HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 09-17J� ' Report to , ��� l/ Q � � Planning & Development Committee f� 1 C K E R 1 N G mber: PLN 09-17 Report Nu Date: May 8, 2017 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2014-01 Draft Plan of Condominium Application CP-2014-01 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/14 Lebovic Enterprises Limited and 1320991 Ontario Ltd. Part of Lots 18 and 19, Con. 3 and Part of Lots 4, 5, 7 and 8, R.P. 585 (2610, 2630, 2650 and 2663 Brock Road) Recommendations: That the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the City of Pickering supports Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2014-01, submitted by Lebovic Enterprises Limited and 1320991 Ontario Ltd., on lands being Part of Lot 19, Con. 3 and Part of Lots 4, 5, 7 and 8, R.P. 585, to establish finro blocks for residential development for a total of 144 units, a block for future development and two blocks for a local road, and that the Ontario Municipal Board grant draft plan approval of the draft plan, subject to the recommended draft conditions as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 09-17; 2. That the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the City of Pickering supports Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/14, submitted by Lebovic Enterprises Limited and 1320991 Ontario Ltd., to implement the Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2014-01 and to facilitate a residential condominium development, and that the Ontario Municipal Board approve the zoning by-law amendment set out in Appendix II to Report PLN 09-17; 3. That the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor and staff be authorized to attend the Ontario Municipal Board Pre-Hearing Conference on May 23, 2017, and any subsequent hearings, to support Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2014-01 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01 /14 as endorsed by Council; and 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor be authorized to sign Minutes of Settlement which include the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Conditions of Draft Plan Approval on the City's behalf, subject to such other revisions as are acceptable to the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor. Report PLN 09-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Lebovic Enterprises Limited, et al. (SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01, A 01 /14) Page 2 Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to obtain Council's endorsement of Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2014-01 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/14, submitted by Lebovic Enterprises Limited and 1320991 Ontario Ltd., ("Lebovic"), to implement a residential condominium development consisting of 90 townhouse units, 54 stacked units, a future development block, and local roads on lands located on the east and west sides of Brock Road north of Dersan Street/William Jackson Drive and south of Zents Drive/Rex Heath Drive (see Location Map, Attachment #1). On December 15, 2017, Lebovic filed appeals to its applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) on the basis that the City did not make a decision on the applications within the prescribed timelines as set out in the Planning Act. A pre-hearing conference is scheduled for Wednesday May 23, 2017. The applicant has revised their proposal in an effort to resolve key concerns identified by the City and the Region prior to the pre-hearing conference (see Revised Submitted Concept Plan — Parcel A and Revised Submitted Concept Plan — Parcels B and C, Attachments #5 and #6). The key revisions include: • replacing the three-storey live-work units fronting Brock Road with four-storey stacked units • amending the tenureship of the proposal from a common element condominium to a traditional condominium development • removing vehicular access from Brock Road •� providing larger common outdoor amenity areas • improving internal circulation, site design and layout Subsequent to the Public Information Meeting held on September 2, 2014, the lands municipally known as 2620 Brock Road North (see Location Map, Attachment #1) were sold to 2545623 Ontario Inc., (Tenkey). Tenkey has been working with Lebovic and City staff to ensure that the three separate parcels on the west side of Brock Road are developed in a logical and coordinated manner. City Development staff are in support of the revised proposal submitted by Lebovic. The revised concept plan is consistent with the policies for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and represents a logical and orderly development. Through the Site Plan Approval process, staff will work with the applicant to further review detailed urban design and architectural matters including, but not limited to: Brock Road streetscape; internal pedestrian circulation and connections to Brock Road; programming of outdoor private park; internal landscaping; and architectural design. Staff recommend that Council endorse the submitted applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment and request that the Ontario Municipal Board grant approval of the draft plan, subject to conditions of approval as set out in Appendix I, and approve the zoning by-law amendment as set out in Appendix II. Staff also recommend that Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor to attend the pre-hearing conference and any subsequent meetings, and be authorized to sign Minutes of Settlement on the City's behalf. Report PLN 09-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Lebovic Enterprises Limited, et al. (SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01, A 01 /14) Page 3 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed amendment. 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject lands consist of three separate properties located along Brock Road between Zents Drive/Rex Heath Drive and Dersan Street/William Jackson Drive within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). Parcel A 2663 Brock Road Parcel B and Parcel C • located on the east side of Brock Road, north of the hydro corridor and west of William Jackson Drive • the property has an area of approximately 1.0 hectare with 126 metres of frontage along Brock Road and 20 metres of frontage along William Jackson Drive • to the north of the subject lands is a residential development presently under construction proposed by Averton (Brock Three) Ltd., et al., consisting of two 8-storey mixed use apartment buildings with grade related commercial and a mix of back-to-back townhouses and stacked townhouses • to the south is a hydro corridor, and further south is a residential development consisting of a mix of traditional, stacked and back-to-back townhouse dwellings • to the east, across William Jackson Drive, is a neighbourhood park, a mix of townhouse dwellings and the Pickering Golf Club • to the west, across Brock Road, are additional lands subject to this application � • the subject property currently supports a sales trailer • located on the west side of Brock Road between Zents Drive and Dersan Street 2610, 2630, and . Parcel B has an area of approximately 1.15 hectares with 2650 Brock Road approximately 91 metres of frontage along Brock Road • Parcel C has an area of 0.93 of a hectare with approximately 19 metres of frontage along Brock Road, and 20 metres frontage on Dersan Street • to the north of the subject lands are large, older residential lots containing detached dwellings on lands designated as "Mixed Corridor" within the City's Official Plan • to the south is a hydro corridor and the Devi Mandir Temple • to the east, across Brock Road, are additional lands subject to this application and stacked townhouses • to the west, is a woodlot, which is designated as "Natural Areas" within the City's Official Plan Report PLN 09-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Lebovic Enterprises Limited, et al. (SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01, A 01 /14) Page 4 between Parcels B and C is a residential lot containing a detached dwelling, which has been recently purchased by 2545623 Ontario Inc.,(Tenkey) Parcels B and C are currently vacant 1.2 Applicant's Proposal The applicant is proposing