HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 12, 1962 M U N I C I PAL B U I L DIN G B R 0 UGH A M A meeting of Council was held on MONDAY, the TWELFTH day of MARCH, 1962, at EIGHT o'clock in the evening. PRESENT: J. Sherman Scott, in the Chair Harvey Spang Hilton Howbray Ross Deakin Hubert Wank L. T. Johnston, Clerk The following CORRESPONDENCE was considered: 1. Ontario Municipal Board tentative approval for $43.500.00 debenture. 2. Village of Markham submits Fire Agreement to serve central westerly part of Township on call of local Fire Chief at $60.00 per hour. Referred to Fire Committee. Pickerin District Hi h School Board requisition of $237,471.02 or operat~ng and " or debenture for current year. This compares with $183,738.83 operating and $104,739.48 debenture. The 1962 total rate will be 13.8 compared to 15.8 last year. See Resolution No. 5~/62. 3. 4. Minister of Lands and Forests approves Township By-Law to increase hunt~ng fee for licences. However, he hopes farmers will only be charged a nominal fee, with the $1.00 fee being charged to residents of urban parts of the Township. 5. Metro Toronto Planning Board advises "Avis Avenue" should not bè used to replace "Wharf Street" in Fairport as there is an "Avis Crescent" in East York. 6. De1artment of Municipal Affairs advises it has advanced the da e of Winter Works from Apr~1 30th to May 31st, 1962. Department of Education asks that our By-Law No. 2663 be amended to show the name of the new Area Board to be "The Public School Board of the Township School Area No. 3 of Pickering". See By-Law No. 2676. Bay Ridges Ratepayers' Association questioned Council's passing the Race Track Zoning Amendment without notifying them first of the first passing. 7. 8. The following PERSONS. on MOTION, were heard: It was AGREED that the School Board of School Section No. 2 be heard. Messrs. Adamson, Van Houten and Tyas submitted their 1962 budget: Operating Expenditures Debentures 1961 $ 539,597.00 100,679.00 640,276.00 - 1,906.00 252,017.00 304,700.00 27,400.00 277,364.00 9,125,069.00 29.3 11. 40.3 1962 Total Budget $ 634,408.00 143,478.00 777,886.00 31,207.00 291,086.00 455,592.00 27,400.00 428,192.00 14,811,502.00 29. 9. 7 38.7 Surplus Provincial Grants Requisition " Less advance on Sup. Net Requisition Assessment Mill Rate, operating Mill Rate, debenture Total Mill Rate - 2 - After considerable discussion Resolution No. 55/62 was passed. @ "RESOLUTION NO. 53/62 MOVED by Mr. Deakin, seconded by Mr. Spang, THAT WHEREAS the 1961 Road Appropriation By-Law No. 2588 has been overspent by $1,600.00 in the Bridges and Culverts section; AND WHEREAS the Road Maintenance Section has been underspent by more than this amount; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that $1,600.00 be transferred from Road Maintenance to Bridges and Culverts in Road Appropriation By-Law No. 2588. CARRIED ~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 54/62 MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that Pickering High School Budget be returned to the District High School Board for additional details on the proposed items. CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 55/62 MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Deakin, that the budget for School Area 2 be returned to the School Boarà for review, expressly to reduce costs wherever possible, and tò include further detail, and to point out the Council's concern of spiralling school costs. CARRIED BY-LAW NUMBER 2676 Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to amend By-Law Number 2663, which provides for School Sections 9 and 19 forming a School Area, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Spang. seconded by Mr. Deakin, moves that By-Law Number 2676 to amend By-Law Number 2663, which provides for School Sections 9 and 19 forming a School Area, be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Deakin, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2676 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED AGREED - Welfare Committee Meeting, Wednesday. March 14. AGREED - Fire Committee meeting, Wednesday, March 14. Clerk - copies of Pickering Village Fire Agreement, 1956, for Comm~ttee. Treasurer compute arrears by Wards for Mr. Spang. On MOTION of Deakin, the meeting adjourned. APPROVED ~N 1962