HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLK 07-16 C4 o Report to P1CKER1 NG Executive Committee Report Number: CLK 07-16 Date: December 5, 2016 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: Municipal Elections Modernization Act, 2016 - Ranked Ballot Election - File: A-2000-16 Recommendation: 1. That Council maintain the existing first-past-the-post election model for the 2018 Municipal Election; and 2. That the City Clerk be directed to monitor ranked ballot elections in Ontario on an ongoing basis, and report back to Council before the 2022 Municipal Election regarding the experiences of ranked ballot elections and the advisability of Pickering adopting the ranked ballot election process. Executive Summary: On June 9, 2016, the Municipal Elections Modernization Act, 2016 received Royal Assent. The Municipal Elections Modernization Act, 2016 made a number of changes to the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. One of those changes was to provide municipalities with the option of using ranked ballots in future elections, as an alternative to the existing first- past-the-post (FPTP) system. Ranked ballot voting is an election counting method in which voters can rank candidates by preference. There are two types of ranked ballot processes: single-member ranked ballot and multi-member ranked ballot. The City of Pickering would use the single-member process, since it only elects one candidate for each office. In a ranked ballot election, the ballot allows voters to choose multiple candidates, in order of preference, for each elected office. Elections are decided when a candidate has a majority vote. If no candidate wins a majority after the first vote, the system then uses an instant run-off method of voting. The candidate receiving the least votes is eliminated, and that candidate's votes are re-allocated to each voter's second choice candidate. Run-offs continue until one candidate has a clear majority of the vote and is declared the winner. Ranked ballot elections purport to give voters more choice. Other potential advantages include: • Reduction in strategic voting. Electors can vote for who they want instead of strategically voting to avoid having the candidate they don't want elected; • Reduction in negative campaigning. Since voters can rank multiple candidates, there is an incentive for candidates to appeal to voters not just as a first preference vote, but also to gain a high ranking from supporters of other candidates; • Encouraging more candidates to remain in the race until voting day, since the threat of "splitting votes" among like-minded candidates is reduced. CLK 07-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Municipal Elections Modernization Act, 2016 Page 2 - Ranked Ballot Election Unfortunately, ranked balloting is a more complex method of voting. It would represent a substantial change in the voting experience, and could confuse some voters. A significant amount of City resources would need to be allocated towards education, which is currently not accounted for in the budget. Given the lack of experience with ranked ballot elections in Canada, it is more prudent to wait and see if other municipalities adopt this method, and then to review it again in 2022. Financial Implications: None. If in future Council directs that the ranked ballot election system be adopted, then public consultation would be required. Staff estimate that the initial cost of adopting ranked ballots would be approximately $50,000. This sum would be spent on public consultations, vendor and staffing expenses, and public education. Discussion: For the 2018 Municipal Election, ranked ballots are an option for municipal councils but not school boards. This would require a municipality to run two types of elections: ranked ballots for council and FPTP for school boards. The implications of using ranked balloting are significant and the timelines for this process are very short. If a ranked ballot election is to be implemented, it must be enacted by by-law no later than May 1, 2017. In reality, this decision would need to be made much earlier in order to allow staff the time required to properly implement the change. Throughout the consultation process leading up to the Municipal Elections Modernization Act, 2016, there was significant apprehension amongst election administrators about moving from FPTP to ranked ballots. Ranked ballots represent a significant change for candidates, administrators and electors. Considerations and impacts of using a ranked ballot system are as follows: Public Consultation and Support Substantial public consultation and engagement is recommended before implementing such a significant change to the current electoral system. A thorough public consultation process is required under O.Reg 310/16 to gather public feedback before a by-law enacting ranked ballots can be passed. Public Education and Voter Turnout The ranked ballot system is a fundamental departure from the experience of the average voter who is used to selecting from a specified number of candidates for each office. The ranked ballot approach may be confusing to experienced and new voters alike. A significant amount of time, effort and election funding would have to be put towards public education and resources to inform voters about this new system. CORP0227-07/01 revised CLK 07-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Municipal Elections Modernization Act, 2016 Page 3 - Ranked Ballot Election Voting Equipment and Systems A change to a ranked ballot approach would affect the amount of time needed to prepare and test vote counting equipment and systems. Ranked balloting involves multiple rounds of voting based on a more complex mathematical calculation. As with any election, testing would have to be conducted on all vote counting equipment and systems to ensure that votes are counted correctly. The security and integrity of the systems must also be tested. Ballot A ballot using ranked voting will be significantly different than the ballot that voters are familiar with, and may cause confusion and increase the time it takes each voter to cast a ballot. Voters may mark ballots incorrectly, leading to more spoiled ballots and longer wait times at voting locations. It will be more time consuming for election workers at voting locations to issue, manage, balance and reconcile multiple ballots or dual face ballots and to educate voters with questions at the voting location. Election Results and Recount Ranked ballot processes will likely delay the time between the close of voting and the release of official results from the Clerk's Office. With the current voting system, election results are typically generated very quickly with unofficial results announced at the end of voting day, and official results announced the following business day. With ranked voting, unofficial results may still be available the same night; however, it could take longer to count ballots using the ranked ballot system. Also, O.Reg 310/16 lays out in detail the recount procedures for rank ballots, which could include the City Clerk physically reviewing each ballot to determine the markings on the ballots. Accessibility In previous municipal elections, the City has utilized accessibility devices at advance polls in an effort to mitigate potential barriers to voting. Devices include a handheld touch pad, "yes/no" paddles and a sip and puff machine. These devices gave the voter the opportunity to listen to an audio ballot with candidate options read out over headphones. Even with a FPTP ballot, it takes a significant amount of time