HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 09-17PICKERING Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 09-17 Date: September 5, 2017 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Municipal Security Services - Review - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 09-17 of the Director, Community Services regarding the Municipal Security Services Review be received for information; 2. That Council authorize staff to investigate the feasibility of a municipal Security Risk Assessment and to bring forward appropriate cost estimates during the 2018 budget process; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action. Executive Summary: At the request of Council, staff have completed a review of the City's Security Services. In short, the City contracts uniformed security guard services for landmark, high traffic, high profile City facilities which includes City Hall, Pickering Recreation Complex and the Pickering Central Library at an annual cost of approximately $108,840 (plus HST). The City of Pickering employs 8 Permanent Part-Time/Term Facility Security Guards to provide staff coverage at smaller and more localized community centres such as East Shore Community Centre (ESCC) and George Ashe Library & Community Centre (GALCC) on weekends during regular hours of operation and during private rentals. On occasion, these City staff are scheduled to work weekday and/or weeknight shifts in order to cover full time staff vacations or meetings. The annual cost of PPT/Term Facility Security Guards is approximately $72,952. Upon the review of municipal best practices, it is clear that a variety of options are available and that there is no one solution that works for every municipality. With that in mind, staff conducted a comprehensive review of our existing structure, the challenges and successes it presents and identified creative solutions that would best serve to safeguard each City facility and its users while also providing the best possible customer service. These options (with its advantages/disadvantages and associated costs) are outlined in this report. Option 1 is to maintain status quo utilizing contracted security providers for landmark facilities and City of Pickering Facility Security Guards for satellite community centres. CS 09-17 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review September 5, 2017 Page 2 2. Option 2 is to exclusively utilize City of Pickering Facility Security Guards to provide all security services at applicable municipal facilities (City Hall, Pickering Recreation Complex, Pickering Central Library and ESCC & GALCC) and allow the uniformed security guard services contract to expire in 2018,. 3. Option 3 is to contract uniformed security guard services during the week for landmark municipal facilities (City Hall, Pickering Central Library and the Pickering Recreation Complex) and exclusively for liquor licensed permits on weekends at satellite community centres (ESCC & GALCC); and, to schedule municipal program staff on Saturdays during regular operating hours at ESCC and GALCC and municipal facility staff on Sundays during non -liquor licensed events at ESCC and GALCC. Staff prefer Option 3 but recommend that, prior to implementing any changes, the City first engage the services of a professional external advisor to complete a comprehensive security risk assessment of all City facilities and staff activities. Financial Implications: The City of Pickering's annual cost for security services under the existing model (a combination of both municipal security guards and contracted security services) is approximately $181,792. Should the City of Pickering utilize only municipal Facility Security Guards for its existing security service requirements, the annual cost would be approximately $227,729. Should the City of Pickering adjust its existing model by contracting uniformed security guard services for landmark municipal facilities (City Hall, Pickering Central Library, and the Pickering Recreation Complex) and exclusively for all liquor licensed permits on weekends at satellite facilities (ESCC & GALCC); and, scheduling municipal program staff on Saturdays during regular operating hours at ESCC and GALCC, and municipal facility staff on Sundays during non -liquor licensed events at ESCC and GALCC, the total annual cost is approximately $164,325. This option would eliminate the City of Pickering PPT & Term Facility Security Guard positions. Prior to implementing a revised plan for security staffing, funding will be allocated in a future current budget (which will be subject to Council approval) to implement a comprehensive review of all City facilities and staff activities Hours Cost Contracted Security Services 6,180 $108,840 City of Pickering Facility Security Guards 2,873 $72,952 Total 9,053 $181,792 Should the City of Pickering utilize only municipal Facility Security Guards for its existing security service requirements, the annual cost would be approximately $227,729. Should the City of Pickering adjust its existing model by contracting uniformed security guard services for landmark municipal facilities (City Hall, Pickering Central Library, and the Pickering Recreation Complex) and exclusively for all liquor licensed permits on weekends at satellite facilities (ESCC & GALCC); and, scheduling municipal