HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 14, 1964 .- M U N I C I PAL B U I L DIN G B R 0 UGH A M A .eeting of Pickering Township Council was held on MONDAY, the FOURTEENTH day of DECEMBER, 1964, at EIGHT o'clock p. m. . PRESENT: C. W. Laycox Mrs. Jean McPherson Harvey Spang Donald Waring W. G. Newman John Campbell Hubert Wank L. T. Johnston. Clerk The following CORRESPONDENCE was considered: l. Tenders were opened for a 115 H.P. Road Maintainer. and were as follows. with trade-in of one 1952 Adams: G. W. Crothers L. W. Manufacturing Capital Construction Co. Dominion Road Machinery Caterpillar Adams Galleon Champion $ 2~.706.07 17,367.86 21,630.00 16.377.00 Res olution No. ~~1/64 See 2. Tenders were opened for a 27,000 GVW truck with turn-in of 1959 GMC No. 16: Thorn crest Mot ors Ltd. Jos Burrows Garage GMC Truck Retail Cliff Mills Motors Ford International GMC GMC 6,630.11 5.97~.00 5,508.13 5.773.15 Res oluti on No. 440 /6 ~ See 3. Department of Highways of Ontario ask Township to apply to them for purchase of approximately ~ l/2 acres south of Police Station. zoned Greenbelt. See Resolution No. ~43/6~. ~. Fire Marshal's office advise that they are now in a position to give grant (45%) on a new $17,887. fire truck for the Township if delivery is made by March 31. 1965. The application was made July 2. 1964. for the Brougham Brigade. Chief Lynde recommends this purchase. See Resolution No. ~~2/6~. 5. Gerald Cowan agrees to deed Township a 66' parcel at south limit of Block L, Plan 418. See Resolution No. ~39/64. 6. John Sinclair~ variety store, West Rouge. has been stopped building an addition to store for storage because he has no permit. and it is being built of lumber not masonry finish. He wants to know if Council will permit him to continue. Council directed By-Laws be enforced. 7, Evelyn M. Perry asks when the Iownship is going to straighten Concession 2. 80 rods west of Brock Road, as it is a hazard to children. Engineer refers this to Council. Reeve will contact Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, 8. Clifford Dick, Plan 319, Lot 35, would like an explanation of sewer charges. Referred to Public Utilities Committee. 9. Engineer submits a favourable report on soil test holes on Risk property. lOt Department of HijhWays of Ontario has submitted its plan of lands creeð.ea c. . k. across o~d No. ~ Hiehway at :unbarton. - 2 - l¡~ Department of Highways of Ontario approves Road Department calling for tenders for one truck and one maintainer~ l2~ Treasurer reports that a new girl prepared reports fo~ November. hence duplications~ Not enough time for change. 13. Resolution No~ 206/6~ permitted Norman Irish to dump Township garbage in Township dump free until a policy is set~ 14~ Stevens, Hassard and Elliott advise that the land for the West Rouge water tank was expropriated and $3.500.00 paid into Court in March 1960, As the actual owner has not been determined. the funds have not been released. 15. Metro Toronto Traffic Department is investigating our resolution re lights at Highway 2 and Sheppard Avenue. 16. James A~Ta~lor advises re ownership of sewers and water mains. Ownership vested in Township, Permission should be received from Township to tap main~ 17. Stevens. Hassard and Elliott report: (1) Dunbarton High School - given up file. (2) Rouge Hills Golf Club - certain deeds prepared and forwarded to their solicitors for acceptance, but not returned. (3) Bay Ridges Econo-Wash - documents prepared 1ut Wolffe has assigned interests to incorporated company. New documents needed. Should be completed shortly. (~) Consolidated Building Corporation - all completed~ (5) Swan Mandamus ~ no application for same by Miss Swan's soli ci tor. (6) Gravel pit - all completed. As these solicitors have not been on a retainer, they will continue to process any work the Township may give them. 18. Planning Director submitted a planning report on Risk property. Because of Bell Telephone buried cable, three alternatives were suggested. It was AGREED that Reeve ask Kiwanis to give up their 5 acres in the south-west corner for 5 acres in the north- west corner~ Three Road Maintainer Agents discussed the merits of their equipment. RESOLUTION NUMBER ~36/6~ MOVED by Mr. Waring, seconded by Mr~ Campbell. THAT WHEREAS the Fire Committee accepted the recommendation of Fire Chief Lynde that one new full-time Fireman be hired; AND WHEREAS one full time Fireman has resigned his position; AND WHEREAS the Fire Chief has advertised these two vacant positions; BE IT RESOLVED that the following two (2) men, having satisfied the qualifications for employment. be employed as full time Firemen at South West Pickering Fire Hall at current wage scale, effective January 1st, 1965: "A" liB" Howard Lawrence Morgan George Howard Wilson CARRIED - 3 - RESOLUTION NUMBER ~37/6~ MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Wank. that the Engineer be authorized to retain Totten. Sims and Associates to prepare the formal application to the Board of Transport for the replacement of the existing wooden overpass of the C. P. R. on Westney Road north of the ~th Concession. and if application is successful to retain the same firm to design the overpass; as recommended by the Road Committee on December 1, 196~. CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 438/6~ MOVED by Mrs. McPherson. seconded by Mr. Wank, that the Engineer be authorized to retain G. T. Horton O.L.S. to extend the survey to cover White's Road between Con. 4 and Sideline 28 - 29 and to ask the County Engineer to include the Township's requirement for land when negotiating with Mr. Frolick; as recommended by the Road Committee on December 1. 