HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 07-18 otyb Report to PICKE Executive Committee Report Number: CS 07-18 Date: January 8, 2018 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Seniors Active Living Centres - Program Expansion - File: A-1440 • Recommendation: 1. That Council endorse the City of Pickering's proposal to Ministry of Seniors Affairs, Seniors Active Living Centres Program Expansion and confirm the municipal commitment of funding, by way of a Council Resolution; and 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: Recently, the Government of Ontario announced its desire to expand the Seniors Active Living Centres by up to 40 new programs through an $8 million investment over the next 3 years. This is in addition to the $11.5 million in annual funding that it provides to the existing 263 programs (or Seniors Active Living Centres) in Ontario. East Shore Community Centre, home to the South Pickering Seniors' Club, is one of Ontario's 263 Active Living Centres receiving $42,700 in annual funding to support the operation of the Seniors Centre. As a result of this recent funding announcement, City staff have prepared and submitted a proposal for the George Ashe Library & Community Centre, as set out in Attachment 1, to become one of the 40 new Seniors Active Living Centres in Ontario. Proposals must reflect new programs offered at a new location that reach a broad group of seniors. The George Ashe Library & Community Centre is a vibrant facility, home to the Rouge Hill Seniors Club, which has the opportunity to offer new seniors programs and services. As such, the City's proposal identifies the introduction of new seniors programs at George Ashe Library & Community Centre in the categories of fitness, art instruction, computer training, cooking, sewing, special events and educational lectures (on topics important to seniors such as elder abuse, fraud, etc.). Programs are cost recoverable through registration fees and therefore, the grant request of $42,700 would go toward the existing operating and maintenance costs of the community centre which are approved annually in the budget (cost centre 2719). A Council resolution, providing proof of municipal financial commitment, is required to be submitted to Grants Ontario by January 19, 2018 in order to complete the City's application. As a result, staff seek the approval of Council of the City's proposal as set out in Attachment 1. CS 07-18 January 8, 2018 Subject: Seniors Active Living Centres Page 2 Financial Implications: New programs offered through this proposal are cost recoverable through registration fees and therefore, the grant request of$42,700 would go toward existing operating and maintenance costs associated of the George Ashe Library & Community Centre which are approved annually in the budget (cost centre 2719). Discussion: The number of seniors within our communities is growing. Today there are over 2 million seniors in Ontario, and this number is expected to double over the next 25 years. With this in mind, the Government of Ontario released its Action Plan for Seniors in 2013, and in 2017 established Canada's first stand-alone Ministry of Seniors Affairs, to further enable its vision to make Ontario the best place to grow up and grow old. The Ministry of Seniors Affairs is committed to promoting the development of age-friendly communities and programs that acknowledge the contribution of seniors and keeps seniors active, healthy, and engaged. Age Friendly Communities are those that have programs and resources in place for seniors to lead healthy, active, independent, engaged lives, and continue to learn, contribute, and be safe. Ontario currently has 263 Seniors Active Living Centres, formerly known as Elderly Person's Centres. These centres serve over 100,000 seniors across the province, and funding to the centres has assisted with maintenance, program supplies, upgrades to facilities, and replacement of equipment, all enhancing our facilities, making them a great place for our seniors. East Shore Community Centre is one of the designated 263 Seniors Active Living Centres in Ontario, benefitting each year from funding of$42,700 to support its ongoing operation. Recently, the Government of Ontario announced its desire to expand the Seniors Active Living Centres by 40 new programs as an effort to increase access to programs and services for Seniors within Ontario. In response to this call for proposals, City staff prepared and submitted a proposal by the deadline of December 21, 2017 for the George Ashe Library & Community Centre to become a Seniors Active Living Centre. The maximum amount available for program costs for a 12 month fiscal year is up to 50% of net operating costs of maintaining and operating the program, to a maximum of$42,700.00. Proposals must reflect new programs at a new location as part of its overall programming and will be assessed on how well they demonstrate the following: • Programs are offered alongside other programs and services to provide maximum benefit to seniors, including intergenerational programming • Programs must fulfill a demonstrated need in the community • Programs include a social inclusion strategy to reduce social isolation • Program models are innovative and are provided in a unique manner to maximize outreach and inclusion of seniors • Programs support local age-friendly community planning initiatives As a requirement to the proposal, the City must provide proof of municipal financial commitment by way of a Council resolution to Grants Ontario by January 19, 2018. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to seek Council's approval of the City's proposal to the Seniors Active Living Centre Program Expansion. CS 07-18 January 8, 2018 Subject: Seniors Active Living Centres Page 3 Attachments: 1. City of Pickering proposal to the Seniors Affairs, Seniors Active Living Centre Program Expansion Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services :mc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 644-r- • Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer -18 ATTACI1MENTIt._L.,__TOREPORT# 7 of `�. t. Y". Grants Ontario Applicat on�orm i Ontario Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 • • Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 • • j Instructions — This section provides information on how to complete and submit your application. Users of this application may also hover their • cursor over any heading to learn more about the requirements. How To Complete The Application • This section provides information on how to complete and submit your application.Users of this application may also hover their cursor over any heading to learn more about the requirements. ' How To Complete Application • Before filling out this application form,please read the Call for Proposals and Application Guide,as well as this application form to ensure that your organization and the program is eligible and that you haveprepared all the necessary documents