HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 21-17PICKERING 64 4 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: ENG 21-17 Date: September 5, 2017 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design for Maintenance and Retrofit of Abbott Crescent Pond (Stormwater Management Facility) - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council approve the hiring of The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. for Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design for the Maintenance and Retrofit of the Abbott Crescent Stormwater Management Pond in accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c), as the assignment is above $50,000.00; 2. That the fee proposal submitted by The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. for Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design for the Maintenance and Retrofit of the Abbott Crescent Stormwater Management Pond in the amount of $145,199.35 (HST included) be accepted; 3 That Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (Ontario) Transfer Payment Agreement, on such terms satisfactory to the Director, Engineering Services and any other necessary documentation, including the necessary by-law to permit the City of Pickering to enter into the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (Ontario) Transfer Payment Agreement; 4. That the total gross project cost of $175,709.00 (HST included), including the fee amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $158,231.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 5. That Council authorize the Director, Finance.& Treasurer to finance the total net project cost of $158,231.00 as follows: a) The sum of $77,747.00 to be funded from the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF), federal contribution; b) The sum of $38,873.00 to be funded from the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund, provincial contribution; c) The sum of $41,611.00 to be funded from property taxes; and 6 That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. ENG 21-17 September 5, 2017 Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design for the Maintenance and Retrofit of the Abbott Crescent Pond Page 2 Executive Summary: The existing Abbott Crescent Stormwater Management Pond (SWM Pond) was constructed in 1994 to service the Barrett Meadows Subdivision located in the City of Pickering. Currently, the permanent pool storage portion of the existing SWM Pond is full of accumulated sediment and requires cleanout. Additionally, the facility no longer meets the minimum water quality objectives according to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change guidelines, or the City of Pickering's Stormwater Management Design Guidelines. Recognizing the facility requires maintenance and the existing level of service provided by the facility is low in light of current standards, a detailed design for the maintenance and retrofit of the Abbott Crescent SWM Pond to improve its overall performance and functionality is required. In October 2016, the City applied for funding for this project from the Federal Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF), which was announced through the 2016 Federal Budget. In May 2017, the City was notified that this project was approved under the CWWF, with the federal and provincial governments contributing 50% and 25% of the eligible project costs, respectively. Given the strict project completion timelines that are stipulated in the CWWF Program Guidelines, staff requested a fee proposal from The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. for this assignment due to their knowledge, experience and expertise in detailed design for maintenance and retrofit of stormwater management facilities. In accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c) where the professional service assignment is expected to be above $50,000.00 and the initiating Director intends to acquire the services without going through a competitive process, Council approval is required to engage a firm for a professional services assignment. Staff are recommending approval of the fee proposal submitted by The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. for Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design for the Maintenance and Retrofit for the Abbott Crescent SWM Pond in the amount $145,199.35 (HST included). It is also recommended that a net project cost of $158,231.00 (net of HST) be approved. Financial Implications: 1. Quoted Amount The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. Fee Proposal HST (13%) Total Gross Quoted Amount $128,495.00 16,704.35 $145,199.35 CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 21-17 Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design for the Maintenance and Retrofit of the Abbott Crescent Pond September 5, 2017 Page 3 2. Estimated Project Cost Summary The Municipal infrastructure Group Ltd. Fee Proposal Associated Costs TRCA Fees Contingency Sub Total — Costs HST (13%) Total Gross Project Cost HST Rebate (11.24%) Total Net Project Costs $128,495.00 7,000.00 20 000.00 $155,495.00 20,214.00 $175,709.00 (17,478.00) $158.231.00 3. Approved Source of Funds 5410.1701.6253 — Expense Code Source of Funds Federal Grant — Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) Provincial Grant — Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) Debt — 15 Year Property Taxes Total Funds Budget $450,000.00 225,000.00 342,000.00 0.00 $1 017 000.00 Required $77,747.00 38,873.00 0.00 41,611.00 $158 231.00 Net Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds $858,769.00 The approved funding ratio of 50% ($450,000.00), 25% ($225,000.00), and 25% ($225,000.00) for the federal and provincial governments, and City's share respectively, was based on the total eligible project cost of $900,000 that was submitted during the grant application. Also, per the CWWF Program Guidelines, the total eligible project cost excludes taxes, regardless of any rebate eligibility of the municipality. The 2017 Capital Budget accounted for the total project cost of $1,017,000.00, which included the HST cost. The funding ratio applied above, as reflected in Table 3 is based on the grant approved funding ratio of 50%, and 25%, for the federal and provincial contributions respectively, and excludes applicable net HST cost to a maximum of $900,000.00. C0RP0227-07/01 revised ENG 21-17 September 5, 2017 Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design for the Maintenance and Retrofit of the Abbott Crescent Pond Page 4 The portion of the total project cost not recoverable from the CWWF will be absorbed by the City. The City's share of the current design component will be revised to be funded from property taxes. The City's share of the total project cost for the construction component will remain as budgeted, as debt financing. Depending on the outcome of construction tender results, and if necessary, the source of financing for the City's share may be revised. The under -approved funds of $858,769.00 noted in the table above is not a true under - expenditure. These funds are to be retained for the construction component of the project, when it is ready to proceed. Discussion: The existing Abbott Crescent SWM Pond was constructed in 1994 to service the Barrett Meadows Subdivision located in the City of Pickering. The existing subdivision is bounded by Third Concession Road to the north, Brock Road to the west, Town of Ajax boundary to the east and Duffins Creek to the south, as shown in the Location Map (Attachment 1). The SWM Pond is located at the south east corner of the subdivision adjacent to Abbott Crescent, bordering the Town of Ajax. The facility, located in the Duffins Creek watershed, drains to a small tributary of Urfe Creek, which flows through private property within the Town of Ajax prior to the main confluence with Urfe Creek. The SWM Pond was designed in 1993 to provide water quality and erosion control for a 21.2 ha drainage area and 5 year water quantity control for an 18.4 ha drainage area according to the applicable criteria at the time. It should be noted that Urfe Creek has been identified by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry as Redside Dace recovery habitat, which is protected under the provincial