program staff on Saturdays during regular operating hours at ESCC and GALCC, and municipal facility staff on Sundays during non -liquor licensed events at ESCC and GALCC, the total annual cost is approximately $164,325. This option would eliminate the City of Pickering PPT & Term Facility Security Guard positions. Prior to implementing a revised plan for security staffing, funding will be allocated in a future current budget (which will be subject to Council approval) to implement a comprehensive review of all City facilities and staff activities CS 09-17 September 5, 2017 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review Page 3 Discussion: Existing Security Services Structure A. Landmark City Facilities The City contracts uniformed security guard services for landmark, high traffic, high profile City facilities which includes City Hall, Pickering Recreation Complex and the Pickering Central Library. The City contracts uniformed security guard services for Pickering City Hall, as per Quotation Q- 7-2014. Contract security guard services are scheduled Monday to Thursday from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm, Friday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and weekends only as required for events. An additional guard is assigned to the taxation counter of City Hall during tax season only (12 days per year). In total, the City contracts approximately 3,840 hours annually for uniformed security guard services at City Hall at a cost of $63,360 plus HST. The contract term expires on April 30, 2018. The City contracts the same service provider for uniformed security guard services at the Pickering Recreation Complex, as per Quotation Q-7-2014. Contract security guard services are scheduled Monday to Friday from 6:00 am to 8:00 am. In total, the City contracts approximately 520 hours annually for uniformed security guard services at the Pickering Recreation Complex at a cost of $8,580 plus HST. The contract term expires on April 30, 2018. The City contracts its own unique uniformed security guard service provider at the Pickering Central Library, as per an RFQ #15-01 issued August 19, 2015. Contract services are scheduled Monday to Friday from 2:15 pm to 9:15 pm and weekends as required for special events. In total, the Pickering Central Library contracts approximately 1,820 hours annually for uniformed security guard services at the Pickering Central Library at a cost of $36,900 plus HST. The contract term expires on September 30, 2018. All contracted security service providers are responsible to provide continuous foot patrol both inside and outside of the facility at 30 minutes intervals for the purpose of protecting the property and related contents against unauthorized access, theft, fire and vandalism. The service provider is also responsible to identify and deal with potentially volatile situations involving threats to public safety and City staff. In addition, the Pickering Public Library's contracted security guard is trained by the City of Pickering's Municipal Law Enforcement to enforce parking infractions in the parking circle in front of City Hall. Contracted security guards must be nineteen (19) years of age or older, physically fit, certified to carry an ASP baton, handcuffs, and shall be certified in use of force, arrest and officer safety, and in addition have a minimum of one (1) year's recent unbroken service in the security guard industry on sites with similar requirements. Contracted security guards must also possess a valid Security Guard License issued by the Province of Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety and Correction Services at no cost to the City, and adhere to the regulations under the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005. CS 09-17 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review September 5, 2017 Page 4 Contracted security guards must have full knowledge of the Trespass to Property Act, the Criminal Code of Canada (including powers of arrest), the Liquor License Act and the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act, including the options available to them to enforce said legislation. Knowledge and understanding of the Occupational Health & Safety Act, as related to workplace violence is also required. The City requires copies of relevant certificates and other related evidence confirming qualifications, training and experience of contracted security guards. The City reserves the right to reject any worker who, in the City's opinion, do not have the skill necessary to properly complete any job they are so assigned, and who do not represent the City's standards. The contracted service provider must have a Standard First Aid, CPR -C, and Automated External Defibrillator Provider certification for all staff who may be assigned to this contract at no additional cost to the City. The financial implications are: Facility Approximate Annual Hours of Coverage Approximate Annual Cost for Contracted Service Providers 2017 Approved Budget City Hall 3.840 $63,360 $58,000 Recreation Complex 520 $8,580 $17,000 Central Libra $36,225 B. Local Community Centres The City of Pickering employs 8 Permanent Part -Time (PPT) and Term Facility Security Guards to provide staff coverage at smaller and more localized community centres such as East Shore Community Centre (ESCC) and George Ashe Library & Community Centre (GALCC) on weekends during regular hours of operation and during private rentals. On occasion, these City staff are scheduled to work weekday and/or weeknight shifts in order to cover full time staff vacations or meetings. In total, the City schedules 8 PPT/Term Facility Security Guards for approximately 2,873 hours annually at a cost of $72,952. City staff are responsible to provide continuous foot patrol both inside and outside of the facility at 30 minutes intervals so as to protect the property and related contents against unauthorized access, theft, fire and vandalism. The Facility Security Guards are also responsible to identify and deal with potentially volatile situations involving threats to public safety. City staff are also responsible to respond or redirect customer inquiries as they are often the only City representative working in the community centre at that time. Unfortunately, since they have limited shifts at the City and their scope of work is focused on security services, their knowledge of commonly asked questions regarding City programs, events and registration can be somewhat limited. City of Pickering Facility Security Guards are responsible to possess a Security Guard Licence with the Province of Ontario and Standards First Aid, CPR -C certification and defibrillator training, all of which are paid for by the City of Pickering. City of Pickering Facility Security Guards do not CS 09-17 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review September 5, 2017 Page 5 require certification to carry an ASP baton, handcuffs, or certification in the use of force, arrest and officer safety. The financial implications are: Facility Approximate Annual Hours of Coverage Approximate Annual 2017 Approved Cost for City of Budget Pickering Facility Securit Guards $36,748 $41,141 GALCC Licence Fee Uniforms Trainin 1,313* n/a n/a $31,932 $560 $2,520 $1,192 $35,764 $560 $2,200 $1,192 *Includes staff training and contingency hours (additional hours to cover meetings, events vacation/sick time of full time staff) C. Community Use of Schools The City of Pickering employs Term Facility Security Guards to monitor activities at local school gymnasiums permitted by the City through the Community Use of Schools program. Organizations, such as the Pickering Soccer Club, permit local school gymnasiums through the City of Pickering on weekends during the school year. As a requirement of the school boards, the City provides staff supervision at the time of these permits to ensure the school doors are open on time, activities are monitored, access to restricted school areas are prohibited, and participants vacate with the doors locked at the conclusion of the permit. For the purposes of this report, this scope of security services support will not be considered and will remain unchanged. Municipal Best Practice: Many municipalities contract out their security related services while others utilize municipal facility staff in combination with contracted security services, By-law officers and/or local police services to provide support. Below are some examples of the methods employed by various municipalities: City of Oshawa: The City of Oshawa has a contracted security firm to form their Corporate Security Office. This function reports through Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing Services. Corporate Security Headquarters are located at City Hall and provide 24/7 coverage and monitoring of cameras at facilities as well as their mobile command. Corporate security is available to City staff when dealing with public disturbances at municipal facilities. Town of Ajax: The Town of Ajax employs a part-time security/customer service position who works after hours at Town Hall. CS 09-17 September 5, 2017 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review Page 6 Town of Clarington: The Town of Clarington does not have contracted security services. Municipal recreation facilities are staffed during all hours open to the public by full time or part- time facility operators. All events serving alcohol are staffed with municipal bartenders. At the discretion of the facility supervisor, an event may be required to provide private security and/or paid duty DRPS officers. At municipal offices, building services staff work at the front reception desk after hours during evening Committee and Council meetings. The Municipal Clerk will arrange municipal law enforcement officers to be present during Committee and Council meetings if large crowds are expected. And, the Finance Department arranges for paid duty DRPS officers to be stationed near the tax counter during tax installment times. Community halls are, in most cases, operated by hall boards with the municipality not responsible for day to day operations or security services. City of Guelph: The City of Guelph developed a staff structure in which By-law officers are dedicated to perform this function. Prior to the construction of their new City Hall in 2009, their facility did not have dedicated security presence. At that time, however, staff considered hiring a Security Guard to perform this function at City Hall. At the suggestion of Human Resources staff, the City of Guelph decided to dedicate one By-law officer to the City Hall front counter during weekday and