and information. Remember to clearly explain how your seniors program responds to the five ministry priorities. It is possible to begin a draft and come back later to complete the final application. It may be helpful to print a copy of the Call for Proposals and Application Guide to refer to,while completing this application. There may be some questions on this application that you are NOT required to complete;these will be noted clearly in the Application • Guide.Simply Indicate"n/a"If the question is not relevant. The questions below ask about"projects;please interpret this to mean'programs for seniors." Some fields restrict the length of information that can be entered.Don't hesitate to submit supplementary information as an"other attachment if needed. • Prepare the necessary support materials ahead of time in an electronic format(either scanned,pdf or attachment).Documents required include,but are not limited to: 'Proof of incorporation, roof of not-for-profit status, Prior year financial statements,audited, • lunicipal financial commitment(Council Resolution or Letter),• etters of Support, ALC Program Funding Template,completed. • The following can be provided as an attachment or in the body of the application: ' Governance structure(Board of Directors or Council members), Marketing and outreach plan for new programs. • • Plan ahead!Plan to complete the application in advance of the deadline,so that you have time to consult with a ministry advisor if you have • questions or need support. . • The information.including attachments submitted through this Grants Ontario application process comprises the whole application,which will be assessed against criteria outlined in the Call for Proposals,as well as other applications. The ministry does not guarantee funding to any applicant,nor does the ministry guarantee that successful applicants will be provided the • total amount requested.The ministry reserves the right,in its sole discretion,to fund or not fund any particular project or program in whole or in part,for which an application is submitted. • Attachment,Requirements Checklist Governance structure(Board of Directors or Council members) l Letters of Support • • y7 Marketing and outreach plan for new programs • Municipal financial commitment(Council Resolution or Letter) • 2.020002.00 Reeder..16.01620039 :... -.. .. Page 1 115 ATTACHMENT#, I .TO REPORT# G S D7-/5 ly��-��• Grants Ontario Application Form OntarioSeniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion-Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 ✓• Prior year financial statements,audited V. Proof of incorporation V. Proof of not-for-profit status SALC Program Budget Template,completed. Section A-Organization Information This section displays general information about your organization submitted during the Grants Ontario enrolment process.To make a change to this information,please submit an Assistance Request through the Grants Ontario System.Once the change has been made,all future reports will include the updated information. 1.Organization Name: 2.Organization Legal Name: The City of Pickering The City of Pickering 3.Web Site URL: www.pickering.ca 4.Type of Legal Entity: 5.Year Established: 6.Date Incorporated: Municipality 1881 02/21/2012 7.Corporation Registration Number: 8.Date of last AGM: 9.Date of Next AGM: NA 10.Organization Mandate: One of the overarching goals of the City of Pickering is to provide programs and services that result in an unparalleled quality of life for those who live,work,and play here.Pickering will continue to sustainability grow and evolve as a preferred destination for creative learning,memorable events,and unique.experiences at the heart of a vibrant,technologically connected,and engaged community. • • ioz000z.00 Reaeer.1501620039 Page 2 I 15 ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT#.. 1 d 7-/B 3 � � Grants Ontario Applicatior n� OntarioSeniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 Section B-Organization Address Information This section displays address information about your organization submitted during the Grants Ontario enrolment process.To - make a change to this information,please submit an Assistance Request through the Grants Ontario System.Once the change - has been made,all future applications will include the updated information. Primary Address: 1.Street address 1: One The Esplanade 2.Street address 2: 3.City: 4.Province: 5.Postal Code Pickering Ontario L1V6K7 Mailing Address: • 6.Street address 1: One The Esplanade 7.Street address 2: 8.City: 9.Province: 10.Postal Code Pickering Ontario L1V6K7 • Section C Organization Contact Information 1 Information about key people in the organization,including whether they have signing authority or not. Note that only the first group of contact fields are mandatory.All other types of contacts are optional. Or anization Contact • General contact for the organization.The person who should receive general information from the Ministry • including notification of grant opportunities,deadlines and news releases. 1.*Salutation: 2.*First Name: 3.*Last Name: 4.*Title: . Mrs. Sharon Milton Manager,Recreation Services 5.*Phone Number(Work): 6.Phone Number(Mobile): 7.*Email Address: 9054204620 2893886294 smilton@pickering.ca Q 8.Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization'?) • T .,... i02.00 02.00 Reeaens.o szoosa Page 3 115 ATTACH MENT#_/ _ TO REPORT#_6S._..07-18 of Ji N� Grants Ontario Application Form . s Ontario Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 • Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 • Most Senior.Official This is the most senior elected or appointed official with whom a Minister of the Crown would correspond with(i.e.Mayor,Board Chair,Reeve,Chief,CEO) • 9.Salutation: 10.First Name: 11.Last Name: 12.Title: . • Mr. Tony Prevedel CAO,City of Pickering 13.Phone Number(Work): 14.Phone Number(Mobile): 15.Email Address: 9054202222 tp raved el@ pickeri n g.ca ►� 16.Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) Other SeniorStaff = " This is the most senior member of the organization aside from the person listed as Most Senior Official(i.e.CEO,Executive Director). 17.Salutation: 18.First Name: 19.Last Name: 20.Title: Mrs. Marisa Carpino Director,Community Services 21.Phone Number(Work): 22.Phone Number(Mobile): 23.Email Address: 9054202222 mcarpi n o@pickering.ca ® 24:Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) Other.Contact'I Any other person with whom the Ministry might wish to contact or additional signing authorities e.g.Treasurer,CFO or Vice Chair 25.Salutation: 26.First Name: 27.Last Name: 28.Title: Mr. Stan Karwowski Director,Finance&Treasurer 29.Phone Number(Work): 30.Phone Number(Mobile): 31.Email Address: 9054204640 skarwowski@pickering.ca • • ® Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) Other;Contact<2 Any other person with whom the Ministry might wish to contact or additional signing authorities e.g.Treasurer,CFO or Vice Chair 33.Salutation: 34.First Name: 35.Last Name: 36.Title: Other2 37.Phone Number(Work): • 38.Phone Number(Mobile): 39.Email Address: 40.Signing Authority (Does this person have signing authority for your organization?) I ectlon D Organtzatlon Capacity - z.oz.00.oz.co Resaer,s.mezoo3s Page 41 15 ATTACH MENT#J _TO REPORT# 7-- /13 c 0f / 7 Grants Ontario Application Form JJ j/A- Ontario Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 • Information about the organization including staffing,volunteers,governance,past performance and skills that will make the project successful. 