HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 02-17�'- ��' : Report to � � � � �� � � � �* Planning & Development Committee L� Report Number: PLN 02-17 Date: January 9, 2017 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2015-07 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/15 Woodview Land Development Corporation (Geranium Homes) Part of Lot 10, Plan 329 (1952, 1958 and 1960 Woodview Avenue) Recommendation: That Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2015-07, submitted by Woodview Land Development Corporation, on lands being Part of Lot 10, Plan 329, to establish a residential plan of subdivision consisting of 21 lots for detached dwellings, a future development block for a detached dwelling and a block for Open Space Hazard Lands, as shown on Attachment #3 to Report PLN 02-17, and the implementing conditions of approval, as set out in Appendix I, be endorsed; and 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/15, submitted by Woodview Land Development Corporation, to implement the Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-07, on lands being Part of Lot 10, Plan 329, be approved, and that the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as set out in Appendix II to Report PLN 02-17 be forwarded to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: Woodview Land Development Corporation has submitted applications for a Draft Plan of Subdivision and a Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate a residential development on lands located on the west side of Woodview Avenue, south of Finch Avenue, in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The applicant originally proposed 22 lots for detached dwellings, a future development block for a detached dwelling and an Open Space Hazard Lands block for a portion of the Townline Provincially Significant Wetland and woodlot (see Original Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision, Attachment #2). In response to identified concerns, the applicant has revised their proposal (see Revised Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision, Attachment #3). The key revisions include an increase in the Open Space Hazard Lands block to accommodate a 30 metre wide buffer from the limit of the Townline Provincially Significant Wetland, and an extension of the Open Space Hazard Lands block to connect to Woodview Avenue. The increase in the Open Space Hazard Lands block resulted in a reduction in the total number of lots from 22 lots to 21 lots; and reduced lot depths. In keeping with City Engineering Services requirements, the revisions also included a reduction in the width of Street `A' from 18.0 metres to 17.0 metres. 226 Report PLN 02-17 Subject: Woodview Land Development Corporation January 9, 2017 Page 2 Staff support the revisions to the original proposal. The revised draft plan of subdivision demonstrates appropriate lot sizes and lot frontages, is in keeping with the character of the surrounding residential community, implements the policies of the Official Plan, and conforms to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. Accordingly, staff recommends that the site specific amending by-law as set out in Appendix II, be approved and forwarded to Council for enactment. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the recommendations of this report. 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject lands are located on the west side of Woodview Avenue, south of Finch Avenue, in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The subject lands comprise three properties having a combined area of approximately 2.0 hectares and a combined frontage of approximately 111 metres along Woodview Avenue. The lands are currently occupied by two existing detached dwellings, which will be demolished in order to facilitate the proposed development. Surrounding land uses to the north, south, and east, across Woodview Avenue, are detached dwellings on lots with varying frontages. A portion of the Townline Provincially Significant Wetland is located along the northerly and westerly portions of the subject lands. 1.2 Applicant's proposal The applicant originally proposed 22 lots for detached dwellings with a minimum lot frontage of 12.0 metres, a future development block for a detached dwelling and an open space hazard lands block for a portion of the Townline Significant Wetland and woodlot. An internal public road is proposed to extend from Woodview Avenue westward and then southward, terminating at a temporary turning circle at the south end of the subject lands. When lands to the south are developed, the road is intended to continue southerly and then eastward to Woodview Avenue. The temporary circle, when no longer required, will be developed as a r.esidential lot for a detached dwelling (see Original Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision, Attachment #2). Based on comments received from City staff and agencies, the applicant has made a number of revisions to the proposal. A key revision included an increase in the size of the Open Space Hazard Lands block to accommodate a 30 metre wide buffer from the limit of the Townline Provincially Significant Wetland to the satisfaction of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). At the request of the TRCA, another key revision included the extension of the Open Space Hazard Lands block to connect to Woodview Avenue. These revisions resulted in the following changes to the draft plan: 227 Report PLN 02-17 Subject: Woodview Land Development Corporation January 9, 2017 Page 3 • revised the limits of development resulting in more regular rear lot lines of the lots adjacent to the Open Space Hazard Lands block • reduced the total number of lots from 22 lots to 21 lots to accommodate the extension of the Open Space Hazard Lands block to Woodview Avenue • reduced the right-of-way width of Street `A' from 18.0 metres