not live with problems; 9. determine and correct underlying reasons for problems; 10. keep it simple - avoid complex procedures. These guidelines/philosophy are followed throughout the ranks to ensure all staff follow the same principles in addressing day to day tasks and potential problems which may occur. 4. Ken Talbot- Plant Update/ AECB Relicensing Hearing Update - Minor Spill, January 13, 1997 Ken Talbot provided a brief overview of the minor spill on January 13, 1997. Part of the plant was evacuated as conservative action, unfortunately it caused an alarmist reaction when the public and other staff within the plant became aware of the evacuation. This was a minor spill and was cleaned- up within a couple of hours, and there was no cause for concern. Councillor Senis suggested that the information received respecting the spill was worded in such a way that may cause concern. Perhaps this should be reviewed to ensure that the wording does not cause unnecessary concern or actions. Councillor Brenner expressed concern that perhaps some of the office administration staff were not familiar with the alert procedures. Ken Talbot advised that some of the staff were temporary (agency staff) and there were also some new staff who had not had the opportunity to receive the appropriate training, however, it was recognized that there was a need to • improve upon the orientation training program, which would assist in alleviating this type of over reaction. Seven Person Senior Team - Review It was advised that the Seven Person Senior Team from the United States would be providing their expertise to review the performance of Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. The leadership team will provide their expertise and experience gained from working in other plants that have already gone through the process and will provide recommendations for improvements. I • This is considered a very positive approach to achieving the excellence desired at PNGS. Evans Enyolu requested a copy of the Terms of Reference of the Seven Person Senior Team. Ken Talbot advised that the team would arrive at the Page 2 end of January and would provide a copy of the Terms of Reference to the committee at the next meeting. AECB Assessment Audit Teams AECB Assessment Audit Teams are currently reviewing radiation control, nuclear incident monitoring processes, procedure compliance etc., for the assessment for the next licence. There will be a meeting on April 3, in Ottawa followed by the decision meeting on June 26, 1997. It was agreed that since the location of the meeting has yet to be determined, Mayor Arthurs would send a letter to AECB requesting their consideration in allowing Pickering to host the meeting. Peer Assist Review - Summary Ken Talbot provided a summary of the Peer Assist Review process and noted that their goal is to assist in achieving the highest standard of excellence by comparing to best practices. There has in fact been a significant improvement overall. It should be noted that there has been a significant improvement to staff morale with a positive sense to strive toward excellence. Staff have taken pride in the overall accomplishments, and are very receptive to the recommendations for improvement. (Please see copies of overhead presentations attached) Incident at Point Lepreau- Boiler Feeder Pipes There has been cause for concern at Point Lepreau with regard to the erosion of some of the boiler feeder pipes. However, the committee was assured similar pipes at PNGS have been inspected for possible erosion causing potential thinning of the pipes and have not found a similar phenomena. This may be attributed to a different flow and chemistry • characteristic, and does not appear to be a significant issue. Councillor Senis requested that the committee be forwarded the information she received respecting the thinning of the feeder pipes. 5. Public Meeting Update - Sub Committee It was agreed to pursue hosting 5 weekly public meetings in order to provide the public with a multiple of opportunities to attend meetings specific to their interest; i.e., introduction to the Pickering/Ontario Hydro Liaison Committee, Durham Nuclear Health Committee, AECB, possible tour of plant and Emergency Measures Panning. The sub-committee will provide an update to the committee at the next meeting. Page 3 6. Used Fuel Management Presentation Frank King - Ontario Hydro. Nuclear Waste and Environment Services Division • Frank King provided the committee an overview of the federal review process respecting nuclear fuel waste management and disposal. They are currently going across Canada to provide communities with information respecting the disposal of nuclear waste. rThe nuclear waste disposal concept has been developed over the past 17 years and is considered to be a safe alternative for disposal. Initially, many options were considered however, it was determined that this was the most viable alternative. Please see attached copies of presentation package. 7. Minutes of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee The minutes of the meeting of the Durham Nuclear Health Committee on November 8, 1997 were received. 7. Other Business Helen Break advised that the report from the Durham Region Health Department "Radiation and Health in Durham" has now been completed and U requested that Mary-Anne Pietrusiak, Durham Regional Health Department be invited to attend the next meeting to deliver a presentation to the committee. 8. Date of Next Meeting IThe next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 20, 1997 at 7:30 pm at the Pickering Recreation Complex- Meeting Room 1 I 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm I Copy: Marianne Takacs, Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Shaw Cable U Page 4