weeknight shifts who can deal with security related matters at all City facilities. Guelph has 16 full-time By-law officers that oversee parking, and noise complaints and all city by- laws (animals, signs, etc.). These officers work 12 hour shifts 24/7. They also have 3 part-time officers that are scheduled to fill in for time off, and sick leaves. During the summer, 4 By-law officers are scheduled to work at any given time — 1 at City Hall and the remaining 3 on the road. During the winter, 5 By-law officers are scheduled to work at any given time — 1 at City Hall and 4 on the road. During a typical day shift, the officer dedicated to overseeing the security of City facilities sits behind the front counter at City hall for security of the front lobby. Doors to the rest of City hall are controlled access doors. These officers carry handcuffs, OC spay and ASP batons, and wear ballistic vests with By-law across the front and rear. The priority for By-law staff working at City Hall is security services first, and By-law enforcement second. Parks and Recreation staff are responsible to manage community centres during facility rentals. This is not the responsibility of By-law staff or contracted security personnel. If a permitted function includes alcohol, By-law staff determine how many security staff are required and the permit holder is responsible to pay for such coverage. As expressed by staff at the City of Guelph, the advantages of this structure is that By-law officers are readily available to deal with matters that include ticketing and/or enforcement at City Hall and by dispatch to other City facilities. There is also a seamless rotation of staff offering great flexibility. A By-law officer can be pulled off the road into City Hall to deal with sick time. The challenges of this structure is that the City is responsible to provide adequate and recognized training to By-law officers (ie. use of force, handcuffs and baton training). Their risk could be CS 09-17 September 5, 2017 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review Page 7 mitigated if they contracted a security company who would take on this responsibility. The second challenge is that 1 By-law officer is often isolated to the counter position. A third challenge is that the cost for By-law officers to provide facility security oversight is twice the cost as compared to using contracted security personnel. Upon the review of municipal best practices, it is clear that a variety of options are available and that there is no one solution that works for every municipality. With that in mind, staff conducted a comprehensive review of our existing structure, the challenges and successes it presents and identified creative solutions that would best serve to safeguard the facility and its users while also providing the best possible customer service. These options (with its advantages/and disadvantaged and associated costs) are outlined below. Options: Option 1 1. Maintain status quo utilizing contracted security providers for landmark facilities and City of Pickering Facility Security Guards for satellite community centres. The total annual cost is approximately $181,792. Facility Approximate Annual Hours of Coverage Approximate Annual Cost for Contracted Service Providers ($16.50/hour) Approximate Annual Cost for City of Pickering Facility Security Guards ($24.32/hour) City Hall 3,840 $63,360 n/a Recreation Complex 520 $8,580 n/a ESCC 1,511 n/a $36,748 GALCC 1,313 n/a $31,932 Central Library 1,820 $36,900 n/a Licence Fee n/a $0 $560 Uniforms n/a $0 $2,520 Training 49 $0 $1,192 `t rIiii �!(:� t i a`oh b}}imp iatlQ i ! �'._ a .iso- it �i u: !�' a 9! a ❑ 4I 8 }sfi �i'. v,r 4 m3, yi ! :�... Cvi1{t'Ia Advantages & Disadvantages of Option 1: Contracted Security Guard Services Advantages: Currently, contracted security guard services are deployed to landmark, high profile/traffic facilities which already have City staff representation. As such, the role of contracted security guards is solely to safeguard the facility and its users. Their attention can be focused on conducting rounds of the facility, can be visible and immediately available to support staff, and can check trouble spots within the facility prone to vandalism or theft. These contracted security guards are available to act when security issues arise. CS 09-17 September 5, 2017 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review Page 8 Their responsibilities do not extend to providing the City's visitors with customer service. Instead, those responsibilities rest on City staff who are represented within these facilities at that time. Whether it is during operating hours at City Hall or during an evening public meeting, City staff are present in the facility to deal with general customer service inquiries. In this way, staff can focus on providing customer service and not deal with issues of security. Alternatively, contracted security guards can focus on providing security services and not be distracted with customer service matters. Within this structure, the contacted security service vendor is responsible to manage their staff and their staff schedules. The City is not responsible to pay for or schedule staff coverage for vacation or sick time. It is the sole responsibility of the contracted service provider which saves the City both time and