HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 03-17 ed, I,‘ Report PICKERING NG Executive Committee Report Number: CS 03-17 Date: March 6, 2017 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Renaming of the Claremont Memorial Park - Notice of Motion - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council decline the request to rename Claremont Memorial Park to Rick Johnson Park since the park is already dedicated; 2. That Council consider naming a future neighbourhood park in the Seaton Community as Rick Johnson Park in accordance with the Facility and Park Naming Procedure ADM 110- 006; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: At their October 17, 2016 Council Meeting, Council Resolution #205/16 was passed, endorsing a Notice of Motion requesting that Claremont Park be renamed in the memory of Rick Johnson. As a result, City staff initiated an evaluation that included researching applicable historical documents related to Claremont Park and providing notification to all residents within the service area of the proposed name change over a 30 day period in November 2016. Through this process, staff have learned that the park was officially opened on August 6, 1923 as Claremont Memorial Park in honour of those who served and fell in the Great War. Since the park has already been dedicated, staff recommend that Council decline the request to rename Claremont Memorial Park to Rick Johnson Park. Instead, staff recommend that a future park to be developed in the Seaton Community be named Rick Johnson Park prior to construction/completion as per section 3 of the Facility and Park Naming Procedure ADM 110- 006. Financial Implications: n/a Discussion: A Notice of Motion requesting to rename Claremont Park to Rick Johnson Park received Council endorsement at the October 17, 2016 Council Meeting. As per the Facility & Park Naming City Procedure ADM 110-006, City staff initiated an evaluation that CS 03-17 March 6, 2017 Subject: Renaming of Claremont Memorial Park Page 2 included researching the applicable heritage, historical and community relevance and providing notification to all residents within the service area of the proposed name change. Public Notification: As per the Facility & Park Naming Procedure ADM 110-006, staff are responsible to notify all residents and ratepayer associations within the service area of the proposed name change and provide a 30 day period for public comments to be received. As such, the following public notification was provided: 1. Public Notice on the City's website from October 31, 2016 to November 30, 2016 at pickering.ca/claremont. The website included the Notice of Motion, a biography of Rick Johnson and a location map of Claremont Park. 2. Public Notice mailed to Claremont households the week October 31, 2016 (over 800 letters). 3. Public Notice posted prominently at the entrance of Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson Community Centre from November 1, 2016 to November 30, 2016. 4. Public Notice on the Community Page (Pickering News Advertiser) on November 2, 9 and 16, 2016. Heritage, Historical and Community Relevance: Concurrently with the public notification period, staff consulted.the Local History & Genealogy Librarian at the Pickering Public Library in order to conduct historical research of the Park. Through that process, staff learned that the park was officially opened on August 6, 1923 as Claremont Memorial Park in honour of those who served and those who fell in the Great War. In fact, at this ceremonial event, two bronze tablets were placed prominently at the gate pillars at the entrance of the