HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 20 ,t,1 OF pt Lu �� A°` z v MILLENNIUM TRAIL/MILLENNIUM SQUARE Ad-hoc Committee Meeting - October 20, 1998 MINUTES In Attendance: Councillor Mark Holland (Chair) Mayor Wayne Arthurs Councillor Doug Dickerson David Steele, Chairman, Waterfront 2001 Taskforce Craig Bamford, Vice-Chairman, Waterfront 2001 Taskforce Everett Buntsma, Director of Parks and Facilities Victor Ford, Landscape Architect, Victor Ford and Associates Jim Dyke, Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club Tom Mohr, President, Pickering Historical Society Andrea Graham, President, Pine Ridge Arts and Culture Council John Sabean, President, Heritage Pickering Edward Falkenburg, Artist Pat O'Brien, Ontario Hydro, Pickering Nuclear Tom Smart, Ontario Hydro, Pickering Nuclear David Green, President, Pickering Rotary Club David Stone, Pickering Rotary Club Scott Staples, Pickering Rotary Club Gerry Goudie, Rougemount Community Assoc. Absent: • Larry Field, Waterfront Specialist,Toronto Region Conservation Authority Harold Hough, Pickering Harbour Company Steve Reynolds, Director of Culture and Recreation Dorsey James, Artist Jim Grady, President, Pickering Lions Club Ross Barnett, Pickering Hydro Tom Melymuk, Town of Pickering Tom Quinn, Town of Pickering The Honourable Dan McTeague, M.P. The Honourable Janet Ecker, M.P.P. NEXT MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 (a7 7PM MAIN COMMITTEE ROOM 1. Objectives • Councillor Holland welcomed all in attendance and advised that the meeting would take the form of an introduction and objective setting session with each person given the opportunity to speak. He stated that the purpose of the committee was to build from the Waterfront 2001 document and to continue with as much input from community leaders as possible. He emphasized that nothing was set in stone and all ideas would be entertained in the context of the Millennium Trail/Square and Waterfront 2001 vision. • A presentation was made by Victor Ford discussing the work that he had undertaken to date and then individual presentations commenced. 2. Everett Buntsma • stated need to keep project focused so as to keep it achievable in a tight time frame • • focus on the Millennium Square node area • explained work that had been done to date and the role of Victor Ford with the town 3. Mayor Wayne Arthurs • appreciated initiative and encouraged by potential of project • suggested replica lighthouse at the end of East Spit be considered 4. Craig Bamford • stated the importance of doing something with East Spit and liked Millennium Square idea • discussed importance of community groups in project and application • suggested that the Millennium Trail be focused around the Bay • liked the Lighthouse idea- a"showcase for the area" • boat launch into Lake Ontario important • keep focus away from parking lots (defined them as `scary') and deal with potential traffic volumes 5. David Steele • encouraged, likes what he sees and agrees with Craig's comments • East/West Spit link vital • used raised platform on the beach • ensure environmental issues are addressed, including geese • need for park on the West Spit with Rotary Club • perhaps PACT sponsorship of lookout • need for signage and retention pond 6. Councillor Doug Dickerson • likes idea of lighthouse at the entrance to the Bay • referenced his work and conversations with the Pickering Harbour Company about the entrance to the Bay and with the Front Street property • TRCA to focus on Petticoat Creek area • need for a connection around the Bay 7. Edward Falkenberg • importance of art on the path • brought up the idea of having nodes and using art to bridge between them • happens all at once 8. Tom Mohr • likes the idea of the lighthouse but concerned about erosion • need to recognize First Nations heritage • referenced the potential of the Rouge • need for trail from one end of the town to the other 9. John Sabean • make the trail and waterfront accessible to the handicapped, idea of scented garden and sculpture garden was mentioned in this regard • art of the past -use it on path • include all history(industrialist, natural, etc.) • promote and encourage the environment and nature • make attractive for bird watchers • 10. Andrea Graham • unique is the key to the trail's success (in signage and in other aspects) • realize that art takes on many forms and that all should be considered • likes lighthouse but thinks that artistic depiction would be more realistic • use art to depict history • stated potential of Liverpool Road (as it leads to Lake Ontario) • likes boat taxi • signage needs to be creative and to set the stage for the trail 11. Pat O'Brien • stated potential of area • the need for continuous linkage • boardwalk for roller-bladers (area that PNGS would like to get involved in) • PNGS wants to be a significant player(through in kind work and other contributions) • discussed current work of PNGS on the issue of biodiversity • stated that signage is needed that will create a"unique Pickering identity" 12. Scott Staples • • stated that Rotary has always been involved with the waterfront and wants to continue to be • trail across the town is a"top priority" • Rotary Park wanted ->wants to participate in the capital portion not the operating side • preservation of marshlands, clean-up of the Bay • importance of signage 13. Tom Smart • importance of linking the two spits- completing the trail • integration of all plans and ideas in the Millennium Square node • potentially expand the "special design area" for the Millennium Square • ensure that everything builds on each other 14. Gerry Goudie • work that is needed to be done in the Petticoat Creek and Rougemount area • idea of Rouge Park mentioned - center it near the entrance to town with history of area and preservation issues identified • start at both ends of town • Petticoat Creek area needs work • use washrooms and facilities of existing areas for trail and nodes • unique signs and connection needed for bikers 15. David Stone • stated importance of East/West spit connection • importance of good storm water management practices • potential need for capital purchases to complete the trail(property at the end of Marksbury is needed) • likes the Millennium Square but nodes are needed and something is required on the West Spit • focus should be on the project (capital) not operational side • York Region as a source of funds(due to the Long Term Water Supply initiative) 16. David Green • action on waterfront long overdue, glad to see things moving • need for a trail right across Pickering • likes the Millennium Square idea 17. . Jim Dyke • having a beautified waterfront is an opportunity to attract boaters- excellent destination • likes the lighthouse idea • spoke of the contribution of the boating community • importance of signage • get people to come out and spend `tourist dollars' • something needed on the north side of the East Spit to park at 18. Mark Holland • recapped themes from the other speakers;trail across the town, signage, nodes, having a unique waterfront, East/West Spit connection, lighthouse and trail around the Bay • stated the importance of keeping the project millennium oriented, something that both displays our past and speaks to our hopes for the future • importance of community involvement and participation in process and need to use the Taskforce as a base so that work already completed is not duplicated • stated that he will give a presentation to council on the matter 19. Victor Ford • gave a presentation on various Millennium Square designs and referenced the features of each • Taskforce report used as a base for concept drawings • see attached report from Victor for more specifics on the ideas given 20. Millennium Square • discussion on ideas presented • all were very pleased with the work presented as an excellent beginning • agreed that a mix of the various ideas would likely yield the best result so vote held on each potential feature - each approved feature to be used by Victor in the new renderings to be presented • Victor to present new drawings based on discussions at the next meeting 21. Wrap Up and Conclusions • need for East/West Spit connection to be further brought up and agreed to along with the Trail for West Spit and further along the Eastern portion of the waterfront • agreed that project needs to be focused and used as a catalyst for the eventual completion of the entire waterfront • focus needs to be on the bay entrance