to develop the subject properties for a residential condominium development. The original proposal included a common element condominium development consisting of a total of 27 three-storey live-work units fronting Brock Road and 127 three-storey townhouse units accessed from an internal private road (see Original Submitted Concept Plan — Parcel A and Original Submitted Concept Plan — Parcels B and C, Attachments #2 and #3). Based on comments received from City Staff and agencies, the applicant has made a number of revisions to the original proposal. Key changes include: • replacing the three-storey live-work units fronting Brock Road with four-storey stacked units • amending the tenureship of the proposal from a common element condominium to a traditional condominium development • removing vehicular access from Brock Road • providing larger common outdoor amenity areas • providing additional resident parking for the stacked townhouse units Below is a summary of the revised proposal on each on parcel. Parcel A • 27 four-storey stacked units fronting Brock Road and 2663 Brock Road 20 three-storey rear loaded townhouse units fronting onto internal private roads (total 47 units) • vehicular access is proposed from William Jackson Drive • for the stacked townhouse units, providing 3 resident parking spaces (2 in a garage; one in the driveway); for the other townhouse units, providing 2 resident parking spaces; 24 parking spaces for visitors • Approximately 30 square metres of outdoor amenity area Parcel B and _ • Parcel B: 21 four-storey stacked units fronting Brock Road and 32 Parcel C three-storey rear loaded townhouse units fronting onto internal 2610, 2630, and private roads (total 53 units) 2650 Brock Road . Parcel C: 6 four-storey stacked units fronting Brock Road, and 25 three-storey rear loaded townhouse units and 13 conventional townhouse units fronting onto internal private roads (total 44 units) • vehicular access is to be provided from the proposed north-south local road • for the stacked townhouse units, providing 3 resident parking spaces (2 in a garage; one in the driveway); for the other townhouse units, providing 2 resident parking spaces; Parcels B and C, providing 18 and 12 visitor parking spaces respectively Report PLN 09-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Lebovic Enterprises Limited, et al. (SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01, A 01 /14) Page 5 • a 20 metre wide locaf road is proposed along the west side of Blocks B and C, forming part of a new north-south road that will eventually connect from Dersan Street to Zents Drive • approximately 1,400 square metres of outdoor amenity area provided on Parcel B To facilitate the proposal, the applicant has submitted revised applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Condominium. The revised Draft Plan of Subdivision application applies only to Parcels B and C in order to facilitate two blocks for residential development, a future development block and two blocks for a local road (see Original Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision and Revised Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision, Attachments #4 and #7). � The Draft Plan of Condominium is to create the tenure of the parcels in the development. As noted above, the applicant is proposing to amend the tenureship of the proposal from a common element condominium to a traditional condominium development. 2. Comments Received 2.1 September 2, 2014 Public Information Meeting and Written Comments Prior to the Public Information Meeting the following written comments were received: Previous Owner of • concerned about the impact on wildlife in the 2620 Brock Road immediate area North • seeking clarification regarding the future local road (located between traversing her property Parcels B and C) . questions related to traffic flow • concerned about the potential impact the proposed development could have on her lands related to servicing, such as the existing water flow and septic bed • questions related to future designation of her property At the September 2, 2014 Public Information Meeting, the following comments and concerns were identified by area residents: • the proposed buildings would be sited too close to the street restricting the ability to widen Brock Road in the future • the proposal will result in increased traffic on Brock Road • additional information requested on the plans for future schools in the area 2.2 City Departments & Agency Comments 2.2.1 City of Pickering Engineering Services Department • no objection to the proposal, subject to the conditions of draft approval outlined in Appendix I to this report Report PLN 09-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Lebovic Enterprises Limited, et al. (SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01, A 01 /14) Page 6 • technical matters with respect to grading, drainage, servicing, fencing details and requirements, stormwater management details, the retaining wall adjacent to Devi Mandir Temple, vehicular access locations along the proposed north/south local road and final design of the proposed north/south local will be further reviewed at detailed design stage and through the site plan approval process • the applicant is required to enter into a subdivision agreement with the City for all off-site works including provisions for installation of services, easements, grading, drainage and other local services, as well as the conveyance of the proposed locat north/south local road to the City 2.2.2 Region of Durham • the Regional Official Plan (ROP) designates the subject lands as "Living Areas"; lands within this designation shall be used predominantly for housing purposes and should be developed in a compact form through higher densities, particularly along arterial roads such as Brock Road • the Regional Official Plan also designates the subject lands as "Regional Corridor"; lands in this designation are to develop as higher-density mixed use areas, supporting higher order transit services and pedestrian oriented development • the density of the proposed revised development is approximately 48 units per hectare, less than the long-term density target of 60 units per hectare in the ROP • the Region recognizes that a portion of the site is constrained by the site's configuration; however, the applicant and the City are encouraged to explore any opportunities to increase the density and diversify the uses of the proposed development in accordance with the requirements of the ROP • the proposal represents an infill residential development that will assist the City of Pickering in achieving intensification targets and would appear to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement • the proposed development conforms to the Growth Plan by facilitating growth, intensification and a mix of uses in the built-up area • the submitted Environmental Site Assessment Report, prepared by Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, dated October 2007, is 9 years old and can no longer be considered a current reflection of the subject property's conditions; therefore as a condition of Draft Plan Approval, the Region requires a Phase One ESA report accompanied by a Reliance letter and Certificate of Insurance • a revised Noise Impact Study, prepared by YCA Engineering, dated October 2015, recommended noise abatement measures, which are consistent with the noise guideline provided by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) • the recommendations, mitigation measures and warning clauses identified in the noise report must be implemented and included in the subdivision agreement/site plan agreement • sanitary sewer and municipal water supply is available to service the proposal • the Region has no objection to the zoning by-law amendment and draft approval of the plan of subdivision subject to the Conditions of Draft Approval provided by the Region Report PLN 09-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Lebovic Enterprises Limited, et al. (SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01, A 01/14) Page 7 2.2.3 �Toronto and Region Conservation Authority no objection to draft approval of the subdivision plan subject to the provided conditions of draft plan approval no objection to the approval of the zoning by-law amendment application 2.2.4 Durham District School Board • no objections to the proposal • approximately 35 elementary pupils could be generated by this development • it is intended that any pupils generated by this proposal be accommodated within existing school facilities until such that a school facility can be justified and constructed within the immediate community area • request that the following "Notice to Parents" be inserted in all agreements of purchase and sale between the Owner and all prospective homebuyers: "Students from this development may have to attend existing schools. Although an elementary school site designation is located in the area, a school may not be constructed for some time, if at all, and then only if construction of the school can be justified." 