to 17.0 metres • decreased lot depths to a range of 30 to 32 metres, and • increased the minimum rear yard depth for all lots from 6.0 metres to 7.0 metres The revised draft plan of subdivision proposes 15 lots having minimum lot frontages of 12.0 metres fronting onto a new internal public road, and 6 lots having frontages ranging between 12.0 metres and 16.9 metres fronting Woodview Avenue. The revised proposal maintains an internal public road pattern that is proposed to accommodate the future development of the adjacent lands to the south of the subject lands. A block of approximately 0.89 of a hectare is proposed to accommodate a portion of the Tovvnlin� Provincially �ignificant V`Jetland, a v�oo�lot an� associated buffers along the ncrth and west limits of the subject lands. These lands will be rezoned as Open Space — Hazard Lands and conveyed to the TRCA. 2. Comments Received 2.1 February 25, 2016 Open House, April 11, 2016 Public Information Meeting, and Written Submissions An Open House meeting was held on February 25, 2016 to allow area residents to learn more about the new residential proposal, as well as review and comment on the plans that the applicant submitted. Two households were represented at the meeting. A Public Information Meeting was held on April 11, 2016 at which 10 residents attended to provide their comments regarding the proposed development. The following is a summary of key concerns and comments: • commented that the proposal will negatively impact the Rouge Duffins Wildlife Corridor • requested assurances that the proposed home construction be of a high quality • commented that the proposed development does not comply with Provincial policies related to significant wetlands • expressed opposition to the proposed development as it would result in an increased water table and damage the hydrology and ecosystem in the area • the resident at 1950 Woodview Avenue expressed support for the proposed development provided that the applicant erected a temporary construction fence and installed a permanent fence upon completion of the project along the southerly property line of the subject lands 22s Report PLN 02-17 Subject: Woodview Land Development Corporation �-.. - . . •.- , . 2.2.1 City of Pickering Engineering Services Department January 9, 2017 Page 4 • no objection to the proposal subject to the conditions of draft approval provided • matters with respect to grading and drainage, tree preservation and protection, fencing details and requirements, and stormwater management details will be further reviewed at detailed design • the applicant is required to enter into a subdivision agreement with the City for all offsite works including the provision of and installation of services, easements, grading, drainage and other local services 2.2.2 Region of Durham • the Regional Official Plan (ROP) designates the subject lands as "Living Areas", which shall be used predominately for housing purposes • sanitary sewer and municipal water supply is available to service the proposed lots • a Preliminary Environmental Noise Analysis, prepared by Jade Acoustics Inc., indicates that sound levels are within Provincial guidelines and that no mitigation is required • the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment, prepared by Amick Consultants Limited, states that no further archaeological assessment of the pro.perty is required • staff have reviewed the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments (ESA), prepared by Golder Associates, which concluded that the reported concentrations of the contaminants in all soil and groundwater samples taken from the Areas of Potential Environmental Concern identified in the Phase 1 ESA were below applicable site standards as of the 2015 certification date • a D4 Assessment Study, prepared by Golder Associates, concluded that potential impacts to the site due to landfill gas from the nearby former Beare Road Landfill and to the site's surface water and groundwater are not considered to be an issue • the Region has no objection to draft approval of the subdivision plan and has provided its conditions of draft approval 2.2.3 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority no objection to draft approval of the subdivision plan subject to the provided conditions of draft plan approval no objection to the approval of the zoning by-law amendment application subject to Block 23 being zoned within an Open Space Hazard Lands Zone and conveyed to the TRCA at or prior to registration as a condition of draft plan approval require a restrictive covenant over the rear yards of Lots 1 to 11, and Lots 20 and 21 adjacent the Open Space Hazard Lands prohibiting both the removal of the required permanent fences along the lot line and the installation of gates or other means of access through the fences concurrent with or prior to registration of the draft plan of subdivision 229 Report PLN 02-17 Subject: Woodview Land Development Corporation 2.2.4 Durham Catholic District School Board January 9, 2017 Page 5 no objections to the proposal the proposed development is within the boundary area of St. Monica Catholic Elementary School located at 275 Twyn Rivers Drive and St. Mary Catholic Secondary School located at 1918 Whites Road 2.2.5 Durham District School Board no objections to the proposal the proposed development is within the boundary area of Elizabeth B. Phin Public School located at 1500 Rougemount Drive and Dunbarton High School located at 655 Sheppard Avenue 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The proposal conforms to the density provisions of the Pickering Official Plan The Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas" within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood. Lands within this designation are intended primarily for housing at a net residential density of up to and including 30 units per net hectare. The proposed