park which list 15 men from north Pickering that fell in the Great War, 83 names of those who served and 3 nursing sisters. The plaques were meant to serve as a lasting monument to their patriotic and self-sacrificing spirit. With this in mind, staff recommend that Council decline the request to rename Claremont Memorial Park to Rick Johnson Park. Instead, staff recommend that the first anticipated neighbourhood park to be developed in the Seaton Community be named the Rick Johnson Park. The naming of this park prior to construction/completion would align with Section 3 of the Facility and Park Naming Procedure ADM 110-006. A map showing the location of the future neighbourhood park in the Lamoureaux Neighbourhood of the Seaton Community is provided as Attachment 4. This park is currently being designed as a joint use park and school site which will feature a soccer field and children's play area. The park is anticipated to be constructed within the next 3 years. Attachments: 1. Council Resolution #205/16 2. Sample of Public Notice 3. Excerpt from the Pickering Post, 1923 4. Location Map of Lamoureaux Neighbourhood Park CORP0227-07/01 revised CS 03-17 March 6, 2017 Subject: Renaming of Claremont Memorial Park Page 3 • Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: • Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services :mc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council e/ — 2/ 2D17 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACHMENT# 1 TO REPORT# Legislative Services Division Clerk's Office Directive Memorandum October 19, 2016 To: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation From: Debbie Shields City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on October 17, 2016 Notice of Motion Rename Claremont Park Council Decision Resolution #205/16 That Claremont Park be renamed in Councillor Rick Johnson's memory, as per City Procedure ADM 110-006. Please take any action deemed necessary. Debbie Shields /Ir • • ATTACHMENT# a TO REPORT# Public Notice Request to rename Claremont Park to Rick Johnson Park The City is considering renaming Claremont Park to Rick Johnson Park to recognize the contributions of the late Rick Johnson, Councillor in Ward 3, as a long-standing member of Council and for his many contributions to our community. Council Resolution #205/16 provides for the renaming of the park as required in the Facility & Park Naming Procedure ADM 110-006. Claremont Park is located at 4941 Old Brock Road, Claremont ON L1 Y 1A9. To learn more about the Notice of Motion requesting the renaming of this park, visit pickering.ca/claremont. 5 CENTRAL STREET r ?" :111 'L;CI SHIM WELLINGTON rSTRREET } fl ❑ �( SUBJECT ( I .• PMK LANE '' 'LBC/ON HALL Please submit your comments on this matter at dshields @pickering.ca or at 905.683.2760 ext. 2019 no later than November 30, 2016. Co Serving Our Citizens PiCKERiNG pickering.ca � `.4+ :.4...:._: ,:;;,,,-....7:,..'7,...:..e:-.1...(..7•••:° -7.,.•-r N'P"••�)-- •�nd'e4 � r. . 'f . ;- Tr S: ' +a E' , , Idl* '� .e. '� .���` •; i s �. _ a 4- . „ ,. gTk7R CHMEIiT- # ' R " ' •03- 19- ^ .._•__DLAREMONT.•� _ ' George a°dMrr.Judd aad little au th.-I,-•Fi-toit U '0,-Br.'6fe6 0:'ble'PeRrt.adttb Tool,Edgae.Weed;I" Q • +, Jor.H. Borland b busy then daughter,of Toronto, spent aver al¢.C.Let.comp. C.(geom.),(Lat. Aiello Ward (Cap. hteL), Jean Seasonable ` *, '•"days.B. fl the excavation for these the holiday with Joho and Mr...auth.) The following ill have Wright(Can. him),Myrtle Wil- ',- aew making sex watt of the Scott. complete Normal Entrance on pas. son (phye.