HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 28, 2013 r Cat/ 00 _ Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee February 28, 2013 PICKERING • 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues • T. Besso S. lyer E. Mason D. Rundle M. Sawchuck C. Sopher J. Van Huss D. Shields, City Clerk C. Celebre, Senior Planner, Development Review& Heritage L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: W. Jamadar M. Munawar S. Sheehan Also Present: Donna Bailey Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome D. Shields welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced herself. She noted that she would be the Staff Facilitator for the pilot project for the next few months. She stated that the role of the facilitator is to guide the flow of the meeting, provide meeting efficiencies if possible and to be the liaison between Council, Staff and the Committee. She stated that during the program she would be reviewing how things are done and assessing if improvements need to be made and looked forward to receiving feedback from Committee Members. It was also noted that the applicant recently chosen for the Committee has had to resign as he will be moving out of Pickering. Advertising will be placed accordingly in March in order to receive applications. 2.0 Delegations Patricia and Mark Lowe appeared before the Committee to provide an overview of their proposed Whitevale Heritage Pride Program for Whitevale. Ms. Lowe noted the goal of this program is to promote heritage awareness of properties in Page 1 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Whitevale. She outlined the various phases of the program, with the first being the plaque program, followed by a walking tour brochure and an interpretive map. She also explained the various sources of funding and noted they were seeking support from the Heritage Pickering Committee. She also noted they were looking into funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Copies of the program were provided to members. The delegations also provided information with respect to timelines, qualifications and criteria for the program. It was also noted this would be an on going project. A discussion period ensued with questions raised regarding funding, grants and the number of properties which would fit the criteria. It was also questioned how this program differs from the current plaques for designated properties. It was the consensus of the Committee to bring this forward at the next meeting for further discussion. It was also suggested that this be included in the 2013 work plan and that the delegations be kept informed. 3.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by J. Van Huss Seconded by M. Sawchuck That the minutes of the January 24, 2013 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 4.0 Business Arising from Minutes 4.1 Doors Open Donna Bailey was in attendance to provide information on the Walking Tour of Whitevale as part of the Doors Open program. She noted she had spoken with a number of property owners as well as some business owners. She noted they were currently working on the history of the houses for the tour. Discussion period ensued and it was questioned whether there would be access to the homes, and if they would be part of the entire program or just the walking tour. Ms. Bailey noted some of the homes are currently under renovation, but some have agreed to limited access for the tour. It was also questioned whether the cemetery would be part of the tour as well as the timing and number of volunteers. Page 2 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/ Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) M. Sawchuk asked for a list of all contacts to date with addresses. He noted he would prepare a map and follow up on what is required and will email information out for the next M. Sawchuck to action Doors Open meeting. The Committee reviewed the list of properties for the Doors Open program and discussed the next steps. 4.2 Heritage Register C. Celebre provided an update with respect to the Heritage Register. She noted a draft has been prepared and the Chief Building Official is currently reviewing it. . J. Van Huss noted she had pulled the information on the Dillingham property. She also indicated that W. Jamadar had researched the Woodruff-McKenzie property and had passed this information along to the members. S. Sheehan is continuing her work on the creation of a template for the register to bring forward for approval. Discussion ensued with respect to updating the register. D. Shields noted that changes such as demolitions or change of ownership could be noted on the register without Council approval. She noted approval was only required to make additions or deletions to the register. The following suggestions were made; • Expand current register to include "listed" properties that are privately-owned (in addition to the "listed" properties on Federal and Provincial lands that are already part of the register) • Include all designated and listed properties on the M. Sawchuck to action Google Map • Update the list of designated properties on the website and include links to the designation by-laws M. Sawchuck to action M. Sawchuck noted the City of Chatham-Kent was a good example of a website register. He also providedan update on the Flickr account. Through a power point presentation, he noted he had created different sets of photos for each category and stated he would send out the user name and password to members. M. Sawchuck noted there were still approximately 70 properties which need to be photographed, stating the list should be divided up again. Page 3 • Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/ Status ()Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as ro riate PP P ) It was noted that this be placed on the next agenda for further discussion with respect to updating the website. 