2.2.5 Durham Catholic District School Board • no objections to the proposal • students generated from this development will attend St. Wilfrid Catholic School located at 2380 Southcott Road 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The revised concept plan is within the density range of the Official Plan and is consistent with the policies for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood The subject lands are designated "Mixed Use Area — Mixed Corridor" in the Pickering Official Plan, which permits a density range of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare, and a maximum floor space index of 2.5. The revised concept plan proposes a total of 150 units for a residential density of approximately 48.7 units per net hectare. The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies for the Mixed Corridor designation require new developments to provide: • a strong and identifiable urban image by establishing buildings closer to the street, providing safe and convenient pedestrian access, and requiring all buildings to be multi-storey, and • higher intensity multi-unit housing forms on lands adjacent to Brock Road, while restricting grade related residential development to lands adjacent to collector or local road Report PLN 09-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Lebovic Enterprises Limited, et ai. (SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01, A 01 /14) Page 8 The revised concept plan illustrates four-storey stacked units with a minimum setback of 5 metres and a maximum setback of 8 metres from Brock Road. The proposed buildings will be sited close to the street, which will help establish a well-defined street wall and create a positive pedestrian friendly building presence along Brock Road. The balance of the lands will be developed for traditional (front-loaded) and rear-loaded three-storey townhouses. Through the Site Plan Approval process, staff will work with the applicant to further review detailed urban design and architectural matters in accordance with the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines including: Brock Road streetscape; internal pedestrian circulation and connections to Brock Road; programming of outdoor private park; internal landscaping; and architectural design. 3.2 New owners of 2620 Brock Road North will be working with the applicant to ensure the lands on the west side of Brock Road are developed in an integrated manner The lands municipally known as 2620 Brock Road North, located between Parcels B and C on the west side of Brock Road, have been recently purchased by 2545623 Ontario Inc., (Tenkey), who are represented by Grant Morris Associates Ltd. City Development staff facilitated a meeting between Tenkey and Lebovic to ensure that the three separate parcels on the west side of Brock Road are developed in a coordinated manner and the proposed north/south local road is completed in a timely manner. Tenkey is proposing to develop their property for a residential condominium development consisting of 30 stacked units with access from a private street immediately to the north on Parcel C of the Lebovic lands (the Tenkey design is illustrated on the Revised Submitted Concept Plan — Parcels B and C, Attachments #5). Tenkey has advised that they intend to use the same engineering consultants and architectural design firm to ensure that grading, drainage, stormwater management, vehicular access and architectural design are coordinated between Tenkey and Lebovic. 3.3 Technical matters will be addressed as conditions of subdivision approval and through site plan approval Site plan applications will be required for each block of development. Detailed design issues will be dealt with through the subdivision agreement and site plan approval process. These requirements will address matters such as, but not limited to: • construction management/erosion and sediment control • stormwater management • noise mitigation measures • drainage and grading • site servicing • building design • landscaping • resident, visitor and accessible parking spaces • waste management collection • location of Community Mailboxes Report PLN 09-17 May 8, 2017 Subject: Lebovic Enterprises Limited, et al. (SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01, A 01 /14) Page 9 • preparation and review of the detailed design of the north-south local road; and • securities for the construction of the local road 3.4 Draft Approval of the Draft Plan of Condominium is delegated to the Director, City Development In accordance with Council Policy and Delegation By-law 7306/13, the Director, City Development has the authority to grant draft plan approval for plans of condominium. Therefore, no further approvals are required from City Council. 3.5 Council is requested to support the conditions of draft plan approval and draft zoning by-law amendment for presentation to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Over the past few months, both staff and Lebovic have addressed various issues, many of which in turn have been resolved through the attached conditions of draft plan of subdivision and draft zoning by-law amendment. Staff recommend that Council endorse the submitted applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment applications and request that the OMB Board grant draft plan approval of the draft plan, subject to conditions of approval as set out in Appendix I, and approve the zoning by-law amendment as set out in Appendix II. Staff also recommend that Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor to attend the Pre-hearing conference and any subsequent meetings, and be authorized to sign Minutes of Settlement on the City's behalf. Appendices: Appendix I Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2014-01 Appendix II Recommended Zoning By-law Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Original Submitted Concept Plan — Parcel A 3. Original Submitted Concept Plan — Parcels B and C 4. Original Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision 5. Revised Submitted Concept Plan — Parcel A 6. Revised Submitted Concept Plan — Parcels B and C 7. Revised Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision Report PLN 09-17 May 8, 2017 � Subject: Lebovic Enterprises Limited, et al. (SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01, A 01 /14) Page 10 Preparr��eed By: Approved/Endorsed By: ' � lJ�---- � Nilesh S rti, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Chief Planner � � Kyle Bentley; P.Eng. Director, City Development & CBO NS:so Recommended for the consideration of Pi e ing City Council /�' � r� ���1 �-t.r� o� Tony Pr el, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix I to Report PLN 09-17 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2014-01 Proposed Conditions of Draft Approval April 26, Zo�7 Plan of Subdivision: SP-2014-01 Lebovic Enterprises and 1320991 Ontario Ltd. 2610, 2630, 2650 & 2663 Brock Road (Part of Lot 19, Concession 3, and Part of Lots 4, 5, 7 and 8, Registered Plan 585) City of Pickering General That the Owner shall prepare the final plan, and shall include a land use table, generally on the basis of the approved draft plan of subdivision prepared by GHD Inc. identified as Drawing No. 11227-DP2 for lands being Part of Lot 19, Concession 3, and Part of Lots 4, 5, 7 and 8 Registered Plan 585, City of Pickering, which illustrates 2 blocks for residential development (Blocks 1 and 2), a block future development block (Block 3), and two blocks for a public road (Street `A' and Street `B'). Region of Durham 2. That the Owner shall prepare the final plan and shall include a land use table on the basis of the approved draft plan of subdivision, prepared by GHD Inc., identified as Drawing No. 11227-DP2, Plotted October 6, 2015, which illustrates 2 development blocks, a reserve block and roads. 