development will result in a density of approximately 24 units per net hectare, which is within the density range for the lands designated Low Density in the City's Official Plan. 3.2 Recommended performance standards will ensure the proposal is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood The Official Plan states that in establishing site specific performance standards, regard shall be had to protecting and enhancing the character of established neighbourhoods by considering matters such as building height, yard setbacks, lot frontage, and lot area. These considerations ensure that the proposals are compatible with the existing patterns of development and facilitate dwelling designs that would maintain the character of the neighbourhood. Existing detached lots within the vicinity of the subject lands along Woodview Avenue, Finch Avenue and Nature Haven Crescent have a variety of lot frontages ranging from 12.0 metres to 18.0 metres. The lot frontages proposed for the subject lands range between 12.0 metres and 16.9 metres, and are generally consistent and compatible with the existing surrounding lots. The applicant proposes a maximum building height of 11.0 metres. Existing zoning for the surrounding properties provides for a maximum building height that ranges between 9.0 metres and 11.0 metres. City Development staff are satisfied that restricting the maximum building height to 11.0 metres will result in building heights compatible with the existing building heights within the immediate area. 230 Report PLN 02-17 January 9, 2017 Subject: Woodview Land Development Corporation Page 6 The applicant will also be maintaining similar side and rear yard setbacks as properties in the immediate neighborhood. Staff are of the opinion that the proposed rear yard setback of a minimum of 7.0 metres will provide for functional rear yards for the future residents, will accommodate the required catch basins and infiltration swales, and will ensure appropriate building separation between dwellings. The proposed lotting pattern and development standards will ensure an appropriate built form that is compatible with existing developments in the neighborhood. 3.3 The portion of the Townline Provincially Significant Wetlands within the proposal will be conveyed to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Guidelines state that where appropriate, the conveyance of significant environmental features and their buffers to the City or other public agencies may be required as a condition of development approval. The original draft plan of subdivision proposed an Open Space Hazard Lands block of approximately 0.64 of a hectare consisting of a portion of the Townline Provincially Significant Wetlands, a woodlot, and a wetland buffer width of 15.0 metres. After discussions between the applicant and TRCA, the applicant revised the draft plan of subdivision proposing an Open Space Hazard Lands block of approximately 0.89 of a hectare, and in most places a wetland buffer width of 30 metres. The extent of the 30 metres wetland buffer was regularized to achieve appropriate residential lot configuration. TRCA supports the revised draft plan and Open Space Hazard Lands block. The buffer will be fully planted, conveyed to the TRCA, and contain Low Impact Development measures such as bioswales and infiltration trenches. 3.4 Urban Design objectives of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines have been addressed The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines establish goals to ensure lands are developed in a cohesive, well designed neighbourhood. These goals include that residential areas feature a variety of housing types of high quality design arranged on efficient street patterns, which contribute to a lotting pattern and streetscape that are aesthetically pleasing, diverse, encourage social interaction within a neighbourhood, and support safe environments. The six detached lots proposed to front Woodview Avenue establish a strong visual and physical relationship to the street. The conceptual building elevations demonstrate good urban design and present an attractive frontage along Woodview Avenue (see Submitted Conceptual Elevation — Woodview Avenue, Attachment #4). 231 Report PLN 02-17 Subject: Woodview Land Development Corporation January 9, 2017 Page 7 3.5 Matters identified by area residents have been addressed by the applicant The resident immediately to the south at 1950 Woodview Avenue requested that temporary fencing during construction as well as permanent fencing be installed along the southerly limits of the development. As a condition of draft plan approval, the applicant will be required to submit a construction management plan, which will address matters such as, but not limited to, details of erosion and sedimentation control during construction, parking of construction vehicles, storage of construction and building materials, location of construction trailer, type and timing of construction fencing, and mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site. Also as a condition of approval, the applicant will be required to install a 1.8 metre high permanent privacy fence along the developable part of the lot line shared with the existing residential use to the south. Another area resident expressed opposition to the proposal as it would result in an increase in the level of the water table in the area, and damage the hydrology and ecosystem of the area. The Preliminary Hydrogeological Investigation Study, prepared by Golder Associates, concluded that the proposed development will have no impacts on the adjacent Townline Provincially Significant Wetlands, or on the level of the water table in the area. The Environmental Impact Study prepared by Beacon Environmental dated Septembe.r 2016 states that the combination of the proposed 30 metre buffer from the wetland and 10 metre buffer from the woodlot dripline will protect the wetland and its function, and the wildlife and plants present in the valley. Both buffers are acceptable to the TRCA. 3.6 The proposed lotting pattern, house siting and grading will result in the removal of existing trees The applicant has submitted a Tree Inventory and Preservation Plan, which surveyed and evaluated existing trees on the subject lands. The applicant proposes to remove a number of trees due to the proposed lotting pattern, house siting and grading required to develop the lands for residential purposes. As a condition of draft plan approval the applicant will be required to compensate the City for the loss of tree canopy through either payment of cash-in-lieu and/or replanting. 