HomeMy WebLinkAboutFrenchmans' Bay West Park Concept 1999 I el FRENCHMAN'S BAY WEST PARK CONCEPT 1999 PREPARED FOR THE PICKERING MILLENNIUM AD HOC COMMITTEE MARCH 19, 1999 C _ FRENCHMAN'S BAY WEST PARK CONCEPT PLAN 1999 Introduction In 1991 the Toronto Region Conservation Authority, the Town of Pickering and area residents finalized a Frenchman's Bay West Park Concept Plan. Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, the 1991 plan was never implemented. The following are excerpts from the 1991 report: "Throughout the planning process, public concern over environmental issues and water- oriented recreation related to Frenchman's Bay were very clearly expressed. Protection and preservation of sensitive areas were considered to be of utmost importance". "Public concern for the environment is having a profound impact on our traditional park planning approaches and concepts of"development." This increased environmental awareness suggests that urban park, waterfront areas and green spaces must be more than recreational areas that are aesthetically appealing. They must be ecologically sound and biologically productive. This dictates that a comprehensive approach must be taken that preserves sensitive landscapes, recognizes ecological systems and natural processes, and effectively balances public use with the ability of the land to support it. This means creating parks and green spaces which are planned, designed and built on the principles of sustainable development". "The concept is strongly based on involving, informing and enhancing the public's awareness of the environment." In 1998,the Pickering Mayor's Task Force on the Pickering Waterfront revisited the Frenchman's Bay West Park Plan. In this report, the Task Force said that the West Spit should remain in a natural state, with a limited number of family activities occurring including enhancement of the beach area. This area would then be linked by pontoon boat to the commercial hub at the foot of Liverpool Road allowing a western entrance to this area. The pontoon boat was also envisioned as linking the West Shore community to Bay Ridges. The following are excepts from the Task Force Report: 1 "Committee members were enthusiastic about the park's natural setting and the diverse vegetation, much of which is unique to this sandy area. We encourage a final park design that will establish a unique facility in this area by balancing preservation and regeneration goals with the creation of numerous family-oriented activities". "Specifically as part of the forest regeneration plans an arboretum could be created between (the current)Buena Vista Drive and the marsh. This arboretum could play a significant interpretive role and provide additional educational opportunities. Similarly, demonstration flower/perennial gardens with various labeled species could be established". "The committee encourages protection of natural features such as the sand spit and excellent natural beach, along with the wetlands, sand dunes and tree canopy. In addition, certain areas of the beach, particularly those oppose the temporary canoe club, support a wide range of unique plants". The public input received by the task force included: -Develop a formal rose garden on the tableland adjacent to the waterfront in the area. It could include seating areas offering waterfront views, a perennial or rose garden and demonstration gardens sponsored by local community organizations. -construct a unique children's play area where waterfront activities including a spray pad can be enjoyed. Excellent examples are at Mississauga's Lakefront Promenade Park and in Barrie. -build a small pavilion (capacity up to 150) for daytime children's activities and small special events. There could be evening activities such as community dances, with a local community association responsible for bookings. ( In this latest concept, the environmental centre would have a classroom to serve this purpose.) DESCRIPTION OF THE FRENCHMAN'S BAY WEST PARK CONCEPT 1999 Differences from the 1991 concept plan The major differences between this updated concept plan and the original 1991 concept plan are as follows: The experimental garden/display area has been removed from the northern area of the park and replaced with the Millennium Forest and Butterfly Meadow/Garden area, which will require less initial and ongoing financial cost. The parking area has been moved closer to West Shore Blvd with an entrance at Surf 2 i Avenue. This will allow a larger area for family.activities such as the small,water park which is now proposed. It is not intended that this parking,lot will be used for boat storage, which was assumed in the 1991 plan. , • No road access is proposed to the spit area. This is necessary to accommodate the waterfront trail. It should be noted that there was