HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 06-17 Cd# og Report to P I C KE R I N G Executive Committee Report Number: FIN 06-17 Date: April 3, 2017 From: Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer Subject: Low Income Seniors and Low Income Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Grant Program Recommendation: 1. . That Report FIN 06-17 of the Director, Finance & Treasurer regarding the Low Income Seniors and Low Income Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Grant be received; 2. That the attached By-law, providing for the Low Income Seniors and Low Income Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Grant be enacted; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The Low Income Seniors and Low Income Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Grant is a tool that allows Council to provide a degree of financial assistance by ensuring that low income seniors and persons with a disability do not face undue financial hardships. The 2017 grant amount is $200 and this represents the estimated increase in City Share property taxes from 2014 to 2017. The $200 grant amount would create a zero increase scenario (City Share only) for property taxes based on Council's first term. The principles of the program (that are included in the By- law) are based on the budget discussions and reflected in the Budget report (FIN 04-17) Recommendation #30. The individual's property tax account will be adjusted to reflect the grant amount and therefore, no cheque will be issued. The communication strategy for this program will include the use of the following tools: website, 2017 Property Tax Brochure and community page. Financial Implications: The budgetary impact of the recommendation depends on the number of eligible people who apply. As this is the first year of the program, staff have conservatively provided a budget estimate of $70,000 that equates to 350 grants. Namely, the 2017 senior and persons with a disability grant budget amount translates into 11 grants for every 1,000 households. It is anticipated that the grant amount will Report FIN 06-17 April 3, 2017 Subject: Low Income Seniors and Low Income Persons with Page 2 Disabilities Property Tax probably increase for 2018. The communication, verification, and record keeping for the grant program will be administered by the Taxation Section of the Finance Department. Discussion: When Current Value Assessment was initially introduced in 1998, the Province initially mandated that municipalities offer a property tax relief program to low income seniors and low income persons with a disability to help protect them from extreme fluctuations that could result from assessment related property tax increases. The terms of this legislation changed in subsequent revisions and in 2003 the tax relief was made into a discretionary requirement. Historically, there has been very little uptake on the Regional Deferral Program, as it is limited to assessment related tax increases over $100. Many of the applications received did not qualify, as the $100 threshold had not been met. Furthermore, seniors and persons with a disability, who were most in need of the tax relief, did not follow through with the application process, as they did not wish to have the deferral placed as a lien on their home. Pickering Solution Pickering's Council adopted a Notice of Motion on June 27, 2016 requesting the Region of Durham to review and amend its property tax relief program for low income seniors and persons with a disability. The Region reviewed Pickering's request, however, at this current time it is not recommending a Region-wide program. Pickering's solution or property tax relief program follows the model of other lower tier municipalities who have provided some financial assistance to those seniors and persons with a disability who are in need. Pickering's low income seniors program principles are presented below: • Individual must be 65 years of age or older • The individual must apply every year • Only one application per household • The individual must have lived in Pickering for one year • The individual must own and occupy the home as their principal residence • The individual must be in receipt of the Guaranteed Income Supplement or GIS as provided under the Old Age Security Act(Canada) Pickering's low income persons with a disability program principles are presented below: • The individual must apply every year • Only one application per household • The individual must have lived in Pickering for one year • The individual must own and occupy the home as their principal residence Report FIN 06-17 April 3, 2017 •Subject: Low Income Seniors and Low Income Persons with Page 3 Disabilities Property Tax • The individual must be in receipt of benefits or income support as a person with a disability under the Ontario Disability Support Program or ODSP as provided through the Ministry of Community and Social Services of Ontario Program's Audit Control Checks Every year, the Federal Government will use the individual's federal income tax return to determine if they qualify for GIS. The GIS program is based on an "income threshold" and if your income is below the annual maximum threshold you are eligible for GIS payments. The individual will have to provide a copy of their Federal Government issued GIS acceptance letter to the Taxation Section. In order to be eligible for ODSP benefits, applicants must be in financial need and meet the program's definition of a person with a disability. The individual will have to provide a copy of their letter from the Ministry of Community and Social Services of Ontario informing them that they qualify for ODSP to the Pickering Taxation Section. 