to read the names of each candidate on the ballot. An area of potential concern for accessibility is the length of time it will take to have an audio ballot read out if a voter is now presented with the opportunity to rank each candidate three times, or more. Accessibility issues in a ranked ballot system should be thoroughly considered before the new system is adopted. Increased Administrative Costs In light of these considerations, increased administrative costs are anticipated based on the following: Paper ballot production costs could increase based on the size and number of ballot faces required for each voter and the anticipation of more spoiled ballots and replacements; CORP0227-07/01 revised CLK 07-16 December 5, 2016 Subject: Municipal Elections Modernization Act, 2016 Page 4 - Ranked Ballot Election - Additional time will be needed by staff to support the ranked ballot system for research, planning and implementation of new processes and audit procedures; - Extensive public education will be needed to inform and assist voters, as well as, promotional materials and communication initiatives; - Additional election workers will be needed at each voting location to assist voters who are unclear on the new voting method and to ensure that wait times are not increased; and - Additional training will be required for all election workers to ensure that they are knowledgeable about ranked balloting and can assist voters. The Clerk's Office has been following the discussions on the use of ranked ballots since they were first proposed. Staff have attended numerous seminars and meetings and have had many discussions about ranked ballots with Municipal Clerks across the Province. It is recommended that the City of Pickering not implement a ranked ballot process for the 2018 Municipal Election. The City Clerk will monitor and learn from the implementation experiences of other municipalities in 2018 to ensure that additional costs, considerations of public interest and risks are identified and mitigated prior to any possible implementation in Pickering. Additional information from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding ranked ballot elections and O.Reg 310/16 for Ranked Ballot Elections are provided as Attachment 1 and 2. Also provided is a youtube video on how a single member ranked ballot voting method works. Attachments: 1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing — Ranked Ballot Election 2. O.Reg 310/16 — Ranked Ballot Election 3. Single member ranked voting youtube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHRPMJmzBBw) Prepared By: Appr,i - •/Endorsed By: • Debbie Shields Paul B'. . City Clerk Direct.r, s rp rate Services & City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ile77. z42016, Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised • Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Ministry of Housing Follow Your Ballot: An example of a ranked ballot election Email this pace Follow a ballot and learn what happens in a single-member and multi-member ranked ballot election. Single-member election: an election where one candidate is elected In this election, you are being asked to vote on the kind of fruit that will be served as a snack. Ranking the ballot With ranked ballots you can rank your choices from your most preferred to least preferred option. You rank the choices as follows: • Cherry 1 • #4 • Pear 2 • Strawberry 3 #� • Apple 4 Calculate the threshold to be elected w al Thirty people voted, and only one fruit can be chosen. Sixteen votes are needed for a fruit to be elected (50 per cent of 30 votes is 15 votes, plus h#) #3 one makes it a majority). Count the first choice votes After the ballots are distributed according to first choices, the vote count looks like this: a dco, cherry strawberry pear apple 1st count 5 6 9 14 None of the fruits has received enough votes to be elected. Eliminate the option in last place and redistribute those ballots to other candidates Your first choice, Cherry got the fewest votes. Your ballot will now be given to your second choice, Pear. (The ballots of everyone else who voted for Cherry as their first choice will also be redistributed to their second choices). After the 5 Cherry ballots are distributed, the new vote count is: ( O ® I cherry strawberry pear apple 6 9 10 1 4 0 2nd count 7 13 10 After the second round of counting, none of the fruits has received enough votes to be elected. Drop the last place and redistribute those ballots Strawberry now has the fewest votes. Your ballot stays with your second choice, Pear. After the 7 Strawberry ballots are redistributed, the new vote count is: (40.- strawberry pear apple 13 10 4 3 3rd count 17 13 Pear is elected with 17 votes. Even though your first choice didn't get elected, your ballot helped your second choice to win. O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS • Page 1 of 15 HOME PAGE / LAWS / O.REG.310/16:RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS A TAcHPrNT- `,. . - Ontario Francais Municipal Elections Act,1996 • ONTARIO REGULATION 310/16 RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Consolidation Period:From September 16,2016 to the e-Laws currency date. No amendments. This is the English version of a bilingual regulation. CONTENTS I-1 INTERPRETATION 1. Interpretation AUTHORITY TO CONDUCT RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS 2. Authority conferred,single-tier or lower-tier municipality 3. Authority conferred,upper-tier municipality 4. Elector's right to vote BY-LAWS WITH RESPECT TO RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS 5. Matters to be considered by council 6. Contents of by-law 7. Application of by-law to elections 8. When by-law comes into force INFORMATION ABOUT PROPOSED BY-LAWS 9. Proposed by-law:information for the public 10. Proposed by-law:open house(single-tier or lower-tier municipality) 11. Proposed by-law:public meeting CONDUCTING A RANKED BALLOT ELECTION 12. Responsibility of clerks re single-tier and lower-tier municipalities 13. Responsibilities of clerks re upper-tier municipalities 14. Responsibility for counting votes re upper-tier municipality BALLOTS AND RANKING BY ELECTORS 15. Ballots 16. Instructions 17. Elector's ranking of candidates 18. Determining highest ranking • COUNTING THE VOTES—GENERAL 19. Threshold:number of votes needed to elect candidate 20. Eliminating candidates during a round of vote counting:single elimination method 21. Batch elimination method • 22. Choice of method 23. Exhausted ballots https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 2 of 15 COUNTING FOR ELECTION OF ONE CANDIDATE TO AN OFFICE 24. Counting the votes,election of one candidate 25. Resolution of a tie vote,election of one candidate COUNTING FOR ELECTION OF MULTIPLE CANDIDATES TO AN OFFICE 26. Counting the votes,election of more than one candidate 27. Resolution of a tie vote,election of more than one candidate INFORMATION ABOUT ELECTION RESULTS 28. Report following election VARIATIONS TO THE ACT 29. Ranked ballot election only 30. Ranked ballot election concurrent with non-ranked ballot election Schedule 1 Variations to the act—ranked ballot elections Schedule 2 Variations to the act—ranked ballot elections concurrent with non-ranked ballot elections • INTERPRETATION Interpretation 1.In this Regulation,a reference to a by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections means a by-law that may be passed by a municipality under section 41.2 of the Act. AUTHORITY TO CONDUCT RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Authority conferred,single-tier or lower-tier municipality 2.