considerable discussion on this topic in the original concept plan and a compromise had been spring and fall car access to accommodate windsurfers and others using the park at this time. - The beach use facility is included as part of the Environmental Centre and the beach area in this 1999 plan extends easterly from this facility. In the 1991 plan a separate washroom, Beach facility and concessions was at the east end of the spit. This 1999 plan calls for efforts to reestablish natural vegetation and sand dunes on the Lake Ontario side at the east end of the spit. Objectives of the Frenchman's Bay West Park Concept Plan 1999 The following are the objectives of this park plan, many of which are identical to those of the 1991 concept plan: 1. Environmental management of Frenchman's Bay West shall be predicated on the principles of sustainable development. • f 2. Create an environmental centre for the display and distribution of environmental information. This centre shall become the focus of the park and will be used to convey to the public the principles of sustainable development, both at the global scale, regional scale and local scale. 3. Implement measures to protect and enhance the sensitive landscape of the site - ie. Marsh, dynamic beach, spit. Stabilize shoreline immediately to west of park. 4. Respond to the need for improved community access to the waterfront. Emphasis should be placed on access for the disabled and senior citizens. Activities should be family oriented. 5. Development of an internal pedestrian system linking the main features of the site and incorporating an environmental education program along the system. The system should implement the recommendations of the Mayor's Waterfront 2001 Task Force report. The . education centre will serve as the western anchor for the Monarch Butterfly interpretive trail around Frenchman's Bay. 6. Minimize vehicular access into the site, by locating parking adjacent to existing roadways. 7. Naturalize, manage and improve the forested areas of the site to enhance vegetative quality and wildlife habitat. Improve fisheries habitat wherever possible in Frenchman's Bay. Minimiie 3 • use of lawn areas, so as to discourage geese from using this park area. 8. Prohibit vehicle access from the spit at the earliest possible date, regenerate sand dune areas and restore natural vegetation on the spit. 9. Review the role of a small wetland at the current intersection of Beachpoint and Beunavista and possibility of integrating it into the educational experience. 10. Involve the local community in all aspects of the design of the park and minimize impacts on the local community through appropriate design. DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR AREAS WITHIN CONCEPT PLAN East Side of West Shore Blvd, Sunrise to Surf Ave and South Side of Sunrise -Establish Tree Buffer with extensive use of coniferous trees and flowering schrubs to provide a buffer -grass on road allowance side of buffer to be maintained by Town of Pickering -objective should be to provide a fast transition from urban on road side, to natural on park side and eliminate existing resident concerns about the natural state of the park. End of West Shore at Lake Ontario -Beachpoint would be closed at West Shore, with access to 3 remaining residences through parking lot. -Waterfront Trail will follow Beachpoint road allowance past houses. -General cleanup and benches at end of West Shore -Some shoreline stabilization is required in this area -possible steps to water at end of West Shore -access along waterfront is currently impossible due to an old cement foundation of a boathouse. Parking lot area -Propose either one access at Surf Avenue or entrance from West Shore and exit at Surf -Parking for approximately ? cars -area to be buffered from existing residences on West Shore by an earth berm and treeplanting From 3 Existing Residences to Environmental Centre on south side of existing road allowance -Excellent overhead tree canopy -area requires initial general cleanup including repairs to seawall area -use of grass lawns must be minimized, to discourage geese. 