HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 25, 2017 Minutes/Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering January 25, 2017 7:00 pm Meeting Room #4 Attendees: J. Dempsey D. Hazlett W. Jamadar T. Reimer C. Sopher J. Van Huss C. Celebre, Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage B. George, Pickering Public Library L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: K. Borisko B. Lai J. Calder Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Introductions C. Celebre welcomed everyone to the meeting and canvassed members for any additional items for the agenda. C. Celebre noted she had one piece of correspondence to be added C. Sopher requested the Whitevale Fire Hall be added to the agenda Moved by J. Van Huss That the above noted items be added to the agenda. Carried 2. Approval of Minutes Moved by W. Jamadar That the minutes of the October 26, 2016 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 3. Business Arising from Minutes Page 2 | 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3.1) Heritage Impact Assessment – 3440 Brock Road C. Celebre provided members with a summary of 3440 Brock Road, outlining the location through the aid of a power point presentation. She summarized the history of the property and advised the Committee that this property is owned by IO and was part of the Class B EA for demolition. She reviewed the 2015 Heritage Assessment completed by the City’s heritage consultant Chris Borgal which determined the property did not meet the criteria for designation, however, the Committee recommended to Council that the property be retained. She further advised that this property was part of an IO plan of subdivision and that the Committee recommended that IO prepare a Heritage Impact Assessment. C. Celebre advised that the City was in receipt of a Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report and a Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ASI as part of the 407 Transitway study, which was sent to the City for review and comment. ASI concluded that the property met the criteria for designation under Ontario Regulation 9/06 of the Ontario Heritage Act. She provided an overview and explained the purpose of the impact assessment, which in part was to determine the impact of the development of dedicated transitway which is expected to impact the subject lands. She also outlined the recommendations in the report. ASI provided 3 recommendations including a conservation strategy and the relocation of structures. The report also recommended if retention and relocation is not achieved, a Salvage Report be completed and distributed to the City and IO. ASI also inquired if the City is interested in salvaged material form the barn if it is demolished. Discussion ensued with respect to the following;  Proximity of the Cemetery  Status of the property – confirmed that it is occupied and still being worked as a farm  Clarification of the driveshed on the west side  Pros and cons of including the recommendation of a salvage program Moved by C. Sopher Page 3 | 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) That the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee support the following recommendations as contained in the executive summary of the heritage impact assessment report prepared by ASI as follows: 1. The proposed development should attempt to avoid direct and indirect impacts to heritage attributes associated with 3440 Brock Road to result in compatible alterations to the property. Should alteration to and/or removal of heritage attributes be deemed necessary, the conservation strategies outlined in Section 4.2 of this report should be followed to limit the isolation of the heritage resources from their physical, historical, and contextual setting; and 2. If relocation of the current structures on the subject property is demonstrated to be unfeasible, original structural components and construction materials (e.g. stonework, barn board) should be salvaged in order to reconstruct a new barn and driveshed on the subject property using original and sympathetic salvaged materials to limit the impact to the historical and contextual setting. Carried 3.2) 2017 Workplan C. Celebre provided a review of the items currently listed on the 2017 Work plan as follows:  Dunbarton – include as a possible heritage district (low priority)  Move ahead with Seaton property designations  Continue to review Heritage permit applications and draft plans of subdivision  Update the Register to include most recent designations and listings  Look into the inclusion of the Tom Thomson property  Continue training opportunities – including CHO webinars  Plaque program – C. Celebre noted that the Cultural Advisory Committee is taking on the promotion of cultural assets, which could include heritage as well as walking tours and plaques Page 4 | 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)  Funds are available in the 2017 budget for an entranceway project for Whitevale signage C. Sopher noted that the Whitevale community had taken on property signage, which was subsidized by the community and suggested that future plaques use the same design. He also noted that the Whitevale community is very active and would appreciate being engaged in input on this project. C. Celebre informed members that at this time, the plaque program would consist of a more public component such as street signs rather than individual property signage. Discussion continued as noted;  Include Hole in the Wall (low priority)  Identify additional Dunbarton properties – should be higher priority  Focus more on individual properties  Build on relationships through outreach  Possibly pursue Frenchman’s Bay area properties for protection  Identify possible properties for designation in Brougham  Continue to think about infrastructure as well, such as Hole in the Wall Discussion ensued with respect to including the Register on the City’s webpage. It was suggested this could be a joint venture with the Cultural Advisory Committee. C. Celebre noted she would provide B. George with M. Sawchuck’s inventory list. 4. New Business 4.1) Ministry Municipal Register of Heritage Properties C. Celebre provided members with a copy of the Ministry’s updated information sheet on the Municipal Register of Heritage Properties. She encouraged members to go back and review the document for updates, noting this was a good reference tool. 4.2) Overview of Heritage Workshop Page 5 | 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) C. Celebre provided an overview of the Heritage Workshop recently attended in November in Oshawa. She noted it was very informative, with discussions on understanding the roles of Heritage members, promoting heritage and working with Council. Incentives and grant programs were also discussed. Information from the workshop was passed around for Members. 5. Correspondence C. Celebre provided members with an article recently published in NRU titled Support Heritage. The article discussed a private members bill that proposed tax credit allowing owners of heritage buildings to write off a percentage of restoration works. 6. Other Business 6.1) Street Names C. Celebre informed members that there is a bank of historical names to be used for street naming purposes, which requires Regional approval. It was discussed that historical names will be used for Seaton arterial roads. 6.2) Park Crescent House It was noted that the stone wall at the recently designated property on Park Crescent may have been demolished and that the home was currently vacant. It was also noted that some trees were being taken down. C. Celebre noted she would look into this. 6.3) Whitevale Fire Hall C. Sopher noted he had received an inquiry from a member of Pickering Fire Services regarding a historical fire hall in Whitevale. Discussion ensued with respect to restoring the building or relocating. It was noted that having it remain in its current location would be the preferred option, but in the event that it requires relocation in order to preserve it, that this should be considered along with restoration work. It was questioned whether the City would support retaining the building if in fact it C. Celebre to action Page 6 | 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) was owned by the City. C. Celebre noted she would try to determine ownership of the building. C. Sopher noted he would take pictures and forward to C. Celebre. 6.4) Tom Thomson House B. George noted that research on the Tom Thomson house is ongoing, noting she did locate his birth record. She noted she will continue to pursue in order to determine the exact location of his birth and take pictures as well. C. Celebre/C. Sopher to action B. George to action 7. Next Meeting: February 22, 2017 Meeting Adjourned: 8:40 pm Copy: City Clerk