(1)Subject to subsection(2),ranked ballot elections for offices on the council of a single-tier or lower-tier municipality are hereby authorized to be conducted in accordance with the rules set out in subsection 41.1 (1)of the Act. (2)Ranked ballot elections for offices on the council of a single-tier or lower-tier municipality are authorized only if they are to be conducted for all offices on the council. Authority conferred,upper-tier municipality 3.(1)Subject to subsections(2)to(4),ranked ballot elections for offices on the council of an upper-tier municipality are hereby authorized to be conducted in accordance with the rules set out in subsection 41.1 (1)of the Act. (2)Ranked ballot elections are not authorized for any office on the council of an upper-tier municipality unless they are authorized for all offices on the council of every lower-tier municipality within the upper-tier municipality. (3)Ranked ballot elections are not authorized for any office on the council of an upper-tier municipality unless both of the following circumstances exist: 1.One or more members of the council of the upper-tier municipality are elected to the council by the electors of all or part of one or more lower-tier - municipalities within the upper-tier municipality. 2.The members referred to in paragraph 1 who are elected to the council of the upper-tier municipality are not also elected to the council of a lower-tier municipality within the upper-tier municipality. (4)Ranked ballot elections are authorized only for the offices of members described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of subsection(3)and they are authorized only if they are to be conducted for the offices of all of those members of the council of the upper-tier municipality. Elector's right to vote • 4.(1)An elector is entitled to rank as many candidates for an office as the by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections specifies or,if the by-law does not specify the number of rankings,three candidates. (2)Paragraph 3 of subsection 51 (2)of the Act does not apply with respect to a ranked ballot election. BY-LAWS WITH RESPECT TO RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Matters to be considered by council 5.(1)Before passing a by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections,the council of a single-tier or lower-tier municipality shall consider the following matters: 1.The costs to the municipality of conducting the elections. 2.The availability of technology,such as voting equipment and vote-counting equipment and software,for conducting the elections. 3.The impact the proposed by-law would have on election administration. (2)Before passing a by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections,the council of an upper-tier municipality shall consider the following matters: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 3 of 15 1.The costs to the municipality of conducting the elections. 2.The technology,if any,being used by the lower-tier municipalities within the upper-tier municipality for conducting their ranked ballot elections. Contents of by-law 6.(1)A by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections may specify the maximum number of rankings for each office'on council. (2)The by-law may specify a different number of rankings for each office. (3)In this section,a reference to the number of rankings for an office is a reference to the number of candidates for the office in respect of whom an elector is permitted to indicate a preference when voting. Application of by-law to elections 7.A by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections applies to all regular elections and by-elections of the municipality. When by-law comes into force 8.(1)A by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections does not come into force until, (a)if it is passed after May 1,in the case of a single-tier or lower-tier municipality,or after July 1,in the case of an upper-tier municipality,in the year before the year of a regular election,the day a newly elected council is organized following the second regular election after the passing of the by-law; or (b)in any other case,the day a newly elected council is organized following the first regular election after the passing of the by-law. (2)Despite subsection(1),the regular election that is held immediately before the coming into force of a by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections shall be conducted as if the by-law were already in force. INFORMATION ABOUT PROPOSED BY-LAWS Proposed by-law:information for the public 9.(1)Before passing a by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections,the council shall ensure that the following information is made available to the public with respect to the proposed by-law: 1.A detailed description of how the elections would be conducted,including a description of how votes would be distributed to candidates based on the rankings marked on ballots. 2.An estimate of the costs of conducting the elections. 3.For a proposed by-law of a single-tier or lower-tier municipality,a description of the voting equipment and vote-counting equipment,if any,that is being considered. 4.For a proposed by-law of a single-tier or lower-tier municipality,a description of any alternative voting method being considered. (2)If the proposed by-law would repeal a by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections,paragraph 1 of subsection(1)requires only a detailed description of how the elections would be conducted. (3)The council shall ensure that the information required by this section is made available free of charge to any member of the public upon request. (4)The council of an upper-tier municipality shall ensure that the information required by this section is made available to the public at least 15 days before the public meeting required by section 11 is held. Proposed by-law:open house(single-tier or lower-tier municipality) 10.(1)Before passing a by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections,the council of a single-tier or lower-tier municipality shall ensure that at least one open house is held in accordance with this section for the purpose of giving the public an opportunity to review and ask questions about the information required by section 9. (2)The open house shall be held at least 15 days before the public meeting required by section 11 is held. (3)At least 30 days before the open house is to be held,the council shall publish notice of the open house in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality. (4)The council shall give at least 30 days'notice of the open house to every person and organization that has,within two years before the day of the open house,requested that the municipality provide the person or organization with such notice and has provided an address for the notice. (5)The council shall ensure that the information required by section 9 is available at the open house. Proposed by-law:public meeting 11.(1)Before passing a by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections,the council shall ensure that a public meeting is held in accordance with this section in respect of the proposed by-law. (2)At least 30 days before the public meeting is to be held,the council shall publish notice of the public meeting as follows: 1.For a proposed by-law of a single-tier or lower-tier municipality,in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality. 