HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 10-17_� ���� �� 1� ��1������] From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Report to Council Report Number: CS 10-17 Date: May 15, 2017 Subject: Quotation No. Q-24-2017 - Quotation for the Supply and Delivery of one 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing and one 5 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing - File: A-1440 ` Recommendation: Fa 3 4 That Quotation No. Q-24-2017, submitted by Tallman Truck Centre Ltd. in the total amount of $535,893.34 (HST included), be accepted; That the total gross project cost of $539,848.00 (HST included) and the total net project cost of $486,150.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to finance the total net project cost as follows: a) the sum of $234,000.00 to be financed by an internal loan for a term of�5 years and the balance of $474.00 from property taxes; b) the sum of $251,676.00 to be funded from a transfer from the Vehicle Replacement Reserve and; That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The Public Works Section, within the Community Services Department, currently utilizes eleven 4 Ton Dump Trucks and four 5 Ton Dump Trucks. The replacement of one 4 Ton Dump Truck (unit # 053, a 2005 International) and one 5 Ton Dump Truck (unit # 056, a 2008 Sterling) was approved in the 2017 Fleet Vehicles Capital Budget, funded from a 5 year internal loan and the Vehicle Replacement Reserve respectively. On March 30, 2017, an advertisement was placed on the City's website. Two companies responded by the closing date of Thursday, April 18, 2017. The quotation submitted by Tallman Truck Centre Ltd., for one 2018 International 7400 SBA 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing and one 2018 International 7400 SBA 5 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing, received an acceptable score from the CS 10-17 Subject: Quotation No. Q-24-2017 May 15, 2017 Page 2 Evaluation Committee, meets the required specifications and is recommended for approval. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.11 (c), where the compliant quotation or tender meeting specifications and offering best value to the City is acceptable or where the highest scoring proposal is recommended and the estimated total purchase price is over $250,000.00, the Manager may approve the award, subject to the approvat of the Director, Treasurer, CAO and Council. Financial Implications: 1. Quotation Amount 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing 5 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Ptow and Wing Subtotal HST (13%) Total Gross Quotation Cost 2. Estimated Project Costing Summary Quotation No. Q-24-2017 Licences (2 vehicles) Total project cost (excluding taxes) HST (13%) Gross Project Cost HST Rebate (11.24%) Total Net Project Cost 3. Approved Source of Funds — 2017 Fleet Vehicles Capital Budget Description 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing 5 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing Total Funds Account Code 5319.1705.6158 5319.1704.6158 Source of Funds Internal Loan — 5 Year Vehicle Replacement Reserve $228,668.81 245,573.08 $474, 241.89 61,651.45 $535,893.34 $474,242.00 3,500.00 $477,742.00 62,106.00 $539,848.00 (53,698.00) �486,150.00 Available Required Budget $260;000.00 $234,474.00 270,000.00 251,676.00 � ��� �� :. � �� CS 10-17 Subject: Quotation No. Q-24-2017 Net Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds . May 15, 2017 Page 3 $43,850.00 Discussion: The Public Works Section within the Community Services Department currently utilizes eleven 4 Ton Dump Trucks and four 5 Ton Dump Trucks. The replacement of one 4 Ton Dump Truck (unit # 053, a 2005 International) and one 5 Ton Dump Truck (unit # 056, a 2008 Sterling) was approved in the 2017 Fleet Vehicles Capital Budget. An Evaluation Committee consisting of Public Works staff met on April 25, 2017 and each committee member evaluated the quotations based on the rated criteria. A combined average score for each quotation was determined as part of Stage II of the evaluation process. . After careful review of all submissions received, Public Works staff recommends acceptance of the Quotation No. Q-24-2017 submitted by Tallman Truck Centre for one 2018 International 7400 SBA 4 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing in the amount of $228,669.00.00 (HST extra) and one International 7400 SBA 5 Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing in the amount of $245,573.00 (HST extra) and that the total net project cost of $486,150.