1.*Number of 2.*Number of 3.*Number of 4.Accumulated Deficit 5.Accumulated Surplus Full Time Staff Part-Time Staff Volunteers (At most recent year end) (At most recent year end) 268 55 300 • 6.Describe your organization's core business or field of activity:(maximum 2,000 characters) The City of Pickering provides a range of Municipal services for all ages and abilities.Pickering is poised to experience tremendous population growth from 94,000 today to 120,000 in the year 2021,due to residential development in Seaton. Within our community,Pickering has a growing seniors population and the municipality needs to take a pro active approach to developing and supporting our seniors through actively creating new programs and services.This project will fit into our newest initiative in 2018,with the Corporation supporting the development of a City of Pickering,Age Friendly Local Action Plan. 7.How does your strategic plan guide your organization's activities?(maximum 2,000 characters): We are guided by our City of Pickering Recreation and Parks Masterplan,Cultural Strategic Plan and Community Engagement Strategic Plan.Each highlight processes and activities to increase participation,marketing reach,partnership development,and ensure the community is engaged and is involved in the process.The Recreation and Parks Masterplan provides a blueprint for the development of recreation programs,services and facilities over the next 10 years.The community engagement strategic plan charges staff with engaging residents and organizations in the development of initiatives,programs and events.The cultural strategic plan provides general direction to staff in the areas heritage,arts, diversity,tourism,and community engagement. Staff are charged within this plan to create opportunities for residents in the areas of arts,heritage,and diversity.Each plan has a core group of staff assigned to implement and report on identified goal 8.Outline your organization's risk management plan for prevention of abuse to clients,members and staff:(maximum 2,000 characters) The City has written and approved multiple Policy and Procedures to protect clients,members,and staff.These include,but are not limited to the Employee Code of Conduct,Respect in the Workplace,Zero Tolerance Policy and Customer Care Policy.A copy of these policies are available upon request. The City of Pickering considers Health&Safety and Customer Service to be of the highest importance,and has dedicated resources to the management and resolution of staff,volunteer and customer concerns.All staff and volunteers are provided with Customer Service Training,Respect in the Workplace Training,Accessibility Training,Health&Safety Training and are provided with channels to seek assistance during their duties should issues arise.Staff and volunteers are required to provide Criminal Reference Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening reports as a condition of employment. The City of Pickering provides staff training on how to detect and report abuse,and has strong working relationships with Durham Region Social Services and other related agencies. 9.How is your Board elected?(maximum 2,000 characters) Through a municipal election,Mayor and Council are appointed by eligible voters residing in the City of Pickering. 10.How does the composition of your Board represent the community it serves?(maximum 2000 characters) Through a municipal election,eligible Pickering voters elect one Mayor and one Regional and Local Councillor for each of the three wards in Pickering. _.. 2.0100.02.00 Reader.15.01620039 Page 5 115 ATTACHMENT#J TOREPORY# GAS '7-113 __of._LT_ '"'Ontario Grants Ontario Application Form Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 11.What practices/procedures exist to ensure the Board conducts its activities with accountability and transparency? (maximum 2,000 characters) The City has written and approved Policy and Procedures to ensure that Council conducts its activities with accountability and transparency.These include,a Code of Conduct Policy,Complaint Procedure for Council Code of Conduct,and a Accountability and Transparency Policy. These are available upon request. 12.Describe your organization's history of managing similar projects and include past achievements:(maximum 2,000 characters) Staff have been involved in a number of project programs in order to achieve progressive and sustainable growth.We are guided by our Recreation and Parks Masterplan,and our Community Engagement Strategic Plan.These highlight processes and activities to increase participation,marketing reach,partnership development,and ensure the community is engaged and involvement in the process. The City of Pickering has had many successful projects supported by the Government of Ontario&Canada,including Pickering's Canada Day Celebrations funded by Celebrate Canada;Seniors Community Grants,New Horizons Grants, Elderly Persons Centre Grant,and most recently,a Canada 150 Grant for a large youth celebration within Pickering.These projects successfully achieved and reported completed goals set out in the application. The City operates more than 200 events per year through various departments.Pickering's Tree Lighting event has increased from 1,500 participants to 18,000 participants in the last five years. This was achieved through the engagement of community businesses and organizations in event operation,and informed programming changes made using statistical data. Pickering's Canada Day Celebrations engages local business,and community organizations in promotion and operation; drawing approximately 30,000 guests annually.This showcase of local culture provides benefit to our residents and partners. The Manager,Recreation Services has overseen to completion,many projects,grants and new initiative programs, ensuring that goals and objectives are met. Having over 30 years experience in the development and delivery of community programs;with direct experience working in the areas of preschool,youth,adults,and seniors. 