2.For a proposed by-law of an upper-tier municipality,in one or more newspapers that,together,have general circulation in each lower-tier municipality within the upper-tier municipality. (3)The council shall give at least 30 days notice of the public meeting to every person and organization that has,within two years before the day of the public https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 4 of 15 • meeting,requested that the municipality provide the person or organization with such notice and has provided an address for the notice. (4)The council shall ensure that the notices required by subsections(2)and(3)set out the intention of the municipality to pass the by-law. (5)The council shall ensure that any person who attends the public meeting is given the opportunity to make representations in respect of the proposed by- law. (6)The council shall ensure that the information required by section 9 is available at the public meeting. . CONDUCTING A RANKED BALLOT ELECTION Responsibility of clerks re single-tier and lower-tier municipalities • 12.The clerk of a single-tier or lower-tier municipality is responsible for conducting a ranked ballot election for offices on the council of the municipality. Responsibilities of clerks re upper-tier municipalities 13.(1)The clerk of an upper-tier municipality is responsible for conducting a ranked ballot election for offices on the council of the municipality,except as • otherwise specified in this Regulation. (2)When an upper-tier municipality passes a by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections,the clerk of the municipality shall give a copy of the by-law to the clerks of every lower-tier municipality within the upper-tier municipality. (3)As soon as possible after the upper-tier municipality passes a by-law with respect to ranked ballot elections,the clerk of each lower-tier municipality within the upper-tier'municipality shall tell the clerk of the upper-tier municipality how many eligible electors were on the voters'list for the lower-tier municipality,as the voters'list existed at the close of voting on voting day in the previous regular election. Responsibility for counting votes re upper-tier municipality 14.(1)In a regular election for offices on the council of an upper-tier municipality,the clerk of the lower-tier municipality within the upper-tier municipality that has the greatest number of eligible electors is responsible for counting the votes in the ranked ballot election for offices on the council of the upper-tier municipality. (2)In a by-election for an office on the council of an upper-tier-municipality, (a)if the geographic area of the office is wholly within one of the lower-tier municipalities,the clerk of the lower-tier municipality is responsible for counting the votes in the ranked ballot election;and (b)if the geographic area of the office is within two or more of the lower-tier municipalities,the clerk of the lower-tier municipality that has the greatest number of eligible electors is responsible for counting the votes in the ranked ballot election. (3)For the purposes of subsection(1)and clause(2)(b),the number of eligible electors is determined with reference to the voters'list for the lower-tier municipality,as the voters'list existed at the close of voting on voting day in the previous regular election. (4)The clerk of the upper-tier municipality shall determine which lower-tier municipality is described in subsection(1)or clause(2)(a)or(b),as the case may be,based on information provided to him or her by the clerk of each lower-tier municipality,and shall tell the clerks of the lower-tier municipalities which clerk is responsible for counting the votes in the ranked ballot election. (5)The clerk of the lower-tier municipality that is responsible for counting the votes shall promptly report the vote recorded to the clerk of the upper-tier municipality,who shall prepare the final summary and announce the result of the vote. BALLOTS AND RANKING BY ELECTORS Ballots 15.(1)Ballots used for ranked ballot elections must comply with the rules set out in this section in addition to the rules in subsection 41 (2)of the Act. (2)The number of candidates to be elected for each office must appear on the ballot. Instructions 16.Instructions to electors about the following matters must be made available at the voting place: 1.How to mark the ballot so that the ranking of candidates can be read by the clerk. • 2.How to rank candidates in the order of the elector's preference. 3.The maximum number of candidates that can be ranked for each office,indicating that if the number of certified candidates for an office is fewer than the maximum number of candidates that can be ranked for the office,all candidates for the office may be ranked. Elector's ranking of candidates 17.An elector ranks the candidates on a ballot by marking the ballot,in accordance with the instructions made available at the voting place,to indicate the elector's preferences. • Determining highest ranking 18.At each round of vote counting,the following rules describe how to determine which candidate an elector has ranked as the highest: 1.The elector's preference for one candidate over the other candidates is indicated by rankings marked on the ballot. 2.If the ballot is marked to indicate more than one ranking for a single candidate,only the highest of those rankings is considered. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 O.Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 5 of 15 3.If the ballot is marked to indicate the rankings among the candidates,but there is no mark that indicates one or more of the rankings that could be assigned,the relative rankings that are marked indicate which candidate is ranked as the highest. 4.If the ballot is marked to indicate the rankings among the candidates,but the mark that indicates a ranking is not made inside the space provided for • g marking the ballot,only the relative rankings that are marked inside the space provided for marking the ballot indicate which candidate is ranked as the highest. COUNTING THE VOTES—GENERAL Threshold:number of votes needed to elect candidate 19.(1)The threshold is the number of votes sufficient for a candidate to be elected to an office and,in a ranked ballot election for an office,is determined using the formula, [(A–B)+(C+1)]+1 in which, "A"is the total number of ballots cast for the office, • "B"is the number of ballots in which the votes for the office have been rejected from the count under subsection 54(2)or(3)of the Act,as set out in section 4 of Schedule 1 to this Regulation,or under subsection 55(3)or(4)of Act,as set out in section 4 of Schedule 2 to this Regulation,as applicable, and "C"is the number of members to be elected to the office. (2)If the formula results in a number that includes a fraction,the fraction is disregarded. Eliminating candidates during a round of vote counting:single elimination method 20.(1)The single elimination method for eliminating a candidate from a round of vote counting is conducted in accordance with this section. (2)The candidate with the fewest votes in a round,including transferred votes,is eliminated from the next round in accordance with section 24 or 26,as the case may be. (3)In case of a tie between two or more candidates with the fewest votes in a round,the tie is resolved in accordance with section 25 or 27,as applicable in the circumstances. • • (4)The clerk shall record the details of the resolution of any tie,and the resolution shall be re-used in any recount. Batch elimination method 21.