3.7 Technical matters will be addressed as conditions of subdivision approval To ensure appropriate development, the City, Region and agency requirements have been provided as conditions of approval for the subdivision application. Technical matters to be further addressed include, but not limited to: • construction management/erosion and sediment control • stormwater management • on-site grading • site servicing • fencing • street tree planting and tree compensation • payment of cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication • Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study cost sharing • conveyance of Open Space Hazard �ands to the TRCA 232 Report PLN 02-17 January 9, 2017 Subject: Woodview Land Development Corporation Page 8 The conditions of approval set out in Appendix I to this Report, address these (and other) matters. It is recommended that Council endorse these conditions. 3.8 Staff recommend that a zoning by-law amendment be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject lands from an "A" — Agricultural zone to an appropriate residential zone category to facilitate the proposal. Staff supports the rezoning application and recommends that the site specific implementing by-law, as set out in Appendix II, be forwarded to Council for enactment. 3.9 Applicant's Comments The applicant supports the recomrnendations of this report. Appendices Appendix I Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-07 Appendix II Recommended Draft Zoning By-law Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Original Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision 3. Revised Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision 4. Submitted Conceptual Elevation — Woodview Avenue 233 Report PLN Q2-17 Su��ec�: Waod�view Land Development Car�oration Prepared By. �' � � �' � �'; .� , � Debflrah Wyli�, MGIP, RF�P Princi�a! �lanner � Development Revi�w � ���� ,� Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Man2�ger, Development Review & Ur�an �esign DW:Id R�comm�nded for the cor�sideratian of Pickering City Councii ; � 1 �j I-' ., � � .'r i � 1 � '�f f > y.., - �. Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Ghief Ac�ministrative 4ffic�r 234 January �, 2(317 Apprv�ed/Endorsed �y: > :; �r�� , - ;% ;% �.� , ,; . Catherin� Rvse, MCIP RPP Chi�f Planner `'�� �� r'=� .?� Kyle Bentley, P.Eng. Director, City De�relopment & CBC3 � __ _ , r � -�`� r �� Pag� 9 �, . . - . , -�• ' i • • - r • • • r • � • • • for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-07 235 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-07 General Conditions 1. That the Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by Malone Given Parsons, identified as project number 15-2341, dated November 19, 2015, and revised September 6, 2016, which illustrates 21 detached lots, 1 future development block (Block 22), open space hazard lands to be conveyed to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (Block 23), 0.3 metre reserves (Blocks 24, 25, and 26), and a road. Subdivision Agreement 2. That the Owner enters into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the conditions outlined in this document. 40M-Plan 3. That the Owner submits a Draft 40M-Plan to the satisfaction of the City Development Department. Zoning 4. That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/15 becomes final and binding. Street Narnes 5. That street names and signage be provided to the satisfaction of the Region and the City. Development Charges & Inspection Fee 6. That the Owner satisfies the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. 7. That the Owner satisfies the City for contributions for development review and inspection fees. Stormwater 8. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provision regarding easements. 9. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services for contributions for stormwater management faciiities maintenance fees. 10. That the Owner agrees to cost sharing for downstream stormsewer oversizing and/or quality control measures will be addressed in the subdivision agreement. 236 Recommended Conditions of Approval Page 2 (SP-2015-07 — Woodview Land Development Corporation) 11. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services that all stormwater management facilities, and erosion and sedimentation control structures are operating, and will be maintained and in good repair during the construction period. Grading 12. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission and approval of a grading control plan. 13. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis. 14. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting authorization from abutting landowners for all off-site grading. Fili & Topsoil 15. That the Owner acknowledges that the City's Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law prohibits vegetation or soil disturbance, vegetation or soil removal or importation to the site unless a permit has been issued. No on-site works prior to draft plan approval is permitted. A Fill & Topsoil Disturbance Permit will be required should vegetation removal or grading works proceed prior to the subdivision agreement being executed. Construction/lnstallation of City Works & Services 16. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the construction of roads, storm sewers, sidewalks and boulevard designs through a site servicing plan. 17. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City. 18. That the Owner satisfies the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services. 19. That the Owner agrees that the cost of any relocation, e�ension, alteration or e�raordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the Owner. Phasing and Developr�ent Coordination 20. That if this subdivision is to be developed by more than one registration, the Own�r will be required to submit a plan showing the proposed phasing, all to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham and the City. 21. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to the disposition of future development Block 22 which accommodates a temporary turning circle and will be a detached lot when adjacent lands to the south are developed and that this block will be maintained to the satisfaction of the City until such time as Block 22 is disposed of to the satisfaction of the City. 237 Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2015-07 — Woodview Land Development Corporation) Dedications/Transfers/Conveyances 22. That the Owner conveys to the City, at no cost: (i) Blocks 24, 25, and 26 for 0.3 metre reserves; and (ii) all road allowances with the proper corner roundings and sight triangles. 23. That Block 23 (Open Space Hazard Lands) be conveyed to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) for the nominal sum prior to or at registration of the subdivision. Easements 24 25 That the Owner conveys to the City, at no cost, any easements as required and any reserves as required by the City. Page 3 That the Owner conveys any easement to any utility provider to facilitate the installation of their senrices in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility provider. 26. That the Owner arranges, at no cost to the City, any easements required on third party lands for servicing, and such easements shall be in a location as determined by the City and/or the Region and are to be granted upon request any time after draft approval. 27. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services with any required easement for works, facilities or use rights that are required by the City. Construction Management Plan 28. That the Owner makes arrangements with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other matters: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls as per the City's Erosion & Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction; (ii) addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on existing streets, proposed pubfic streets, or the right-of-way to abutting properties along Woodview Avenue; (iii) (iv) i�) (vi) assurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; the provision of mud and dust controf on all roads within and adjacent to the site; type and timing of construetion fencing and existing trees ta be retained; location of construction trailers; and (vii) details of the temporary construction access. 238 Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2015-07 — Woodview Land Development Corporation) � •_•- • 29. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works. 30. That the Owner agrees to install, to the satisfaction of the City and the TRCA, the following permanent fencing: (i) chain link fence along the lot lines adjacent to Block 23 (Open Space Hazard Lands) which includes the rear lot lines of Lots 1 to 11, and 20 to 21, including the side and north lot line of Lot 21; and (ii) 1.8 metre high permanent privacy fence along the developable portion of the limit of the subject lands shared with the existing residential use to the south. Landscaping 31. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering Services respecting the submission and approval of a street tree-planting plan. 32. That the Owner satisfies the Director, City Development & CBO with the submission of a tree preservation plan which will illustrate the protection of trees and other natural features where appropriate, with specific attention to preservation in all public open spaces prior to the approval of a preliminary grading plan. Tree Compensation 33. That the Owner agrees that prior to final approval of the draft plan, or any phase thereof, compensation for the loss of tree canopy will be required either through cash-in-lieu and/or replanting. Compensation will be required for the removal of all trees that have a caliper of 15 centimetres or greater. Where compensation through replanting is being considered, the applicant will be required to provide four copies of a Tree Compensation Planting Plan to the satisfaction of the Engineering Services Department, illustrating the proposed plantings. Based on the Tree Inventory and Preservation Plan submitted, 61 trees are required for compensation. Deciduous trees shall have a minimum cafiper of 60 millimetres and coniferous trees shall have a minimum height of 1.8 metres. Should the site not provide adequate space for the planting of all 61 trees, cash-in-lieu will be required at a cost of $500 per tree. Should the compensation planting take the form of naturalization of the buffer area and smaller sized plant material is more suitable, the City will determine the total quantity of smaller plant material required for compensation. . .- 34. That the Owner ensures that the engineering plans are coordinated with the str�etscap�lsiting ar►d ar�hitectural control statement, and further, that the engineering plans coordinate the driveway, street hardware and street trees to ensure that confficts do not exist, asphalt is minimized and all objectives of the streetscape/siting and architectural control guidelines can be achieved. 