-aith.),Olsdye Jame , 2 manse Mrs. Duncan Stokes and two sing eupplemeottl examination In (phy...srit6.,). Part I of Lower w• Rev. d Osborne, of Chicago, children, of Mount Albert,spent the subjects to brackets:Rodd School etnodine:Mabel Bie, Ida • '?_-.-'.,: ; will neck to the Baptist Church .few day.last week with G. M. Appleby-Eng.comp.If,Eng.lit. Brown, Helen Ohesher, Alma , ... 00 s y_ P sad Mn.Fonyth. Ill,phye,III. eon.him.C,geom. Even.,Margaret Gee,Edaa Green, ` on Sunday morning and the pee. Ed.sod Mr..Gibson were to To- 0,them.C,(sl .),(Br.htet). VIM. Robert McCallum,Lyman Mc hlk ' ., for in the evening..when his sub ronto last week attending the an Appleby-Eng comp.IL Eng. lough, Athos Miller, Alice Pegg, `-).•'' �'r. .^o- :Jest will he"k Souse's Tragedy." funeral of the Ietter's cousin,Dr. lit.Ill,phye.III,Br.hiet.C,chem. Edith.Peters,-Kenneth Reesor, `• ' :';4 , . A bad b.glwtLg makng•good A v Michell,of Batbuntet. 0,(area hl.t.),(alg.),,(zoom). .The Paul Wilson,.Margaret Pugh(St. ebe oar.Now Ol°ghem.lied •2Yr'� ° •'coding"b a°old saying that does •Mre. R. Michell aad eon•F. 0 following have comEntrance leted the let Islet), Oscar etepphe[son (Can. .„ .of Vi.yg. =•-j! ,t' • not always come true.. When G;-Michell, and Mr. and Mre. H. part of the Normal on in and htet•J, Gertrude lsolchn d (Gera. -b M.Forsyth was drandog In hie Oliver nod son,Fred. spent Sun Matriculation examination in the hist.)Norrine Wilson(Cap.hint.) A full IN. of Wall Pape(n. ,`,t;; • '.lint load of haysboat three week, day last with Ed.and Mrs.Gibson following subjects:Edna Bents- Those.having a subject in back- _ newest deetgoe. C Y.` '-.'Robe had the misfortune to fray Mier Vets Stephenson, aceom& Eng.Iit.IIII•Eng.cow.0,Doris Gee eta ms carry it over until next '8 £ �+ _ --ton three of his ribe while in the spied by her cousin, MIee'Ethel -En comp.II,Eng.lit Male.III q - q Led[ee'Summer Underwear rice aad _'"act of pitching a forkful of hay, Stephenson, hen returned home geom C, Lat, comp. C. Gladys,year, • .Hosiery at fight prices - y? and on Saturday when unloading after spending three weeks with Jones-Eng. comp. O.Eng,lit.0, .e Men's Summer Shirts, new pat. �• •128rd sod-last load he mph; had her uncle nod mint,(hag.and Mrs. $seie Pegg-Eng• comp. I, Eng. • an accident when a rope he was Hartle,of Orono, lit.II,nig.III.Let comp.C,Edith _ tome. Men a IIombin. r, •M• handling gave way causing him to •Reeve John Foe'gie,First-deputy Stephenson-Eng comp.1I,alg.C. .C hopping 2-piece end ooecombin• `t 'tall from the pantos plats.on to reeve Adam Spears and Second. geom.0,John WlUieno-geom.I, •' . • -�^ ";the binder which was standing on deputy reeve G.M Forsyth ware Eng.comp.III,phy..III,alg•0. • '' : -A full line of Fresh Groceries•..the barn floor. Fortunately be at Beaverton on Wednesday oP roweR at oot.,AxeCLt'9 Chopping and Oat Rolling will always on hand se lowed •?-. : fell on•part of the binder whicb lest week attendiriga special meet-- Poe rice.. broke hi.fall. Hie shoulder end • ¢of the county eo°°cili hen Complete Lower School Stand be continued at the mill of the - PO P i- -one of Mg lege were somewhat bvdmwn reseeding the eala of de- log:Donald Beer. Mabel Bryn°, late W.G.Berries at Green River, , Highest prices paid for bruised,bathe had a narrow ex beaturse for road Improvamerit Eileen Cooper Edna Beans. Isabel produce. Y n from serious If sot[stel is.• co Tuesdays,Thaisdaye and Fri- • - *{' mdse purposes wen paned, and the Gregg, Albert Harvey. Gordon SCOTT., i matter of t Chi.reforestration ft was die. McBride, Evelyn McCullough,E. days. 42tf D. A. v �-` An imereetinQ event took pled. cussed.but Ole wee left over until ,--^-_— . '�7 '`et the manse.Claremoa t,otl Wed• -°- • neWay,Ang.let, when Mr.John the December session when n will OLAREMONT, ONTARIO ' Ayres, •proeperom and highly receive Carlher co°sldentlori and �^^••.......