2018 Grant Program ii It is anticipated that the grant amount will,increase in 2018 based on the strategy of keeping the City share of property taxes "capped" or frozen at 2014 levels. Any 2017 successful grant recipient will be mailed a partially completed form as part of the 2018 grant application process. The 2018 budget report will also include program statistics such as: number of grants issued, marital status and average home assessment value. The program statistics will be used to help "fine tune" the program for 2018. Attachments: i 1. By-law to Establish the Low Income Seniors and Low Income Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Grant Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: (kG744 Donna DeLong Stan Karwowski � Supervisor, Taxation Director, Finance & Treasurer Report FIN 06-17 April 3, 2017 Subject: Low Income Seniors and Low Income Persons with Page 4 Disabilities Property Tax Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ae. 13,2.017 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer - I • • II ATTACHMENT# / TO REPORT c*j? The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. /17 Being a by-law to provide relief of financial hardship for low income seniors and low income persons with disabilities. Whereas Subsection 365(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O.2001, c.25, as amended, (hereinafter called the "Act"), authorizes a local municipality to pass a by-law to provide for the cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes for eligible property owners whose taxes are considered by Council to be unduly burdensome, as defined in the by-law; and Whereas, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable and in the public interest to enact such a by-law; Now therefore, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. In this by-law, (a) "owner" means a person liable to assessment, in accordance with the provisions of the Assessment Act in respect of real property located within the geographic boundaries of the City of Pickering (b) "personal residence" means the residence ordinarily inhabited by the owner (c) "spouse" has the same meaning as in Part III of the Family Law Act (d) "City" means The Corporation of the City of Pickering (e) "Treasurer" means the treasurer or his/her designate of The Corporation of the City of Pickering (f) "late payment charges" means penalties and interest applied for non-payment of taxes in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 and City of Pickering By- laws. 2. An owner is an eligible owner for the purpose of this by-law if: (a) The person is at the time of making the application: (i) 65 years of age or older and eligible and in receipt of the Guaranteed Income Supplement authorized under Part II of the Old Age Security Act (Canada); or (ii) Eligible for and in receipt of an allowance, benefits or income support as a person with a disability under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997; and (b) The person has been an owner for at least one year immediately preceding the year to which the grant applies. 3. A property is an eligible property for the purposes of this By-law if: By-law No. Page 2 (a) For the purposes of the Assessment Act, it is classified in the residential property class; (b) It is the principal residence within the meaning of the Income Tax Act(Canada), of an owner of the property or of the spouse of an owner, and (c) Every owner of the property is either an eligible owner or the spouse of an eligible owner. 4. Upon receipt of an application submitted in accordance with section 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of this By-law, the Treasurer is authorized and directed to provide eligible owner(s) of eligible properties located within the geographic boundaries of the City of Pickering, a tax rebate of two hundred dollars ($200.00) in respect of real property taxes imposed by the City on the eligible property in respect of which the tax rebate is claimed. 5. Applications shall be in a form approved by the Treasurer and shall include such supporting material as may be required by the Treasurer. 6. Applications must be submitted by an eligible owner to the Treasurer on or before August 18th of each year for which a tax rebate is claimed. 7. A separate application for a tax rebate is required to be completed for each year in respect of which a rebate is claimed. 8. An application may not be submitted by an owner in respect of more than one property in any year. 9. No more than one application may be submitted in respect of a property in any year. 10. The rebate, when approved, shall be credited to the applicant's property tax account without interest. Late payment charges that have been applied to the applicant's property tax account in advance of a rebate having been credited to the account shall not be cancelled, reduced or refunded. 11. If any section or portion of this By-law is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, it is the intent of Council for The Corporation of the City of Pickering that all remaining sections and portions of this By-law continue in force and effect. 12. That this By-law is to come into effect on the 11th day of April, 2017. By-law passed this 11th day of April, 2017. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, Clerk