HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 28, 2017CGg o/ DICKERING Minutes/Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Wednesday, June 28, 2017 7 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: K. Borisko J. Calder J. Dempsey W. Jamadar B. Lai C. Sopher J. Van Huss C. Celebre, Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage B. George, Pickering Public Library R. Michaud, Recording Secretary Absent: D. Hazlett T. Reimer Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions C. Celebre welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Review Agenda & Approval of Minutes Moved by K. Borisko That the agenda be revised to include the following items: 4.2) Special Heritage Pickering meeting in August 4.3) Heritage Pickering Workshop — Whitby 4.4) Whitevale Light Replacement Program 4.5) 437 Churchwin — update 4.6) New Role 4.7) 498 Whitevale Road Carried Page 1 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3. Approval of Minutes Moved by C. Sopher That the minutes of the April 26, 2017 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 4. New Business 4.1) Heritage Permit — 340 Whitevale Road C. Celebre provided background information on 340 Whitevale Road Heritage Permit. She advised that this property was one of the more significant structures in Whitevale, noting the importance of ensuring the renovations are done in accordance with the Whitevale Heritage Conservation Guidelines. She noted that the owners have submitted an application for window and partial siding replacement. The owners have advised that the windows and siding have deteriorated over time and were hoping for more energy efficient replacement windows. They noted concerns with respect to the cost of doing wood replacement. C. Celebre stated that the owners had been provided with a list of contacts for the restoration work and had been requested to cost out various options. She noted the siding is patchy, stating that the owner had indicated it would be replaced with wood siding similar to the garage. Discussion period ensued and it was recommended that the owners contact local businesses for repairs, which could potentially result in cost savings as well. It was also felt that the owner should look into researching other options, as it was noted that additional information would be required prior to the Committee making any recommendations. It was suggested that the Whitevale Resident's Association possibly look into putting on a workshop on how to repair windows. Page 2 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) C. Celebre advised members that a 2011 Building Permit for the garage and entry is still a valid permit on this property. The owner was provided with the Recommendation letter to the Committee. 4.2) Special Meeting C. Celebre advised that she would like to hold a special meeting in August to discuss a by-law granting delegation approval authority to the Director of City Development. C. Celebre explained that Under the Ontario Heritage Act, heritage permit applications to alter a Part IV or Part V property require written consent from Council. The intent of the delegation is to remove the requirement to report to Council on every application. Applications to erect, demolish or remove a building or unacceptable applications would proceed to Council. Delegation cannot include refusals. C. Celebre advised she would be seeking the Committee's input with respect to what the members would be comfortable with in terms of delegating certain authorities to staff. The City's heritage consultant would be in attendance at the meeting to assist in answering questions and discussing other municipal delegation examples. C.Celebre advised the Committee that the Liverpool House is vacant and for sale. The property is not listed or designated on the City's Heritage Register, and is not protected against demolition. It was recommended that a heritage assessment be prepared to evaluate the property to determine if the property meets the criteria for listing the property on the heritage register as a non -designated property which would provide interim protection. The Committee agreed. Page 3 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) B. George noted she has a report on this property prepared by John Sabean. C.Celebre advised the Committee that she would contact the City's heritage consultant and determine the timing to complete the assessment report. It was suggested that this report could also be considered at the special meeting. Special meeting not being C. Celebre requested that members advise her of held in August. Next meeting their availability for the Special August 23rd. is the scheduled September 27th meeting. 4.3) Heritage Workshop C. Celebre advised that the Town of Whitby will be hosting a heritage workshop on Saturday, October 28th from 8:45 am to 1 pm. She requested that members advise her in July in order to sign up. 4.4) 437 Churchwin Street C. Celebre provided members with an update on 437 Churchwin Street. She advised that the owner was to submit his updated application, but he has advised that he will be submitting in the fall. She indicated that the City's heritage consultant was researching log houses in Whitevale and would provide an update. 4.5) Whitevale Replacement Lighting C. Celebre advised members that City staff will meet with the Whitevale Resident's Association to discuss replacement lighting for Whitevale. She noted that the District currently has various styles of lighting and will continue to provide updates. 4.6) Firehall B. George advised members that they had looked into equipment at the Operations Centre, but that it did not match with the Whitevale Fire hall. She noted there was not much information available other Page 4 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) than it was built around 1956 and is located on Infrastructure Ontario lands. C. Celebre noted there have been no further updates from the firefighter, and was unsure at this point how to proceed. It was noted that if the structure was lacking in heritage significance, it would be doubtful that the City would relocate or restore. 4.7) New Role C. Celebre advised members that she now has a new role in City Development as Principal Planner, Development Review. She noted the City is in the process of hiring a full time heritage planner, who will focus on heritage matters. 4.8) 498 Whitevale Road C. Sopher provided a brief outline of 498 Whitevale Road, noting the deterioration of the building, with holes in the roof and foundation walls. He felt that given the Provincial Government's standards and guidelines, they should not be letting properties go, and noted concerns that this would continue to happen along Whitevale Road. He felt the Province should be notified. C. Celebre advised that letters had gone out to the Province with respect to managing properties in compliance with the Standards & Guidelines for Conservation of Provincial Heritage properties as outlined in the recommendations within Report PLN 10-16. She also noted she would look into whether this property had been recommended for designation as part of the recent Council reviews. Members discussed informing the area MPP's as well and it was suggested a letter could be prepared from the Whitevale Resident's Association. C. Celebre to action 5. Other Business Page 5 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5.1) B. George advised that Claremont would be participating in Culture Days on September 30th with an interpretation of the significance of Tom Thompson in Pickering. 5.2) J. Van Huss advised members of 55+ programs offered at the City of Pickering at the Recreation Complex. 6. Next Meeting: TBD Meeting Adjourned: 8:02 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 6 of 6