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated April 19, 2017 2. Supply & Services Memorandum dated April 28, 2017 CS 10-17 Subject: Quotation No. Q-24-2017 Prepared B : � Bob �uzma, CS MP, AMCT Supervisor, Public Works Administration BK:nw Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council � Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer May 15, 2017 Page 4 Approved/Endorsed By: ; Marisa Carpino, MA Director, Community Services � � Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Dire tor, Finance & Treasurer Vera A. elgemacher CSCMP, CPPO, CPPB, CPM, CMM III Manager, Supply & Services � �� f'1CKEf�1N� To: From Copy: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Administrative Assistant, Community Services Supervisor, Supply & Services Subject: Quotation No. Q-24-2017 Quotation for Supply & Delivery of One New Latest Model Four Ton Dump Truck with Snow and Wing One New Latest Model Five Ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and Wing Closing: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 12:00 noon File: F-5300-001 Memo April 19, 2017 Quotation Q-24-2017 was advertised on the City's website af which two (2) companies have responded. There are 4 stages in the evaluation process which are outlined in Part 2— Evaluation of Quotations within the request for quotation document. . Stage 1 determines which submissions satisfy all the mandatory submission requirements and provides Respondents the opportunity to rectify deficiencies. One (1) submissian was provided the opportunity to rectify any deficiencies and has satisfied the mandatory requirements within the rectification period. Two (2) quotations proceeded #o Stage II, which consists of scoring each quotation on the basis of the rated criteria outlined in Part 2 of the request for quotation document. Refer ta Part 2— Evaluation of Quotations, Item 2.3 — Rated Criteria, Page 7 for instructions on how each of the quotations are to be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee. Each member will review the submissions individually and carefully according to the rated criteria in the request for quotation document. Upon completion of the individual scoring, return all Evaluation Committee score sheets with signatures to Gideon Burder, Buyer. Pricing has been evaluated by Supply & Services, and a score out of 40 points has been applied to the evaluation form. The completed evaluation results will be provided ta the Evaluation Committee for review and approval. The following list of attachments has been provided to assist the Evaluation Committee to complete their individual evaluations: 1. Stage II — Evaluation of Rated Criteria; 2. Evaluation Form; 3. Copy of the quotations received; and 4. Copy of Request for Quotation Document � Please direct all enquiries to Supply & Services. Respandents wi{I be advised of ttie outcome when fhe contract has been awarded. you require further information, please contact myself ar a member of Supply & Services. �� � VAF/gb Attachments Quotation No. Q-24-20'17 '' Page 2 of 2 Supply & Delivery of 4& 5 ton Dump Truck with Snow Plow and 1Ning � , _--C"`"D o� C'1�KEIZING Ta From Copy: Marisa Garpino Director, Community Services Vera A: Felgernacher IVlanager, Supply & Services Administrative Assistant, Community Services Supervisor, Supply & Services Subject: Quotation No. Q-24-2017 Memo April 28, 2017 Supply & Delivery of One New Latest Madel Four Ton Dump Truck with Snow and Wing One New Latest Model Five Ton Dump Truck wi#h Snow Plaw and Wing Closing: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 12:0� Noon. File: F-5300-001 Further to the memo dated April '19, 2017, Two (2) quotations proceeded fo Stage I1 evaluation. A sumrnary of fhe Stage I I and IIl evaluation results for each quotation is attached. Tallman Teuck Centre is the top ranked respondent with a submitted price of $474,241.89 (HST Excluded) ' Delivery times provided by each respondent are alsa indicated on the attached spreadsheet. A budget af $530,OOq.00 was provided to Supply & Services for this procurernent In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.04, the aufhority fior the dollar limit as set out below exclUdes HST. ln accordance with Purchasing Policy, Iterxi 06.11, where the compfiant quotation or tender meeting specifications and offering best value to the Ci#y is acceptable or where the�highest scoring proposal is recommend�d and the estimated total purchase price is: (c) Over $250,000, the Manager ma� approve the award, sabject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer, GA� and CounciL Please provide your recommendatian in report form, as well as arr on-line requisition. Piease direct all enquiries to Supply & Services. Respondentswill be advised in due course. If you r�quire further informatinn or assistance, do not hesitate to contact me or a member of Sup ly & Senrices. � � �"VAf g b � Attachments (1) � �� ,� Page 2 of 2