3. That the Owner shall name road allowances included in this draft plan to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham and the City of Pickering. 4. That the Owner shall submit plans showing the proposed phasing to the Region and the City of Pickering for review and approval if this subdivision is to be developed. by more than one registration. 5. That the Owner shall grant to the Region, any easement required to provide Regional services for this development and these easements shall be in locations and of such widths as determined by the Region. 6. That the Owner shall provide for the extension of such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities which are external to, as well as within, the limits of this plan that are required to service this plan. In addition, the Owner shall provide for the extension of sanitary sewer and water supply facilities within the limits of the plan which are required to service other developments external to this subdivision. Such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities are to be designed and constructed according to the standards and requirements of the Regional Municipality of Durham. All arrangements, financial and otherwise, for said extensions are to be made to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham, and are to be completed prior to final approval of this plan. Proposed Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-01) Page 2 7. That prior to entering into a subdivision agreement, the Regional Municipality of Durham shall be satisfied that adequate water pollution control plant and water supply plant capacities are available to the proposed subdivision. 8. That the Owner shall satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Regional Municipality of Durham. This shall include, among other matters, the execution of a subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Region concerning the provision and installation of roads, services, drainage and other services. 9. That prior to final approval, the Owner is required to submit a Phase One Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report, as well as a signed Regional Reliance Letter and Certificate of Insurance to the Region's satisfaction in support of the aforementioned Phase One ESA report. Alternattively, a signed Record of Site Condition (RSC) may be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC). Should A RSC be filed, the Region will require a copy of the RSC and any other supporting documentation, including the MOECC's Acknowledgement Letter. 10. That the Owner shall agree in the City of Pickering Subdivision Agreement to implement the recommendations of the report, entitled "Environmental Noise Assessment, Lebovic — Duffin Heights Mixed Use Sites, Part of Lot 19, Concession 3, City of Pickering" prepared by YCA Engineering Limited, originally dated July, 2013 and revised October, 2015, which specifies noise attenuation measures for the developm�nt. The measures shall be included in the Subdivision Agreement and must also contain a full and complete reference to the revised noise (i.e., author, title, date and any revisions/addenda) and shall include any required warning clauses indentified in the study. Subdivision Agreement 11. That the Owner enters into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the conditions outlined in this document. 40M-Plan 12. That the Owner submits a 40M-Plan to the satisfaction of the City Development Department. Zoning 13. That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/14 becomes final and binding. Proposed Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-01) Street Names and House Numbers Page 3 14. That street names and signage be provided to the satisfaction of the Region and the City. 15. That house numbers are assigned as per the City's addressing conventions. Development Charges & Inspection Fee 16. That the Owner satisfies the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. 17. , That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to payment for development review and inspection �fees. Dedications/Transfers/Conveyances 18. That the Owner conveys to the City, at no cost: (i) road allowances, Street `A' and Street `B' along with the proper corner roundings and sight triangles to the City and any other easements as required, (ii) 0.3 metre reserve across the east side of Street `A' from the north limit of the water booster station to the north limit of Block 3, and (iii) 0.3 metre reserve across the north limit of Street `B'. Stormwater 19. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting interim storm drainage and stormwater management measures for the drainage of Street `A' and Street `B' as well as any offsite drainage to the satisfaction of the City. 20. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services that all stormwater management, and erosion and sedimentation control structures are operating and will be maintained in good repair during the construction period for Street `A' and Street `B'. 21. That the owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services to implement all water balance/infiltration measures identified in the approved Master Environmental Servicing Plan and Functional Servicing and Stormwater Managment Report. Grading 22. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting submission and approval of a grading control plan for Street `A' and Street `B'. Proposed Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-01) 23. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis for Street `A' and Street `B'. 24. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting authorization from abutting landowners for all offsite grading. Page 4 25. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting drainage of the low area within the woodlot to the west of Street `A'. 26. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the grade difference from the travelled portion of Street `A' and Street `B' and the west right-of-way limit, and indicate how the grade difference will be accommodated considering the positive boulevard grade to the limit of the right-of-way. Fill 8� Topsoil 27. That the Owner acknowledges that the City's Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law prohibits vegetation or soil disturbance, vegetation or soil removal or importation to the site unless a permit has been issued. No on-site works prior to draft plan approval is permitted. A Fill & Topsoil Disturbance Permit will be required should vegetation removal or grading works proceed prior to the subdivision agreement being executed. Construction/lnstallation of City Works & Services 28. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings for Street `A' and Street `B' that detail, among other things, City services, construction of roads with curbs, storm sewers, pedestrian walkways/sidewalks, boulevard design, lot grading, streetlights, fencing and tree planting, and financially secure such works. 29. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City for Street `A' and Street `B'. 30. That the Owner satisfies the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, naturat gas and other similar services for Street `A' and Street `B'. 31. That the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the Owner for Street `A' and Street `B'. Easements 32. That the Owner convey to the City, at no cost, any easements as required, and any reserves as required by the City. Proposed Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-01) Page 5 33. That the Owner conveys any easements to any utility provider to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility provider. 34. That the Owner arrange at no cost to the City any easements required on third party lands for servicing and such easements shall be in a location as determined by the City and/or the Region and are to be granted upon request at any time after draft approval. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services with any required on-site or off-site easements for works, facilities or use rights that are required by the City. Construction Management Plan 35. That the Owner make arrangements with the City respecting a construction management plan for Street `A' and Street `B', such Plan to contain, among other things: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls as per the City's Erosion & Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction; (ii) addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction materials during servicing and construction of Street `A' and Street `B', and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on existing streets; (iii) assurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; (iv) the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site; (v) type and timing of construction fencing; (vi) location of construction trailers; and (vii) details of the temporary construction access. Landscaping 36. That the Owner submits a tree preservation/street tree planting plan to the satisfaction of the Director, Engineering Services. This is to include boulevard plantings along Brock Road, Street `A' and Street `B', as well as an edge management plan along the protected woodlot west of Street `A' and Street `B'. Engineering Plans 37. That the Owner satisfy the City of Pickering respecting arrangements necessary � to provide for coordination of services and roads with adjacent lands. Proposed Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-01) Parkland Dedication Page 6 38. That the Owner shall satisfy its obligation to provide parkland or cash in lieu thereof by its compliance with the provisions of the Duffin Heights Master Parks Agreement. Fire 39. That the Owner agrees that no development will proceed on Blocks 1 to 3, inclusively, until adequate services are available including adequate water pressure to the satisfaction of the City's Fire Services Department. Duffin Heights Cost Sharing 40. That the Owner satisfy, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering, all matters required by the Duffin Heights Environmental Servicing Plan, including but not limited to the following: (i) Functional Servicing and Stormwater Report (ii) Monitoring Report (iii) Compensation Report (iv) Fish Habitat Restoration Fund contribution (v) Watershed System Monitoring and Management Fund contribution; and (vi) Adaptive Management Fund contribution. ` 41. That the Owner satisfies the Director, City Developriment & CBO with a letter from the Trustee for the Duffin Heights Landowners Group Inc. acknowledging that the Owner continues to be a Participating Owner pursuant to the cost sharing agreement for Duffin Heights and that the Owner has made all payments due under the said cost sharing agreement. Other Approval Agencies 42. That the Owner obtains all necessary permits from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06, as amended to permit the construction of Street `A' and Street `B'. 43. That any approvals which are required for the construction of Street `A' and Street `B' from the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, or any utility for the development of this plan be obtained by the Owner, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City as verification of these approvals. Proposed Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-01) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Page 7 44. That prior to the initiation of topsoil stripping, grading, installation of servicing or other site alteration, and prior to the registration of the affected phase of this Draft Plan of Subdivision, the Owner shall prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to TRCA and City of Pickering satisfaction that addresses the following issues, as outlined in the Duffin Heights Environment and Servicing Plan (ESP): (i) an Edge Management Plan shall be prepared for the woodland to the west to address the north/south road impacts to the forest edge, (ii) the amount of forest habitat to be lost as part of the construction of the north/south road shall be quantified and the compensation must be determined based on the terrestrial compensation equation outlined in the ESP plus annual cost increases since the date of adoption of the ESP, and (iii) the detailed design plans for the north/south road shall include the necessary design features as outlined in the Duffin Heights Fish Habitat Compensation Plan to promote wetland habitat within the tableland woodland. The applicant shall consult with TRCA's Restoration Services prior to initiating the detailed design for the north/south road. 45. That prior to the initiation of topsoil stripping, grading, installation of servicing or other site alteration, and prior to the registration of the affected phase of this Draft Plan of Subdivision, the Owner shall submit a revised Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report to address the comments in TRCA letter of June 9, 2016, to TRCA's satisfaction. � 46. That prior to the initiation of the installation of servicing and prior to the registration of the affected phase of this Draft Plan of Subdivision, the Owner shall prepare and submit a detailed engineering submission to include: (i) a description of the storm drainage system (quantity, quality and erosion control) for Street `A' and Street `B', (ii) plans illustrating how this drainage system will tie into surrounding drainage systems (ie., how external flows will be accommodated, the design capacity of the receiving system), (iii) appropriate stormwater management techniques which may be required to control minor and major flows, (iv) implementation of the Low Impact Development measures, and Proposed Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-01) Page 8 (v) the location, description and details of all outlets and other facitlities or works which may require permits from the TRCA pursuant to the Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation (Ontario Regulation 166/06). 47. That the Owner agrees in the subdivision agreement, in wording acceptable to the TRCA: (i) to carry out, or cause to be carried out, to the satisfaction of the TRCA, the recommendations of the reports and details of the plans referenced in Conditions 67 and 68, (ii) to implement erosion, sediment and topsoil management consistent with the Erosion Sediment Control Plans at all times, (iii) to install and maintain all stormwater management and erosion and sedimentation control structures operating and in good repair during the construction period, in a manner satisfactory to the TRCA, (iv) to obtain all necessary permits from the TRCA pursuant to the Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation (Ontario Regulation 166/06), as amended, to the satisfaction of the TRCA, and (v) to provide the Owner's contribution to the compensation plan identified in ESP per Condition 66 (ii). 48. That this draft plan of subdivision be subJect to red-line revision(s) in order to meet the requirements of Condition 67, if necessary, to the satisfaction of the TRCA. Hydro One Networks Inc. 49. That prior to final approval, a copy of the lot grading and drainage plan, showing existing and final grades, must be submitted in triplicate to HONI for review and approval. 50. That any development in conjunction with the subdivision must not block vehicular access to any HONI facilities located on the right of way. During construction, there must be no storage of materials or mounding of earth, snow or other debris on the right-of-way. 51. That temporary fencing must be placed along the easement corridor during construction. Permanent fencing must be erected where subdivision lots directly abut the HONI easement at the developer's expense. Proposed Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-01) Page 9 52. That the developer shall make arrangements satisfactory to HONI for any encroachments and/or any uses of the hydro right-of-way. Separate proposals including detailed lighting and site servicing plans shall be submitted in triplicate to HONI for future road crossings. The developer must contact HONI Senior Real Estate Coordinator at 905.946.6275 to begin the process of acquiring a Construction and Encroachment Agreement. 