2012 Annual Report and 2013 Work.Plan The items from the 2012 report were reviewed and all completed items will be listed for the 2012 report. The 2013 workplan was also reviewed and the following additions were suggested for inclusion; • Tax relief program • Prepare designation by-law • Review development applications containing properties of heritage interest, listed and designated properties and - abutting designated properties • Training/outreach in conjunction with other GTA municipalities • Investigate plaque program for Whitevale • Implement procedures in order to follow up on recommendations made on heritage permit applications to confirm that the heritage aspects have been complied with The 2012 annual report and 2013 work plan will be prepared L. Roberts to action and forwarded out to members for any additions. It was the general consensus of the Committee to present the • report at the March 25th Council meeting. M. Sawchuck and T. Besso will attend the March 25th Council as delegations. 5.0 New Business 5.1 560 Park Crescent C. Celebre outlined the zoning amendment application and draft plan of subdivision received for 560 Park Crescent submitted by Orchard Ridge (Pickering) G.P. Inc. (Sorbara). Discussion ensued with questions raised regarding the stone wall, design elements, lot frontages, driveways and garages. C. Celebre noted she would email John Sabean's report on this C. Celebre to action property out to the members. C. Celebre noted that a public information report would be going forward to Committee. She indicated that members Page 4 t Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) could view additional documents if required and explained the process involved, noting the Committee's comments and recommendations on the zoning by-law and draft plan amendment applications would be included as part of the recommendation report to Council. Committee comments were noted as follows: The designation and preservation of the heritage house and immediate surrounding area as shown on the draft plan of subdivision submitted by Orchard Ridge (Pickering) G.P. Inc. for the lands located at 560 Park Crescent is supported. The applicant is commended for ensuring the preservation of this significant heritage resource in the City of Pickering. The heritage lot configuration proposed (41.3 metre frontage and 65.5 metres depth) meets the Committee's and Council's recommendations. Comments included; • Provide appropriate zoning for the heritage lot • Provide appropriate setbacks, massing for lots adjacent to the heritage lot • Encourage rear yard garages and shared driveways along Park Crescent • Ensure that the architectural design and elevations of dwellings adjacent to the heritage lot and fronting Park Crescent are compatible • Encourage the retention of the stonewall along the street line and stone pillars at the existing driveway entrance • Encourage the protection of existing vegetation on the heritage lot and surrounding, specifically the butternut trees C. Celebre noted a review board hearing was scheduled for March 22nd. She will provide an update at the next meeting. 5.2 Seaton OMB Hearing Update C. Celebre noted that Carl Bray is the City of Pickering's heritage consultant for Seaton. He was one of the City's witnesses at Phase 2 of the OMB hearing dealing with the Neighbourhood Plans. He will also be the City's witness at the Phase 3 of the hearing dealing with the draft plans of subdivision. She noted plans to have Mr. Bray speak at the next Heritage Pickering meeting to provide guidance and a perspective when Page 5 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusions Action Items/ Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) reviewing the Seaton draft plans of subdivision regarding heritage lots. Moved by T. Besso • Seconded by M. Sawchuck That the next Heritage Pickering meeting scheduled for March 28th be rescheduled for March 21st Carried 6.0 Correspondence 6.1 Heritage Matters Publication The Heritage Matters February publication was received for information. It was noted this publication could be viewed on the website at www.heritagetrust.on.ca 6.2 Municipal World D. Shields noted the February issue of Municipal World had L. Roberts to action contained some information relating to heritage matters that may be of interest to members. Copies of the articles will be sent electronically to members. 8.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment Next Meeting: March 21, 2013 The meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm. Copy: City Clerk Page 6