Endangered Species Act. Currently, the permanent pool storage portion of the existing SWM Pond is full of accumulated sediment and requires cleanout. Additionally, the facility no longer meets the minimum water quality objectives according to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change guidelines, or the City of Pickering's Stormwater Management Design Guidelines. Furthermore the actual imperviousness of the contributing drainage area is higher than what was assumed at the time of design. Recognizing the facility requires maintenance and the existing level of service provided by the facility is low in view of current standards, a detailed design for the maintenance and retrofit, including the safe removal and disposal of accumulated sediment from the Abbott Crescent SWM Pond to improve its overall performance and functionality is required. The project is classified as a Schedule A/A+ project within the wastewater projects, according to the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document, meaning an Environmental Assessment is not required, as this project is pre -approved. In October 2016, the City applied for funding for this project from the Federal Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF), which was announced through the 2016 Federal Budget. In May 2017, the City was notified that this project CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 21-17 September 5, 2017 Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design for the Maintenance and Retrofit of the Abbott Crescent Pond Page 5 was approved under the CWWF, with the federal and provincial governments contributing 50% and 25%, of the eligible project costs, respectively. Prior to being provided any Federal funding, the City must enter into the Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) that was forwarded by the Province. The TPA outlines all the terms and conditions of the funding, including requirements regarding procurement, liability insurance, project descriptions and timelines and reporting requirements (Attachment 2). The Draft By-law (Attachment 3), authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (Ontario) TPA. The CWWF Program Guidelines stipulated strict project completion timelines; 75% of the project costs must be incurred by March 31, 2018 and 100% of the costs incurred by March 31, 2019. Due to this aggressive timing, staff requested a fee proposal from The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. for this assignment due to their knowledge, experience and expertise in undertaking detailed designs for the maintenance and retrofit of stormwater management facilities (see Attachment 4). The City's ability to deliver this project in these timelines was also significantly impacted by the fact that notification of the successful award of funding was not undertaken until May 2017, while the Program Guidelines stated it would be January 2017. As such, the City has requested a full extension of 100% of the eligible project costs to be incurred by March 31, 2019, from the federal and provincial governments. In accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c) where the professional service assignment is expected to be above $50,000.00 and the initiating Director intends to acquire the services without going through a competitive process a Report to Council shall be submitted to obtain approval to engage a firm for a professional services assignment. The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. and its team of sub -consultants were previously hired by the City to undertake the Krosno Creek Flood Reduction Study Class EA and the Design of Culverts and Erosion Control for Krosno Creek. Staff had an excellent experience with The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. on these projects. The Class EA Study was completed within the expected timelines and under budget, and the detailed design of culverts is in its final stage. The hiring of The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. and its team of sub -consultants represents good value. They have the necessary experience with this type of project to ensure that the detailed design for the maintenance and retrofit of the existing Abbott Crescent SWM Pond is done in accordance with the current design criteria. Staff are recommending approval of the fee proposal submitted by The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. for Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design for the Maintenance and Retrofit of the Abbott Crescent Stormwater Management Pond in the amount $145,199.35 (HST included). It is also recommended that a net project cost of $158,231.00 be approved. CORP0227-07/01 revised ENG 21-17 September 5, 2017 Subject: Consulting and Professional Services for the Detailed Design for the Maintenance and Retrofit of the Abbott Crescent Pond Page 6 Attachments: 1. Location Map — Abbott Crescent Pond 2. Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (Ontario) Transfer Payment Agreement (Confidential — under separate cover) 3. By-law to permit the City of Pickering to enter into the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (Ontario) Transfer Payment Agreement 4. The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. — Fee Proposal Prepared By: ]g R an Irina Marouchko, P.Eng. Senior Water Resources Engineer Marilee Gadzovski, M.Sc. (Eng.), P.Eng. Division Head Water Resources & Development Services MG:mjh Approved/Endorsed By: Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Director, Engineering Services Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 67,9 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Aue, 2017 CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACHMENT# 1 TOREPORT# GNI U- 11 - of I D oik CONCESSION ROAD 3 RO '.LAND ROAD ar firl HILLMAPLE- GO?PCHFp HADRIA COURT COURT A m P QUO 'S .I 5� R`s C-3 di- a 'I s� SCHOOL O U 2 Si -za _.?) OZ p so OTr dJ0 , �. iiiY 24- i EXISTING ars STORMWATER CENTENNIAL lora, MANAGEMENT (1) PARK POND _YNMA COUR C) , ciz,C IL 1rel PN o U O - fY O TAWNBe K A, ST. a cr a Y O .., C.--- / _...----1 Engineering Services Location Map ) 044 Department Consulting And Professional Services for the Detailed Design for the Maintenance and Retrofit of the Abbott Crescent P1C Rl N G suit. N.T.S August 3 / 2017 Stormwater Management Pond ATTACHMENT# > TOREPORT# —NC a'ZI - eLof The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. d e.]' /17 Being a by-law to permit the City of Pickering to enter into the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (Ontario) Transfer Payment Agreement. Whereas Council authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (Ontario) Transfer Payment Agreement, on such terms satisfactory to the Director, Engineering Services and any other necessary documentation, including the necessary by-law to permit the City of Pickering to enter into the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (Ontario) Transfer Payment Agreement. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. The City of Pickering is permitted to enter into the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (Ontario) Transfer Payment Agreement. By-law passed this 11 day of September, 2017. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk ATTACHMENT TO REPORT# -nk -!