53. That the costs of any relocations or revisions to HONI facilities which are necessary to accommodate this subdivision will be borne by the developer. 54. That the easement rights of HONI and its legal predecessors are to be protected and maintained. Notes to Draft Approval As the Owner of the proposed subdivision, it is your responsibility to satisfy all conditions of draft approval in an expeditious manner. The conditions of draft approval will be reviewed periodically and may be amended at any time prior to final approval. The Planning Act provides that draft approval may be withdrawn at any time prior to final approval. 2. All plans of subdivision must be registered in the Land Titles system within the Regional Municipality of Durham. 3. Where agencies' requirements are required to be included in the City of Pickering subdivision agreement, a copy of the agreement should be sent to the agencies in order to facilitate their clearance of conditions for final approval of this plan. The addresses and telephone numbers of these agencies are: (a) Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development, Planning Division, Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road East, P.O. Box 623, Whitby, ON L1 N 6A3, 1.800.372.1102; (b) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Planning and Development, 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, ON M3N 1 S4, 1.888.872.2344. 4. Prior to final approval of this plan for registration, the Director, City Development for the City of Pickering shall be advised in writing by: (a) The Region of Durham, how Conditions 2 to 10, inclusively have been satisfied, (b) TRCA, how Conditions 44 to 48, inclusively have been satisfied, and (c) Hydro One Networks Inc., how Conditions 49 to 54, inclusively have been satisfied. Proposed Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-01) Page 10 5. The transmission lines abutting this subdivision operate at 500,000, 230,000 or 115,000 volts. Section 188 — Proximity — of the Regulations for Construction Projects in tlie Occupational Health and Safety Act, require that no object be brought closer than 6 metres (20 feet) to an energized 500 kV conductor. The distance for 230 kV conductors is 4.5 metres (15 feet), and for 115 kV conductors is 3 metres (10 feet). It is the developer's responsibility to be aware, and to make all personnel on site aware, that all equipment and personnel must come no closer than the distance specified in the Act. They should also be aware that the ` conductors can raise and lower without warning, depending on the electrical demand placed on the line. Appendix II to Report PLN 09-17 Recommended Draft Zoning By-law For Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01-14 The Corporation of the Cit ickering By-la /17 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, Part of Lots 18 and 19, Concession 3 and Part of Lots 4, 5, 7 and 8, Registered Plan 585, City of Pickering (A 01/14; SP-2014-01; CP-2014-01) Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering received an application to rezone the subject lands being Part of Lots 18 and 19, Concession 3 and Part of Lots 4, 5, 7 and 8, Registered Plan 585, in the City of Pickering to permit the development of a condominium consisting of townhouse, lane townhouse and stacked townhouse units accessed from a private road; And whereas an amendment to By-law 3037, as amended by By-law 6577/05, is therefore deemed necessary; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: � Schedules I and II Schedules I and II to this By-law with notations and references shown thereon are hereby declared to be part of this By-law. 2. Area Restricted The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in, Part of Lots 18 and 19, Concession 3 and Fart of Lots 4, 5, 7 and 8, Registered Plan 585 in the City of Pickering, designated "MU-29" and "MU-30" on Schedule I to this By-1aw. 3. General Provisions No building, structure, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 4. Definitions In this By-law, (1) "Air Conditioner" means any mechanical equipment which is required for residential domestic use and which must be installed outdoors including central air conditioning units, heat pumps, heat exchange units, emergency generators and other such equipments. 7 Page 2. (2) "Amenity Area" means an outdoor area located anywhere on a lot, or the roof of a parking structure, private garage or any other building which includes landscape area, but which may also include areas of decking, decorative paving or other similar surface and includes a balcony, porch or deck and which has direct access from the interior of the dwelling unit. (3) "Balcony" means an attached covered or uncovered platform projecting from the face of an exterior wall, including above a porch, which is only directly accessible from within a building, usually surrounded by a balustrade or railing, and does not have direct exterior access to grade. (4) "Basement" means a portion of a building below the first storey. (5) "Bay, Bow, Box Window" means a window that protrudes from the main wall, usually bowed, canted, polygonal, segmental, semicircular or square sided with window on front face in plan; one or more storeys in height, which may or may not include a foundation; may or may not include a window seat; and may include a door. (6) "Building" means a structure occupying an area greater than 10 square metres and consisting of any combination of walls, roof and floor but shall not include a mobile �home. (7) (a) "Dwelling" means a building or part of a building containing one or more dwelling units, but does not include a mobile home or trailer; (b) "Dwelling, Block Townhouse" means a residential use building containing three or more attached principal dwelling units divided vertically, and where all dwelling units are located on one lot and accessed from a private street, laneway or common condominium aisle; (c) "Dwelling Unit" means a residential unit that: i) consists of a self-contained set of rooms located in a building or structure; ii) is used or intended for use as a residential premises; iii) contains kitchen and bathroom facilities that are intended for the use of the unit only; and iv) is not a mobile home or any vehicle. (d) "Dwelling, Stacked" means a residential use building of four or fewer storeys in height containing three or more principal dwelling units where the units are divided horizontally and vertically, and in which each dwelling unit has an independent entrance to the interior. (8) "Grade" or "Established Grade" means the average elevation of the finished level of the ground adjoining all exterior walls of a building. : Page 3 (9) "HeighY' means the vertical distance between the established grade, and in the case of a flat roof, the highest point of the roof surFace or parapet wall, or in the case of a mansard roof the deck line, or in the case of a gabled, hip or gambrel roof, the mean height level between eaves and ridge. When the regulation establishes height in storeys, means the number of storeys. The height requirements of this By-law shall not apply to roof top mechanical penthouses. (10) "Lands, Subject" means the lands subject of this by-law. (11) (a) "LoY' means an area of land fronting on a street which is used or intended to be used as the site of a building, or group of buildings, as the case may be, together with any accessory buildings or structures, or a public park or open space area, regardless of whether or not such lot constitutes the whole of a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision; (b) "Lot, Corner" means a lot situated at the intersection of two or more streets or upon two parts of the same street having an angle of intersection not exceeding 135 degrees. (c) "Lot, Through" means a lot bounded on opposite sides by a street. (12) "Lane" means a thoroughfare not intended for general traffic circulation that provides means of vehicular access to the rear of a lot where the lot also-fronts or flanks onto a street, or where a lot fronts onto public or private open space. The lane may be maintained by a condominium corporation as a private road condominium or by a government authority. (13) "Mobile Home" means a prefabricated building that is designed to be made mobile and is intended to provide permanent residence but does not include