HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 26, 2013 Cat/ 00 Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee ,7'7 5r=7191 =; =:; September 26, 2013 LPIKERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues W. Jamadar E. Mason T. Reimer D. Rundle M. Sawchuck C. Sopher C. Celebre, Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: T. Besso S. lyer S. Sheehan J. Van Huss • Item / Details` Discussionf& Conclusion ' Action items summa of discussion �,,,�ef# t ry ) _ - �: Status (includeFdeadline as • . -`appropriate)' 1.0'; Welcome, :T ' a z.z<; - _ C. Celebre welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Minutes .ry :, "- ,�, Moved by D. Rundle Seconded by Councillor Rodrigues • That the agenda be approved as circulated. Carried Moved by M. Sawchuck Seconded by W. Jamadar 'That the minutes of the June 27, 2013 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3.0 Business Arising From Minutes 3.10 Doors Open Update C. Celebre provided an update on the Doors Open event, which is being held on October 5th. She provided members with copies of the brochure and indicated various locations where they had been distributed. She also indicated that T. Besso had forwarded an email to members seeking volunteers, and noted some sites could still use volunteers. M. Sawchuck noted that Ontario Heritage Trust will have surveys available for residents to fill out at certain locations throughout the day. He noted incentives have been provided to encourage residents to fill out the surveys, such as the top prize of a $500.00 gift certificate for a hotel/spa. He noted that Ontario Heritage Trust does this every 3 years in order to update their records. He noted the communities choose which sites to have the surveys available. C. Celebre noted there will be free bus tours, and indicated that they could still use additional volunteers if anyone was available. She also noted there will be artists participating as well. 4.0 New Business 4.1) Whitevale Bridge C. Celebre provided the Committee with an update on the Whitevale Bridge heritage permit application which was approved by Council on September 16th. She explained Council's decision with respect to the recommendations contained in the report, which relate to the Heritage Pickering Committee and the Whitevale Bridge Committee working with staff to commemorate the history of the existing and former bridges. C. Celebre suggested that the Committee include this work on their 2014 Workplan. E. Mason advised the Committee that construction on the replacement bridge will take place the spring of 2014 and questioned whether this should be done in advance of the 2014 workplan, to allow sufficient time for any action required by the Committee for any salvage items. She asked if this could be kept on future agendas. C. Celebre noted she would inquire with engineering regarding C. Celebre to timelines for construction and remnants of the bridge to be action Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) removed. C. Rodrigues noted that a pedestrian bridge was discussed as well at the Council meeting, and it was determined that it was doable. 5.0 Correspondence 5.1) Ontario Heritage Trust Correspondence from Ontario Heritage Trust regarding nominations was received for information. M. Sawchuck explained the various categories for nominations. It was noted that with the deadline for nominations being September 30th, it was not feasible at this point as it would require Council approval. 6.0 Other Business 6.1) C. Celebre informed the Committee that Rolland Lattouf has submitted his resignation. In accordance with City policy, advertising will begin to fill the vacancy. E. Mason questioned how the City gathers information on Boards and Committees in order to improve. L. Roberts noted that the City Clerk will be preparing a report in 2014 with recommendations. 6.2) C. Celebre informed the Committee that at the next meeting to be held on October 24th, Accessibility Training will be provided at the beginning of the meeting. She provided a brief outline of the training, noting this was mandatory for all Advisory Boards and Committees. She requested that members advise of their attendance, in order to reschedule for those unavailable to attend on October 24th 6.3) C. Celebre informed the Committee that the City Clerk has finalized the pilot program for having a facilitator attend meetings. Chairs and Vice-Chairs will be appointed at the November Heritage Pickering Committee meeting for the duration of this term. The City Clerk will be preparing a report in 2014 with the recommendation of having facilitators for the next term of Council. Further information on this will be emailed to all members. C. Celebre noted that any questions or concerns regarding this Page 3 r i Item'/ Details iiipisc1ussion &Conclusion Action Items 1* Ref`# {summary of discussion)= r _ '. Status x y� � { deadline as a;, �F ?.,. ... ... $ , appropriate) could be forwarded to the City Clerk. \� 6.4) E. Mason requested that the workplan be placed on the November agenda, as October's will be kept light to accommodate the accessibility training. Discussion ensued with respect to the workplan. C. Sopher questioned property identification for designations as well as the Committee's budget. He questioned whether unused funds could be allocated for other items such as Dunbarton. C. Celebre noted she had been working on the 2014 budget for Heritage Pickering with the Chief Planner. She noted she would inquire about funds for Dunbarton. E. Mason requested that this be considered for the November agenda. Discussion ensued with respect to the Dunbarton area. M. l Sawchuck noted this would work best if designated as a heritage district as opposed to individual designations, due to the importance of how they relate to each other. He noted the first step is to prepare'a comprehensive listing of what is out there, which he is currently compiling. He noted the need to expand on property descriptions. C. Sopher questioned activity in this area, whether any permits or applications