money. The City is also not responsible to directly address issues of performance management or discipline. Under the terms and conditions of the agreement, the City can merely request a different security guard and the contracted service provider is responsible to immediately accommodate our request. Lastly, the cost of contracted security guard services is less than if the same services were provided by City of Pickering PPT/Term Facility Security Guards. Disadvantages: The challenge with the utilization of contracted security service providers is that the City is not directly involved in the training or development of security personnel. The standards and practices applicable to City staff are not necessarily applied to the contracted security guard so quality of personnel may be a challenge. City of Pickering Facility Security Guards Advantages: City of Pickering Facility Security Guards (PPT/Term) are hired and trained by City staff so they are familiar with City policies, procedures and are trained how to deal with various issues ranging from security to program registration inquiries. This degree of knowledge is required at facilities such as ESCC and GALCC because they work alone and must be responsible to provide customer service. This degree of customer service is not required at the Pickering Recreation Complex, City Hall or the Pickering Central Library because staff are always on site to deal with these matters when security guards are working. City of Pickering Facility Security Guards are also responsible to manage fire alarms, evacuations and act as first responders in the event of an emergency. Disadvantages: City of Pickering Facility Security Guards (PPT/Term) can be distracted or unavailable to address security related matters while dealing with customer service matters. Because they work alone when the facility is open to the public or privately permitted, their focus is not only on conducting facility checks and troubleshooting various situations. Instead, they can be pulled away by customers to deal with non -security matters. Another disadvantage is that the cost to provide security services by City of Pickering staff exceed those of contracted service providers as it relates to wages, uniforms, certifications and training. In this model, the City is also responsible to pay for staff vacation time, sick time and to manage their performance and deal with disciplinary matters. CS 09-17 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review September 5, 2017 Page 9 Option 2 2. Schedule only City of Pickering Facility Security Guards to provide all security services at applicable municipal facilities (City Hall, Pickering Recreation Complex, Pickering Central Library and ESCC & GALCC) and allowing the uniformed security guard services contract to expire. The total annual cost is approximately $227,729 which results in an annual cost increase of approximately $45,937 from the City's existing service model. Facility Approximate Annual Hours of Coverage Approximate Annual Cost for City of Pickering Facility Security Guards City Hall 3,840 $93,389 Recreation Complex 520 $12,646 Advantages & Disadvantages of Option 2: 1 3 n/a n/a 49 $44,262 $36,748 $31,932 $560 $7,000 $1,192 Advantages: City of Pickering Facility Security Guards (PPT/Term) are hired and trained by City staff so they are familiar with City policies, procedures and are trained how to deal with various issues ranging from security to program registration inquiries. This degree of knowledge is most beneficial at facilities such as ESCC and GALCC because they work alone and must be responsible to provide customer service. That said, their limited experience with recreation program and service delivery impacts their ability to fully address customer inquiries related to such matters. Disadvantages: City of Pickering Facility Security Guards (PPT/Term) can be distracted or unavailable to address security related matters while dealing with customer service matters. Because they work alone when the facility is open to the public, their focus is not only on conducting facility checks and troubleshooting various situations. Instead, they can be pulled away by customers to deal with non -security matters. Another disadvantage is that the cost to provide security services by City of Pickering staff significantly exceeds those of contracted service providers as it relates to wages, uniforms, certifications and training. In this model, the City is also responsible to pay for staff vacation time, sick time, and to manage their performance and deal with disciplinary matters. Option 3 3. Contract uniformed security guard services during the week for landmark municipal facilities (City Hall, Pickering Central Library and the Pickering Recreation Complex) and exclusively for liquor licensed permits on weekends at satellite community centres (ESCC & GALCC); and, CS 09-17 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review September 5, 2017 Page 10 schedule municipal program staff (new) on Saturdays during regular operating hours at ESCC and GALCC and municipal facility staff on Sundays during non -liquor licensed events at ESCC and GALCC. The total annual cost is approximately $164,325 which results in annual cost savings of approximately $17,467 from the City's existing service model. These changes