% I . of c2- Proposal 2 Proposal for Civil Engineering Services Abbott Crescent Pond Maintenance and Retrofit AUGUST 2017 PROPOSAL PREPARED BY THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP 4TIVILTD. IG 8800 DUFFERIN STREET, SUITE 200 VAUGHAN, ON L4K 005 (905) 738-5700 1G ATACHMjENTr�, _ _.. OREPORT# __ FNC a► a! CITY OF PICKERING ABBOTT CRESCENT POND MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT AUGUST 2017 August 2, 2017 ATTN: Irina Marouchko City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 Dear Ms. Marouchko: Re: Proposal for Civil Engineering Services Abbott Crescent Pond Maintenance and Retrofit PROPOSAL NUMBER P17-163 The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. (TMIG) is pleased to submit our proposal in response to the above - captioned assignment. TMIG is a privatelyowned, client -focused engineering consulting company, engaged by the public and private sectors to support the growth and well-being of the communities within which we live and work. Established in February 2003, TMIG has assembled a dedicated group of more than 90 professionals and staff working out of both Vaughan (head office) and Whitby (satellite office) with experience in project management, public consultation, class environmental assessments, system modelling, engineering design, construction inspection, contract administration, and start-up and commissioning for projects in and around the GTA. For this assignment, our in-house expertise in stormwater management design will be supplemented by our association with several leading industry specialists, including GeoPro Consulting Limited for geotechnical engineering, Strybos Barren King Ltd. for landscape architecture, Retz & Associates Ltd. for topographical surveying, and Palmer Environmental Consulting Group Inc. for natural environment assessments. Our collective credentials and respective roles and responsibilities are detailed extensively within this proposal. Should we be awarded this project, we would be able to commence work immediately and can assure the City that the work will be completed to your complete satisfaction and within the established timeframe. Thank you for any consideration provided to us. Sincerely, TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. Steve Hollingworth, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. Director of Stormwater Management sholl ingworth@tmig.ca COVER LETTER G ATTACHMENT# y : TOREPORT# ENE? .of CITY OF PICKERING ABBOTT CRESCENT POND MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT AUGUST 2017 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 CORPORATE PROFILES AND QUALIFICATIONS 1 2.1 Project Manager 2 3 WORK PLAN 4 3.1 Background Review and Field Investigations 4 3,1.1 Background Review 4 3.1.2 Detailed Topographic Survey 4 3,1.3 Ecological Land Classification Mapping and Vegetation Inventory 4 3.1.4 Aquatic Habitat Assessment 5 3.1.5 Mature Tree Inventory 5 3.1.6 Geotechnical Investigation and Sediment Sampling 5 3.1.7 Utility Circulation 5 3.1.8 Condition Assessment 5 3.2 Existing Conditions Analysis 6 3.3 Alternative Concepts and Preliminary Design 6 3.3.1 Rehabilitation Alternatives Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3.2 Redside Dace Enhancement Strategy 6 3.3.3 Preliminary Design 7 3.4 Detailed Design 7 3,4.1 Wildlife Collection Permit and Fish Rescue (Provisional) 8 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 9 APPENDICES APPENDIX A PROJECT SCHEDULE AND TIME -TASK MATRIX APPENDIX B INSURANCE CERTIFICATE AND HEALTH & SAFETY REGULATIONS TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. TOC PAGE 1 miG EHME'VTI__,. . . @'". ENC RI I CITY OF PICKERING ABBOTT CRESCENT POND MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT AUGUST 2017 1 INTRODUCTION Thank you for the opportunity to assist the City of Pickering with the rehabilitation of the Abbott Crescent Stormwater Management (SWM) Facility, located southeast of the intersection of Brock Road and Harmony Road, abutting the Pickering / Ajax border. The Abbott Crescent SWM pond was constructed in the early 1990s, at a time when stormwater management was evolving to include water quality treatment and extended detention storage to mitigate downstream erosion, in addition to traditional control of peak flow rates. For context, the MOE Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual was released in 1994. The existing facility is more than 20 years old, and in need of maintenance. At a minimum, the accumulated sediment should be removed and the outlet control structure should be repaired or replaced, if warranted. The need to undertake maintenance works provides an opportunity to enhance the facility. Enhancements could take the form of regrading to create additional storage to improve water quality treatment, reduce downstream erosion, and/or better control peak flow rates. Enhancements could also include pedestrian trails and seating areas. The existing facility is largely hidden from view but could be improved to serve as a public amenity to local residents, and even possibly connect to the Duffins Creek trail system to the west in Ajax. TMIG has recently completed a number of stormwater management rehabilitation projects. The majority of these projects have been for the Town of Richmond Hill, including the Harding Park SWM Pond, the Baif West SWM Pond, and the Elgin Mills Greenway rehabilitation project. For each of these projects, we completed feasibility studies or Municipal Class Environmental Assessments (EAs) to determine how best to rehabilitate the facility, and then prepared detailed designs and tender documents and secured all permits and approvals for their construction. The Harding Park and Baif West SWM pond retrofits havebeen constructed, and the Elgin Mills Greenway rehabilitation was recently issued for tender. Further details on these projects are provided below in Section 2. In addition, TMIG staff have managed the cleanout of numerous SWM facilities within new residential and industrial subdivisions prior to assumption of the facilities by the municipality. TMIG is also familiar with the City's design standards and tendering processes, as we are nearing completion of the Krosno.Creek culvert improvements and creek restoration detailed design project, and have recently commenced the Sandy Beach Road Environmental Assessment and Detailed Design project. We look forward to applying the knowledge gained through these and other relevant projects to the rehabilitation of the Abbott Crescent facility. We understand that the project has been funded through the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund, and all permits and approvals should be in hand by March 2018. The receiving tributary of Urfe Creek is designated Redside Dace habitat, and therefore construction must be completed within the coolwater construction timing window of July 1 — September 15. Our work plan has been tailored with this schedule for approvals and construction in mind. CORPORATE PROFILES AND QUALIFICATIONS The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. (TMIG) is a privately owned Canadian civil engineering consulting practice based in Vaughan, Ontario. Established in 2003, TMIG has assembled a versatile and dedicated group of more than 80 professionals and staff with significant experience in project management, advisory services, preliminary and detailed design, site inspection, and contract administration. TMIG will be the prime consultant responsible for all project management aspects of this assignment. Our principal team members have completed more than 200 stormwater management assignments throughout and beyond the GTA within the last 20 years. This foundation in water resources has allowed us to positively TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 1 AT ACHMENT?R TOREP®RT# LN C1 a 61 IG CITY OF PICKERING ABBOTT CRESCENT POND MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT AUGUST2017 contribute to the advancement of stormwater management, which includes determining and evaluating optimal stormwater management solutions using both traditional and emerging technologies. TMIG has aligned with several industry specialists with whom we have longstanding relationships and shared track records of successful project delivery, including the recently completed Krosno Creek EA for the City of Pickering. Geotechnical Engineering: GeoPro Consulting Limited (GeoPro) is a full-service tb,geotechnical consulting firm located in Richmond Hill. GeoPro is well equipped to provide &.. client -focused, cost-effective, solution -based services. The firm specializes in an array of services related to geotechnical, pavement engineering, environmental and hydrogeology and associated project management. Each division at GeoPro works in tandem with the others to provide one stop solutionsto our clients. The firm's current services include geotechnical engineering, hydrogeology construction materials inspection and testing, and environmental site assessments. Landscape Architecture: Strybos Barron King Ltd. (SBK) is an award- ` "ERYBOSBARRON KINGwinning Landscape Architectural firm which has successfully completed CTUR over 4,500 development projects in Ontario. With over 30 years in business, SBK is experienced in navigating the approvals process on behalf of their