(1)The batch elimination method for eliminating one or more candidates from a round of vote counting is conducted in accordance with this section. (2)Every canflidate who has no mathematical chance of being elected during a round is eliminated from the next round in accordance with section 24 or 26, as the case may be. (3)A candidate has no mathematical chance of being elected if either of the following circumstances exist: 1.If the sum of"D"and"E"for the candidate is less than the amount of"D"for the candidate with the next greater number of votes received,including transferred votes,where, "D"is the number of votes received by the candidate,including transferred votes,and "E"is the number of votes capable of being transferred to the candidate in future rounds, i.from candidates with fewer votes in the current round,and ii.from candidates with whom the candidate is tied in the current round. 2.If the amount of"D"for the candidate,as defined in paragraph 1,is less than the amount of"D"for a candidate who is eliminated under paragraph 1. Choice of method 22.(1)On or before December 31 in the year before a regular election,the clerk shall determine whether the single elimination method described in section 20 or the batch elimination method described in section 21 for eliminating candidates during each round of vote counting shall be used in the election and shall notify each candidate in writing when the candidate's nomination is filed. •(2)In the case of a by-election,the clerk shall determine,at least 60 days before the first day on which an elector can vote,whether the single elimination method or the batch elimination method for eliminating candidates during each round of vote counting shall be used in the by-election and shall notify each candidate in writing. (3)The same method must be used for all offices to be filled by the ranked ballot election,and for all rounds of vote counting for each office. Exhausted ballots 23.A ballot cast by an elector in a ranked ballot election is exhausted at the end of a round of vote counting if any of the following circumstances exist: 1.The elector has not ranked any of the continuing candidates in the next round. 2.The elector's highest ranking for a continuing candidate in the next round cannot be determined. 3.The elector has ranked more candidates than the maximum number permitted for the office,and the elector's highest ranked continuing candidate in the next round holds a lower ranking than the lowest permitted ranking. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 6 of 15 • COUNTING FOR ELECTION OF ONE CANDIDATE TO AN OFFICE Counting the votes,election of one candidate 24.(1)In a ranked ballot election in which one candidate is to be elected to an office,the votes are counted in accordance with this section and in the sequence set out in this section. • (2)Threshold:Calculate the threshold for the office under section 19. (3)First round of vote counting:Conduct the first round of vote counting as follows: 1.Count the number of votes cast for each candidate as indicated by each elector's highest ranking on their ballot. 2.If the number of votes for a candidate equals or exceeds the threshold,take no further steps under this section and,as soon as possible after voting day,the clerk shall declare that candidate to be elected. 3.If no candidate has received sufficient votes to equal or exceed the threshold,eliminate a single candidate or a batch of candidates in accordance with section 20 or 21.If there is a tie between two or more candidates with the fewest votes,resolve the tie in accordance with section 25. 4.The candidates who have not been eliminated under paragraph 3 are continuing candidates in the next round. (4)Exhausted ballots:Identify any exhausted ballots. (5)Transfer of votes from eliminated candidates:Transfer the votes from the candidates eliminated in the first round to the continuing candidates in the next round as follows: 1.Transfer each vote received by each candidate eliminated in the first round to the continuing candidate who,as marked on the same elector's ballot, received the next highest ranking of all continuing candidates.If the elector's ballot is exhausted,his or her vote for an eliminated candidate shall not apply to any candidate. (6)Second round of vote counting:Conduct the second round of vote counting as follows: 1.Count the number of votes cast for each continuing candidate as indicated by each elector's highest ranking of the continuing candidates on their ballot and the number of votes transferred to the candidate after the previous round. 2.If the number of votes received by a candidate equals or exceeds the threshold,take no further steps under this section and,as soon as possible after voting day,the clerk shall declare that candidate to be elected. 3.If no candidate has received sufficient votes to equal or exceed the threshold,eliminate a single candidate or a batch of candidates in accordance with section 20 or 21.If there is a tie between two or more candidates with the fewest votes,resolve the tie in accordance with section 25. 4.The candidates who have not been eliminated under paragraph 3 are continuing candidates in the next round. (7)For subsequent rounds of vote counting:Repeat the steps set out in subsection's(4),(5)and(6),with necessary modifications,for each subsequent round of vote counting until the number of votes received by one candidate equals or exceeds the threshold or until only two continuing candidates remain.Then take the following steps: 1.If the number of votes received by one candidate equals or exceeds the threshold,take no further steps under this section and,as soon as possible after voting day,the clerk shall declare that candidate to be elected. 2.If only two candidates remain,the clerk shall,as soon as possible after voting day,declare the candidate with the most votes,including transferred votes,to be elected. Resolution of a tie vote,election of one candidate 25.In a ranked ballot election in which only one candidate is to be elected to an office,if there is a tie between two or more continuing candidates with the fewest votes,the tie is resolved in accordance with the following rules: 1.In the first round of vote counting,the tie is resolved by lot and the candidate chosen by lot is deemed to have the fewest votes. 2.In the second and any subsequent round, i.the candidate with the fewest votes in the preceding round is deemed to have the fewest votes in the current round, . ii.if the candidates who are tied in the current round were tied in the preceding round,the candidate with.the fewest votes in the round before the preceding round is deemed to have the fewest votes in the current round,and it.if the candidates who are tied in the current round were tied in all preceding rounds,the tie is resolved by lot and the candidate chosen by lot is deemed to have the fewest votes in the current round. COUNTING FOR ELECTION OF MULTIPLE CANDIDATES TO AN OFFICE Counting the votes,election of more than one candidate 26.(1)In a ranked ballot election in which more than one candidate is to be elected to an office,the votes are counted in accordance with this section and in the sequence set out in this section. . (2)Threshold:Calculate the threshold for the office under section 19. (3)First round of vote counting:Conduct the first round of vote counting as follows: 1.Count the number of votes cast for each candidate as indicated by each elector's highest ranking on their ballot. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 _. .... _.._ . O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 7 of 15 2.Determine the number of candidates for whom the number of votes cast,as described in paragraph 1,equals or exceeds the threshold. 