eliminate the City of Pickering PPT & Term Facility Security Guard positions. In addition, any non -liquor license permits booked on Sundays at ESCC & GALCC will be monitored by Facility Attendants who are already on site conducting regular facility. cleaning. Facility Coverage Type Approximate Annual Hours of Coverage Approximate Annual Cost City Hall Contracted Security Services 3,840 $63,360 Recreation Complex Contracted Security Services 520 $8,580 Central Library Contracted Security Services 1,820 $36,900 ESCC (weekend liquor licensed permits only) Contracted Security Services 598 $9,867 GALCC (weekend liquor licensed permits only) Contracted Security Services 598 $9,867 ESCC (Saturday regular operating hours) City Program Staff 260 $7,166 GALCC (Saturday regular operating hours) City Program Staff 442 $12,182 ESCC & GALCC (full time vacation coverage) City Program Staff 320 $8,819 GALCC (Sunday non -liquor license •ermits City Facility Staff 416 $7,584 Advantages & Disadvantages of Option 3: Advantages: Contracted security guard services will continue to be deployed to landmark, high profile/traffic facilities which already have City staff representation to strictly safeguard the facility and its users. Their attention can be focused solely on conducting rounds of the facility, can be visible and immediately available to support staff, and can check trouble spots within the facility prone to vandalism or theft. These contracted security guards are available to act when security issues arise. Because staff primarily work alone at satellite community centres (such as ESCC and GALCC), a more tailored approach is required at these locations in order to optimize staff/cost efficiencies and meet customer/security standards. Contracted security guard services will be specifically CS 09-17 September 5, 2017 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review Page 11 scheduled for liquor licensed permits at ESCC and GALCC in place of City of Pickering Facility Security Guard staff. These types of private rentals take place when the facility is closed to the general public. For this reason, City of Pickering staff who have knowledge of our services, programs etc., is not required. In these cases, the sole focus is on the security of the facility and its users. As such, contracted security guard services is an ideal option. They can provide that focused attention to the rentals and respond accordingly. Any issues can be reported by the contracted security guard to the Facility Coordinator or the Lead Hand, Facility Maintenance who works late Saturday evenings at the Pickering Recreation Complex (and the Police, as is applicable) for immediate attention. The cost for contracted security guard services to perform this function in place of City of Pickering Facility Security Guards is much less while maintaining the same level of service and security. Another advantage within this structure is that the contracted security service vendor is exclusively responsible to manage their staff and their staff schedules. The City is not responsible to pay for or schedule staff coverage for vacation or sick time. Rather, it is the sole responsibility of the contracted service provider which saves the City both time and money. The City is also not responsible to directly address issues of performance management or discipline. Under the terms and conditions of the agreement, the City can merely request a different security guard and the contracted service provider is responsible to immediately accommodate our request. During regular operating hours on Saturdays at ESCC & GALCC, City of Pickering program staff will be scheduled to work in place of Facility Security Guards so they can more effectively respond to the demands of the job which predominately is the implementation and coordination of programs within the facility, responding to public inquiries made by phone or in person, assisting customers with program registration and providing them with information on the City's programs and services. Customers come to expect this level of service whenever the facility is open and because their scope of work is limited to security, City of Pickering Facility Security Guards are not best positioned to meet these expectations. City of Pickering program staff are a better use of staff resources during regular operating hours at ESCC and GALCC since they are specifically trained and knowledgeable to perform this function as it is an integral part of their job. Any security related matter can be reported by City of Pickering program staff to the Facility Coordinator working at the Pickering Recreation Complex (and the Police, as is applicable) for immediate attention. Currently, program staff work alone at these facilities during the weekday and weeknights with great success. While they are responsible to conduct facility checks and monitor the security of the facility, they can most effectively provide program coordination and customer services which is absolutely essential to the operation of an active community centre. The cost for this tailored option (option 3) is less than maintaining the status quo (option 1) and utilizing City of Pickering Facility Security Guards exclusively (option 2). Disadvantage: The challenge with the utilization of contracted security service providers is that the City