clients and they take pride in producing landscapes that are both innovative in design and practical in implementation. The firm's diverse and experienced team is organized to facilitate a wide range of development plans which include mixed-use high-rise developments, residential subdivisions (parks, channels, naturalization, buffers and features), commercial and medium - density developments, executive homes, and municipal projects. Topographical Surveys: Retz & Associates Inc. is a construction and engineering surveying firm based in Pickering that has been providing topographic survey and construction layout services to their customers in the southern Ontario District since 1998. Retz & Associates recently partnered with TMIG to complete the Krosno Creek Culvert Replacements and Channel Rehabilitation project in the City of Pickering, and is conducting surveys for the upcoming Sandy Beach Road Reconstruction project. PALMER Natural Environment Assessment: Palmer Environmental Consulting Group ENviRoNmENTAL CONSULTING Inc. (PECG) is an employee -owned firm with offices in Toronto and Vancouver. GROUP INC. PECG was founded in 2010 to provide project direction and technical scientific services to support the environmental assessment and permitting process associated with municipal infrastructure, land development, mining, and hydropower projects. PECG is a young, vibrant company that has assembled a versatile and intentionally small core team of 14 dedicated staff with technical expertise in fisheries, water quality, geomorphology, hydrogeology, environmental review, and permitting. To support their core team, PECG uses relationships built over 20 years in the industry to bring together leading experts to inject the right expertise at the right time for each project. The firm's senior -level staff and partners are involved in each project from start to finish ensuring the delivery of innovative, high quality products. Their goal is to streamline the environmental review and permitting process by identifying the critical path and actions clients must take to successfully permit their projects. 2.1 Project Manager Steve Hollingworth, M.A.Sc., P.Eng., is a project manager and TMIG's Director of Stormwater Management. Since 1998, he has been supplying services to public and private sector clients throughout Ontario. Steve has managed projects ranging from master plans to the detailed design and permitting for storm drainage infrastructure. He has been trained in the techniques of the Project Management Institute, and is on track to obtaining his PMP designation. Steve has a talent for generating practical, implementable, and technically TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 2 #== 4„,„,, aREPORT b/6) ai - rThr IG CITY OF PICKERING ABBOTT CRESCENT POND MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT AUGUST 2017 sound solutions within a firm project management framework to ensure that projects are completed On time and on budget, and that the overriding objectives of a project are consistently kept in focus. Steve has recently managed a number of stormwater management retrofit projects for the Town of Richmond Hill, which involved developing and evaluating alternative solutions to enhance their performance relative to water quality, flooding, and erosion. All of these assignments included a landscape design component to also enhance the aesthetic quality and public enjoyment of the completed facilities. Steve has also been responsible for the preliminary and detailed design of numerous stormwater management ponds and Low Impact Development (LID) infrastructure for a number of private development projects throughout the GTA. Through this experience, Steve has established an effective management approach to balancing sometimes competing interests in the development of stormwater management strategies that must address technical requirements, economic considerations, and specific landowner and stakeholder expectations. Steve's related project experience includes: Krosno Creek Flood Reduction Study (City of Pickering): The primary focus of the study was an EA to evaluate alternative solutions to protect existing development from flooding. The second component was a stormwater management strategy to establish appropriate SWM criteria for new development and redevelopment in Downtown Pickering. TMIG developed a new, calibrated hydrologic model of the watershed, concept designs, and cost estimates for all reasonable alternatives, and preliminary design of the preferred solution. Steve is also managing the detailed design of the recommended culvert improvements, which is nearing completion. Baif West SWM Facility (Town of Richmond Hill): Managed this feasibility study to assess the condition of a 15 -year-old SWM facility as well as alternatives to rehabilitate the pond and enhance its performance. The SWM facility was located within a provincially significant wetland and founded on peat soils, which significantly constrained enhancement opportunities. The study team included ecologists and landscape architects, as the project also examined trails and other potential enhancements to the public realm within and adjacent to the SWM facility. Steve also managed the detailed design of the facility. Construction commenced in Fall 2016 and is scheduled for completion this fall. Harding Park East SWM Facility Rehabilitation (Town of Richmond Hill): Managed this feasibility study to assess the condition of a 17 -year-old SWM facility, as well as alternatives to rehabilitate the pond and enhance its performance. The study recommended removing the accumulated sediment, undertaking a number of minor repairs to the facility, and constructing a rainwater harvesting system to use the water in the pond to irrigate the adjacent baseball diamond and soccer field. A follow-up study involved collection and analysis of dry and wet weather water quality samples from the facility to determine if the water in the facility was suitable for irrigation of the adjacent sports fields. Steve also managed detailed design for the rehabilitation of the pond. Construction was completed in Fall 2015. ElginMills Greenway Rehabilitation (Town of Richmond Hill): Managed this Schedule 'B' Class Environmental Assessment to investigate alternatives to remediate chronic channel erosion and rehabilitate an existing online stormwater management pond. The preferred solution was to relocate the online SWM pond upstream in the valley to the outlets of two uncontrolled storm sewer systems, effectively displacing the actively eroding channel. The preferred solution also included improvements and expansion to the trail system, boardwalks, and viewing areas. The Elgin Mills Greenway is located adjacent to a The Harding Park SWM Facility Rehabilitation included a viewing deck and other amenities in addition to the clean-out and repair of the facility. TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 3 f Ai ACiH j C • _CAW) al -(1 - CITY OF PICKERING ABBOTT CRESCENT POND MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT AUGUST 2017 community centre and high school, and incorporates a well used trail system. Extensive consultation with the public and school board was required to secure broad support for the preferred solution. The project is about to be tendered. Emergency works were completed in late 2015 to protect an at -risk storm sewer outlet headwall from collapsing. Steve also managed the detailed design for the rehabilitation project, which was recently issued for tender. 3 WORK PLAN TMIG, together with our subconsultant team members, have developed a scope of work and budget estimate to complete the preliminary and detailed design of needed repairs and potential enhancements to the Abbott Crescent SWM facility. The work plan satisfies the requirements of the 'Request for Proposal Particulars', and incorporates the lessons learned on several similar SWM pond rehabilitation projects completed for the Town of Richmond Hill. Our proposed work plan is described in the following sections. 