had been received. Discussion took place regarding the Dunbar House, questioning whether it had ever been on the list, changes which have ensued over the years, whether it was for sale, and also fears for demolition. C. Sopher noted everything of interest in the Dunbarton area should be a high priority, and questioned whether we could compose a listing of these properties for Council. E. Mason noted her concerns with being behind on workplan items. She also questioned if financial assistance for student help was available. She noted the importance of creating the register, and any financial assistance in this regard would be beneficial, particularly with respect to completing the register. Councillor Rodrigues noted having a laptop at the meetings would be helpful to provide constant updates with respect to the Page 4 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as `—. appropriate) mapping. T. Reimer informed the Committee he had noticed a large stone chimney and fireplace in the area of Valley Farm and Finch, behind Pine Ridge High School while walking the Seaton Trail. He questioned whether pictures of this could be taken and whether some form of a plaque could be installed to draw people in to the area. 6.5) C. Celebre informed members of an upcoming workshop taking place in Ajax on October 3rd from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon, put on by Community Heritage Ontario (CHO). The workshop is on Heritage Conservation Districts and Heritage Property Insurance Workshop. Any members interested in attending can let her know by tomorrow for registration. Discussion ensued with respect to putting together a book on heritage properties, which was a workplan item. M. Sawchuck suggested the possibility of creating architectural guides, which could be obtained from various photos the Committee currently has. This would be a fairly inexpensive endeavour and could be a good tool for citizens. Other suggestions were noted as follows: • Compiling a calendar of heritage buildings • School presentations • Utilizing the Pickering Library for hosting seminars C. Sopher informed the Committee that the Province did not demolish the heritage home that was located on Mulberry Lane. C. Celebre noted that she had investigated the demolition of the home and consulted with the Building Department and the Chief Building Official and a demolition permit was not issued at the time. C. Sopher requested that staff look into this further. C. Celebre advised that she had numerous discussions with the Building Department on this matter. Councillor Rodrigues advised that he would speak directly to the Chief Building Official on the matter. It was noted that when a property is listed while still under Provincial ownership, designations shall occur after the land has been transferred into private ownership. C. Celebre has advised that she had consulted with Bert Duclos from the Province on this \--' last year. C. Sopher noted his concerns with respect to demolitions Page 5 Item / Details & Discussion &Conclusion Action Items / Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) happening such as occurred with the Mulberry Lane property, noting the Province did not sanction, the City was not aware, and the developer tore it down with no consequences. He stated more needs to be done to help prevent these demolitions, and questioned whether they would be protected under the Official Plan. He also questioned whether there were similar buildings in the hands of developers that the Committee should be aware of in the Seaton lands that were not identified during the OMB process. C. Sopher requested C. Celebre provide a list of heritage properties located in Seaton. C. Celebre advised the Committee that through the Seaton OMB hearing background reports and an inventory of heritage properties have been completed. In addition, Heritage Lots have been identified in the approved Official Plan polices and shown on the Neighbourhood Plans which were presented to the Committee. In addition, she advised that specific policies are included in the Official Plan with respect to heritage properties (built heritage). E. Mason questioned whether the properties could be rezoned. C. Celebre explained the problems which occur with Provincial ownership and concerns over changing the use, noting rezoning must conform with the Official Plan. She explained the protection in place through policies as well as procedures for demolition. She stated she would look into the processes•in place in other C. Celebre to municipalities to see how these issues are dealt with. action C. Celebre discussed with the members the timelines for the Committee to review heritage permit applications. There have been some comments regarding the period of time that the Committee has to review information. There are times when the Committee has a short turn around period and requested the Committee's input. Discussion ensued with respect to receiving applications, how best to organize and how much advance notice would be required. C. Sopher noted it would be a good idea to meet separately for the sole purpose of discussing permits. Moved by C. Sopher Seconded by E. Mason Page 6 I Item / Details & Discussion &-Conclusion Action Items / Ref# (summary of discussion). "� Status • (include deadline as 4 appropriate) If timelines do not coincide with a scheduled meeting, that approximately two weeks notice be given to Committee members in order to review a heritage permit application and to set an additional meeting date for the purpose of dealing with heritage permit applications . Carried C. Celebre confirmed that the stone house located at 2710 Brock Road was not demolished as noted at the last Committee meeting. C, Celebre advised that she visited the site and provided photos of the property. She noted there was a fire a few years ago which may have caused damage to a portion of the home. 7.0:' Next Meeting/Adjournment Next Meeting: October 24, 2013 The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm. Copy: City Clerk Page 7 1 4 .1 . • 1 •- r