any trailer otherwise defined in this By-law. (14) "Parapet Wall" means the portion of an exterior wall extending above the roof. (15) "Parking Lot" means a lot or portion thereof provided for the parking of motor vehicles accessory or incidental to the main use. (16) "Porch" means a roofed deck or portico structure attached to the exterior wall of a building. A basement may be located under the porch. (17) "Premises" means the whole or part of lands, buildings or structures, or any combination of these. (18) "Primary Entrance Door" means the principal entrance by which the resident enters or exits a dwelling unit. : Page 4 (19) "Private garage" means an enclosed or partially enclosed structure for the storage of one or more vehicles, in which structure no business or service is conducted for profit or otherwise. (20) (a) "Storey" means that portion of a building other than a basement, cellar, or attic, included between the surface of any floor, and the surface of the floor, roof deck or ridge next above it. (b) "Storey, First" means the storey with its floor closest to grade and having its ceiling more than 1.8 metres above grade. (21) (a) "Street" means a public highway but does not include a lane. Where a 0.3 metre reserve abuts a street, or where a daylight triangle abuts a street, for the purposes of determining setbacks the street shall be deemed to include the 0.3 metre reserve and/or the daylight triangle, however, nothing herein shall be interpreted as granting a public right of access over the 0.3 metre reserve or as an assumption of the 0.3 metre reserve as a public highway for maintenance purposes under the Municipal Act. (b) "Street Line" means the dividing line between a lot and a street. (c) "Street, Private" means: i) a right-of-way or roadway that is used by vehicles and is maintained by a condominium corporation; ii) a private road condominium, which provides access to individual freehold lots; iii) a roadway maintained by a corporation to provide vehicular and pedestrian access to parking lots and individual retail/commercial units; iv) a private right-of-way over private property, that affords access to lots abutting a private road; but is not maintained by a public body and is not a lane. (22) "Structure" means anything that is erected, built or constructed of parts joined together with a fixed location on the ground, or attached to something having a fixed location in or on the ground and shall include buildings, walls or any sign, but does not include fences below six feet in height or inground swimming pools. (23) "Water Meter Building" means a building or structure that contains devices supplied by the Region of Durham which measures the quality of water delivered to a property. 5. Provisions (1) Uses Permitted ("MU-29" and "MU-30" Zones) Page 5 (a) No person shall within the.lands zoned "MU-29" on Schedule I to this By-law, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (i) Dwelling, Stacked (ii) Dwelling, Block Townhouse (b) No person shall within the lands zoned "MU-30" on Schedule I to this By-law, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (i) Dwelling, Stacked (2) Zone Requirements ("MU-29" and "MU-30" Zones) No person shall within the lands zoned "MU-29" and "MU-30" on Schedule I to this By-law, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) Building Location and Setbacks: (i) No building or part of a building, or structure shall be erected outside of the building envelope as illustrated on Schedule II attached hereto; (ii) No building or portion of a building or structure shall be erected unless a minimum of 60 percent of the length of the build-to-zone along the Brock Road frontage, and a minimum of 60 percent of the length of the build-to-zone along the Street `A' frontage, as illustrated on Schedule II attached hereto, contains a building or part of a building; (iii) Minimum separation between buildings: 3.0 metres; (b) Minimum and Maximum Number of Dwelling Units for Parcels A, B and C identified on Schedule II of this By-law: (i) Parcel A A. Minimum Number of Dwelling Units 31 B. Maximum Number of Dwelling Units 142 . � �' � �.: i (c) (d) (ii) Parcels B A. Minimum Number of Dwelling Units B. Maximum Number of Dwelling Units (iii) Parcel C 35 161 A. Minimum Number of Dwelling Units 28 B. Maximum Number of Dwelling Units 131 Building Height (maximum): 13.0 metres Parking Requirements (minimum): (i) Block Townhouse Dwelling: 2.0 parking spaces per (ii) Stacked Dwelling Page 6 dwelling unit plus 0.2 of a parking space per dwelling unit for visitors 2.0 parking spaces per dwelling unit plus 0.2 of a parking space per dwelling unit for visitors (e) Driveway Width (maximum): (i) Block Townhouse Dwelling: 3.7 metres (fl Garage Requirements: (i) Block Townhouse Dwelling: Minimum 1 private garage per (ii) Stacked Dwelling unit attached to the main building, the vehicular entrance of which shall be located a minimum of 6 metres from the private street that provides vehicle access to the private garage. Any vehicular entrance for an enclosed private garage shall be located a minimum of 6 metres from the private street that provides vehicle access to the private garage. : (3) �9) Interior Garage Size (minimum): (i) Block Townhouse Dwelling (iii) Stacked Dwelling Page 7 A private garage shall have a minimum width of 2.9 metres and a minimum depth of 6.0 metres; however, the width may include 1 interior step and the depth may include 2 interior steps. Each parking space within a private garage for stacked dwelling units shall have a minimum width of 2.7 metres and a minimum depth of 6.0 mefres; however, the width may include 1 interior step and the depth may include 2 interior steps. Special Provisions ("MU-29" and "MU-30" Zones) (a) Despite Section 5.(2)(a)(i) of this By-law, architectural projections including balconies, covered porches, platforms and awnings, window sills, chimney.breasts, fireplaces, belt courses, cornices, pilasters, eaves, eave troughs and other similar architectural features may project outside the building envelope identified on Schedule II of this By-law, to a maximum of 2.5 metres from the main wall of the building, and uncovered steps may project outside the required building envelope to the lot line. (b) The minimum pavement width for a private street shall be 6.5 metres. (c) Air conditioners shall not be located any closer than 0.6 metres to the building envelope and shall not be located on any easement in favour of the City. � (d) Amenity Area (minimum) - 5.0 square metres per dwelling unit (e) Private Parks: (i) (ii) Parcel A— minimum total area shall be 100 square metres Parcel B— minimum total area shall be 1,000 square metres (iii) Parcel C — not applicable a^^�, T�+ §, y �. �4 y �j x. .,ti• � .':�'1, �^� '� � � !� S'. �� �, , Page 8 (fl Despite the provisions of Section 5.6 of By-law 3037, as amended, the requirement for the frontage on a public street shall be satisfied by establishing frontage on a private street. (g) Despite provision 5.(1)(a) and 5.(2) of this By-law, a water meter building required by the Region of Durham for the purpose of measuring the quantity of water delivered shall be exempt from the "MU-29" and "MU-30" zone use provisions and zone requirements. (h) Clauses 5.19.2(a), 5.19.2(b), 5.19.2(e), 5.19.2(fl, 5.19.2(g), and 5.19.2(k) of By-law 3037, as amended, shall not apply. 6. Restrictions on the Parking and Storage of Vehicles No person shall use any lot for the parking or storage of vehicles except in accordance with the following provisions: (1) Number of Vehicles: A maximum of 4 vehicles, only 1 of which may be a trailer, are permitted to park on a driveway. (2) Size of Vehicles: (a) for those vehicles parked on any lot, the maximum permissible height is 2.6 metres, and the maximum permissible length is 6.7 metres; (b) notwithstanding Section (a) above, 1 vehicle parked on a driveway in a side yard or rear yard can be of a size up to a maximum permissible height of 3.5 metres, and a maximum permissible length of 8.0 metres; and (c) height is measured from the established grade immediately beside the vehicle up to the vehicle's highest point, which excludes lights, antennas and other such items ancillary to the vehicle's body. (3) Location of Vehicles: No part of any front yard except a driveway is to be used for the parking or storage of vehicles and no vehicle is to encroach onto any road allowance. (4) Inoperative Vehicles: The parking or storage of an inoperative vehicle is not permitted on any lot unless it is entirely within a fully enclosed building or structure. (5) Construction Vehicles: The parking or storage of a construction vehicle or a commercial vehicle is not permitted, unless it is entirely within a fully enclosed building or structure. r� Page 9 (6) Oversize Vehicles: . A vehicle that exceeds the maximum permissible vehicle size provisions of Section 7.