3.If the number of candidates determined under paragraph 2 equals the number of candidates to be elected to the office,take no further steps under this section and,as soon as possible after voting day,the clerk shall declare all of those candidates to be elected. 4.If the number of candidates determined under paragraph 2 is less than the number of candidates to be elected to the office,determine which of them has the greatest number of votes(the"successful candidate")and,as soon as possible after voting day,the clerk shall declare that candidate to be elected. 5.If there is no successful candidate,eliminate a single candidate or batch of candidates in accordance with section 20 or 21.If there is a tie between two or more candidates,resolve the tie in accordance with section 27. 6.The candidates(other than the successful candidate,if any)who have not been eliminated under paragraph 5 are continuing candidates for the next round. (4)Exhausted ballots:Identify any exhausted ballots. (5)Transfer of partial votes from the successful candidate:For each vote cast for the successful candidate,if any,in the first round,determine the surplus portion of the vote and transfer it from the successful candidate to the continuing candidates as follows: 1.Calculate the transfer ratio for the successful candidate in the first round,using the formula, (F—E)=F in which, "E"is the threshold for the office,and "F"is the number of votes cast for the successful candidate. 2.For each vote cast for the successful candidate(referred to in this subsection and in subsection(7)as a"successful vote"),calculate the surplus portion of the vote using the formula, G H in which, "G"is the transfer ratio for the successful candidate,and "H"is one vote. 3.For each elector who cast a successful vote,transfer the surplus portion of the elector's successful vote to the continuing candidate who,as marked on the elector's ballot,has the highest ranking of all of the continuing candidates.If the elector's ballot is exhausted,the surplus portion of his or her vote shall not apply to any candidate. (6)Transfer of votes from eliminated candidates:Transfer the votes from the candidates,if any,eliminated in the first round to the'continuing candidates as follows: 1.Transfer each vote cast for each candidate eliminated in the first round to the continuing candidate who,as marked on the same elector's ballot,has the highest ranking of all of the continuing candidates.If the elector's ballot is exhausted,his or her vote for an eliminated candidate shall not apply to any candidate. (7)Second round of vote counting:Conduct the second round of vote counting as follows: 1.Count the number of votes cast for each continuing candidate as indicated by each elector's highest ranking of the continuing candidates on their ballot • and count the number of votes,and the surplus portion of successful votes,that were transferred to the candidate after the previous round. 2.If the number of votes received by one or more candidates exceeds the threshold,determine which of them has the greatest number of votes(the "successful candidate")and,as soon as possible after voting day,the clerk shall declare that candidate to be elected. 3.If the cumulative number of successful candidates equals the number of candidates to be elected to office,take no further steps under this section and, as soon as possible after voting day,the clerk shall declare those candidates to be elected. 4.If there is no successful candidate in this round,eliminate a single candidate or batch of candidates in accordance with section 20 or 21.If there is a tie between two or more candidates,the tie is resolved in accordance with section 27. • 5.The candidates(other than any successful candidates)who have not been eliminated under paragraph 4 are continuing candidates for the next round. (8)Exhausted ballots:Identify any exhausted ballots. (9)Transfer of partial votes from the successful candidate:Transfer the votes received in the second round by the successful candidate,if any,to the continuing candidates as follows: 1.Calculate the transfer ratio for the successful candidate in the second round,using the formula, (J—E)+J in which, "E"is the threshold for the office,and "J"is the number of votes received by the successful candidate,including transferred votes. • • https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016. O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 8 of 15 • 2.For each vote cast for the successful candidate and each vote transferred from an eliminated candidate after the previous round(each of which is referred to in this subsection and in subsection(10)as a"successful vote"),calculate the surplus portion of the successful vote using the formula, KxL in which, "K"is the transfer ratio for the successful candidate,and •. "L"is one vote. 3.Transfer the surplus portion of the successful vote to the continuing candidate who,as marked on the same elector's ballot,has the highest ranking of all of the continuing candidates.If the elector's ballot is exhausted,the surplus portion of his or her vote shall not apply to any candidate. 4.For each surplus portion of a successful vote that was transferred to the successful candidate after the previous round(the"previously transferred portion"),calculate the surplus portion of the previously transferred portion using the formula, KxM in which, • "K"is the transfer ratio for the successful candidate,and "M"is the previously transferred portion of one vote. 5.Transfer the surplus portion of the previously transferred portion to the continuing candidate who,as marked on the same elector's ballot,has the highest ranking of all of the continuing candidates.If the elector's ballot is exhausted,the surplus portion of the previously transferred portion shall not apply to any candidate. (10)Transfer of votes from eliminated candidates:Transfer the votes received in the second round by the candidates,if any,eliminated in that round to the continuing candidates as follows: ' 1.Transfer each vote cast for each candidate eliminated in the second round to the continuing candidate who,as marked on the same elector's ballot,has the highest ranking of all of the continuing candidates.If the elector's ballot is exhausted,his or her vote for an eliminated candidate shall not apply to any candidate. • 2.Transfer each vote that was transferred to the eliminated candidate after a previous round to the continuing candidate who,as marked on the same elector's ballot,has the highest ranking of all of the continuing candidates.If the elector's ballot is exhausted,his or her vote shall not apply to any candidate. 3.Transfer the previously transferred portion of any successful vote that was transferred to the eliminated candidate after the previous round to the continuing candidate who,as marked on the same elector's ballot,has the highest ranking of all of the continuing candidates.If the elector's ballot is exhausted,the previously transferred portion of his or her vote shall not apply to any candidate. (11)For subsequent rounds of vote counting:Repeat the steps set out in subsections(7)to(10),with necessary modifications,until the number of continuing candidates equals the remaining number of candidates to be elected to the office,or until only two continuing candidates remain.Then take the following steps: 1.If the number of continuing candidates equals the remaining number of candidates to be elected to the office,take no further steps under this section and,as soon as possible after voting day,the clerk shall declare those candidates to be elected. 