239 Recommended Conditions of Approvai (SP-2015-07 — Woodview Land Development Corporation) Page 5 35. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things: City services; roads; storm sewers; sidewalks; lot grading; streetlights; fencing and tree planting; and financially-secure such works. Inspection Fees 36. That the Owner satisfy the City of Pickering for contributions for development review and inspection fees. Parkland Dedication 37. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to the payment of cash-in-lieu in accordance with the parkland dedication requirements of the Planning Act. Fire 38. That the Owner agrees that no development will proceed on any land until adequate services are available including adequate water pressure to the satisfaction of the City's Fire Services Department. Cost Sharing 39. That the Owner submit to the City of Pickering a certified cheque in the amount of $1,294.50 payable to Vee-an Management Inc., and a certified cheque in the amount of $1,294.50 payable to Nicou Inc., to cover the cost sharing required for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study. Model Homes 40. That the Owner enters into a model home agreement with the City, if applicable for this draft plan. Canada Post 41. That the Owner, through the approval of the Utility Coordination Plan for the location, enters into an agreement with Canada Post Corporation for the provision of a Community Mailbox including technical specifications, notice requirements and financial terms. 42. That the Owner agrees to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location, if required, to the satisfaction of the City. Other Approval Agencies 43. That any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham or any utility for the development of this plan be obtained by the Owner, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City as verification of these approvals. 240 Recommended Conditions of ,4pproval Page 6 (SP-2015-07 — Woodview Land Development Corporation) Plart Revisions 44. That the Owner acknowledges and agrees that the draft plan of subdivision and associated conditions of approval may require revisions, to the satisfaction of the City, to implement or integrate any recommendation resulting from studies required as conditions of approval. 45. That the Owner revises the draft plan, as necessary to the satisfaction of the City, to accommodate any technical engineering issues which arise during the review of the final engineering drawings. Required revisions may include revising the number of residential building lots or reconfiguring the roads or lots to the City's satisfaction. 46. That the Owner agrees to implement the requirements of all studies that are required by the City for the development of this draft plan of subdivision to the satisfaction of the City. 241 Appendix II to Report PLN 02-17 Recommended Draft Zoning By-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/15 242 Th� Corporatian of the City of Pickering By-1 ��r Nc�. X7�XXI17 Bei�ng a By-law to am�nd Restrict�d Area (Zanang} By-Iaw 3036, as amended, tc� irr�plement the 4ffici�l Pfan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, Park af L.ot 10, Plan 329 (A � 6�15) Whereas the Council af The Corporation of the City of Pickering received ar� appl�cation to rezane the subject �ands being Part of Lot 10, �'lara 329, in tl�e City of Picic�ring ta permit the development of 21 lots for detached dwellings and an opero space block; And whereas an am�r�dment to Zaninc� By-iaw 303�, as amended, is rec�uired to permit 5UCi1 t.�S�S; Naw therefare the Council of The Corporation of tC�e City vf Pickering her�by enacts as fal�ovvs: Sehedule 1 Schedule l to this By-law with natatians and ref�renc�s showr� th�r�an is hereby declared to be part of this By-law. 2. Are� Restricted The pra�isi�ns �f tl�is By-1aw shall ap�ly to thase lands in Part oi� Lat � 0, Plan 329 in the City of Pickering, desi�nated "S1-15", `"�3-17" �r�d "4S-HL" on Sch�dufe I to this By-%awv. 3. Gen�ral Provisi�vns �la building, structure, land or park ther�;r�f shalf hereaftef be used, occupted, erect�;d, moved or structuralfy aotered exce,�t in confarmity with the provisians of this By-faw. 4. Definitions In this By-law, (1) "Acces�ory" means � use or building naturally or no�mally incidental ta, subordinate to or exclusively de�c�t�d to � principal use or bui9ding and loca#ed on the �ame lc�t as the principal use or building. (2) "Balcony" means �r� a#ta�h�d covered ar ur►covered platForm prajecting from the face of an exterior wai9, including abov� a porch, whicn i� �anly directiy accessible fram within a building, usually surraunded by a balustrad� or railing, and does not haWe direct exterior access tc� grade. 243 6y-1aw Na. XXX5C11 �' Page 2 (3} "Bay, Bow, Box Windo�i' m�ans a window that prc�trudes from the main wall, u�ualFy ba�n+ed, cant�d, polygonal, se�mental, sernicircul�r or square sidecf with windaw on fronf face in pl�n; one ar more st4reys in I�eight, which may ar may �ot include a four�dation; may or may nQt include a windaw seat; and may includ� a�oflr. ��} "D��k" me�,ns a raised pla�form attached to th� �xterior wafl of a building �nd wdth direct access fr�m w�thin a building ar�d from grade. (5) (a} "Dwel�ing" r�►eans a building or part of a buildir�g cantain�ng one ar more dwelling units, but does not include a mobile hora�e or �railer; (b} "Dweiling, �]etached" means a single �welling wh�ch is freestanding, ss}�arate and detached from ather main bcaildEngs or str�ctures; (c} "Dwe9ling Unit" means or�� or more habitab6e roams occupied ar capable of being occu�ied as a single, independent, ar�d sep�rate h�uselceeping unit containing � separ2+te kEtci�en and sanitary �'�cilities. (�6) "Grade" means, when used with reference to � building, the avera�e e6ev�tior� 4f the fdnished surFace of the graund where it meets the exterior o� the front of svch buildings a�nd wh�n used with referenc� ta