is not directlyinvolved in the training or development of security personnel. The standards and practices applicable to City staff are not necessarily applied to the contracted CS 09-17 September 5, 2017 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review Page 12 security guard so quality of personnel may be a challenge. That said, under the terms and conditions of the agreement, the City can merely request a different security guard and the contracted service provider is responsible to immediately accommodate our request. Another disadvantage is that the City may experience a high turn -over rate with contract security staff which may impact the delivery of consistent service levels. Staff would also need to deal with existing PPT Facility Security Guards who may be displaced by using the contracted services. There are labour relations implications if the City contract out existing services. The Collective Agreement between the City and CUPE Local 129 stipulates that the City cannot contract out services if it requires us to lay off existing workers. Staff would, therefore, be required to ensure all existing PPT Facility Security Guards are reclassified to alternate PPT positions which have the same or higher pay grade. Currently, the City has 4 existing PPT Facility Security Guards that would require placement. Staff must also ensure that we follow the collective agreement requirements of advising the union, in writing, of our intention to contract out services at least 6 months prior to doing so. During that time the union may make representation to the City regarding the contracting out with a view having the services continue to be performed by union members. Recommendation: After careful consideration, staff prefer Option 3 as a means of providing security services at municipal facilities. This option allows contracted security guards to dedicate their time and attention solely to preventing and/or addressing security related matters at landmark municipal facilities during the week. This is when City staff, who are busy doing their job, really require this immediate security services support. In order to maximize staff efficiencies, improve customer service and maintain the security of our facilities and its users,.a more tailored approach is required at ESCC and GALCC on the weekends. Contracted security guards will provide security services during weekend liquor licensed permitted rentals for which they are fully qualified. Even though they are not City employees, they will be provided with orientation of the facility and of reporting procedures and will be in direct contact to City of Pickering Facility Coordinator or Lead Head, Facility Maintenance should a reportable incident occur during their shift. City of Pickering program staff will be scheduled during Saturday regular operating hours at ESCC and GALCC so they can provide oversight and coordination of the facilities programs while also providing customer services to our many Saturday customers. City of Pickering facilities staff will monitor Sunday non -liquor licensed permits at ESCC and GALCC while conducting their facility cleaning duties. The combination of contracted security guards and City of Pickering program/facility staff is an ideal option which deploys staff at times that are more suited to their core job responsibilities. This approach, in place of City of Pickering Facility Security Guards, is much more cost effective and serves to maximize staff resources and improve customer service and program administration. CS 09-17 September 5, 2017 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review Page 13 Prior to implementing a revised plan for security staffing, the City should engage the services of a professional external advisor to complete a comprehensive review of all City facilities and staff activities in order to determine security risks, potential threats, access control issues, staff vulnerability, etc. Current legislation obligates employers to properly assess and take appropriate measures to mitigate the risk of violence in the workplace through various sources, including both employees and the public. In addition, a thorough security review will identify areas vulnerable to theft, unauthorized access and vandalism. Scope of work should also include the development of emergency plans, staff training programs, reporting processes and physical requirements to appropriately address all areas of security. This process will ensure the City has met its legislative responsibilities, exercised due diligence and developed best practises to ensure safe facilities for all residents and staff. Funding will be allocated in a future current budget (which will be subject to Council approval) to implement this review. Attachments: 1. Not applicable. CS 09-17 Subject: Municipal Security Services Review September 5, 2017 Page 14 Prepared By: 4ifer Eddy vision tro Head, Human Resources aron Milton Manager, Recreation Services Marcosoreira Supervisor, Facilities Operations Jody Morris Manager, Facility Programs & Administration Kim Thompson Manager, By-law Enforcement Services :mc Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Cathy Grant Chief Executive Officer, Pickergj•ublic Library Paul Bigi Director, Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 2, W7 e Services & City Solicitor