2.If only two continuing candidates remain,the clerk shall,as soon as possible after voting day,declare the candidate with the most votes,including transferred votes,to be elected. (12)The amounts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of subsection(5)and paragraphs 1,2 and 4 of subsection(9)shall be calculated to four decimal places, ignoring any remainder. Resolution of a tie vote,election of more than one candidate 27.(1)In a ranked ballot election in which more than one candidate is to be elected to an office,if there is a tie between two or more candidates with votes that equal or exceed the threshold,the tie is resolved in accordance with the following rules: 1.In the first round of vote counting,the tie is resolved by lot and the candidate chosen by lot is deemed to have the greatest number of votes in the current round. 2.In the second and any subsequent round, i.the candidate who had the greatest number of votes in the preceding round is deemed to have the greatest number of votes in the current round, H.if the candidates who are tied in the current round were tied in the preceding round,the candidate who had the greatest number of votes in the round before the preceding round is deemed to have the greatest number of votes in the current round,and iii.if the candidates who are tied in the current round were tied in all preceding rounds,the tie is,resolved by lot and the candidate chosen by lot is deemed to have the greatest number of votes in the current round. 3.The clerk shall record the details of the resolution of any tie,and the resolution shall be re-used in any recount. (2)In a ranked ballot election in which more than one candidate is to be elected to an office,if there is a tie between two or more candidates with the fewest votes,the tie is resolved in accordance with the following rules: 1.In the first round of vote counting,the tie is resolved by lot and the candidate chosen by lot is deemed to have the fewest votes. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 9 of 15 2.In the second and any subsequent round, i.the candidate with the fewest votes in the preceding round is deemed to have the fewest votes in the current round, ii.if the candidates who are tied in the current round were tied in the preceding round,the candidate with the fewest votes in the round before the preceding round is deemed to have the fewest votes in the current round,and iii.if the candidates who are tied in the current round were tied in all preceding rounds,the tie is resolved by lot and the candidate chosen by lot is deemed to have the fewest votes in the current round. INFORMATION ABOUT ELECTION RESULTS o Re P rt following election 28.As soon as possible after voting day,the clerk shall make the following information about the election for an office available to the public on a website or in another electronic format: 1.The number of ballots cast. 2.The number of ballots that were declined. 3.The number of ballots in which the votes for the office were rejected. 4.The threshold calculated under section 19 for the office. 5.The number of votes cast for each candidate at the first round of vote counting. 6.The results of each round of vote counting,including the number of votes received by each continuing candidate for the round and the number of exhausted ballots. VARIATIONS TO THE ACT Ranked ballot election only 29.The variations to the Act set out in Schedule 1 apply with respect to circumstances where a ranked ballot election does not occur concurrently with an election that is not a ranked ballot election. Ranked ballot election concurrent with non-ranked ballot election 30.The variations to the Act set out in Schedule 2 apply with respect to circumstances where a ranked ballot election occurs concurrently with an election that is not a ranked ballot election. 31.OMITTED(PROVIDES FOR COMING INTO FORCE OF PROVISIONS OF THIS REGULATION). SCHEDULE 1 VARIATIONS TO THE ACT— RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Variations to section 47 of the Act 1.(1)The reference to"clause 55(1)(d)"in clause 47(5)(a)of the Act shall be read as a reference to"paragraph 2 of subsection 54(1)". (2)The references to"the deputy returning officer"in clauses 47(5)(e)and(h)of the Act shall be read as references to"the clerk". (3)Clause 47(5)(g)of the Act does not apply. (4)The reference to"clause 55(1)(c)"in clause 47(5)(h)of the Act shall be read as a reference to"clause 55(1)(b)". • Variation to section 51 of the Act 2.Paragraph 3 of subsection 51 (2)of the Act does not apply. Variation to section 52 of the Act 3.Clause 52(3)(a)of the Act does not apply. Variations to section 54 of the Act 4.Section 54 of the Act shall be read as follows: Counting of votes 54.(1)Immediately after the close of voting on voting day,the following steps shall be taken: 1.The deputy returning officer shall seal the ballot box for his or her voting place so that ballots cannot be deposited in or withdrawn from it without breaking the seal. 2.The deputy returning officer shall deliver the ballot box to the clerk. 3.The clerk shall,as soon as possible after receiving the ballot boxes,open the boxes and proceed to count votes in accordance with Ontario Regulation 310/16. Rejection of votes in a ballot https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 10 of 15 (2)The clerk shall reject from the count all votes in a ballot,if the ballot, (a)was not supplied by the deputy returning officer,or (b)contains writing or marks that may identify the elector,or is torn,defaced or otherwise dealt with by the elector in a way that may identify him or her. Rejection of votes for an office (3)The clerk shall reject from the count the votes in the ballot for an office, (a)if the ballot is marked to indicate that more than one candidate for the office has been given the highest ranking; (b)if all rankings for the office are marked outside the space provided for marking the ballot;or (c)if no rankings have been assigned to any candidate for the office. Objections (4)A scrutineer or certified candidate may object to a ballot,or to the counting of some or all votes in a ballot,on the ground that the ballot or votes do not comply with the rules set out in subsections(2)and(3). Duty of the clerk (5)The clerk shall, • (a)decide all objections; (b)establish a list in which the objections are summarized and individually numbered;and (c)write the number of each objection on the back of the relevant ballot and initial the number. Variations to section 55 of the Act 5.(1)Subsection 55(1)of the Act shall be read as follows: Clerk's duties re ballot box (1)As soon as possible after counting the votes,the clerk shall, (a)place the ballots and all other materials and documents related to the election in a ballot box;and (b)seal the ballot box so that ballots cannot be deposited in or withdrawn from it without breaking the seal. (2)Subsections 55(2)to(5)of the Act do not apply. Variation to section 57 of the Act 6.Subclause 57(1).(a)(i)of the Act shall be read without"or specified". Variations to section 58 of the Act 7.Subsection 58(3)of the Act shall be read as follows: Order,notice (3)If satisfied that there are sufficient grounds for it,the court shall make an order requiring the clerk to hold a recount of the votes cast for all candidates and shall give the clerk a copy of the order as soon as possible. Variation to section 59 of the Act 8.Section 59 of the Act does not apply. • Variations to section 60 of the Act 9.Subsection 60(2)of the Act shall be read as follows: Rules re recount (2)A recount shall be conducted in accordance with the following rules: 1.The clerk shall give notice of the recount to, i.every certified candidate for an office that is the subject of the recount, ii.in the case of a recount requested under subsection 57(1),the council,local board or Minister,as the case may be,and iii.in the case of a recount ordered under section 58,the applicant. 