+.4,w,+nr-.wow...-.wa..��`.^"^,t"""°4 'b • respected farmer of Pension Town- er°be.blyfoeliydleponedof. J_J __. •' ?.w+. .. , .• ship,Vietorte County.was milted - `L_ WHITE `'.:..in merrlege to Mrs. Aunts Marta . • .Examiettioo Etauita . -" ,LI,y . - i3 ••t •-- Gourley,of O1 re of the,O William — .._ .. ;: . anvas Shoes �r• i Oooidey,re Claremont,Ont. The The following L the Normal „ 1 • " cernggoo7 was performed by the School Entrance sod Junior Mn. • • ' `• - ', Rev,A.Mctellso and the beeps tricnlatloo results at the Clan- -\.M - ....• ■ We have•supply of Whits •- '•couple were unattended. They moot Continuation School: let - • ,'.1 Pump _ - f•• Immediately left by motor for Grade Proffcleocy aver 76. tad -' -_ F _ _1 sod 2.EnP Running Bbou. potato earth and west on a brief Geed* Piot. II 6976•trd Grade Ed& howymoon,d,r whicb tb will Prof. In eoee;Credit 606o p•c. _ white . reside fors time in the bride's Complete Normal Entrance and �e 'tA _ Bieck Patent sod whibwltk•home at Obnmont. whence the Junior Maeric.-tiso gl.Fonyth, _ - • p �• hackle at e1.76. Thiele _ •go�od�ywisher of the eommnsity fol. ggeeoom I.French math. I. Br. hbt. - - _ - regular g2.60 . 1Flaem. III.Anc.hist.C.Complete Norm.l ) l_ Ladles' Oxford.,white and• watt wag probebty the Viet- School Entrance-Doris McColl - e - -r' tea.$1.76 a _ - ��•_ ' •`=--'Sgt day to tbettetaryntCtemmont lough-alg. U. geom.II,pbys II. .,-. ,•• ---Men's white Naval Boots, .•was Monde Aug.6th, when the lit.Ili.sot,Islet III,E.g. comp white soles and 2sele.s.0, ' �.• Memorial Park wee formally) op- C..Br.higt.0.ch?m. O. The fol BUS. • coed. The day was nxceed10017 [owing will have complete Normal �" - . floeand•horittroe tkoanwd peopb Eptnace sod Matriculation when - of - '- '.•assembled to witneng t.............- they here passed a a°ppiementei _ Oj _ 4 ' �6� a _ - , ay se well se honor those who felt examisstioo to the subjects in - `, . , _ : In the treat war and also those bracken-Rowena Cooper.French R •who served in that war. I° she soth.I.Br.hiH.C.'My.C.chem. .Commercial L Coal, _Coal I ••`�•• • anavoldsble absence of F.R.Rich- C.LRt.Ruth.C.(arc.hist).(geom) g - ,'. erd.00.Reeve John Foresee prstd Eliset.b Onham-phye•a,lit C, - .'_ad,and gave•short address. Ex. chem.C.Lat. C. (Br. Mix) sac. _ • - peer 1923 marks the entry of - - d,`, cellent.pests were delivered by hive..Lat.oath., Gordon Gregg- tLEStandard Rank upon its fiftieth Hard and Soft noel of the • ' . the following men who were prom- Br.hint.IL slg. II. Fr.suth.II. ♦ - M or lChappell.military e, of Br and• '' i . beet quality on 1 (geom). ((wt II. (Get.com.) 7tlr �Dr Jams Moore, of He°ok11n. (Fr. rem )• Neil McKinoen-Fr. i t this � t � hand - _ •'•� kit or O.W.P.Eve of Whitby, p Bank its beeptla'illaa. +t.. 5 ajJ Hank has been to faire - !'° A. LAW tY 11- - — 51 glajor Bol mith,of Columbus __- _ --'Of brushing senior while - -pt ma ^_ Teo ceremony of wvd�Ue( the "hero Cushion Tires Eng the utmost lbw . . ` Gat_ •----two tablet.which•re plee.6 pro- . the safety of its=roan'in ..r' •`-• mineutly on the gas Ptllsre et the • stop p�� :. .qby y,>� hd beeenn M' esteems. the park was proem :� {{ „ -ed by e molt G--M.Borden,is..O. c through valdds of ptoepeeky atd�•ti_;,,, 1(� 'i.. Military Dietrict No,Z, who gave .-troubles. mow. As a moeegnenee the •a• did add eds on the heroism - Hank bee mdo7ed steady,sound and - . • ,^• ...a other noble qualities of the - - _-:sabetantial Crowds.today ha 161 ' .. I; - • 'g� Osri.disn soldier. The tablets. - des throughput the whole - '`,j - ii� .