13.Describe your organization's ability and capacity to successfully undertake this project:(maximum 2,000 characters) The City of Pickering has 2 full-time dedicated staff assigned to the Seniors area,as well as two permanent part time staff. This team will engage other City staff resources,(including fitness,maintenance,event staff),the Rouge Hill Seniors Club, Accessibility Advisory Committee,the Pickering Public Library,and City volunteers;to ensure overall operation of the new programs and facility. The Program section leads the City in the delivery and operation of approximately 40 programs for seniors and 2 major events yearly,at GALCC. Staff will also be supported by community organizations,industry professionals,local police,and regional transit. The Program Services team will develop a critical path to outline and manage program and event time-lines. Stakeholders will be engaged early,involved in all aspects of planning,and trained to meet City standards for safe& successful all programs and event operations. The staff team leading this project are experienced in the development and delivery of intricate large-scale engagement activities and public events,as well as small one on one and group programs. 14.Provide details on your staff and relevant staff experience for those involved in the project:(maximum 2,000 characters) With over 30 years of Municipal experience,the Manager of Recreation Services is directly involved in developing and implementing recreation programs,services,and events;overseeing teams of staff who do the same;engaging community organizations on various volunteer and corporate committees;and preparing applications and managing various grant • Resder15.o1820039 Page 6 I 15 ATTACH MENT#_TO REPORT# S D7/8 • • Grants Ontario Application Form LiOntario Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 projects,for which we have been successful in obtainingiunds.As the lead of this project,other City Staff,including Finance,Information Technology,Facility Operations,and Library Services,will be involved.Other staff leading the project oversee seniors,youth,fitness,and accessibility areas of the Department.Overall,staff have managed hundreds of programs and events.This area of staff are also responsible for all registered leisure programs,from preschool to seniors, including research,development,and implementation of programs and services.This team of staff was responsible most recently for two large projects,Seniors Community Grant-Pickering Seniors Come Together,in which 400 seniors took part in an event in September 2017,with an additional 500 seniors participating in various community activity prior to our final event.A Seniors Advisory Committee was developed in 2015,andcontinues to work with staff,completing work on a • business plan,communications,and program planning.This group of staff also welcomed over 1000 youth to our Canada 150 youth forum in 2017,successfully planning and implementing a full day of activity for youth,as well as pre and post forums. - 15.Describe successful strategies used to ensure achievement of program outcomes:(maximum 2,000 characters) Strategies will include monthly meetings with the team to ensure committee work is complete.Each sub committee set will be responsible for the design and implementation of a critical path to ensure work is timely and completed.An extensive Marketing plan will be developed and implemented,using Social Medial,Print Media,Surveys,Posters,Flyers,direct contact and Community Signage,to ensure outreach into the Community.Community engagement will ensure we are optimizing suggestions and new program ideas.The Cultural Services section of the City operates using a Critical Path System,and following established guidelines for safe and effective project operation..Projects are outlined using a set of desired outcomes to determine project tasks and time-lines.Staff collect feedback from community stakeholders,industry experts,and consult environics statistics using socio-economic demographics to inform our decisions.Task will be overseen by a core group of full-time staff.Project time-lines,and critical path will be overseen by the Manager,Recreation Services. • 16.Describe your organization's experience developing,tracking and reporting on outcomes and performance measures successfully:(maximum 2,000 characters) Cultural Service Staff,Supervisor and our Finance Division have reported on various Grants and provided all details on reporting specific outcomes and providing performance measures as required.We would closely evaluate each step of the process.We measure outcomes in terms of strength of program relevance,community relations formed,deadlines met, quality of outputs(marketing material,programs)and participant feedback(website and social media)and attendance statistics are tracked by physical counts,and through our Event Booth information area number of visitors inquiries. In keeping with our Recreation Master Plan,and the Seniors Business Plan,the City will continue to consult with our Seniors Advisory Committee,Pickering Seniors Clubs,Accessibility Committee, and the Community,to collect their ideas prior to administering the project,as well as after completion in the form of a post-event survey and discussion.An overall evaluation will be completed to find strengths,weaknesses,and opportunities for continuing growth for future projects. • • 2_020002.00 Reaaar15.01620039 Page 7 115 ATTC • • .� ,_ Gam, of. �y.. 6�/8 iir);_� Grants Ontario Application Form r' Ontario Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 Section E-Grant Payment Information Should your application be successful,this information will be used to make payments. Payment Address: Please select your organization's payment address from the drop-down list below.Once selected,the payment address fields below will be populated with the information related to the selected address.If your organization's payment address does not appear in the drop-down list,please complete the fields below manually. 1.Payment Organization: CITY OF PICKERING I ONE THE ESPLANADE,PICKERING CIVIC CENTRE 2.*Payment Organization Name(maximum 100 characters) CITY OF PICKERING 3."Street Address 1: ONE THE ESPLANADE • 4.Street Address 2: PICKERING CIVIC CENTRE 5.*City: 6.*Province: 7.*Postal Code PICKERING Ontario L1V 6K7 • Payment Contact: Individual who should be contacted for clarifications about banking information or financial matters 8.*Salutation: 9.*First Name: 10.*Last Name: • 11.*Title: Mr. Stan Karwowski Director,Finance&Treasi 12.*Phone Number.(Work): 13.Phone Number(Mobile): 14.Fax Number: 9054204634 15.*Email Address: ska rwowski@pickering.ca • • 16.*Method Of Payment Electronic Fund Transfer • Reade[15.01620039 Page 8 115 ATTACH MENT#_f TO REPORT#_, -5 ' 7-/8 of LZ. Ontario Grants. Ontario Application Form Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 [ action F-A lication Contact information This is the person who will be the sole contact responsible for all communication with the Ministry in regard to this application. 1.•Salutation: 2.*First Name: 3.*Last Name: 4.•Title: Mrs. Sharon Milton Manager,Recreation Sj 5."Phone Number(Work): 6.Phone Number(Mobile): 7.Fax Number. 9054204620 2893886294 8.•Email Address: smilton@pickering.ca I Section G1 -Project Information This section contains all the information about the proposed project except for financial information which is in the next section 1."Project Name(maximum 250 characters) • Seniors Active Living Centres Program Expansion 2.