HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 30 fi t c j ,11k 2-72 MILLENNIUM MILLENNIUM TRAIL/MILLENNIUM SQUARE Ad-hoc Committee Meeting - March 30, 1999 MINUTES Present: Mayor Wayne Arthurs Councillor Mark Holland(Chair) Councillor David Pickles Craig Bamford, Vice-Chairman, Waterfront 2001 Taskforce Everett Buntsma, Director of Parks and Facilities Stephen Reynolds, Director of Culture and Recreation Victor Ford, Landscape Architect, Victor Ford and Associates Tom Mohr, President, Pickering Historical Society Andrea Graham, President, PineRidge Arts Council John Sabean, President, Heritage Pickering Edward Falkenburg, Artist David Steele, Chairman, Waterfront 2001 Taskforce Larry Field, Waterfront Specialist, Toronto Region Conservation Authority Jim Dyke, Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club Paul Kelland, President, East Shore Community Association Jim Grady, President, Pickering Lions Club Dave Johnson, Executive Director of the Frenchman's Bay Festival David Stone, Pickering Rotary Club Scott Staples, Pickering Rotary Club Dorsey James, Artist David Green, Pickering Rotary Club Marilyn Hedge, Bay Watch Stan Muir, Pickering 2000 Millennium Committee Murray Carson, Bay Watch Terry White, Chair BECA David Home, Director of PACT Scott Murray, Athletic Representative, West Rouge Canoe Club Angela Gurlesky, Commodore, West Rouge Canoe Club Dan Purdy, Commodore, West Rouge Canoe Club Lynda Oikawa, Treasurer, West Rouge Canoe Club Christopher Gurlesky, Paddler, West Rouge Canoe Club Absent: Pat O'Brien, Ontario Hydro, Pickering Nuclear Tom Melymuk, Town of Pickering Tom Smart, Ontario Hydro, Pickering Nuclear Ross Barnett, Pickering Hydro Geraldine Goudie,Rougemount Community Assoc. Harold Hough, Pickering Harbour Company Bernie Luttmer, Swans Marina Ltd. Bill Boyes- Pickering Public Library • A presentation was made by Scott Murray, Athletic Representative, West Rouge Canoe Club. He requested that the West Rouge Canoe Club's capital projects be combined with the Millennium Funding application. He stressed how important it is that this club continues to exist. (copy of presentation attached) 4 - 2 - • Councillor Holland congratulated Scott on his presentation and advised him that the forum at which this issue should be considered is at the Co-ordinating Committee. He also stated that there are a number of organizations interested in the property. He directed Scott to forward a copy of the Club's proposal to the Director of Parks and Facilities and to the Co-ordinating Committee, once established. Moved by David Steele Seconded by Jim Dyke That this matter be forwarded to the Co-ordinating Committee, once established. CARRIED • Councillor Holland advised that he has received an overwhelming response from the residents he has visited concerning this project. He indicated that everyone contacted signed the sheet of support and commented positively on many aspects of the proposal. He advised that a report will be provided concerning the meeting held with the Waterfront Regeneration Trust. He also advised that he has spoken with the Library Board and the Horticultural Society who have indicated their support of this project. Further meetings will be held with PESCA and various other organizations. • Councillor Holland advised that this matter will be going before Council on April 26th and he hoped many of the committee members would be in attendance to show their support. He advised that the Director of Culture & Recreation is involved in the preparation of the application. • Victor Ford gave a brief outline of the proposal as it presently stands. A copy of the Frenchman's Bay West Park Concept 1999 was distributed. Careful thought is being given to the spit to ensure that it is not impacted negatively. He outlined various areas still under consideration, eg. placement of the forest, environmental centre, etc. • Councillor Holland advised that the marsh lookout, lighting, pedestrian walkway, trail around west side of the bay and the parking lot are all included in the Millennium Trail budget. He requested various committee members to acquire more letters of support from the various organizations they are associated with. These letters must be received no later than April 26. • Scott Staples advised that the Pickering Rotary Club are very much interested in ensuring this project goes forward and would like to see a Rotary Park/Community Park combination. • Much discussion took place concerning choosing Alternative A or Alternative B and the placement of the observation tower. Moved by David Green Seconded by Jim Dyke That the plan as presented be accepted in principal with an environmental study of western elements to be undertaken. CARRIED • Councillor Holland advised that the total project costs will be around $2,500,000, split over three years with the Town's portion being approximately $1,200,000. The rest of the funding will come from Ontario Hydro, the Federal and Provincial Governments and outside organizations. This project should begin in the fall of 1999. • Tom Mohr spoke concerning Heritage and Arts and advised that there are no significant changes from the last distribution. He gave a quick overview of what was contained in the previous report of March 4, 1999 and spoke on four points which require discussion. a) The beach between the power plant and Liverpool Road -given sensitive nature of the beach it is felt that activities should be of lower impact. s w - 3 - b) The sculpture, created by Ron Baird, which was previously discussed -if attainable should be in centre of square. c) The placement of the lighthouse -placing the lighthouse closer to the end of the spit would be preferable. d) The Co-ordinating Committee -great concern that the implementation of the Co-ordinating Committee has not happened. • John Sabean stated that signage will be interpretative with interpretative stations or displays. • Councillor Holland advised that they are still waiting for the Co-ordinating Committee to be set up. He also advised of the number of changes in the proposal along the eastern spit. A significant number of items have been removed which will keep the project under budget. Would like to see the kinetic sculpture and the lighthouse included. Due to environmental issues, Waterfront Regeneration Trust would prefer the lighthouse placed in the square. • Andrea Graham explained the look of the sculpture and the feeling of the square. She stated that if you include the art aspect of the project in the application a request for proposal must be advertised which opens this element to the public. When completing the application at least one element must be touched upon, the committee is attempting to touch upon all eight. If the arts side is left to corporate funding it is feared that it may not happen. • Mayor Arthurs advised that the Co-ordinating Committee should be in place within six to eight weeks, once the application process, budget process and land acquisition process is completed. He stated his support of the millennium trail/square project and the work which has been undertaken. He stated his preference to the placement of the lighthouse at the far end of the spit and the kinetic sculpture at the end of Liverpool Road in the square. • Tom Mohr stated his desire to see the implementation of the Co-ordinating Committee sooner than later. • Marilyn Hedge suggested more advertising of the project and that the meetings be open to the public. She requested information concerning the set-up, implementation, timeframe and numbers on the Co-ordinating Committee. • Councillor Pickles stated that the most natural place for the lighthouse would be at the end of the east spit. • David Home suggested that expert advice is required when considering the placement of the lighthouse. • Dorsey James outlined his vision for the trail which included: mythical images, an enchanted forest,the planting of fresh vegetation, scented garden, etc. • Councillor Holland stated that they will endeavour to incorporate the lighthouse and the sculpture into the project. • Councillor Holland concluded the meeting by stating that a further meeting would not be necessary until the funding has been secured. Motion by John Sabean Seconded by Tom Mohr That the plan as presented be referred to Council. CARRIED Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.