HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 22, 2017 Minutes/Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering February 22, 2017 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: K. Borisko J. Calder J. Dempsey D. Hazlett W. Jamadar B. Lai J. Van Huss C. Celebre, Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage B. George, Pickering Public Library L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: T. Reimer C. Sopher Guests: John Sabean Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Introductions C. Celebre welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our newest member Basil Lai. 2. Agenda Moved by J. Van Huss That the following items be approved for inclusion in the agenda: 1. John Sabean – Tom Thomson property 2. Update on Whitevale Fire Hall Carried 3. Approval of Minutes P a g e 2 | 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Moved by K. Borisko That the minutes of the January 25, 2017 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 4. New Business 4.1) Heritage Permit Application – 345 Whitevale Road C. Celebre provided an overview of the updated heritage permit application for 345 Whitevale Road, noting this had previously been before the Committee. At that time the application was considered, further details regarding the materials for the windows and doors were requested. The owner was in attendance to respond to any questions raised. C. Celebre noted the owner’s willingness to work with the Committee and to comply with respect to materials for the windows and doors noting the front of the garage facing the street would be wood (pine). C. Celebre also noted that the heritage consultant had assisted in the review of the materials proposed and advised that they did meet the intent of the guidelines. She also noted that City staff have no issues with respect to the addition of two new windows on the side of the house. She also stated that the minor variance had been granted for the height of the building, and noted that the heritage permit application needs to be finalized in order to issue a permit. Moved by W. Jamadar 1) That Heritage Pickering does not object to the upgraded heritage permit application to permit two additional windows on the east elevation; 2) That Heritage Pickering does not object to the proposed window and door details as described on the cut sheet from Schell Lumber for Lepage Millwork dated 18/01/2017; and P a g e 3 | 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3) That Heritage Pickering does not object to the Garage and Loft doors being a custom wood door (no exterior aluminum cladding). Carried 4.2) Heritage Permit Application – 2319 Wildwood Crescent C. Celebre provided an overview of the heritage permit application for 2319 Wildwood Crescent. She advised that the Committee may be familiar with the property as a heritage permit was submitted a few years back for an addition. She noted that a complaint had been received from an area resident with respect to changes to this property. The owners had proceeded to replace an existing window with a door, without obtaining a heritage permit. She advised that it appears that a door was once at this location, noting that the stonework below the window differs from the rest of the house and therefore do not object to the replacement. She noted staff do have a concern with the type of door installed and requested a different door be installed, which would be more compatible with the heritage home. She stated that the owner was in agreement to install a more sympathetic style wood panel door similar to the existing front door. Moved by K. Borisko That Heritage Pickering support the installation of a new wood panel door as shown on the Heritage Permit application dated February 15, 2017. Carried 3. Whitevale Fire Hall C. Celebre provided an update with regards to the Whitevale Fire Hall and circulated photos of the building and a location map. This item was previously discussed at the January meeting, as it had been brought before the members as a result of an inquiry by a member of the Pickering Fire Services. It was expressed that the restoration of this building would be a P a g e 4 | 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) good way to promote local history as well as fire prevention in Pickering. The following comments are noted as follows;  Lack of documentation/information on the history of the building  Possibility of relocation to Whitevale Community Centre  Lands are currently owned by the Province  Future ownership is in question  Inquire whether Culture & Recreation of the City of Pickering would be interested in the structure  Who would take on restoration/relocation  Good initiative, but who will conduct the research Discussion continued on whether to move the structure or restore it. It was noted that restoration should not be considered if it is not relocated, as the lands are currently under Provincial ownership. It was determined that additional information was required before any recommendations could be made. B. George noted that she would reach out to the Canadian Firefighters Museum located in Port Hope for any possible information. Moved by J. Van Huss 1) That Mike Hendry, Pickering Fire Services be contacted to determine whether he could provide any additional information on the history of the building as a Fire Hall ; and 2) That City of Pickering, Culture & Recreation be contacted to inquire whether they would have an interest in the structure being relocated to the Whitevale Community Park. Carried Tom Thomson House B. George provided members with a brief overview of the Tom Thomson property, located on Regional Road 5 just east of Claremont. She noted that the property had been farmed by the Thomson family. P a g e 5 | 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) John Sabean appeared before the Committee and provided members with background information on the Tom Thomson property, explaining the rationale for designation. He explained the smaller structure on the property was built by Tom Thomson’s grandfather, and that the parents resided in the larger more modern structure. He stated that while there is no real information or documentation on where exactly Tom Thomson was born, there are three theories on this, with the most likely being the larger structure where the parents resided. He noted that this year signifies the 140th anniversary of Tom Thomsons’ birth and the 100th anniversary of his death, making this a good year to commemorate Tom Thomson by pursuing the designation, as he is an icon of Canadian art. He noted that the property is currently owned by Murray Carson, and that it is currently tenanted. He noted the owner is approachable and open to suggestions. He indicated that properties may be designated if an owner opposes it, but it would be preferred to have the owner’s approval. In the event the property is designated, it was noted that a plaque could be placed close to the house in order to deter people from driving in. J. Sabean indicated his willingness to contact the owner to discuss the possibility of designating the property. Discussion ensued with respect to how best to approach the owner, and identify the benefits of designation. It was also noted that it would need to be determined how much of the property to designate, as well as the limits. Members were reminded that the Committee can only make recommendations on designation, Council has final approval, and the designation could be appealed. It was suggested that the Committee work with the owner on determining the limits, and that both houses should be considered for designation. The next steps were discussed as follows:  Meet with the owner to discuss benefits and encourage designation P a g e 6 | 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)  Most of the research on the property has been conducted  Conduct heritage assessment to determine it meets criteria for designation Moved by J. Calder That John Sabean be authorized to contact the current owner, Murray Carson, in order to begin discussions on proceeding with the designation of the Tom Thomson property. Carried. It was noted that once John Sabean has met with the owner, and advised the Committee on the outcome, that the Committee can then decide on how to move forward. 5. Other Business 6.1) C. Celebre noted that Pickering Museum Village staff will make a presentation at the March Heritage Pickering meeting with respect to their strategic plan, which would encompass approximately the first hour of the meeting. She noted an electronic package would be forwarded to members prior to the next meeting. 6. Next Meeting: March 22, 2017 Meeting Adjourned: 8:05 pm Copy: City Clerk