*Project Start Date:(mm/dd/yyyy) 3.•Project End Date:(mm/dd/yyyy) 01/22/2018 03/31/2019 4.Event Start Date:(mm/dd/yyyy) 5.Event End Date:(mm/dd/yyyy) • 01/22/2018 12/17/2018 6 Target Sector Primary Target Sector . �✓ Older Adults and Seniors • 7."Project Scope: Local 8 Host Municipality?First Nation Community s 4 Pickering,City Of 9."Project Priority Age-Friendly Community ❑✓ Community Hub/Centre El Elder Abuse ID Engage Diverse Cultures ❑ Health and Wellness D Intergenerational El Physical Activity/Sport/Rec • • za2oo.a2oa: Reader.15.01620039 Page 9 15 TACHMENT# -TOREPORT#._GIS 07-18 Tir- Ontario Grants Ontario Application Form Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 10.*Project Summary: Provide a brief description of your project.If your application is successful this wording may be used on the Ministry website.(maximum 2,000 characters) All programs will operate out of George Ashe Library and Community Centre.(GALCC).This facility is home to the Rouge Hill Seniors Club,who have been in operation for 55 years.Through numerous surveys and direct contact with seniors,we have received positive feedback from seniors on our initial work towards becoming an Age Friendly community.Our Seniors Council has worked on developing new communication strategies as well as creating a seniors business plan for Pickering,which will be used during our further work on our age friendly strategy.Currently,the Rouge Hill Seniors offer a number of programs for their membership,including carpet bowling,darts,cands,and fitness.This longstanding club has an active and inclusive schedule for their members,creating a safe environment for establishing new friendships,and decreasing the potential of isolation.The GALCC is a community hub,bringing seniors,youth,and the community together through the use of the library.Our goal is to continue to increase programming for seniors to include*New*Art Instruction, Cooking Classes,Specialty Fitness Classes, and Dance Workshops,speakers evenings,with a variety of topics including Power of Attorney and Power of Care,Leveraging Your Assets,Elder Abuse and the Tools to Recognize and Avoid It, Online Safety and Cyber Bullying,and Local By-Laws and Policing-Who to Call and When.Additionally,we will host an evening and trade show on re-entering the workforce or volunteering,so that seniors may learn and evaluate what is in the community for them to provide time to.New programs will be offered through the Library services,as well,a new intergenerational event with our youth will be planned over the year.Programs for newcomers will be introduced,with a marketing plan developed to reach new seniors to our community.Additional new workshops will be introduced for the senior whois interested in one off programs and projects within a social setting. 11.*Project Description: Describe your project in detail making sure to address all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines.(maximum 4,900 characters) New opportunities will be provided to the seniors at the GALCC through programs and events,as well as an opportunity to participate on the City of Pickering's new Age Friendly Local Action Committee.This committee will be designed to inform, enhance advocacy,and improve services and programs that support active,healthy,aging.The focus of the plan is to address the 8 interrelated features of an Age Friendly Community,based on a needs assessment,focus group sessions, and review of best practices.This plan will position Pickering with the strategies and tools to provide for the full social and civic participation of our senior population.A steering committee of seniors,City staff,and Regional and local community agencies will be formed.The committee will work over the next year on a strategy to present to council,and ensure a working plan moving forwards,with time-lines and evaluation.The Rouge Hill Seniors Club will provide members to this working committee.Additionally,the centre will continue to work towards building membership for the Club,as well as offering new programs and services for current membership,and public.New programs and services will also be offered as drop in programs,inviting new seniors to the centre not currently a member of the club.New information from our surveys has indicated seniors do not necessarily want to belong to a club,however,still want to maintain contact with others,and learn and develop new skills through activity.Staff will continue to develop new programming to meet this need.New programming and sessions will be developed to ensure advancement in technology,and computers will continue to be upgraded,with opportunity provided for various training. 12.*Project Objectives: Describe the project objectives making sure to address all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines.(maximum 2,000 characters) The City of Pickering is committed to promoting the development of an Age Friendly Community.Funds are in the Municipal Budget to complete this plan in 2018.Through the George Ashe Library and Community Centre becoming a Seniors Active Living Centre,it is our plan to continue to offer unique opportunities and experiences to seniors to ensure they are active,healthy,and engaged.Additionally,our programs will allow seniors to remain socially connected and engaged in the Pickering community.Seniors want to remain independent,living within their own homes.Our new speaker's topics will include opportunity to learn valuable ways to accomplish this,with connecting with the right resources • within the community.The Pickering community is diverse,and our objective is to reach a diverse population and ensure our programs are not only inclusive,but also reflect this diverse population and their interests.Throughout this project our partnerships with the Library,Rouge Hill Seniors,Durham Region Police,Durham Region Age Friendly Committee,will be enhanced,with members working together to share information and resources.More programs will result,meeting the needs of all ages,needs,interests,and abilities. Reaeer.15.01620039 Page 10 115 • ATTACH MENT#JTO REPORT#• � r of tle- Ontario Grants Ontario Application Form Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 13.*Rationale/Need: Describe why your project/event is viable,including steps or measures taken to ensure that your project/event does not overlap With existing projects/events with the same target audience.Be sure to address all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines(maximum 1,000 characters) Ensuring George Ashe Library and Community Centre is recognized as a Seniors Active Living Centre will not overlap with any other existing programs or events.All programs will be new. It will enhance the operation of the facility and ensure new and innovative programming to support the growing and diverse seniors community.Our project will ensure a strong marketing plan is followed,with seniors being the main target for programs,events and services.The City of Pickering has one other seniors centre,located at the opposite end of the City.Seniors are not able to attend both locations without encountering difficulty with travel. 