HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 12, 2016 Page 1 of 6 Minutes/Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee October 12, 2016 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: P. Bashaw S. Bernardo, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade E. Fulton D. Hughes V. Ronaldi M.Thorpe Ross S. Wilkinson T. Higgins, Staff Representative I. Janton, Planner II – Site Planning L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: A. Doucette J. Whynot Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introduction T. Higgins welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Approval of Minutes Moved by V. Ronaldi Seconded by P. Bashaw That the June 8, 2016 and September 14, 2016 minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 3. New Business 3.1) 747 Liverpool Road – Site Plan Application I. Janton provided members with an overview of the site plan application for 747 Liverpool Road for review and comment. She outlined the location for the proposed common element condominium development consisting of detached as well as townhouse units. She noted access would be from an internal private road. She noted the units are staggered with some Page 2 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) being much lower, with some of the singles being up to 3,000 square feet, allowing opportunity for the ground floor to be designed with accessibility needs in mind. She noted that the developer had indicated a willingness to retrofit units on an individual basis. Discussion ensued with respect to ways to encourage builders to pursue accessibility needs. It was questioned whether any developers had previously built accessible units. Members also questioned the size of the garage and whether this would be accessible for wheelchairs. Members felt at least one more accessible visitor parking spot should be included on the opposite side of the property. Members also questioned whether the impact on traffic flow to the waterfront had been considered. T. Higgins noted pre consultation meetings have been taking place and would continue to work with staff on fostering accessible housing development. 4. Business Arising from Minutes T. Higgins provided an update from action items from previous meetings as follows:  Captioning at Council meetings – continuing to monitor – research is pending  Meeting to be scheduled with D. Selsky to discuss Highway #2 and Whites Road areas regarding sidewalks – list of additional items would be helpful prior to meeting  Strong concerns regarding a lack of sidewalks at Crabby Joe’s on Hwy #2 East of Whites Rd. – previous pathway no longer exists  Why not have a 6 or 8” ramp in the interim  Having no sidewalks makes no sense from a business perspective – will have a negative impact by not allowing for any pedestrian traffic  Requirements for sidewalks were questioned  No way to access public transportation near Lone Star plaza – bus stops – no curb cuts T. Higgins noted he would be meeting with staff next Tuesday and encouraged any members that were available to attend as well to address these concerns. S. Wilkinson suggested a walk around would be most effective. V. Ronaldi asked whether a teleconference would be an option. S. Wilkinson, V. Ronaldi Page 3 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) and P. Bashaw noted they may be available to join in. T. Higgins to arrange. S. Bernardo noted he had contacted John McLellan, an area contractor and would follow up with him on meeting dates. T. Higgins to action 5. General Updates T. Higgins provided members with the following updates; Lawsuits pending with The Greater Toronto Airport Authorities (GTAA) regarding their handling of persons with disabilities with respect to boarding planes, as well as a lack of available wheelchairs; The City of Pickering customer service had received a donation from an area resident of two wheelchairs which were deployed to the Petticoat Creek Community Centre and the East Shore Community Centre. A presentation package is being put together for Council with input from the Accessibility Advisory Committee and Core Staff team in November with respect to the parking by-law. T. Higgins noted the following comments/concerns resulting from public consultation;  Generally supportive of by-law  Need for inclusion of temporary accessible parking at special events  New features on the Esplanade North have been implemented which include curb cuts and tactile warning plates  Stronger language to encourage more accessible parking spaces at medical offices, pharmacies, seniors residences, etc.  Drop off zones need to be addressed  Abuse of accessible parking spaces to be adressed  Sub-standard taxis T. Higgins encouraged members to attend the November 21st Council meeting if possible when the by-law will be presented. New Business – Continued 3.2) DRP Children’s Games Page 4 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) T. Higgins provided an overview of the Games to be held on October 22nd at the Recreation Complex. He noted that an invitation had been extended to The Honourable Tracy MacCharles, MPP Pickering-Scarborough East to attend. He also noted that she had expressed an interest to attend one of our Accessibility Advisory Committee meetings, and he had provided her with a list of our meeting dates. T. Higgins encouraged members to attend and also to view the YouTube video “We Are the Superhumans” 3.3) Frenchman’s Bay West Park T. Higgins informed members of an opportunity to partner in the creation of a unique centre of excellence in waterfront accessibility. He noted that the Committee could help to focus attention on achieving a shared vision, principles and concepts that will engage a wide range of partners. Members would also assist in leading the public consultation process. He also noted the City was in the process of seeking funding from various government sources with a public consultation meeting being planned for November 9th, which coincides with our next Committee meeting. T. Higgins suggested the possibility of foregoing our November 9th meeting in order for AAC Members to attend the public consultation, with the possibility of holding another meeting in November if warranted. Discussion ensued with Members questioning who the partners were and noted other groups and organizations that should be included in discussions;  TRCA  Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club  Autism Ontario – D. Hughes noted he would provide T. Higgins with information if he was unavailable to attend the public consultation meeting V. Ronaldi noted the importance of discussions addressing a broad range of disabilities in order to achieve the optimal inclusivity of the Frenchman’s Bay West Park.. 3.4) Grant Applications T. Higgins noted that staff have been processing a number of D. Hughes to action Page 5 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) grant applications, including funding for the Council Chambers renovations, the Claremont Community Centre and the Western Spit. P. Bashaw noted there is special funding available through New Horizons for Seniors Groups, noting the application period is very short and only available once a year. He noted he would provide T. Higgins with this information. T. Higgins encouraged members to alert him whenever they become aware of any funding opportunities. 3.5) Recreation Program Procedures T. Higgins informed members the City has prepared a procedure report in order to ensure the successful integration of applicants with disabilities requiring accommodations to participate effectively in recreational programs. He noted that these standards were aimed at enabling staff to better determine and reasonably accommodate required needs for each applicant. He provided an overview of the report, noting that he would forward a copy to members for review and comment. 3.6) Legislation & Regulation Changes T. Higgins provided members with a copy of the Accessible Customer Service Standard Changes, noting the changes were minor in nature. He also noted that the City of Pickering is already addressing these. 3.7) Delaney Arena Renovations T. Higgins provided members with an overview of some of the accessibility improvements completed at the Delany Arena:  Barrier free viewing areas in the stands with guest seating as well  Outlets for heated blankets  Improved sightlines  Power outlets for charging chairs  Washroom and dressing room improvements T. Higgins noted the difficulty in forwarding out photos, so encouraged members to visit the arena to view the improvements. P. Bashaw to action T. Higgins to action Page 6 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6. Correspondence T. Higgins informed members that area municipalities Accessibility Coordinators have volunteered their time and created an appeals tribunal for the Durham Region Specialized Transit. He noted that some have drafted a letter regarding a number of opportunities to improve the DRT process. 7. Other Business T. Higgins informed members that there were still plans to invite Durham Transit to attend a future meeting. 8. Next Meeting: Wednesday November 9, 2016 (TBC) Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: City Clerk