1964. CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 439/64 MOVED by Mr. Newman, seconded by Mr. Spang, that this Council agree to accept a deed from Gerald Cowan of the most southerly 66 feet of alock L, Parcel "B", Plan 418. and that Council recommend to the Planning Board that any subdivider of the balance of Block L. Plan ~l8. Parcel "B". would include in his proposal the requirement that he would provide a proper road from all his lots to Rosebank Road. CARRIED YEA: Mr. Newman, Mr. Spang. Mrs. McPhers on. Mr. Lay cox, Mr. Wank, and Mr. Waring. NAY: Mr. Campbell. RESDLUTION NUMBER 4~0/6~ MOVED by Mr. Newman. seconded by Mr. Spang, that this Council accept the tender of Clifford Mills Motors for one GMC truck for the price of $5,773.l5, including one 1959 GMC truck providing delivery can be made in 30 days from this date. If delivery cannot be made in 30 days. then the tender of Jos. Burrows for one International truck be purchased for $5,97~.OO, with same turn-in. subject to Department of Highways of Ontario approval. CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 4~1/64 MOVED by Mr. Spang. seconded by Mr. Newman, that this Council accept the tender of L & W. Manufacturing Co. of Paris for one Adams Road Maintainer for the tendered price of $17,367.86 after the Township turns in one 1952 Adams Road Maintainer; this price shall include Snow plow and wing and shall also include a six cylinder Cummings motor at an additional price of $206.00, subject to Department of Highways of Ontario approval; and that the present V Wing Snow Plow be rebuilt to new warranty specifications. allowing $350.00 and $10.50 tax; as per engineer's recommendation. CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER ~42/64 MOVED by Mr. Waring. seconded by Mr. Newman. that the Department of the Attorney General Fire Marshal's office, be informed that the Corporation of the Township of Pickering will purchase a fire pumper truck, and that the said Township intends to apply for assistance under the Emergency Measures Organization financial assistance program in'-its 1964 fiscal year; and that tenders be called for the above equipment as per specifications of Fire Chief and that delivery be made by March 15th, 1965. CARRIED RESOLUTION NUMBER 443/6~ MOVED by Mr. Wank, seconded by Mr. Newman. that this Council make application to the Department of Highways of Ontario for the purchase of approximately ~ l/2 acres of lands owned by the Department of Highways of Ontario immediately south of the Township of Pickering Police Station in Lot 26, Broken Front, Range 3. and that as these lands are zoned Greenbelt. the Township will agree to use such lands as park area except that it may be necessary to enlarge the Police Station building onto a portion of such lands. CARRIED - 4 - RESOLUTION NUMBER 4~4/6~ ROVED by Mr. Wank. seconded by Mr. Campbell. that the Township Engineer be permitted to call for tenders for the installation of sewers and water in Fairport Beach. CARRIED BY-LAW NUMBER 29~6 Mr. Waring. seconded by Mr. Newman, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to amalgamate the present six Fire Areas in the Township of Pickering, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Waring, seconded by Mr. Campbell, moves that By-Law No. 29~6 to amalgamate the present six Fire Areas in the Township of Pickering, be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Wh ole there on. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Waring, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 29~6 be adopted, and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED YEA: NAY: Mr. Newman, Mr. Laycox. Mr. Campbell, Mr. Waring, Mr. Wank Mr. Spang, Mrs. McPherson BY-LAW NUMBER 29~7 - Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Newman, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering for the licensing, regulating and governing of Salvage Yards, Second Hand Goods Shops and Dealers in Second Hand Goods, and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Spang, seconded by Mrs. McPherson, moves that By-Law No. 29~7 for the licensing. regulating and governing of Salvage Yards, Second Hand Goods Shops and Dealers in Second Hand Goods, be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Spang, seconded by Mr. Campbell, Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. said By-Law be now read a Third time Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of theret o. moves that the report of the 2947 be adopted, and that the and PASSED; that the Reeve and the Corporation be affixed CARRIE D BY-LAW NUMBER 2948 Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Wank, moves for leave to introduce a By-Law of the Township of Pickering to assess certain costs of bringing certain parts of the Hamlet of Fairport under the Land Titles Act. and that same now be read a first time. Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Waring. moves that By-Law Number 29~8 to assess certain costs of bringing certain parts of the Hamlet of Fairport under the Land Titles Act, be now read a second time, and that Council go into Committee of the Whole thereon. The Committee of the Whole arises and reports the By-Law as read. Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr~. McPherson, moves that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-Law No. 2948 be adopted. and that the said By-Law be now read a Third time and PASSED; that the Reeve and Clerk sign the same, and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED - 5 - Reeve Laycox advised that all persons whose lands are located in "flood lands" and who wish to sell. should contact Mr. Jones. of Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Clerk report burned out light bulb at No. 2 Highway and Fairport Road. AGREED: Council meet Dec. 21. at 8 p. m. re zoning objections. Public Utilities Committee meet Dec. 10. 196~ Fire Committee meet December l8. 196~. Clerk report on Bond for Rouge Highlands Subdivision. On MOTION of Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Waring, the meeting ad- journed at ll:40 p. m. CARRIED ~~~û APP ROVE D \-~ 196("