14.*Project Beneficiaries: Who will benefit from your project or event?Geographic or demographic groups or communities(maximum 2,000 characters) City seniors will benefit from the opportunity to engage,shape,and participate in programs and events unique to their needs and interests.Opportunities exposing them to new experiences,and providing input as part of a working Age Friendly Committee,will allow their concerns and comments to be heard and considered. Community organizations and businesses who participate will benefit from an opportunity to promote themselves through project involvement,and introduce themselves to the seniors providing new opportunity for jobs and volunteer experiences. Diversity and inclusion will be promoted and welcome into the planning and implementation of new programs and events. • 15.*Risk Assessment and Management:(maximum 2,000 characters) Ensuring staff reach a number of seniors of diverse culture to contribute to the project. • Obstacles will include time-lines to achieve all goals of the project. This will be achieved by a clear time-line with achievable goals,identifying project phases,and aligning the correct partners to complete each portion of the enhancement project. Every City event and program plan includes a risk management and emergency plan;which are based upon existing City • policy.Event planners are required to;follow a critical path for project planning,and refer to it regularly to keep project time- • lines within reach to train all delivery personnel in emergency procedures,large scale events have staff responsible for each area to oversee effective and safe operations,event organizers have access to staff who are dedicated to risk assessment and health and safety to ensure that planning practice meets corporate standards,event operations(park movies and outdoor activities),can be moved indoors to GALCC in the event of inclement weather.All staff have certifications in First Aid and CPR C,as well as Defibrillator Training.All facilities have a fully supported Defibrillator and emergency staff back up:The City of Pickering carries liability for all programs in-the amount of$2,000,000 under JLT. • • 16.*Project Outcomes:(maximum 1,000 characters) -New programming at the GALCC,to include seniors programming,programming for preschool and youth. -Increase in registration for new programs -Increase the number of members of the Rouge Hill Seniors Club -Update program equipment for day programs for seniors -bring new seniors to the centre for special events and speakers series -20 New volunteers—the project will involve&engage all cultural groups in Pickering providing the opportunity for new volunteer opportunities. -Staff will promote through various neighborhoods,community organizations,and marketing channels. -10 diverse groups reached—project will provide new opportunity for our multicultural communities,Indigenous,and our - Accessibility Advisory Committee to connect with and engage the public. 17.*Evaluation Plan/Criteria:(maximum 2,000 characters) Staff will complete a physical count of participants at all programs,events and activities. • aeseec15.01e20039 Page 11 I 15 Ai ACHMENi#. / _ TO REPORT# (S o7-/g /2 of /7 Tx- 0' Grants Ontario Application Form ntarioSeniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 15 New volunteers -will be tracked through our volunteer application process. We will confirm against our current volunteer database that they have not previously been involved. 15 Diverse Groups will be tracked using the event participation tracking.These groups can participate through planning involvement,activation,or event participation. These will be tracked during event planning,and event surveys.Final report will include a list of groups,the type of involvement,and the key contact. 5 partnerships developed—we will provide a list of new organizations that participate or assist in program and event development and/or operation. A survey will be provided to collect information from the planning group,partners,and participants.Questions will include opportunities to identify groups,age,residence,new programming recommendations,and facility requirements. Work with the Age Friendly planning committee will be ongoing and evaluated. Section G2-Additional Questions Section I -Performance Measures There are set performance measures for all projects in this grant category.The target number or"Goal"is all that is required.In addition your project may have specific performance measures,these may be added to the blank areas of the chart. Ministry Provided Performance Metrics • 1.Metric 2.Description 3.*Goal 1 Number of seniors served 1,000 2 Number of programs offered 20 per year 3 Type of programs offered each 3 year 4 Number of days that programs 288 are offered 5 Partnerships What groups do you work with to deliver programs 5 and services to seniors? 4.Comments(maximum 4,900 characters) Our goal is to reach 1000 seniors in this project,and build the program area to reach at least 50%of new seniors to the community. Our goal is to research,create,and implement at least 20 new programs to ensure ongoing and new interest in the George Ashe Library and Community Centre.Program categories include,but are not limited to fitness,art,education,computer upgrading and new services,cooking and sewing.Special events will include,barbecue,movies in the park,special education nights to discuss emerging issues for seniors,including elder abuse,and trade shows.All special events and programs will have surveys at the end of each event/session for participant feedback and recommendations. Client Provided Performance Metrics 1.Metric` 2e Description. 3.Goal X 1 increased number of seniors outreach to increase to wider range of community 1,000 + participants x 2 new programming developed by committee and staff 20 x 3 expand partnerships new evening sessions for seniors 5 + x 4 increase number of members current membership in seniors centre is 130 200 X 5 work with Age Friendly City is developing a Local Age Friendly plan in 2018 25 + planning x 6 develop marketing plan marketing plan specific to seniors programming 1 + 2.o2.00.02.00 Readr15.0m62003e Page 12 115 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT#LS 07—/8 • t •Dio. Grants Ontario Application Form • Ontario Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 X ;, 7 volunteers provide opportunity for seniors to volunteer 4.Comments(maximum 4,900 characters) Our goal is to have 25 new seniors join our City of Pickering committee in the development of a local age friendly action plan. Currently,the City has a Corporate Committee,poised to work with the Durham Region Age Friendly Committee,as well as other partners including the Durham Region Police,Safe Communities of Pickering/Ajax,and