3.1 Background Review and Field Investigations 3,1.1 Background Review The initial background review will focus on the assumptions and design targets from the 1993 G.M. Sernas SWM report and associated design drawings for the facility. We will also contact TRCA and search the Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) database as well as the Pickering Official Plan and any other relevant documentation. Review of information relative to the presence of species regulated under the Endangered Species Act will also be conducted. Also, any ANSIs and ESAs in or in the vicinity of the study area will also be identified through the background review. 3,1,2 Detailed Topographic Survey We will undertake a detailed topographic survey of the facility immediately upon award of the project. The topographic survey is critical to understand the current and potential storage volumes available at the facility. The topographic survey will capture the existing grades within and surrounding the SWM facility, inlet and outlet structure details, visible utilities within the Abbott Crescent right of way, record the location and size of all mature trees, and measure water depths and sediment depths in the permanent pool. Our work plan is based on completing the survey in late August or early September, when dense vegetation will slow the progress of the survey. The information from the detailed survey will be integrated with the City's mapping databases (topography, parcel fabric, storm and sanitary sewers, watermains, etc.) to create a complete a comprehensive base plan that will be used for both the preliminary and detailed design of the facility. 3.1.3 Ecological Land Classification Mapping and Vegetation Inventory Terrestrial field investigations will involve an inventory and mapping of the existing vegetation communities (classified according to the Ecological Land Classification system to Vegetation Type), an inventory of plant species by ELC polygon, and observations of incidental wildlife. As part of this investigation, the riparian canopy around the existing pond will be evaluated to provide input into the aquatic habitat compensation that may be required. Existing terrestrial habitat, function, connectivity, significance, and sensitivity will be determined for all areas that could potentially be affected by construction activities. Any tree removals for the project will require consideration for terrestrial Species at Risk (SAR), such as bats and birds. As the study will be conducted outside of the spring timing window for bat and bird surveys, field investigations will focus on habitat, augmented by information from the MNRF and TRCA. Staff from PECG TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 4 TMIG 'TO R,rI )r,. 02 I (1 a[ - Pr - CITY OF PICKERING ABBOTT CRESCENT POND MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT AUGUST 2017 will complete a bat roosting cavity survey of trees in the study area to look for potential roosting areas to be retained or compensated for during detailed design. The field investigation will also assess the vegetation communities surround the pond and within the downstream channel for native vs. non-native plant status and degree of invasiveness for non-native vegetation. 3.1.4 Aquatic Habitat Assessment Aquatic habitat conditions in the channel immediately downstream of the Abbott Crescent SWM pond outfall and the receiving tributary of Urfe Creek will be assessed using standard protocols (Provincial Stream Assessment Protocol for Southern Ontario) to determine their function (i.e. permanent direct fish habitat, seasonal fish habitat, spawning / nursery habitat, or indirect fish habitat). The assessment will also include morphology, substrate, instream cover, riparian vegetation, and other relevant stream characteristics. The assessment will form the basis for identifying impacts to fish habitat and determining appropriate enhancement, mitigation, and compensation opportunities particularly related to Redside Dace recovery habitat. We anticipate that the background information on the fish community for Urfe Creek and its tributary will be sufficient to determine the most optimum channel design features. Therefore, we have not included budget for a fish community sampling program. 3.1.5 Mature Tree Inventory An ISA -Certified Arborist will conduct a site visit and complete a detailed inventory and analysis of the existing trees within and adjacent to the SWM facility, which will form the basis for preparation for a Tree Preservation Plan. The existing trails and other amenities in the area will be reviewed at the same time. 3,1.6 Geotechnical Investigation and Sediment Sampling A geotechnical investigation will be carried out as early as possible in the project. The proposed program includes two boreholes advanced to at least 3m below the base of the existing facility, each fitted with a monitoring well to confirm groundwater elevations below the facility. Soil samples taken from below the base of the pond will be collected for laboratory testing, including soil moisture, gradation, and strength. In addition, representative sediment samples will be collected for chemical analysis against Ontario Regulation 153/04 to assess options for disposal of the accumulated sediment. 3.1.7 Utility Circulation We do not anticipate that there will be utilities within the SWM pond block that will conflict with any rehabilitation of the facility, but there may be a number of utilities within the Abbott Crescent right-of-way that will need to be considered during the design and construction of the repairs to the facility. All potential utility owners will be contacted to provide information on their respective infrastructure in the study area. Through our work on a wide range of infrastructure projects, we have a list of responsive contacts at all of the utility companies and typically receive complete information on the horizontal location of utilities relatively promptly. 3.1.8 Condition Assessment A detailed site inspection will be completed by TMIG water resources staff to document the current condition of the SWM facility. Elements to be inspected include the storm sewer inlet(s) and headwalls, overland flow route into the facility, maintenance access roads, pond side slopes and berms (for potential erosion, slumping or excessive settlement), flow control structure(s), storm sewer outlet and headwall, and the channel downstream of the outlet. Any issues posing a risk to public safety or potentially leading to flooding upstream or downstream of the facility will be immediately brought to the attention of the City's project manager. TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 5 T# ._ `" POR° #_^EN(2 0) I - TMIG CITY OF PICKERING ABBOTT CRESCENT POND MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT AUGUST 2017 3.2 Existing Conditions Analysis The physical characteristics of the Abbott Crescent SWM facility determined through the Field Investigations will be augmented with hydrologic modelling to fully understand the current condition and performance of the pond. Initially, we will prepare a hydrologic model of the catchment area draining to the facility. This may take the form of revisions to TRCA's Duffins Creek watershed hydrology model, or a new hydrologic model specificto the facility with model input parameters calculate consistent with the watershed model. The hydrologic model will be used to determine the following: The storage volumes needed to achieve current water quality, streambank erosion, and peak flow controls targets applicable to new development in the Duffins Creek watershed The storage volumes needed to achieve the water quality, streambank erosion, and peak flow control targets that were in place at the time the pond was designed The performance of the pond for water quality treatment, streambank erosion, and peak flow control if restored to its original as -constructed condition The performance of the pond for water quality treatment, streambank erosion, and peak flow control in its currentcondition, considering the accumulated sediment and any other deficiencies We will also assess the pond against other current or emerging SWM criteria such as thermal mitigation, forebay length and width, overall length:width ratio, and other relevant parameters. The results from the above analyses will be integrated with the findings from the field investigations and documented in a brief Existing Conditions Summary Memo. The memo will provide an overview of the physical condition of the SWM facility and compare its current performance for water quality and quantity control against both the original and current applicable design criteria. 