HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 26, 2017 Page 1 of 5 Minutes/Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Wednesday, April 26, 2017 7 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: J. Dempsey W. Jamadar B. Lai C. Sopher C. Celebre, Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage B. George, Pickering Public Library R. Michaud, Recording Secretary Absent: K. Borisko J. Calder D. Hazlett T. Reimer J. Van Huss Guests: Jon Vacher, Owner, 437 Churchwin Street Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions C. Celebre welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Jon Vacher the owner of 437 Churchwin Street who is in attendance to discuss his heritage permit application. 2. Review Agenda & Approval of Minutes C. Celebre indicated that we do not have quorum this evening, therefore the committee can only make recommendations for approval at the next meeting. The agenda was amended to defer item 6.1 to the next meeting and add the following items for discussion under Other Business: 6.4 Update - Tom Thompson Property Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6.5 Solar Panel in Heritage District 6.6. Peter Matthews Plaque The approval of the minutes for the March 22, 2017 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee will be added to the May agenda. 3. Business Arising from the Minutes Not applicable. 4. New Business 4.1 Heritage Permit – 437 Churchwin Street The owner, Jon Vacher, submitted a heritage permit application for the property located at 437 Churchwin Street located in the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District. The application is to remove and replace the back portion of the house which was built in the 1980’s and replace with a log structure constructed in the 1860’s and to construct a new porch. The applicant prepared and provided new drawings which were shown to the Committee indicating the porch details and type of materials to be used for windows and framing. C. Celebre advised that the application has gone through a preliminary review and provided recommendations to the Committee. The committee members supported the application in principal, and recommended that more information be provided in the form of Building Permit drawings as outlined in the letter prepared by ERA dated April 19, 2017 to confirm HCD plan objectives and guidelines are fully addressed. C. Celebre advised that once the applicant submits building permit plans, staff will review the plans and provide them to the Committee. 5. Correspondence No correspondence for review. Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6. Other Business 6.1 Update Claremont School Deferred to next meeting. 6.2 Update Whitevale Fire Hall C. Celebre advised the Committee that historical research about the Whitevale fire Hall was prepared and received from the Whitevale and District Residents' Association. Part of the research was completed by searching the Council Minutes to find out the date when the Whitevale Fire Hall was first established. The minutes indicate that the initial Whitevale Fire Hall may have been built in 1956. B. George provided a photo of the small building still located in Whitevale. She mentioned that the water tank may be located at the Pickering Museum and she will investigate and advise the Committee. Discussion ensued to determine if the building and water tank should be moved to the Pickering Museum or in a City Park or remain in its current location. 6.3 Discuss interest in producing a series for broadcast on Canada’s heritage Homes – B. Lai B. Lai mentioned that, as a TV producer, he would like to develop a series of short films promoting the heritage homes and historical sites in the Pickering area and beyond. C. Celebre advised that she would refer Basil’s idea to the City’s Cultural Advisory Committee as this may assist in meeting the goals of the City’s Cultural Plan. 6.4 Update - Tom Thompson Property B. George advised that she and C. Celebre had discussions with John Sabean with regards to approaching Mr. Carson, the current owner of the property formerly owned and occupied by the B. George to follow-up with Pickering Museum and provide more information at the next meeting. C. Celebre to forward B.Lai ideas/contact to the Culture Committee. Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Thompson family. It was recommended that the Committee approach the owner to request if he would be interested in designating the lands (or part of the lands) under the Ontario Heritage Act. B. George enquired if any committee members would volunteer to assist staff in contacting Mr. Carson to propose the designation of the Tom Thompson property. B. Lai and C. Sopher volunteered to assist. It was suggested to contact the area Councillors to include them in these discussions. B. George noted that a package outlining the benefits of designation should be prepared for the owner. Solar Panel – Heritage District C. Celebre advised the Committee that she received an enquiry from a property owner located in the Whitevale Heritage District regarding the installation of solar panels. The owner advised that there are government grants currently available if home owners wish to install solar panels. The owner is aware that there may be restrictions for properties located in a Heritage District. C. Celebre advised the Committee that the Whitevale District guidelines are silent on solar panels, likely due to the age of the document. She advised that through research of other district guidelines, solar panels would fall under the same category as skylights, antennas and other modern installations. The Whitevale guidelines under section, state that these modern installations should be located away from the street face. Other municipal guidelines for solar panels include that they should minimize impacts on the heritage value and attributes, located on elevations not visible from the public realm and avoid locating on front face of the building. A discussion began regarding the environmental benefits of solar energy vs the protection of heritage C. Celebre, B. George B. Lai and C. Sopher to action. Page 5 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) buildings and a district. The Committee expressed that to have both it was recommended that efforts be made to place the solar panels in a location not visible from the street and that the installation of the solar panels must be reversible without damages to the building etc. It was further noted that a Heritage Permit application should be submitted. A further discussion arose that the Heritage District guidelines should be updated to include solar panels etc. It was also noted that the Committee has asked on a number of occasions that the guidelines be updated due to the age of the document. C. Celebre advised that to update the guidelines takes time and approval from Council 6.5 Peter Matthews Plaque (Article) C. Celebre circulated copies of the above article. As discussed in past meetings, some Pickering residents have approached the committee to request that we investigate the possibility of relocating the Peter Matthews plaque to City Hall lands. After discussion, the committee recommended that the plaque be moved to the Brougham Town Hall in order for it to be more visible and appreciated by Pickering residents. C. Celebre to follow up and take appropriate action. C. Celebre to follow up and take appropriate action. 7. Next Meeting: May 24, 2017 Meeting Adjourned: 8:55 pm Copy: City Clerk