the Library.New programs will be developed for the Rouge Hill Seniors' Club,in order to build membership,as well as the general public.Our seniors have shown interest in our new Speaker's Bureau,which will be expanded to a monthly program of evening sessions open to the all seniors to attend.Topics will include Fraud,Elder Abuse,and Planning for the Aging Process,as it pertains to Health.These sessions will allow seniors the opportunity to gain valuable information,as well as provide an evening of social engagement.The Rouge Hill Senors Club has been operating for over 55 years,and during this time has provided a number of activities for seniors.We will work with the group to provide more programming offerings,and opportunities,as well as providing new programs for seniors to drop into.This project will focus on outreach to seniors,and expanding our reach to seniors who are not currentlypart of our programs.We will be using our Environics Program to determine location of these seniors,as well as reaching out to new immigrants to the community. Section J Partnership/Stakeholders Information Record the partner organizations involved with the project plus what their role will be and describe their contribution.Stakeholders who were consulted about the project should also be noted and their role and contribution described.Be sure to address all the specific requirements in the Program Guidelines. 1 Name 6 2 Type 3 Role/Adcjress 4 Description • 1 Pickering Library Partner One The Esplanade The Pickering Public Library will Pickering,ON inform,inspire,and connect all L1V 6K7 senior residents to build a Mailing Address community that is more X`= • P.O.Box 368,Pickering, innovative,more ON,L1V 2R6 knowledgeable,and more Pickering Connects Hot successful. Spots Attn:Kathy Williams 2 Safe Communities of Partner Safe Communities of SCOPA Seniors is a committee Pickering and Ajax Pickering and Ajax which works directly with seniors 524 Bradley Drive to bring them guest speakers Whitby,Ontario and updated information on L1W 6B9 topics they are interested in and Attn:Jim McKinnon focus on safety within the community. 3 Rouge Hill Seniors Club • Site Rouge Hill Seniors Club Club works with seniors to • George Ashe Library and develop programs,services,and Community Centre special events.Uses George ;X'_ • 470 Kingston Road Ashe Library-and Community Pickering,Ontario Centre Monday-Saturday • L1V 1A4 weekly. • Attn:Karen Howchin • • • 00 Reader15.0l620039 Page 13 1 15 ATTACH MENT# TOREPORT#LS D7- of l7 r Ontario Grants Ontario Application Form L • Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion—Call for Proposals 2017 • Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709188447 • 4 Durham Region Age Partner Regional Municipality of The Region of Durham has Friendly Committee Durham Region completed an Age Friendly 605 Rossland Road East strategy for the Region.This • X Whitby,Ontario committee will assist and be part L1N 6A3 of the City of Pickering's Att:Sonya Hardman development of a Local Action Plan for seniors. 5 Durham Region Police Partner Durham Region Police' The Durham Region Police are 1710 Kingston Road strong partners with our RHS Pickering,Ontario Club.They will continue to L1V 106 provide services to ensure • Attn:Darryl Rice safety and guidance within the Pickering Community. Section Z Declaration/Signing 1 Applicants are expected to comply with the Ontario Human Rights Code(the"Code')and all other applicable laws(http:// www.ohrc.on.ca/eh/ontario-human-rights-code).Failure to comply with the letter and spirit of the Code will render the applicant • ineligible for a grant and,in the event a grant is made,liable to repay the grant in its entirety at the request of the Ministry. Applicants should be aware that Government of Ontario institutions are bound by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act,R.S.O.1990,c.F.31(http://www.ioc.on.ca/iindex.asolnavid=73),as amended from time to time,and that any information provided to them in connection with this application may be subject to disclosure in accordance with that Act.Applicants are advised that the names and addresses of organizations receiving'grants,the amount of the grant awards,and the purpose for which grants • are awarded is information made available to the public. Declaration The Applicant hereby certifies as follows: (a)the information provided in this application is true,correct and complete in every respect; (b)the Applicant understands any funding commitment will be provided by way of an approval letter signed by the responsible Minister and will be subject to any conditions included in such a letter.Conditions of funding may include the requirement for a funding agreement obligating the funding recipient to report on how the funding was spent and other accountability requirements; (c)the Applicant has readand understands the information contained in the Application Form; (d)the Applicant is aware that the information contained herein can be used for the assessment of grant eligibility and for statistical reporting; (e)the applicant understands that it is expected to comply with the Ontario Human Rights Code and all other applicable laws; (f)the Applicant understands that'the information contained in this application or submitted to the Ministry in connection with the grant is subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; (g)the Applicant is not in default of the terms and conditions of any grant,loan or transfer payment agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of Ontario; (h)I am an authorized signing officer for the Applicant. • • 2.0z 0o 02 w Ro d .l5.0 6200se Page 14 115 ATTACHMENT#_/TO REPORT# 2 7-(29 of L 7 �C)0._� Grants Ontario Application Form r" C�ntarco Seniors Active Living Centres:Program Expansion.-Call for Proposals 2017 Grant Case# 2017-12-1-709186447 Mr.Tony Prevedel Mrs.Marisa Carpino CAO,City of Pickering Director,Community Services (w):9054202222 (w):9054202222 (C): (C): E-mail:tprevedel@pickering.ca E-mail:mcarpino@pickering.ca Signature Date/Time Field Signature Date/Time Field Mr. Stan Karwowski Director,Finance&Treasurer (w):9054204640 (C): E-mail:skarwowski@pickering.ca • Signature DateTme Field • pwarhoO'i31'$I 11I coir wT/f�M e t Fy il,s" i� •G f f �1 F •+a>,, + 3 C y3 y,a.v. 4"I" +j'3,er`xF .e c{'}s r 7 1 �ro s �+-^r.. • 9�s.ur: '[I Y,. ?iY� x`e�,riC� •,^,�S ^�.•sc'�i+:�.°., t{N'ieMVO'`a£' �Y VIM >iAv ad.i''�r.��f '"Lgiflii� v �'rr tent r1- Aw."uaa;�.ki..i,i.:�:v�.w.J...._._,���_Y.u,rr,.5.:.k Salutation: First Name: Last Name: Title: • Phone Number(Work): Phone Number(Mobile): Email Address: • Signature DateTme Field • 2 0 20 0 5 2. 0 0 neoaens.olazooao Page 15 15 Ai TACHMENT#.. L .TOREPORT#. 7-15 (7_ Ministry of Seniors Affairs Seniors Active Living Centres Program Funding Request 2018-19 ti''Ontario TAB 1 OF 3 LINE Please complete one funding request package.per SALC.funded NUMBER site or program. 