3.3 Preliminary Design 3.3.1 Opportunities and Constraints The findings from the existing conditions analyses will be synthesized to determine the most appropriate means of rehabilitating the existing facility. We anticipate that the recommended design solution may involve re -grading the facility within the current Pond Block limit to increase permanent pool, extended detention and total active storage volumes, replacement of the existing flow control structure with a bottom -draw outlet, addition of a cooling / infiltration trench at the outlet, and an improved maintenance access roadway. Given the setting of the facility within a relatively isolated residential enclave, we do not expect that any public amenities such as trails, seating areas or viewing decks will be warranted. We anticipate that it will not be possible to comply with all relevant stormwater criteria applied to new development at the Abbott Crescent facility. During this stage, we will briefly investigate what would be needed to achieve or approach current water quality, streambank erosion, peak flow and thermal mitigation criteria in order to demonstrate to the TRCA, MNRF and other agencies that such improvements are not feasible or reasonable (i.e. property restrictions, depth restrictions based on side slopes and/or groundwater conditions). 3.3,2 Redside Dace Enhancement Strategy We understand that City of Pickering staff have had preliminary discussions with MNRF regarding permitting under the Endangered Species Act for works in Redside Dace recovery habitat. Based on this communication and the project team's experience, it is expected that the stormwater pond retrofit would require a Letter of Advice (LOA) from the MNRF. To facilitate issuance of an LOA, we will submit an Information Gathering Form (IGF), and incorporate enhancements to downstream Redside Dace recovery habit to the extent reasonable. TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 6 CHMENT4_ToREPoraistehl &i-12- -12- _1_0_ IG CITY OF PICKERING ABBOTT CRESCENT POND MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT AUGUST 2017 PECG ecologists and fluvial geomorphologists have recently developed a habitat compensation strategy for Redside Dace for the City of Brampton, and are currently working with TRCA and MNRF to advance this strategy. It focuses on key Redside Dace habitat features such as thermal regime, turbidity, wetted pool depth, pool -riffle sequences, bed materials, and riparian vegetation cover. The relevant elements of this strategy will be applied to the project to identify enhancement opportunities as part of the pond retrofit. These could include: • The installation of a bottom draw outlet pipe to provide colder water downstream. • Improved sediment removal from the rehabilitated pond. Additional riparian plantings and added stream channel cover where feasible (within public property in the City of Pickering) The most appropriate and cost-effective enhancements to Redside Dace habitat will be determined and incorporated into the preliminary design of the facility rehabilitation. 3.3.3 Preliminary Design Following a review and confirmation of the recommended rehabilitation works and Redside Dace habitat enhancements, we will prepare preliminary design drawings for the facility (plan and sections), summarize potential impacts and mitigation measures, and list all permits and approvals required for the recommended rehabilitation of the Abbott Crescent SWM pond. The opportunities and constraints, recommended Redside Dace enhancements and preliminary design will be documented in the Preliminary Design Report, which may be circulated to MNRF and TRCA for review and comment, or at least provided guide the discussion during pre -consultation meetings for detailed design and permit applications. 3.4 Detailed Design Any feedback from the City, TRCA, and/or MNRF on the Preliminary Design Report will be incorporated into the detailed design of the facility rehabilitation. Our detailed design drawing set will include plan and sections, details for the control structure and any other structures, details of any LI Ds or cooling trenches, erosion and sediment control / construction staging plans, landscape planting plans and details, and a tree preservation plan. We anticipate the following challenges with the detailed design: • There is very limited space within the pond block for a construction staging area. We expect that sediment will be trucked off site without drying, or dried rapidly with the aid of polymers, and this will be reflected in our erosion and sediment control plans • There is a lot of mature vegetation within the pond block. All reasonable efforts will be made to preserve high quality existing vegetation, but extensive removals are anticipated. This must be communicated to area residents in advance of construction, and concerns may be alleviated if trails or other amenities are incorporated into the facility rehabilitation Area residents may complain about noise, dust, and odour during construction. Due to Redside Dace timing restrictions, it may not be possible to mitigate this through winter construction. In addition to communication with residents prior to construction, we will recommend a construction staging approach that will allow sediment removal to be carried out over as short a duration as possible. On several recent similar SWM facility rehabilitation projects in established urban areas, TRCA has required an Invasive Species Management Plan. We anticipate that dog -strangling vine, Phragmites, and buckthorn may be present at the Abbott Crescent pond, and our work plan includes preparation of an Invasive Species Management Plan with recommendations for mitigation measures to be undertaken before, during, and following construction. The plan will include provisions for soils TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 7 IG .Cb°i Hh ENP d. �.,H TO eLY��`ri al CITY OF PICKERING ABBOTT CRESCENT POND MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT AUGUST 2017 management, record keeping, and disposal to prevent the unintentional spread of invasive species during construction and restoration. To shorten the project schedule, we are recommending that our first engineering submission be as complete as possible, and will be circulated to TRCA, MNRF, MOECC, and DFO following a brief review by City staff. Draft tender specifications, quantities, and a construction cost estimate will be prepared while the TRCA completes its review. Any comments from the City and review agencies will be addressed in our second submission. During the agency review of the second submission, we will finalize the tender documents and prepare an Operations and Maintenance Manual for the rehabilitated facility. We anticipate that if there are any comments on the second submission, they can be addressed relatively quickly and easily or through redline revisions by the approval agency. 3,4.9 Wildlife Collection Permit and Fish Rescue (Provisional) While SWM ponds are not considered wildlife habitat, fish, amphibians, and turtles are commonly found in older SWM facilities, especially where they are located adjacent to a larger natural heritage system. A Wildlife Collection Permit may be required from MNRF to safely remove and relocate any fish and other wildlife that may be present in the Abbott Crescent SWM facility. While this will occur during the construction stage, a significant lead time is needed to obtain a permit from MNRF, and this is typically not left to the successful contractor to arrange. In the event that a fish rescue is required as part of the construction phase of the project, we will secure the necessary Wildlife Collection Permit from MNRF to conduct the rescue. PECG staff are trained in electrofishing operation and fish / amphibian handling and will complete the rescue in accordance with the permit requirements. TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 8 T Fy<7 al - >�- CITY OF PICKERING ABBOTT CRESCENT POND MAINTENANCE AND RETROFIT AUGUST 2017 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT We are aware of the critical timelines for this project required by