a structure shall m�e�n the av�rag� �levation of the fiirrished su�fac� of the ground immediately surrauncfing such structure, excfusive in both c�ses raf any arkificial embankment. (�} "H�ight, Dwelling" means the +�ertical distance between the e�tablished grad�, at t�e firont of the h�us�, and in tY�e c�se of a flat raof, the highest point af the roaf surFace or �ar�pet w�ll, or in the case af a r�ansard roof the deck fine, or in the case of a ga4aled, hip or garrrbrel raofi, th� m�an height between eaves anaf ridge, (8) (aj "�Lot" rneans an area of iand fronting on a street which is uset� or intended to be used as the site c�f a building, or group of buildings, as the �ase may b�, tog�ther ►rvith any accessory buildings c�r structures, or a publie park ar open spac� area, regardl�ss of wh�ther or n�# such lat canstitutes the whol� of a Ic�t c�r b{�ack an � registered piar� of subd�vision; (b) °Lot Area" means the total horizantal ar�a within the !ot lines of a lat; (c) "Loi Frontage" me�ns th� width c�f a Iot between the side dot lines measure�d along a lin� parallei fi� and 7.5 metres distant fr�m the front lot lin�; (9) "Porc�" m�ans a r�ofi�d deck +�r port�cc� structur� attached to the exteriQr wall +�� � building. A basemenf may be locaied under �he �c�rch, 244 By-law No. X?�XXI� 7 Page 3 (1 a} "Priv�te Gar��e" rneans an er�closed or partially �nclosed structure for th� storage of c�ne �r rnore vehi�les, in wY�ich structure no �usiness �rr service is conducted fQr profit ar ath�rwis�e. �11 }"Resource Managerr�ent" rne�ns the presenration, pro�ection and improvemer�t of the natural environment thraugh comprehensiWe mar�agement and maintenar�c�, under �rofessianal �irectic�n far bc�th the individual and soci�ty's u��, �bath in the pr�s�nt and th� future, and shafl also rne�n the continubus prc�tection af wp�ad o� wc��d pra�uct�, the provision of praper envirc�nmental �anditic�n� for wi9dlife, �he protectipn against floods and erosior�, t�e prot�ction and productiar� af water supplies and the p�eseruatian �f the recreational r�s�iurc�; (12j "'Wall, Front" means the wall of the dweVling closest to the front lot line. (13} (�) "Y�rd" means an area a� land which is appurt�nant to and loc�ted on the same lot as a building or structure �nd is a��n, unco�ered, and unaccupied abave gr�und except for such accessory 4uildings, structures, or ather uses as �re sp�ci#ically permitl�d ther�on; �b) "Fror�t Y�rd" means a yard exten�ing across the full width of a lo� betw�en the fronf Iot line of the lot and ih� nearest waEl of the ne�rest rnain building or structure on the lot; (c} °Frant Yard Depth" means the shortest horizontal dim�nsion of a firont yard c�f a lot betvdeen the frc�nt lot line and the �nearest wall of the near�st main building or structure on the lot; (d) "Rear Yard° rr��ans a yard extendin� across the full widt#� af a lo# between the rear lot lin� of tk�� lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the sicke lat lines, an� th� nearest wall ofi the near�st main kauilding ar �tructure on the lot; �e) "Rear Yard Depth" mean� the short�:st hori�or�t�l dimension of a r�ar yard of a lot betwe�n th� r�ar lat iin� o� the Ic�t, ar where there is r�o rear 1ot lin�, the juhction point of th� s�de Iat lines, an� tha nearest wall af the r�earest main bu�lding �r structur� on thre lat; (�} "Side Yard" means a yard c�f � Int �xtending frc�m the frQnt y�rd tQ the re�r yard, and �ram the sy�fe iot line to the n�arest wall of the n�ares� main building or structure on fih� lot; (g) "Side Yard Width" means the shortest horizontal dimer�sion flf a side yar� of a lo# '�etw�en the side I�it I�ne and the n�ar�st wa1E of the near�st main buildin� c�r �tructure on tFte lot; 245 By-1aw Na. XXkX/17 5 zas Page 4 (I�) "Flankag� Side Yard" me�ns a s�de yard immediately adjorning a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; (i) "F'lankage Side Yard Width" means the shorkest hari�ontal dimensiar� of a fkankage side yard of a!ot between the lot fine adjoining a street or abutting on a r�:ser�e on the apposite side of which is a street, and the nearest wall o� the nearest main building or structure on the lot. Provisions (�} Uses Permitt�d (��S1-�5" and "53-17'° Zones} (a) No perst�n sh�ll within the lands zon�d "51-15" and "53-17" on Scheduie I to this E�y-law, use any IQt or erect, alt�r, or use any building or structure far any purpcase except the fc�llawint�: f F} Detached C�welling (iij Access�ry structure (2) Zon� Requirements ("'51-15" and "�3-17° Zc�r��s) Na p�rson si�all within the lands zoned °'S1-15" and "��-1'7" on Schedule I to this By-law, use any lot a� er�ct, �Iter, or use �ny b�ilding except in accordance with th� follow3r�g pravisions: (a} ib) �C} fd) Lot Frontage (minimum} Lat area (rninimum) Front Yard aepth (mir�imum) �ide Yard �epth (minimumy (�} F�e�r Yard D�pth (rninimum) �f� Fl�nicag� Y�rd Dep�h (minimum} "S1-15" Zone � �.� metres 450 square metres "53-17° Zone � 2.f1 metres 35(? square metres 4.0 metr�s 1.2 rnetres on Qr�e 1.2 metres side and 0.6 metres on the ather s�de 7.a metres 2.7 metres �y-law Nn. XXK1�1�7 ��) (gj Buildang H�ig�# (maximum) (h} Park�ng Requirements fminimum) (i) Driveway Width (maxhmumj Page 5 "S1 �15" Zone I "53-17" Zone 11.0 metres 2.� parking spac+�s per dwelling unit �.0 metres {j) Garage Minirnum 1 pri+�ate �arag�e per Iot attached to F�et�uiremants the m�in building, the v�hicular entr2,nce of whicn shall ae lacated not less than 6.0 metres from the front lot line (k) Interior Garage A pri�ate garage shall have a rninimum width Size (mir�imumj of 2.9 metres and a minimum depth Qf 6.0 metres provaded, �awever, the width may include 1 interior st�p and th� �iepth may inc�ud� 2 int�rior st�ps (f� Garag� Prr�j@ctic�n I Maximum 2.