-:which ere of bronze, show excel talon. Thew er fed -4.w • Isar the name, see they eon �y 'Mationswithstrong enamdal inert ';_, "'A Real Bn 'tetra she apart a Pkkar met from ,r�1 Buy .•eke eortk pare of Pkkerlpg Town b 4 -•'Lotions in foreign 00®tyiee.enahllng --.Stsrtin Ao et the . .hip"who tell In th• serest w Y°[e p /e i ,... ••ti to reader eompehandve banking g Iii - - elghty•three menthe of theme who f,,n,e. a �',?A,,, 'service for the ofCaoedien '.19th, you can get • served and three smiles;deters. n - Ties tablets will be • lasting '. . r'�? i. wterfedee both at tents and abroad. f, • .say fire in to shop •. mennment to the patriotism and . r4 .ti X95:' •:eL a redaction of 10 • _-Nlf.mertllMog.plrlt of those who • 9$ , . 1? ,y -,f�- _ .• ■ •. per cent.regular likl • did not hesitate to answer prompt ,f p, '• _ �IAo ,rinse. l1 to the call of their king. Rev. +.. t<st. y McLellan read an appeopletr i. by a 3 90x3}cold ti ee$14.00^ puaga of uriptare sod Rev.A I r�="v>N '17i e Q eV t )0 t�t )������,at `. i'- t if - ' .bone,of Chimera and Rev.Mr• y- tl 1111 Vie//11u,V BANK a..� .other sizes so00[d- -''Osbern0.of Claremont,offered op ',C- •_, � , •„. _ - •- lusty. r3o+ prayer.Patriotic so°gs,were Bunt - ... by the school children, In which 'OF CANADA het in On thin while - -*• �' ' the wdience joined. During the 'Takes the place of air tubes. • ••--l '� •' _.they last, ... ; •..afternoon there was • Rood pro. They are made of highly throw. yews- gramme of sports given which Pars Rubber,sod rid•as easy • '•"W. treated muck Pctereet. Ths Pick .as etr .a ,` - _ for Fifty tea/ + I F. ffi. C 0 0 P E $ ' Ming Junior football team leap to • • ^°- -- ` - • rte li CLAREMONT . •, the Claremont Juniors by 1.0; ■ • 'f'{s - \ .rrra+rr.rswrgre-..rr.r _ . Pickering Benton won front Oros •, �' Thegton - 1)�"m" �"""';� ` 'y- wood by 1.0:and Green River wo� Agem. PICKERING. - ---- -- - - ----_-- -- -- The Ideal-Grocery Store --from Claremont by 10. The Pick- �i� . ,( y �-`t ._ ^'✓ fit, erioRGiolf1112bdl ism defeated ;,Wirt--Fencing How L>bOuL a ■ ;(Ar Io—f i'rse otatew daye'..1"* d .;., Oluromont by 23 80,and oleo woo g L 1 RJ 'V(.V l about lain °r aew omrw lofted . __Crum Olen idakr by_g 8,_Tkere : e atone l60 Cunt eo eh from the fear C main ao of the villgte. We sir ,. were s°amber o boyar and girls' I on Prepared set the a t e.e o either tea d. , xtszs♦ .,j..• races which aroused mach interest. (°¢win frame.euher head• sad ateo growing buetnese. We Mall ' made or woe.. -:Now is 'the time to order your y to any part a the taws The concert In the m evening was• m.ks deriver -' Oo°suh me titre placlsg rdsr• - We ” sod special attention given to a 7('i' grand socenge from •e srtbtic mh.rg•.moaent.. ti ..car before the spring trash. v18 oeden Only the beet of Food BtaR. •:^':, " -etaodpolnt Bats the protnm• - ¢uaeanteed, - _ wee sbont to begin a has d = - will be to t°n our.e.m wi ••u�a/syy v7 own- ..Phu°•Plek 1713 can make 1plmedlate delivery at stantly If odeam wig A.ktoe twat of rain nosed the program 84•M GEC.PARLEY.Picksries smonee. O hand ctiv -tlo MM `=_±:,•. to m given to the link. The•Rot ICE c/t/I�e of the following models: • t Fir eLLOw Our -ell o ' prams soli of Min Edith Law. of/GG C RG NI/ � s-all ;-,�', Toronto•were very highly eppre. tad, GC°.list yoorOON4o a .` _elated. she has is powerful and---_Always-on hand TOURING CARS;RUNABOUTS el.rkham Phone sweet voice-and has a met ppleas• .: --tag platform pre•enaw. Frank Having op.ed •new stsr.waRar -—AND ONE TON TRUCKS. --- i6'BANK CWWDLOW -.= `-' ', .