4 -try to move trail to edge of seawall wherever possible, with some seating areas -trail is probably using interlocking or a similar material to complement gardens. -with proximity to parking, this should be a good area for seniors. -Does shuffleboard work? -Establish a series of garden "rooms' along trail. -explore possibility of different themes. Examples- Scented Garden for Blind Sculpture Garden Rose Garden-approach Pickering Nurseries -some parts of this area may be renaturalized with native grasses, etc, to create a more natural waterfront. -limited picnicking facilities will be provided, and the possibility of one shelter, close to the parking lot area should be considered. Children's Pay Area On North Side of Beach Point Road Allowance to West Shore This area should be developed as the main family use area for picnicking and family sports activities such as a children's water park on a smaller scale to one located at the Promenade Park in Mississauga. -Other family use type activities could include a creative play area, basketball hoops, volleyball etc. -No sports fields are proposed for this area and no lawn areas are planned, to discourage geese. -efforts should be directed at restoring a tree canopy through deciduous tree planting -Picnicking for larger groups would continue to be directed to Petticoat Creek Conservation Area. Environmental Centre/Park Service Building -intended to provide a focus and orientation for the park. It will function as a welcome/ information centre and will serve as the main facility for the distribution, exhibition and display of environmental information. (And possibly historical information). -this facility should include a classroom, so the facility can be used by the school boards as an education centre. This classroom could also serve as a meeting room, or be rented out for functions, to help defray operating costs. -It will be located close to the edge of the existing tableland and mark the transition on the waterfront from the formal garden area to the beginning of the beach zone, which will extend to the end of the spit on the Lake Ontario side. -This facility should include change rooms,washrooms, and a small concession stand to serve park users. Beach Use Zone (Lake Ontario Side of Spit to Environmental Centre) -the beach zone is a sensitive and unique land form. It is a dynamic beach, whichis constantly being reshaped by wave actions. It serves an important role in guarding Frenchman's Bay from the forces of Lake Ontario. -sports activities such as windsurfing, beach volleyball should be encouraged. -rules will be required to ensure that boats do not come within a certain distance of this beach area, or moor offshore. This is currently a problem. Jet Skis etc should be prohibited. -Preservation and re-establishment of the dune formations and beach vegetation in designated areas will mean that public use will be discouraged in parts of the centre of the spit area. -signage should be erected to explain unique vegetation, function of barrier beach, formation of sand dunes. -no public vehicle access is proposed to this area. -future consideration may be given to additional washrooms in the area of the Pontoon Boat landing, depending on park use. Waterfront Outlook --The 1991 Concept Plan suggested a"Waterfront Outlook" where the channel entrance intersects Lake Ontario. This structure was to include a Lookout Deck, seating area and Pedestrian Access. The Lighthouse would work well here and serve a function as well. Frenchman's Bay side of Spit -waterfront trail will be on the north side of spit, with sand dunes in centre of spit. -consider improvements to fish habitat with placement of rocks etc into Frenchman's Bay. -construct a short pier into Frenchman's Bay immediately east of marsh, to allow observation of marsh life. -historical signs should be placed along waterfront trail, which will be a boardwalk or Trek surface in this area. Rehabilitate Marsh -every effort should be made to rehabilitate the marshland area. -recommendations are required from TRCA and the Waterfront Regeneration Trust on steps to be taken. Restore Forest Vegetation immediately west of Marsh -Frenchman's Baywatch has already planted numerous trees in this area to restore the forest cover immediately west of the marsh and increase the viability of this ecosystem. -additional treeplanting is required to expand this forest area westward. Consideration should be given to a plan which in 10 years when trees begin to mature, will allow the addition of a looping bark chip trail through an arboretum, where various tree species are identified. 6 • Millennium Forest -Substantial reforestation is required in the area bounded by Sunrise, BeuenaVista(currently) East from Tullo to Frenchman's Bay. -A Millennium Forest could be established using tree species which wN ere native to this area. These include the White Pine. -A Large Fundraising campaign could be undertaken during the remainder of 1999, with planting in the fall of 1999 and spring of 2000. Donations from the public could cover the cost of trees, with a plaque erected to honour donors, and the purpose of the forest. -whenever possible, the town should encourage public donations and memorial donations to fund tree planting. Butterfly Meadow northeast of Parking Lot -Improve on existing meadow condition through encouraging plant species which attract butterflies, particularly monarch butterfly during fall migration season (milkweed, asters, goldenrod etc). Selective