(2), is permitted to park temporarily on a lot for the sole purpose of delivering to, servicing or constructing the premises on that lot. 7. Model Homes (1) A maximum of 2 blocks, together with not fewer than 2 parking spaces per Model Home, may be constructed on the lands zoned "MU-29" and "MU-30" as set out in Schedule I attached to this By-law. (2) For the purpose of this By-law, "Model Home" shall mean a dwelling unit which is not used for residential purpose, but which is used exclusively for sales, display and marketing purposes pursuant to an agreement with the City of Pickering. 8. By-law 3037 By-law 3037, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedules I and II to this By-law. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 3037, as amended. 9. Effective Date This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. J:\BYLAWS�A 01-14.doc a �----__1__________________ i i LOT 2 PLAN 585 I I I �------------------------- � I I � LOT 3 PIAN 585 I L— .��._ ma� LOT 6 PLAN 585 DERSAN /� STREET �I � I I_ � �� I I � � I � DCQ�I � , � U O � m 'z � �� �, � � 4� ✓ �., : � Dc� � 5� -- i i � I I � �i -- C 11116 w =_ A -I-I-I-I-I- � - - H m iiiii -- ii �n - - i i 'D BYFORD STREE7 __ I I :0 Q -- �-+ Z IIIII � -- II � -I�I-HH W -= z I I � IVI I I w- O I I (� MISTHOL , I/ BLVD � � DRNE � � . w -- U � � -- � � z -- N Q -- I w =_ � J O WILLIAM � � ,----------- --------- � �i � i i_ � �� . i i � � `� i \ 'i � �O � i � U O � m PARCEL A %////%i : • � • � •- �� � � I !�,, � V '� , •i � 'T, ' 4 i � �,«b ►� � ,` . i �� ,�- i ` � —IJl l`��v /� � I I G��/ ♦� `\ \\ I I �P � .c'�, `� � � W �< � � > KALMAR �^\�; � � �P�' � � � �. � . �,� ,� i i i �`� ��� �� -- � —i— � � � � -= i i � 3 -- i i Aiiiii � -- —I—I—I-1-1— H m ritii __ ii t� -- i i � BYFORD STREET __ I II .� Q -- �-T Z � � � � � � -- � � �, -��-�� w -= z � � � � �� W O " f� MisrHo� li B LV D� � DRNE � � -- U � w —= Q t� � -- � d- Z -- . N Q -- I w =_ � J WILLIAM � \- � � °� PICKERING City Development Department l�.����t�:a#� � - `n4 Ed�t�t�e s� � — j � � �j�r � --- i � _ I % I � i --- i I -- % r---- i--- i n, � Original Submitted Concept Plan Parcel A �FI LE No: SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01 & A 01 /14 APPLICANT: Lebovic Enterprises and 1320991 Ontario Limited PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Pt. of Lot 18 & 19, Con 3 and Pt of Lots 4, 5, 7 & 8_ RP 585 (2610, 2630, 2650 and 2663 Brock Road) 'ULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR IEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING :ITYDEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT. DATE:ApCII 19� ZO�% l.bE��t���€���l� � �iQ r������ �" .��b� - I i � i i ,� _� ��� � i i i i i�.o � i i, � � I I I �s 51 S] SJ Sa '+5 56 5) 59 60 6t I 1) I I I I z I I I �6 � ] I I I � � � � .s �I = � � i I . � PARCEL B � � � :Z = z s .= 5 � � ,' W �- — — �— �- ., - _ � — � z � ' � � o = �`'� = 6 �I � � � ��o.o � _ _ � � � � � ..., � ' I I � I C� I � � �, �� _ = a � T M — ]] 32 Zt M t9 18 t� 16 t5 �♦ 3 Vl I I ( 35 �a I I �I I � � I \ —� I �� --� � / I I � � � CONCEPTUAL SITE LAYOUT � � - µ�'�� � i i� FOR LANDS OWNED BY I� ����� � � I� 2545623 ONTA �10 INC � I I _ I I I I I I i i � (TENKEY L I / / �� �' ��` I I � I / / J9 �1 �2 �} u�5 a6 s) ae � `�P \\\ � I I PARCEL C �� i' ," � 5�',� �� � o � I i,� � s: ��� �' a� i i i Q i i � / \ \ ' 9 I I I O I I � 10 � �/ �� � — i ,�'� � � -----E-J i U I � � I � � I . �� / ne d o� � 15" I I I � I� I � �� \ r io 18'� I C� � � � �� � /�� � � � � �� /�\ ^I/ � I I � � � ----------�T—I I I � � � �� / / // I � � � � �� /� // � � I I � � � � � / �. / � � �I I I � �/ �//� /�� �0�� // i i I I i � � � � � � � � / �� � /� � � I I � � � / � � � I I � ., / / / � — — — — — —'L — — — — — — — / / ---��----- // I � � � i I I i � � � : I � I i� �� � � � I I I � � I�/ � I I� I � I I II I II ` I II =___--- � � � ________��__ � °� PICKERING City Development Department li � I I� I i� � I SUBJE '��TO EASEMENT � �I I AS � dR1020504 � //� �� � � � i� � �� _—��� II I � ly :- I i ---- ---�----�-a � I �—__�____�------------- � � I — — — DERSAI� STREET � /�! � ___________________� —`� j �i�f 1 �— --- %— �\ � � N I I I . �i i I I Original Submitted Concept Plan Parcels B& C FILE No: SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01 & A 01 /14 APPLICANT: Lebovic Enterprises and 1320991 Ontario Limited PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Pt. of Lot 18 & 19, Con 3 and Pt of Lots 4, 5, 7 & 8 RP 585 (2610, 2630, 2650 and 2663 Brock Road) 'ULL SCALE COPI S OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE fOR IEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING ;ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: Apill 1 9, ZO1 % I �`.F e���ij;R�� -- � f'�EE�L � 'f; � � I I I I � �� I I I I � �� I I I I � �� I I I I �J� �--�--i�-----------� II � 1 I� � I I LOT 1 � � I I � �I I�I � _I---�------------ � I � I II I I I � �� � � �� � ,M, � � I I� � � p A R C E L B � � � --- �o���_---- — � BLOCK 2 II I� �,.�, �< - �.a �, � I � � ,, � ,, , �i � I i ii . , -� � ��;�,. . � � � "° � � � � TowniHousEs ( � � BLOCK 3 (ue� ne - z.� �) I I I .� PAR��`L �--- --� �� � 'I ��I ---- �I -- �i� �I u �� i I I� FUTURE DEVELOPMEN7 � �\ / / I II BLOCK (o.as ne - o.is e�� �.• / I � I / � �/ ----+�� — � -----�/— II t, � �/ �/ � I� ' ,' � ; � I �� SUeJEC'F TO EASEIAENT � �� I I I �. 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PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Pt. of Lot 18 & 19, Con 3 and Pt of Lots 4, 5, 7 & 8 RP 585 (2610, 2630, 2650 and 2663 Brock Road) =ULL SCALE COPIES OF TH�S PLAN ARE AVAIL BLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING :ITV DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: Ap�II 1.9� ZO1 �.F�"Gr.��.�r;�F�;�l� � �d� � . f �C��i'� E �:" ��� !.� i�'.��'����'� `9 ..�.`� E;�� :xr;� �: �....m....G°�..� .. f.�:i,�,��,t��t�':���: -� � --� E�t=�' < <Lt �''` �� . �� � � � � ; �, I I� I I LOT 1 � � I I I I I � �I I I I I � �� I I I. I � �� I I I I I I �_.�_1�--------------,-�, , � �� I I I LOT 1 � � I � � �� i -------- �-{� i _�—�--= i i � . I II I I I LOT 3 I 71 � � �� , �� I— � I II � PARCEL B _ � � i i - �-- : - - - ���� i � � BLOCK 1 I ,,.,s .o _ �., �., � � � �I � �I � -� I I � LOT 6 I I i �I �:.� ;�I i .. ii I � TOwNH0U5E5 ' I II BLOCK 2 ' (ne� ne - z.� «.) I I I .� PARCEL � � �� � �� �� � ------//� �I �� i I I� FUTURE ��, / � I I I DEVELOPMENT / � ' BIOCK Q• / I ,I I � �o� � _ o.,s �.� �• � � '------�-i� .. - ; ----- �,- i, i �� �� � �i � }6T �o � �� � i' � i � j I ,!_ �/ -- — �/ �I __�__ =---- / � DERSAN STREET � � , � --� — _ =-7[----___----_ =s� \ I -i �� ---------- ���i � , �--- �� � � � �� �,�� ! ,! � °� PICKERING City Development Department i�-----------------�-I �I ' I I �I I I �I I I �I I I �I I I ,� � � ,� i � ii �� � i i � �'� i �� , i J �� -------------y-- ' ' PARCEL A �� � ' _�I I I ; ADDITIONAL LANDS . OWNED BY APPLICAN7� �_ I I ,� Iv ii �i i ii ' � ii. ��� �' � � i ��`' �� /� I I � I� , � i� � �—�- � �� � I I � �P��� � � I � I � � ���0 i�/ � � I �, . I- -�- o � � �� �i� , � o � o � i � �' i o -�- � I I � Y m I I I ¢ /_I � I I a I I I J � I � I TOWNHIOUSES I �. � � � I I � � I I I il i i �- ��� � � �� i i i i� i i i ii i i i i � �\ I I � � �----- -----� I � — I �� � I - - - - - - - - = 1 - I �If -------- i i ii . i i ii � �� �� �� �� N Revised Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision FILE No: SP-2014-01, CP-2014-01 & A 01 /14 APPLICANT: Lebovic Enterprises and 1320991 Ontario Limited. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Pt. of Lot 18 & 19, Con 3 and Pt of Lots 4, 5, 7 & 8 RP 585 (2610, 2630, 2650 and 2663 Brock Road) =ULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING �ITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: ApfII 1 9� ZOi