• OWfleld,the popnlarTeromo bar. freehmant ets°d,sod ale°•Park _ tone,sho sang In excellent voice, at RosMak.I o/11 bs ski•to .�OIJRRMONT, ONTAlliO „'t- .-aad his numbers were mock en +°O°�mta.e.,[cafe h.rtiw „• We have recently taken over• i• •joyed. Mrs.Thomas Btrkett per• t ream°able rats. _'•:F,`. formed the dating of aocotepaniet if water supplied and arel•ci... :'the Agency for the Ch @vrolet �"°--" !__ In s most efficient and satisfactory baste for hire. 1 'msn°er.The Olanmaet Cltizerie' :�°°e piatlarm-to ngat. '. Motor Car and will be in a post- •s'- . ,. , Baud rendered a norther of oelec d Phone NI..aee4• ,;.}:,• - '•Lima•during the evnt°g. From a tlOn to take care of Cho sales oAommitt a =�rie,r finned.)etandpoint•the day wee Dyson E..DOwaa• _ .vets is ;`•Rest anthems,the receipts being _— ..-: .--• �;and service Of this Car.., ', '-„r -.-'about Beal,or bleb about 8840 Harness and Shoes `` �'•, ', .; •: in the future. woe wishes at tto gate. The coos '-l^ Oemwaeadm.ad d••ime• ,'mitten wishes to.thwk Pickering , _ //yy - keep to steak-a veil psi If `y.:•for their part In making the day Repaired promptly:red • eats. A full line of Accessories,lTSBO- ,a0 w our work.sad tarpon use set e,• • soh• eucrese, they having Bent teen prier Deal be a �y - • °p two football teams aad the faction gunrwteed. liae:aad Oil always B'iII Stock. wow..do eft waylay 4Gs�e begdat: ._ deli baseball team, They also t d de Wren TS "s wish to thnpk trial is solicited. emmisdso°t lU pee ast..wal Sys wwee .-;'c:, :. i Meier and Green Rlnr Greenwood fu that- a13 gEalRrrs SHERWOOD 3. COLL A•OUTT aril . e°°`'"a`°”'"` -- i -enistaoce and ell otbe her u o s (y. • t, w aette 63 ,iii &off a, y may.^ •-4'°-•'-'''45,. . 7;, :N,•f' r.J�.; :`rh', -- y,v--•.,;sn<.h:,d2.iitir-;t>c;;y,1 :..,,.a y• ---•m,.�J'-.':u':•rer;le sits "••••?_'ivt� .... ro as.)= ,.'r ,.'err• i s'V•i.141*•02;s .) . -;- >•-•�;= "/1 • ATTACHMENT#1TO REPORT# G 3 11- , 1 /J % Nj I . - 11, -11-j1- ---^11 111 i i I I it IV II 1 - — — -� 11 III 11 11 i { rr I I _11_1 > IL , I I 11 _ / / I I o I Q I I 4 1 1 r i 1 , I 11- 1 0 I� I I I I 1 1 TAUNTON ROAD Ti1T7- - \Ili 1 1. LAMOUREAUX „__=i 1 i1 1 1 � 1 NEIGHBOURHOOD 16 I I ' N CNI ,l \--', I 42tSEAT00MMUTY I t 'I - - 11 t l I ��� ,111 I I I`I I-- 1 J1 I 11 1 — — I I 11 11 1 ter\ II 11 11 1 ) l' — _ I— , 1 I L1 .— I j 1 I_— t-- — 1 1 r_\ \--`1 I 1 11 1 I 1 r 1 r - — -1 { 1 I I II { I I I I I ■ 1 1 I 1 _ I I 1.1 11 r l I I I 1 1 —11 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1I 11 11 1 11 �� 11 1——t \ — —I i.1 1 1 1 `■ —I 1 — 1 1_11-1 t I I_I { \` \- 1 k — ' I I- I — - \ \ , -,'. I I 1 I I _ - \ \ r., / - - r— , 11 r 7 I \ \ \ 1 `\ �•44�I: \ 1,■ , / /9 / 1 /ice \ 1 '∎••'► ., ` \`// \\, / / , / I 1t \, i∎��•�•��.••' \• • / /9 / 1 1 i i s•,,1••••••40, / /, ` \/° / 1 SUBJECT / `•o:•'•• " ' ,>s PROPERTY / , , ..• ` 1 1 I/ ,//^�i` ///. \ `AN. / + 11— / // �/ / \ . �\/ 1 I\ 1c — // / \ '\ 'N / // r \ \\ -//i' // \ S. \\f1 . • N. \ „/ / N. ■ r i I 1 V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 • • \ Location Map 4 Attachment for Community Services Report CS 03-17 PICKE RI NG Renaming of the Claremont Memorial Park • City Development • Department Date: Jan. 26, 2017 a The Como Won of IM City of Pskerkq Produced(In part)under keens*tom 0 Queens Printer,Ontario Minotry of Natural Resources. AI dRfe s reserved.°Her Majesty IM Queen In Right of Canada,Department of Natural Resources.Al dpca resented.; SCALE: 1:10,000 o'branet Enterprises Ino.and Is suppled;a(I this reoerved.)C aluNdpel Property Assessment Corporation rind b suppliers mi doe resolved_ THIS In NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY PN-RU