HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 24, 2017Cell o/ DICKERING Minutes/Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Tuesday, October 24, 2017 7:00 pm City Hall — Main Committee Room Attendees: Tanya Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations Don Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Ann Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Graham Lowman, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Laura Drake, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Gary Strange, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Brian Welsh, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Laura Coulter, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Greg Oakes, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation Absent: Pamela Fuselli, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Call to Order & Welcome Introduction of New Committee Members T. Ryce called the meeting to order by welcoming committee members back and introducing the new members B. Welsh and G. Strange. T. Ryce noted that K. Emmink has resigned her position on the committee, and thanked her for her time on both this committee, and as a collections volunteer at PMV. T. Ryce noted that P. Savel will be arriving late. T. Ryce shared P. Fuselli's regrets with the Committee. T. Ryce initiated introductions. Page 1 of 10 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 2. Approval of Agenda & Previous Minutes Motion: That the Agenda be amended to have G. Lowman in line with the Volunteer Recognition Sub Committee agenda item, and approved as amended. Moved: L. Drake Seconded: R. Cowan Carried Amendments to the June 27, 2017 draft minutes are as follows: Change wording of item 7 from: "D. Hudson suggested that the Facility Improvement Sub Committee be dissolved going forward, since function falls squarely within staff responsibilities." To: "D. Hudson suggests the Committee review the role of the Facility Improvement Sub-committee moving forward." The above change to be moved to item 8 along with action item under new business. Change wording of Door Replacement from "Odd Fellows Hall doors to be replaced. This is required to increase the building's occupant load limit." To: "Odd Fellows Hall reproduction Doors to be replaced. This is required to increase the building's occupant load limit." Motion: To approve the draft minutes of the June 27, 2017 meeting as amended/presented Moved: G. Lowman Seconded: L. Coulter Carried J. De Gennaro to amend and redistribute the June minutes as final. — completed. 3. Review of Action Items T. Ryce to clarify wording - pg. 3 first bullet, 2nd line — check meaning of reserve fund and clarify.. — completed Page 2 of 10 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) V. Plouffe to make M. Moreira aware of issue- V. Plouffe to look into Miller Waste Contract prior to cancelling pick-up. - completed T. Ryce to follow up with Clerk's Office for direction on elected Chair of the Advisory Committee, and Levy. T. Ryce provided the following update: • Clerk has reviewed the request to have a volunteer chair for the committee. • Clerk suggests that the Committee put forward in 2018 when new Terms of Reference are created with newly appointed committee. • Levy funds have been put into the budget. • Budget is now with Senior Management. • Director has advised that with significant projects in the 2018 and 2019 budgets that the Levy may not be approved by Council. Sub Committee Chairs to have reports due for Sub Committee Chairs to January meeting going forward in 2018. prepare Annual reports in Action Item still pending. time for the January meeting. V. Plouffe to follow up with PMVF regarding the start of invoicing for Harvey House. T. Ryce to follow up with G. Oakes noted that the Foundation would like to V. Plouffe. receive a breakdown of the City's intent for the use of funds prior to being invoiced so that they can expect T. Ryce to schedule a the invoices. meeting with V. Plouffe and Foundation regarding the Collins chimney work. V. Plouffe to submit request for funding form to V. Plouffe to submit PMVF for Collins chimney stabilization work. Action Item still pending. request for funding form to PMVF for Collins chimney V. Plouffe to initiate reproduction door stabilization work. replacement. V. Plouffe to initiate Action Item still pending. reproduction door replacement. Action item brought forward from June - D. Hudson suggests the committee review the role K. Pyke to follow up with V. Plouffe on the status of Page 3 of 10 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) of the Facility Improvement Sub -committee moving forward. — action item still pending door replacement. — completed. 4. Pickering Museum Village Foundation Report The minutes were distributed from the April and May PMV Foundation meetings. There was no formal report. T. Ryce noted the following correction to be made in the minutes: There will be a PMV Site Use Plan developed, not a Feasibility Study. 5. Sub Committee Reports Collections Committee P. Savel reviewed, for the benefit of the new members, the role of the Collections Sub -Committee. P. Savel reviewed the Deaccession Lists as recommended in the Collections Sub -Committee's July report. Conflicting dates on the paperwork, and lack of the Coordinator's approval on one set will require amendment prior to Committee approval. T. Ryce noted that the Policy is under review with the inclusion of accession and deaccessions going through the Coordinator, Museum Operations for signature P. Savel reviewed the Accession List from the sub- committee August report. Motion: That the PMV Advisory Committee approve the accession as put forward by the Collection Sub - Committee in the August report. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: L. Coulter Carried E. Tayles to edit date, and document Coordinator's approval. Page 4 of 10 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) P. Savel reviewed the deaccession list from the Collections Sub -Committee's October report. Motion: That the PMV Advisory Committee approve for Deaccession, the list of items recommended by the Collections Sub -Committee in the October report. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: D. Hudson Carried R. Cowan explained the process of how PMV accepts donations of artifacts for the benefit of the new members. P. Savel reviewed the Accession List from the Collections Sub -Committee's October report. Motion: that the PMV Advisory Committee approve for accession the list of items put forward by the Collection Sub -Committee in the October report. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: R. Cowan Carried K. Pyke noted that she would like to thank E. Tayles and the Collections Sub -Committee for the hard work they have done. P. Savel noted that due to resignation of one member and the possibility of another leaving, the Collections Sub -committee will need representation from the Advisory Committee. Facility Improvements Committee Report PMV Levy Planning — a .25% levy has been proposed; this is based on the recurring theme from interviews with senior management, and council members during the Strategic Planning input process. This is currently in the budget for consideration. Page 5 of 10 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) The committee as a whole needs to address where these funds will be used. There is adequate time to make minor maintenance improvements within the village prior to when the Heritage and Community Centre (PHCC) is projected to open. Improvements need not be strictly maintenance -related. Could support collections equipment, staffing, etc. Staff would have to provide a list of maintenance and equipment, and staffing complements. Ideas generated through discussion included: • electronic tours for guests, general enhancements • Monitors/apps/cameras on house main levels to show what is upstairs for accessibility • Use of mannequins along with auditory effects to enhance the experience by making it more immersive • Gift Shops have expanded their selections beyond the historical relevance (e.g. T-shirts) • Plaques on wood with name of building and year. • Borrow ideas from Gettysburg Museum and enhance the area surrounding the Pickering Heritage and Community Centre (PHCC). • Mixed use of interpreters and mannequins (e.g. mannequins in buildings that do not normally have people interpreting). • Diorama or text panels for guests before they enter the "village" that sets the stage and creates context. • Virtual Museum Grant to enable interpretation with devices and virtual reality. Interactive children's exhibits • Bridge improvements • Indigenous Peoples partnership to develop exhibits and interpretation. Personal collections of artifacts are expected to be repatriated to community museums across the Province Page 6 of 10 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) • Build and develop relationship with TRCA. • For audio or virtual reality enhancement, pilot with one or two buildings to get it right; PMVF could fund K. Pyke shared a compliment received from other museum staff visiting PMV regarding the cleanliness of heritage buildings; she particularly thanked D. Hudson for advocating for more staff resources to make this improvement possible. T. Ryce noted that at the next meeting staff will provide specifics on how we need to proceed to get the levy implemented. She would like to get a business case prepared to support a levy for January 2018 endorsement by the Advisory Committee. Brainstormed ideas above will be reviewed at the November meeting. T. Ryce advised that a December meeting will be T. Ryce to distribute the scheduled in order to finalize the levy proposal; staff business case by will prepare documents; the AC will endorse and December 7th to the forward to the Director for consideration in the next committee members for budget. review and comment prior to the December meeting Volunteer Recognition Committee date should they not be able to attend. Advisory The Sub -Committee was unsuccessful in its Committee members to application for a Governor General's History Award of advise T. Ryce if Excellence — there was a greater than normal volume December 19th is good of applications. meeting date. The Sub -Committee discussed the Rural Ontario Leaders Awards, and felt the community was not a fit. T. Ryce noted that the City does fall into the category of a rural community, and receives summer job grants in this category. Page 7 of 10 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6. Strategic Plan Steering Committee Report K. Pyke provided the following update: • Retreat took place last week • Critical Issues Report was reviewed and discussed by the attendees. Next steps: • Finalize the Strategic Plan and Goals • Pam will meet with staff to present a framework for developing an Action Plan with projected outcomes • Staff will draft and finalize Action Plan • Preparation for the Visitor Services Centre was discussed as a strategic goal. • The Critical Issues Report can now be released to Advisory Committee members and the public. • Steering Committee to attend presentation to Council T. Ryce commended the Strategic Planning Steering Committee for their work to date. 7. PMV Advisory 1 Council 1 Board discussion — outcome planning The Committee's Terms of Reference document was reviewed; T. Ryce updated new members on past discussion regarding Board vs. Committee governance structure, and a desire to restore the elected position of Chair by a member of the public vs. Staff Facilitator. It was suggested that the Terms and Reference and Policies and Procedures note that the PMV Advisory Committee's role is to advocate/recommend to Council rather than "advise". Motion: That the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee recommends to Council that the Chair of this Committee come from Council -appointed members, due to the fact that the function and purpose of committee work puts the Staff Facilitator K. Pyke to look at the Acts that govern Ontario museums. Page 8 of 10 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) acting as Chair in an untenable position and a potential conflict of interest. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: R. Cowan Carried The PMV Advisory Committee will prepare a presentation and a delegation go before Council to present. — UPDATED BY TR on Nov 13 8. Volunteer Program — Update and Next Steps T. Ryce noted that there will be extensive work for the Volunteer Sub -Committee in the upcoming weeks and months as M. Smiles has provided a package of volunteer job descriptions along with Policy and Procedures documents for their review. Concern was raised about meeting scheduling challenges. T. Ryce and G. Lowman to discuss a meeting schedule for the Volunteer Recognition Sub - Committee. T. Ryce to send an email to set meeting of the Volunteer Recognition Sub -Committee. 9. New Business & Adjournment Discussion arose regarding Sub -Committee membership, new member appointments, and work plans. Several members of current sub -committees have expressed interest in changing their placement. It would be unfair to appoint new members prior to giving others the opportunity to make a change. T. Ryce recommends that sub -committee membership decisions be deferred and tabled at a future meeting; new and different opportunities are likely to arise when the Strategic Plan is finalized. T. Ryce noted that the Heritage and Community Centre (PHCC) has been added to next month's agenda Agenda items regarding TRCA and the Conservation Building are deferred to the November meeting. Motion: to adjourn the meeting Moved: P. Savel Seconded: R. Cowan Carried Discussion roles of sub committees to occur at future meeting. T. Ryce and K. Pyke to facilitate a site visit and training for the new members. B. Welsh and G. Strange are to advise T. Ryce at November meeting of interest in a particular sub - committee. TRCA and Conservation Building to be added to the November Meeting Agenda. Page 9 of 10 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 10. Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 City Hall Meeting Adjourned: 9:45 pm Copy: Director, Community Services Clerks Page 10 of 10