introduction of other shrubs, berries,flowering trees to improve habitat for birds and small animals. -Add interpretive signs wherever possible, to describe species and their roles in nature -construct a major interpretive display on monarch butterfly PHASING OF PARK DEVELOPMENT -Constraint on development -alternate location to be found for Canoe club, so they no longer require road acess. -vehicle access may be required for up to 10 years for a residence at the end of the spit. This will make construction of boardwalk beside marsh impossible until the road is closed so construction should start at the eastern end of the boardwalk on the west spit. -an alternate location should be found for small boat launching since these users currently rely on an area of the spit immediately east of the marsh. -three houses at the north end of the site(on West Shore, Sunrise and Buena Vista do not interfere with park developmet in these areas and should only be acquired when suitable terms can be negotiated. The road access to the home on Buena Vista can be closed at this residence and become a driveway from Sunrise. -Three homes at the west end of Beach Point are not a barrier to development. Road access can be provided in the future from our recommended Parking Lot location, so the existing Beach Point road allowance can provide room for the trail. THERE IS A DISTINCT ADVANTAGE TO KEEPING THESE HOMES, SINCE THE PRESENCE OF PEOPLE AT NIGHT SHOULD HELP TO REDUCE VANDALISM 1999 -Complete land swap arrangements, with Town of Pickering to have control of land required for children's plan area south to Lake Ontario (? and access for boardwalk/pontoon boat?) TRCA SHOULD MAINTAIN THE BALANCE, WITH MOST INCLUDING SPITS REQUIRED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES AND SERVING REGIONAL INTERESTS. -General cleanup of shorelines (TRCA/Pickering Millennium Committee, volunteers) -Millennium Forest fundraising and implementation (TRCA/Town of Pickering) -Initial Cleanup of tableland south of West Shore (Rotary Club) -Treeplanting adjacent to Marsh (Spring/Fall Cleanups)and start tree buffer along West Shore 2000 OBJECTIVE IS TO MAKE PARK USEABLE BY ESTABLISHING MAIN FACILITIES -Complete Millennium Forest Project (TRCAI Pickering Millennium Committee) -Rehabilitation work on marsh (TRCA) -Construction of Environmental Centre (Millennium Project/Public funds/Other Grants) and washrooms (Rotary) • Note phasing may be appropriate TRCA should fund Environmental Centre, with possible help from the school boards, including U of T Scarborough Campus Rotary, Town of Pickering to fund Beachhouse/washroom facilities which culd be phasel -Construct parking lot and close Buenavista and Beachpoint -alternate small boat launch facilities to be available -Install gate to restrict vehicular access to spit to the residents at the end of the spit -Pontoon boat operational -Start Boardwalk at Pontoon Boat Landing -Restrict Vehicular access.to spit to the residents at the end of the Spit 2001 and thereafter -continue treeplanting, and development of all phases of park development -TRCA, TOWN OF PICKERING AND ROTARY TO AGREE ON PHASING 8 1999 -Complete land swap arrangements, with Town of Pickering to have control of land required for children's plan area south to Lake Ontario (? and access for boardwalk/pontoon boat?) TRCA SHOULD MAINTAIN THE BALANCE, WITH MOST INCLUDING SPITS REQUIRED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES AND SERVING REGIONAL INTERESTS. -General cleanup of shorelines (TRCA/Pickering Millennium Committee, volunteers) -Millennium Forest fundraising and implementation (TRCA/Town of Pickering) -Initial Cleanup of tableland south of West Shore (Rotary Club) -Treeplanting adjacent to Marsh (Spring/Fall Cleanups)and start tree buffer along West Shore 2000 OBJECTIVE IS TO MAKE PARK USEABLE BY ESTABLISHING MAIN FACILITIES -Complete Millennium Forest Project (TRCA/ Pickering Millennium Committee) -Rehabilitation work on marsh (TRCA) -Construction of Environmental Centre (Millennium Project/Public funds/Other Grants) and washrooms (Rotary) Note phasing may be appropriate TRCA should fund Environmental Centre, with possible help from the school boards, including U of T Scarborough Campus Rotary, Town of Pickering to fund Beachhouse/washroom facilities which culd be phase 1 -Construct parking lot and close Buenavista and Beachpoint -alternate small boat launch facilities to be available -Install gate to restrict vehicular access to spit to the residents at the end of the spit -Pontoon boat operational -Start Boardwalk at Pontoon Boat Landing -Restrict Vehicular access'to spit to the residents at the end of the Spit 2001 and thereafter -continue treeplanting, and development of all phases of park development -TRCA, TOWN OF PICKERING AND ROTARY TO AGREE ON PHASING 8