1 Centre Name George Ashe Library and Community Centre c/c City of Pickering I 2 centre Legal Name Rouge Hill Seniors Club General email address Public website address • picker 3 Site Address Address 470 Kingston Road Address City Pickering,Ontario • Postal Code L1V 1A4 4 Malting Address,If different from above Address Address • City Postal Code 5 Primary contact Name Sharon Milton Position or Title Manager,Recreation Services Telephone 905-420-4660.ext.3601 Email 6 Secondary contact Name Position or Title j Telephone ' Email 7 Most senior official responsible for the oversight of programs(such as Executive Director.or Chairperson) Name Marisa Carpino Position or Title Director,Community Services Telephone 905-420-4660 ext.2025 Email raminr�'.L:Ackehna as �- '- I confirm that the municipality is aware of this funding request,and has commited to provide a minimum of 20%(cash and/or In-kind)of program 8 net operating expenditures. Sharon Milton Please enter the name and title of the person responsible for this funding Irequest,who has confimted the financial commitment from the municipality. I approve this funding request,and have the authority to do so. 9 Please enter the name and title of this individual after the funding request has Stan Karwowsiri,Director of Finance&Treasurer been completed and approved by your organization. 13-Dec-17 Piee tall us about your orgarlixatlon: Y ' Do you have a management structure in place with elected representatives, 10 such as a Board of Directors? City of Pickering-1-Mayor,6 Councillors-elected offiaais,Rouge Hill Seniors- If yes,please describe what the structure is,and now many people are 6 elected Board Members represented. Do you have paid staff are.involved in managing seniors programs,such as a 9 paid staff to support the SALC-Director;Manager;Recreation Programmer, 11 director,manager,finance clerk,or accountant? Assistant Recreation Programmer;Administration;end Facility Operations Please identity the position titles,and if full-time or part-time. Please Identify how many other paid staff whose primary function is to carry Rouge Hill Seniors Club-President Vice President Secretary,Treasurer, 12 out activities that directly support seniors programs. For example: hired drivers,personal support workers,etc. Membership,Trip Director,Events-6 volunteers 13 Please identify approximately how many volunteers support seniors programs 150 on a regular basis,annually. 14 How many days of the year will seniors programs funded through this program 298 be offered? Please describe if the centre where seniors programs will be offered is co- Centre is located in the George Asha Library and CC-consisting of a library, 15 located with another organization that provides community programs,such as multipurpose room and dedicated youth room. a community health centre,or a children's day care. 16 How many people use or will benefit from senors programs that are offered 1100 annually? 17 Do you operate on a calendar year or a fiscal year? calendar 18 ,Do you provide programs or services in English,French or both? English • EPC Name A i TACK MENT#___L_TO REPORT# l d 7-15 SALC FUNDING REQUEST-BASE PROGRAM FUNDING —'� — 2017-18 George Ashe Library and Community Centre Uo City of Pickering TAB 2 OF 3 TIP:In order to be able to determine how much funding you are eligible for,sections • 2,3 and 4 should be completed first.By completing the Operating Expenditures, Expenditure Recoveries sections first,the Net Operating Expenditure amount can be calculated,which is used to calculate the Maintenance and Operating,and Municipal Funding amounts. Amounts should reflect the portion(percentage)specifically related to programs for persons who are primarily seniors. LINE CATEGORY AMOUNT DESCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS NUMBER 1.REVENUE The purpose of this section Is to reflect regular,standard revenues associated vrith program operations.Do not Include Special Grant amount requested. Program Funding-net annual cast of Enter the funding amount that you are requesting for seniors programming.Up to 50%of net maintaining and operatingthe E 42,700.00 annual cost of operating the program(Line 18),up to a maximum of$42,700. g program The municipality must contribute a minimum o120%of the net annual cost of operating the 2 Municipal Government Funding-Cash S 354,054.00 program(Line 18 or 19). Enter the amount that the municipality has committed to providing in cash. • • Municipal Government Funding-In-kind $ - Enter the value of in-kind municipal contributions,If applicable. In-kind contributions can Include costs such as office space rental or staff time. 3 MembersNp Fees S - Enter the total annual fees anticipated to be paid by seniors. Enter the amount of revenue or funding received from other sources to support regular program costs.Revenue can include donations,fundraising and other annual or regular funding,such as from the LHIN. 4 Other Regular Revenue S - Enter a separate line for each source of revenue,with a description.Add rows as needed. Do not include one-lime,special funding Thal supports projects that are nota part of regular ongoing operations.This should he reflected under Expenditure Recoveries. 6 Total Revenue $ 396,764.00 Total of all Revenues 2.OPERATING EXPENDITURES 7 Compensation Expenses $ 178,231.00 Enter costs associated with salaries and employee benefits. • • Enter costs incurred that are directly related to providing seniors programs(excluding compensation,which should be reflected above).Costs can include:recreation supplies, 8 i Program Costs 0 22,182.00 food(no alcohol),purchase or rental of equipment,transportation to events,membership fees for related affiliations(for example,OACAO),telephone,office expenses,bookkeeping, • legal,audit,accounting,postage,printing,advertising.services leased or purchased. 10 Other Operating Costs(describe) S 85,015.00 Enter other operating costs If applicable,with description,and add rows if necessary. $ 46,476.00 Water,Gas,Hydro,Oil 11 Total Operating Expenditures S 331,914.00 Total of ail Operating Expenditures • 3.EXPENDITURE RECOVERIES • Income not directly related to regular EPC program delivery 12 User Fees S 45,000.00 Enter User fees,services provided 10 other organizations for a fee. 13 Rental Income Enter rent charged to other organizations. 14 Other Revenue Enter any other Income or revenue that Is related to one-time,non-regular expenses,or not related to regular maintenace and operating of the centre. • 15 Total Expenditures Recoveries $ 45,000.00 Total of Expenditure Recoveries 4.NET OPERATING EXPENDITURES 16 Total Operating Expenditures $ 331,914.00 Line 11 17 Total Expenditure Recoveries S 45,000.00 Line 15 Net Operating Expenditures Thls amount Is used to calculate net annual costs of operating the program(50%of this 18 (Operating Expenditures less Expenditure $ 286,914.00 amount,up to a maximum of$42,700),and the munidpal contribution required(a minimum Recoveries) 20%of this amount.) 5.SURPLUS OR DEFICIT 20 Total Revenue $ 396,754.00 Line 6 21 Net Operating Expenditures $ 286,914.00 Line 18