� m�tre� beyond the w�ll containEng the main entr�nce to the dwal{ing unit, except wher� a covered �nd t�nenclosed pc�r�h extends � minimum �f 1.8 m�tre� from the wall containing the main entrance tQ the dwelling unit, in wl�ich ease no p�rt of any attached private garage shall extenc� mare I than 3.0 m�tres beyond the v�rall cantaining ti�e main entra�ce to the dweVling unii Special Provisions ("S1-15" and "53-1�" Zcan��} (a} Praj�ections such as window sills, chimney breasts, fireplaces, belt courses, cornices, pilasters, ea�ves, eave troug�s and other similar archi#ectural featur�s may be permi�ted in ar�y r�quired y�rd, pravid�d that n�a suc'� feature prajects into the r�quired y�rd more fihan �.6 metr�� or half �k�� distar�ce of �he requir�d yard, which�ver is less; �b) A porch, uncouered deck or balcony may encroach into any r�quired frant yard tc� a rnaxirr�um of 2.0 m�tres; �c} A pc�rch, uncovered deck or balcony may encroach inta any required flankage yard fio a maximum of 2.0 metres or half fihe disfiance ofi t�e required yard whichev�:r is less; 247 �y-law No. X�CKXl17 Pag� 6 (d) A pc�rch or uncavered deck rriay encroach into any requir�d rear yard to a maximum of 2.0 metres; (e) Stairs ta a porch or unco�ered deck may encra�ch ta within 0,3 0� a � metres af the front lat li�� ar flar�kage lat line; to within 1.0 metre a� a rear �ot line; �nd ta wit6�in fl.6 metres of a side lo� line; and (t� A bay, box or bgw window, with ar without fQUndatian, ha�ing a maximum width af 4.� metres may encroach i�ta any required yard to a maxim�m of 0.6 metres or haCf the distance of the required yard, w�ichever i� less. (4) Us�s Permitt�d ("OS-H�." Z�n�} (a� Na person shall within the Iands zoned "QS-HL" on Schedul� I to this By-faw, use any lot or erect, al�er, ar use any building or structur� for any purpose except �he f�llowing: {i� pres�rvafiion and cons�rvafiiort of the natural environment, soil and wildlif�; �ii} resaurce m�n�gement; 4iii) ped�strian trails and w�lkways. (b) Zor�� Req�irements �"C?S-HL" Zone) Na buildings ar str�ctures shall b� permitted #d be erected, nor sha11 the �lacing or remoWal of filf be permitted, except where buiidir�gs or str�ctures are �rsed �nly for purposes af faood and erasion ccrntrol, resourc� management, ar pedestrian traii and wa{kway purpc�ses. 6. Mode! Hame� (1 } Despite the pravisions of Seeti�n 6.1 of By-�aw 30�6, as amended, a maximum of 2 modet homes, taget�er with not fewer thar� 2 parkir�g sp�aces per Model Home, may be cor�structed vn #he lands zoned °'S1-15" and "53-�7" as set out in Schedu4e I attached t� this By-law pri�r to the divisfon of �ha�e lands by reg�stra�ions of a pEan c�f subdivision or f�nd division; {2} Far the purpose of this By-law, "Madel Home" sh�ll nnean a dweiling �unit which is nat use� f�r residential pu�,ose, but whic�r is used exclusively for sales, dispiay and marketing �urpases purs�ant to ar� agr�ernent with the City of Pickerang. 2ae By-�aw No. xxxxr17' 7. B�-law 3(l36 Page 7 By-faw 3036, �s amended, is hereby furfher arr�end�d only tca the exte�t necessary to giue effect to the provisic�ns �f this By-C�w as it applies to t�e area set aut in Sche�ul� I to th�s By-I�w. Definitions and subj�ct matters not spec�fic�lly dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by r�levant provisio!ns of By-I�w 343�, as amended. $. �ffecti�ve �ate This By-law shall come into farc� in accord�nc� with the provisions of th� Planning Act. By-law passed #his XX day of XXXX, 2417. ��� � David Ryan, M�yor D�bbi� Shields, City Cf�rk zas SCH�C]U�E I �'C3 BY-LAW PASSEL7 THIS DAY �F 2(}�7 MAYbR GL�RK 250 � N W � � W � � � W � � C� O � ��:�T��H1�E�(?` � I T(} . n: t� i�: ��N Csa� - �� .�..�m,�� 251 N C.T7 N Open Space Hazard Lands 0.64 ha P� ,•> ORIPLINE STAKEO DATED SEPTEMBER O8, 2015 r— �Om WOODLOT BUFFER � � u� � � .� � s.ze !-- 26.$ i �. �------------------� s { r---- � i � / � 22 ; " � W i � 26.7 � � 8.4� H i N � 21 � � W � i 35.1 i > i i � 2� i o ' ' "`.'" 6 7 8 9 1 11 � ' .,,. ' ' 35 2 ir^� ,�� �`'1, . ; `•, `�� 'i - -- -- ----- ----- / ,, ----- --- --- � � i ,.. .._._______ ;� { 3q 9 5 '�13 � 12.4 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 � 9 i� . 15mWETLAN�IS ,�, � �� 3�.2 I .o ..�_ ._.... BUFFER —� � � eeas �\� � i� ��� i e "6°° MNR WETLANUS � � � i AUG2008 ,; �% .. STREET'A' °� - ;. 4 i o ��� I N � I � � %�' 35.4 i �' e.eo 81 .,,,�`�, �` �•L eh'�� 2$.� f `, � � ` + � � 13.8 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 NATURAI � �� 3 i o ------- ------- AREA `, i - - - ~,�> i 32.0 I '� 8,0 � Block 23 ��wre � 2 13 14 15 so.o .�� / � � ' W Developltent �- p ^ �I N m 0.05 ha� � � G \ ,:' � e I O � m 1 j � � 33.0 i ei � ` R,, w �� 30.1 i r•�";,� i i ,'' y � rv / w w �,> % p � J v V W W � m � � � '� ! ."''� 42.3 I 18.0 ��� 1 � � Block 25 0.3m Reserve �;�w Original Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision `�"""e �� FILE No: SP-2015-07 and A 16/15 PICKERING APPLICANT: Woodview Land Development Corporation City Development PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Part of Lot 10, Plan 329 (1952, 1958 & 1960 Woodview Ave Department FULL SCA COPIES OF THIS PLA ARE A A ABLE FO IEWI THE CI F PICK R G CITY OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. 0.3m fteserve � i � W � Blockm— i W 0.3m Res� 18 � � � �I I OI � �% � N O i o i i �i I ' 16 ; o � •V DATE: DeC.21,2016 /"�1� D � � � � � � m � ^..f � � � ci � 1 � � � NATURAL AREA �,�A o� Revised Submitted Draft Plan of Subdivision /� ` s FILE No: SP-2015-07 and A 16/15 ll., � APPLICANT: Woodview Land Development Corporation City Development Department N C.T7 W DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: Dec. 9, 2016 }�o �a= �: , _, � ' �, ==a "� � r� � � � �� 1 � � � cn A F�s r. •s-c z� -�=aras--- -' ¢� _ _�i-_ ° _ - - � �� PICKERING City Oevelo�m�nt Qepartme�t Submitted Conceptuai Elev�tion = Woat�view Arren�e FILE No: 5P 2d15-�5 ar�d A16%15 APPLlCANT: INood�iew Land �e�elopmeni Corporation PRUPERTY aESCRIPTIOM: Part of Lot 10, Plan 3�9 (19�2, 1958 & 196t? Woodview A�venue 39 Za � �� n -•'r = � � �°�1 � �-^P � � � b , �� ��