HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 18, 2013 City 00 Minutes Waterfront Coordinating Committee mw " "!w April 18, 2013 I KERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Dickerson Councillor O'Connell J. Berry J.Dike K. Falconer M. Robbins J. Veronneau D. Shields, City Clerk A.Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development N.Gaffney, TRCA L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: K. Corcoran P. Short-Galle S. Wiley Also Present: Evanne Wilson Leonard Wilson Brian Skitch Item! Details & Discussion & Conclusion. Action ltemslStatus Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1 0 _ Welcomey& Introductionsn ; D. Shields welcomed members to the meeting and acknowledged the guests in attendance. Agenda & 11ll�nutes � ' � Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by J. Dike That the agenda as presented be approved. Carried Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by M. Robbins That the Minutes of the February 21, 2013 meeting of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee be approved. Carried Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 3.0 Business Arising from Minutes D. Shields informed the members that the Westshore Resident's Association had held their first AGM. 4.0 New Business 3.1) Eurasian Water-Milfoil Weed J. Dike informed the Committee that the new organization, Friends of Frenchman's Bay Association that he mentioned at the last meeting has applied for non-profit status. He noted they have representation on this committee from other groups as well as Westshore Rateypayers Association and PESCA. They have also set up a fund raising committee, but have not as yet scheduled any public information meetings. D. Shields indicated that if they could provide contact information to us, we could have it posted on the City's website to keep residents informed. J. Dike provided an update on the Eurasian Water-Milfoil Weed. A question and answer period ensued. It was `, questioned whether alternate treatment methods were being pursued to control the Eurasian Water-Milfoil Weed and whether they would be used in conjunction with the weevil. J. Dike noted they have conducted a peer study, noting the conservation authority had expressed some concern and that additional research is being done. 3.2) Harbour Entrance Reconstruction Update A. Mostert provided an update with respect to the progress on the harbor entrance reconstruction since February, 2013. He provided members with slides showing the removal of timber cribs from the west breakwater as well as the dredging of the channel. He indicated that the timbers were being repurposed. He noted a site tour had been conducted on March 4, 2013 and informed members they were welcome to attend a tour, noting if anyone was interested to let him know and he would make the necessary arrangements. A. Mostert noted thatl/2 load season would be ending on Monday, so truck traffic would be resuming. He also noted the barge had arrived for use in removing the dredging material. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 4.3) GTA Waterfront— Urban Recreation Fisheries Plan A. Mostert provided information with respect to the Urban Recreation Fisheries Plan which is being established for the purpose of creating afisheries recreational management plan for the lakefront. He noted the Ministry of Natural Resources, TRCA, CLOCA as well as the Credit Valley Conservation Authorities were involved in this program to help promote lakeside fishing and direct residents on where to fish. The area would cover Bowmanville to the Credit River. N. Gaffney, TRCA noted part of the purpose of this program is to improve access for fisherman and to help identify the types of fish, where they are located as well as their travel routes. It was noted that public consultations will begin in October within the Ajax and Pickering areas. Councillor O'Connell questioned whether site specific locations would be included to address concerns over conflicting uses and whether this would be endorsed by the Ministry of Natural Resources. N. Gaffney noted they are talking with the residents to see what the issues are and would continue this outreach. 3.4) Linton Farmhouse addition and renovations A. Mostert provided an update on the renovations at the Linton Farmhouse. He stated the Region of York has hired a consultant to prepare the drawings and specifications and that they hope to tender the construction in the next few months. A. Mostert also noted Frisco Road closure was with the Town of Ajax. Councillor O'Connell questioned if the agreement between the Town of Ajax and TRCA with respect to ownership or a lease agreement was causing the delay. N. Gaffney informed the Committee she would look into this. 3.5) Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club J. Dike provided an update with respect to the dredging project at Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club. He noted that half of the proposed dredging work has been completed with the balance proceeding as expected and completion being predicted in Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion : Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (includedeadline as appropriate) approximately one week. He noted inspections were taking place on an on going basis. J. Dike noted that the Yacht Club had made every possible effort to address concerns relating to the dredging at the Yacht Club. He noted they had undertaken a peer review as well as sample testing. K. Falconer questioned what the total cost was for these efforts as well as the amount of staff time involved. Discussion also ensued with respect to the impact any delays of this nature would have on the spawning season as well as timeframes for completing the work. 5.0 Correspondence _ 5.1) City of Pickering D. Shields noted the memo sent to the Committee was acknowledging that Council had received for information the Committee's 2012 annual report and 2013 workplan at their March 25th meeting. 5.2) Waterfront Events A. Mostert noted he had received correspondence from the Director, Culture & Recreation with respect to the following events to be taking place at the Pickering Waterfront • Run for Prevention —July 21 • Sarcoidosis Treatment Awareness and Research Run — September 21 5.3) Doors Open Program A. Mostert informed members that he had received correspondence from Tate Besso, Chair of the 2013 Doors Open subcommittee regarding participation in the 2013 Doors • Open Program. They had indicated they would like to feature a Frenchman's Bay Walking Tour as part of their program for October 5th, 2013 to highlight the history of the bay as well as the natural features. 6.0 Other Business 6.1) Doors Open Program Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion = Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriated Discussion ensued with respect to participation in the 2013 Doors Open Program. It was suggested this be placed on the L. Roberts to action next agenda tor further discussion. D. Shields advised that an email would be forwarded to members with additional information on the program for members to think about whether the Committee wants to L. Roberts to action participate. Should there be enough interest, it was decided that the interested Committee Members for the Walking Tour would meet on May 16th to discuss the event and their participation and it would be brought back to the June L. Roberts to action Committee Meeting to be voted on. L. Roberts will forward the schedule of meetings for the Doors Open sub committee in the event members would like to pursue this and possibly attend one of their meetings. 6.2) OPG Event K. Falconer advised members that OPG will be holding a Walk of Life Walk on May 5th at the waterfront to raise funds for families affected by workplace tragedies 6.3) Pickering Canoe Club J. Veronneau advised the members that the Canoe Club would be holding a Pickering Paddle Challenge Fesitval on June 15th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm with,a BBQ lunch. He also noted there would be outriggers on the lake as well as the PARA safety boat. He also confirmed that the Dragon Boat Festival would not be conducted at Frenchman's Bay this year as the venue has changed to Toronto. 6.4) Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club J. Dike noted the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club would be holding their annual shore clean up event on Saturday, April 27 starting at 9:00 am. -47.0. AdjoiirnmentlNext:Meeting Next Meeting: June 20, 2013 ( 'eeting Adjourned: 8:05 pm `dopy: City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228-2/02 li