the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund. We are able to commence work on the project immediately following acceptance of our work plan and budget, including critical elements such as the topographic survey and geotechnical investigation. We can complete the project on or before March 30, 2018, including all design drawings, reports, and tender documents. Note that timing for approvals from MOECC and MNRF is difficult to predict, and we cannot guarantee that all permits will be in hand by the end of March 2018. However, any major agency concerns will have been identified and addressed prior to March 2018, and the City can confidently issue the tender for construction of the works at that time. Our Time -Task Matrix and detailed Gantt chart are included in Appendix A. Key milestones are summarized below. To ensure the successful delivery of the project, our work plan also includes bi-weekly conference calls with the City's project manager. On previous similar projects, we have found these calls (typically 15 minutes or less) invaluable. They ensure that the information needed by the project team is supplied quickly, that decisions are made quickly, and that all assumptions are validated. They also provide an opportunity to resolve small issues before they escalate into something more significant. Perhaps more important, they force the project managers (both at TMIG and the City) to communicate with their respective project teams in advance of the calls, which is critical for keeping the project on schedule. Our scope and budget also include four formal meetings with the City of Pickering, two of which will include the TRCA and/or MNRF. Any additional meetings will be billed at $1,500 per meeting. We can complete the above described scope of work for a total fee of $128,495, including disbursements but exclusive of HST. If required, we can obtain a Wildlife Collector's permit and complete a fish rescue for an additional fee of $2,600. TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 9 Project Initiation August 14, 2017 Field Investigations Complete September 1, 2017 Hydrologic Modelling and Existing Conditions Summary Memo September 29, 2017 Preliminary Design Report November 3, 2017 Detailed Design — First Submission to City December 22, 2017 Detailed Design — Agency Submission January 5, 2018 Draft Tender Documents January 26, 2018 Detailed Design — Resubmission to City and Agencies March 16, 2018 Final Submission - Drawings and Tender Documents March 30, 2018 To ensure the successful delivery of the project, our work plan also includes bi-weekly conference calls with the City's project manager. On previous similar projects, we have found these calls (typically 15 minutes or less) invaluable. They ensure that the information needed by the project team is supplied quickly, that decisions are made quickly, and that all assumptions are validated. They also provide an opportunity to resolve small issues before they escalate into something more significant. Perhaps more important, they force the project managers (both at TMIG and the City) to communicate with their respective project teams in advance of the calls, which is critical for keeping the project on schedule. Our scope and budget also include four formal meetings with the City of Pickering, two of which will include the TRCA and/or MNRF. Any additional meetings will be billed at $1,500 per meeting. We can complete the above described scope of work for a total fee of $128,495, including disbursements but exclusive of HST. If required, we can obtain a Wildlife Collector's permit and complete a fish rescue for an additional fee of $2,600. TMIG 1 THE MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP LTD. PAGE 9 01POP `'; 0I Appendix A Insurance Certificate & Health and Safety Policy ,,,iTA HMFNT ._ .TOREPORTt&_ _lei gi- a II, Certificate of Insurance Proof of liability insurance will be accepted on this form. If a facsimile has been transmitted,: the original certificate must follow. This form must be completed and signed by your insurance broker. This is to certify that the poiicy(ies) of insurance described below have been issued to the insured fo the policy period indicated. Name of Insured: The Municipal, Infrastructure Group Ltd. Street Address of Insured: 8800 Dufferin Street, Smile 200 Telephone Number of Insured: < 905-738-5700 City Postal Code Vaughan, ON L41C005 Location and Operations of Insured for which Certificate is issued: 2017 Detailed Design for Maintenance and Retrofit of a StorinwatetManagement Facility All Operations Performed For The City of Pickering Auto oblle lability Insurance Insuring Company Policy Number(s) Amount of Coverage Effective Date Expiry Date N/A EV014251 $2,000,000 D/M/Y D/M/Y Automobile liability insurance covering third party damage and bodily injury liability (including accident benefits) as may be required by applicable laws arising out of any vehicle owned in whole or in part and licensed in the name of the insured, including all vehicles leased on a long term basis, in connection with this contract. Commercial General Liability Insuring Company Policy Number(s) Amount of Coverage Effective Date Expiry date Lloyd's Underwriters EV014251 $2,000,000 D/M/Y 13/05/2017 D/M/Y 13/05/201$ Profession Liability Insuring Company Policy Number(s) Amount of Coverage % Effective Date Expiry date Lloyd's Underwriters EV014249 $2,000,000 D/M/Y 13/05/2017 D/M/Y 13/05/2018 Commercial General Liability is extended to include Personal Injury Liability, Contractual Liability, Non - Owned Automobile Liability, ,t;' . Products -Completed Operations, Contingent Employer's Liability, Cross Liability Clause and Severability of interest Clause. With respect to the Commercial General Liability, The City of Pickering has been added as an Additional insured witthstit-subrogation but only with respect to its interest in the operations of the named insured. li TO lEPOIm'stt . Ne)a-1 —Il— I Certificate of insurance Page 2 The Commercial General Liability Policy(les) identified above shall protect each insured in the same manner and to the same extend as though a separate policy has been issued to each, but nothing shall operate to increase the Limits of Liability as identified above beyond the amount or amounts for which the Company would be liable if there had been only one Insured. The policy(ies) identified above shall apply as primary insurance and not excess to any other insurance .. If eancelled-er changed so as to reduce the coverage as outlined on this certificate, during the period of coverage as stated herein, thirty (30) days, prior written notice by registered .mail will be given by the Insurer(s) to: The Corporation of the City of Pickering Corporate Services Department One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Phone: 905.420:4634 Fax: 905.420.5313 I certify that the insurance is in effect as stated in this certificate and that I have authorization to issue this certificate for and on behalf of the insurer(s). r Date: July 25, 2017• Name, Address, Fax and Telephone Number of Insurance Broker: Pro -Form Sinclair Professional Tel 905-305-1054 Fax: 905-305-1093 Signature of Authorized Representative or Official: ���, lviaNing Address of Insurance Broker: 675 Cochrane Drive, Suite 200, East Tower Markham, ON L3R OBS Print Name of above Authorized Representative or Official: fey Sivaprasad, Account Associate fro-%rrrt Sinclair Professional 675 Cochrane Drive Suite 200, EastTower Markham, ON L3R 0B8 TATTTIMINl .a (.TOPE ' Rei'& :CAI 60/` Health And Safety Regulations 1. a) The City is the "City" throughout the term of this contract. b) The Company is the "employer" throughout the term of this contract. 2. The Company certifies that it, its employees, its subcontractors and their employees, a) are aware of their respective duties and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended from time to time, and all Regulations there under (the "Act); and b) have sufficient knowledge and training to perform all matters required pursuant to this tender/contract safely and in compliance with the Act; and c) are covered by WSIB insurance. 3. In the performance of all matters required pursuant to this tender/contract, the Company shall, a) act safely and comply in all respects with the Act, and b) ensure that its employees, its sub -contractors and their employees act safely and comply in all respects with the Act. 4. The Company shall rectify any unsafe act or practice and any -non-compliance with the Act at its expense immediately upon being notified by any person of the existence of such act, practice or non-compliance. 5. The Company shall, permit representatives of the City on site at any time or times for the purpose of inspection to determine, compliance with this tender/contract. 6. No act or omission by any representative of the City shall be deemed to be an assumption of any of the duties or obligations of the Company or any of its sub- contractor under the Act. 7. The Company shall indemnify and save harmless the City, a) from any loss, inconvenience, damage or cost to the City, which may result from the Companyor any of its employees, its sub -contractors or their employees failing to act safely or to comply in all respects with the Act in the performance of any matters required pursuant to this tender/contract; and; b) against any action or claim, and costs related thereto, brought against the City, by any person arising out of any unsafe act or practice or any non-compliance with the Act by the Company or any of its employees, its sub -contractor or their employees in the performance of any matter required pursuant to this tender/contract; c) from any and all charges, fines, penalties, and costs that may be incurred or paid by the City if the City (or any of its council members or employees) shall be made a party to any charge under the Act in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this tender/contract; 8. The Company shall abide by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Act, as amended from time to time and all Regulations there under. Health And Safety Regulations Condition of Work Site 9. The Company shall remove and legally dispose of debris, packaging and waste materials frequently, or as directed by the City, in accordance with all governmental regulations applicable to such activities. Liability 10. The Company agrees to at alt times defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the City from all actions, suits, claims and demands, losses, costs, charges and expenses arising by reason of injury or death to any person or any property or charges brought or made against or incurred by the City from or relating to the work performed or to be performed herein. Workplace Safety & Insurance 11. The bidder shall provide the City with a Certificate of Clearance from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board as set out herein, certifying that all assessments and liabilities payable to the Board have been paid, and that the bidder is in good standing with the Board. The bidder shall provide the City with a Certificate of Clearance prior to final payment certifying that the City will not be liable to the Board for future payments in connection with the bidder's completion of the project. All of the bidder's;, personnel must be covered by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board at the bidder's expense. The Company must and agrees to provide the City's Company Administrator with updated Insurance and WSIB Clearance Certificates (every 90 days) throughout the period of the contract prior to the expiration dates automatically and routinely. eve Hollingworth, P.Eng. The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. Signature Print Name Company July 28, 2017 Date /2014 ATTACH MENTrOTO REPORT0_,I.Y ,© 12" Appendix B Time -Task Matrix seed mei a $ 5,7701 a a a a a a a $ 7,490I $ 3,770I N a sluewesmgsip $ 200I f m m N m $ 250I (sluellnsuoa qnS) wnSdwnl plot H 3,500 1 - a ry a v a a a a a a a «. a Fi a $ 1,SOOI a a a (011/11):�-? nogellelol '<.? A.E $_... _1.730 m $ 1,440 $ 300 a a a a a a a m m $ 2,5401 33 m a v s ro a s oluawum!Au3 a IemIeN ui a c.4 s `"0 m Nad ameaal!ymtlo aspuel m w p K Aemn$ o!ydei6odoy o a 0 o,. fiuuaaulfiudo !ea!0yae}oeo 2. TMIG }locking avO ra, c m e e )aau!fiu3) wnf m m ; m a N v N N N )eeu!fiu3 eamoseb )alert 6uny0 apesoa 'm N 0 N v N N N N N N N 0 N Y )eneueLllefmd yuambu!!oH ana1S m 44 N N 0 N e HOURLY TIME TASK BREAKDOWN .f•Mi up LL'.' ia tt 4 _ - a Detailed topographic survey _. ELC Mapping and Vegetation Inventory 'Aquatic Habitat Assessment Mature tree survey - 5 (Geotechnical investigation and sediment sampling Detailed condition assessment m 90 E a Determine storage volumes required to meet current standards ' Estimate accumulated sediment volume I € E U 'Calculate storage volumes and pond performance if restored to original condition E 0E P. Existing Conditions Summary Memo SYu Review opportunities and constraints for rehabilitation 'Determine Redside Dace enhancement measures Preliminary design of the facility rehabilitation - of 0)) Preliminary Design Report 'Meeting with TRCA and consultation with MNRF 0 IN E N To c u H CDa < 0 a` 0 CO C 9 CO CO N .0 y o rR u- 2 1:1 2a N m C 0 C w E L.U ya 0 a s 01 1 s u )If .Oa,d Seed 10301 .A n m m m m -- n e $ 6,020 n m n w m m w n e m $ 2,200 $ 2,660I m sluewasingsld ° m n m 1$ 250 1 m m N «. w w «, m «, w $ 25D ' w w $ 5,2501 (sluellnsuoo qnS) wnS dwnl 18101 e $ 10801 $ 5,000 $ 5001 �- R.. m wt. (omit) mogel poi .ma i m w w w e. n m 1 $ 4,280 w a. m a. n a. $ 1,3401 w m $ 24901 m �'. n wluSWUOJIA03 n leinl N w m m w .i to m N m is Y a.rµaaPyvy edeospuel m m , s w K Rains oigdei6odol n 4 cp in ". w p a 0y 0 6uueowau3 Ie0aal0e0 wy m o n r q - Ne1Sm uoddns CVO 0 a m .- CO - y'... Jaeul6u3 io!unp my o P 'o m m `* N Q c N m .-- N N m o r 9- Cr jaaul6u3 aainosay Iale/y� 601610pes p ao i Date n. 00 n m > 00 m 00 n 90 01 r w J0809191000103d 4you,6uillaH ena1S .46 6996 00 00 n n N N v v n n in m m n N w HOURLY TIME TASK BREAKDOWN 0 { to 0 'Invasive Species Management Plan 'Detailed landscape design T preservation plan Sediment and erosion control 1 construction staging ID tail d Design Bnef First Engineering Submission to City 0 0 U o m o m m Q H cw Draft Tender Specifications and Schedule of Items Construction cost estimate Meeting with TRCA Revisions to drawings and design brief to address Agency comments Consultation and follow-up with MNRF, MOECC, DFO and TRCA Operations and Maintenance Manual Minor revisions to address agency comments !Final Tender Documents Meetings with City of Pickering (2 - in addition to 2 TRCA meetings) IBi-weekly conference calls Total Hours Total Fees (Excluding HST) ta E C -a/ -1r ,I h. . III II T k N m i h 4 3`,?,x x a N' t ° a ilwr `S'd,'tr1,5? 8� ,4f f<.`uF+x , :.3 5 �'i' � Y. ys i , n Project initiation and background review ._... _.. Detail topographic survey ELC mapping and vegetation inventory Aquatic habitat assessment Mature treeinventory Utility circulation Geotechnical investigation and sediment sampling Detailed condition assessment Base plan preparation Prepare hydrology model for pond and catchment area Determine storage volumes required to meet current standards Estimate accumulated sediment volume Calculate current storage volumes and pond performance Calculate storage volumes and pond performance if restored to original condition Identify other sub standard elements (i.e. thermal mitigation, forebay, length width ratio) Existing Conditions Summary Memo anti ;Wart ligiffitgiteWilifieSISIMINESSOWAMEITSaw Review opportunities and constraints for rehabilitation Determine Redside Dace enhancement measures __. Preliminarydesign of the facility rehabilitation Summarize potential impacts and mitigation Draft Preliminary Design Report Meeting with TRCA and consultation with MNRF drv' ,,,.,,,, tit/F. - sliitas Detailed engineering design Invasive Species Management Plan Detailed landscape design Tree preservation plan Sediment and erosion control / construction staging Detailed Design Brief First Engineering Submission to City Permit applications (TRCA, MNRF, MOECC, DFO) Draft Tender Specifications and Schedule of Items Construction cost estimate Meeting with TRCA Revisions to drawings and design brief to address Agency comments Consultation and follow-up with MNRF, MOECC, DFO and TRCA Operations and Maintenance Manual Minor revisions to address agency comments Final Tender Documents a 'ii° a Pr2w ,TMu w t.. Meetings with City of Pickering (2 - in addition to 2 TRCA meetings) Bi -weekly conference ca Project: P17-163 - Pickering Ab Date: Tue 8/1/17