2.The clerk shall open the ballot boxes and conduct a recount of all votes for all candidates. 3.The clerk shall reject from the count all votes in a ballot,if the ballot, i.was not supplied by the deputy returning officer,or H.contains writing or marks that may identify the elector,or is torn,defaced or otherwise dealt with by the elector in a way that may identify him or her. 4.The clerk shall reject from the count the votes in the ballot for an office, i. if the ballot is marked to indicate that more than one candidate for the office has been given the highest ranking, R.if all rankings for the office are marked outside the space provided for marking the ballot,or iii.if no rankings have been assigned to any candidate for the office. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 1 • 0/7/2016 O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 11 of 15 Variations to section 62 of the Act 10.(1)Clause 62(1)(b)of the Act shall be read as follows: (b)if there are disputed ballots, (i)announce the number of them,and (ii)write the number of the voting place on the back of,and initial,each disputed ballot,place them in a separate envelope clearly marked so as to indicate its contents,and seal the envelope. (2)Subsection 62(3)of the Act does not apply. Variations to section 63 of the Act 11.(1)The reference to"a recount limited to the disputed ballots"in subsection 63(1)of the Act shall be read as a reference to"a determination of the validity of the disputed ballots and for a recount". (2)Subsections 63(2),(4),(5),(6)and(8)of the Act shall be read as follows: Who may apply (2)Subsection(1)applies to a certified candidate or an applicant under section 58. Summary procedure (4)The application shall be dealt with in a summary manner,without application records or factums. Clerk to attend court (5)The clerk shall attend court on the hearing of the application and provide the court with, (a)a certified copy of the result of the recount conducted by the clerk; (b)the sealed envelope containing the disputed ballots from the recount conducted by the clerk;and (c)any other documents relating to the election that are relevant to the application. Duty of court (6)If the court determines that a recount is required,the court shall, • (a)determine the validity of the disputed ballots; (b)require a recount of the votes with respect to all candidates for the office that is the subject of the recount; (c)require the clerk to conduct the recount; (d)return to the clerk the material provided under subsection(5);and (e)require the clerk to report the results of the recount to the court. Order (8)When the recount is complete and the clerk reports the results to the court,the court shall, (a)make an order incorporating its decisions under subsection(6);and (b)announce to the persons present, • (i)the result of the recount,and (ii)how the court dealt with the disputed ballots. Variation to section 64 of the Act 12.The reference to"under section 55"in subsection 64(1)of the Act shall be read as a reference to"under section 24 or 26 of Ontario Regulation 310/16". Variation to section 88 of the Act 13.The reference to"under section 55"in subsection 88(1)of the Act shall be read as a reference to"under section 24 or 26 of Ontario Regulation 310/16". SCHEDULE 2 VARIATIONS TO THE ACT— RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS CONCURRENT WITH NON-RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS GENERAL Application 1.The variations to the Act that are set out in sections 2 to 6 of this Schedule apply with respect to the election that is a ranked ballot election and the election that is not a ranked ballot election. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 12 of 15 • Variations to section 47 of the Act 2.(1)The reference to"clause 55(1)(d)"in clause 47(5)(a)of the Act shall be read as a reference to"clause 54(6)(d)". (2)Clauses 47(5)(e),(f)and(h)of the Act shall be read as follows: (e)to examine each ballot as the votes are being counted by the deputy returning officer under section 54 or by the clerk under section 55(but not to touch the ballot); (f)to object to a ballot or to the counting of votes in a ballot under subsection 54(4)in respect of an election that is not a ranked ballot election or under subsection 55(5)in respect of a ranked ballot election; (h)to place his or her own seal on the ballot box after the counting of the votes,when the deputy returning officer seals the box under clause 54(6)(c)or when the clerk seals the box under clause 55(7)(b),so that ballots cannot be deposited or withdrawn without breaking the seal. Variations to section 54 of the Act 3.Section 54 of the Act shall be read as follows: Rules re non-ranked ballot elections 54.(1)This section applies with respect to an election that is not a ranked ballot election. Counting of votes • (2)Immediately after the close of voting on voting day,the deputy returning officer shall open the ballot box for his or her voting place and proceed to count, (a)in the case of an election for office,the number of votes for each candidate; (b)in the case of an election to obtain the assent of the electors to a by-law,the number of votes in favour of the by-law and the number opposed to it;and (c)in the case of an election to obtain the opinion of the electors on any question,the number of votes for each possible answer to the question. Rejection of ballots • (3)The deputy returning officer shall reject from the count all ballots and votes in a ballot that do not comply with the prescribed rules. Objections (4)A scrutineer or certified candidate may object to a ballot,or to the counting of some or all votes in a ballot,on the ground that the ballot or votes do not comply with the prescribed rules. Duty of deputy returning officer (5)The deputy returning officer shall, (a)decide all objections; (b)establish a list in which the objections are summarized and individually numbered;and (c)write the number of each objection on the back of the relevant ballot and initial the number. Delivery of ballot box to clerk • (6)As soon as possible after counting the votes,the deputy returning officer shall, (a)prepare a statement,in duplicate,showing the results of the election at the voting place; (b)place the ballots and all other materials and documents related to the election,except the original statement of results,in the ballot box; (c)seal the ballot box so that ballots cannot be deposited in or withdrawn from it without breaking the seal;and (d)deliver the original statement of results and the ballot box to the clerk. Copies of statement (7)A scrutineer or certified candidate is entitled to receive a copy of the statement of results from the clerk,on request. Results of elections • (8)The clerk shall determine the results of the election by compiling the statements of results received from the deputy returning officers. Declaration (9)The clerk shall,as soon as possible after voting day, (a)declare the candidate or candidates,as the case may be,who received the highest number of votes to be elected;and (b)declare the result of any vote on a by-law or question. Information to be made available (10)As soon as possible after voting day,the clerk shall make the following information available at no charge for viewing by the public on a website.or in another electronic format: 1.The number of votes for each candidate. 2.The number of declined and rejected ballots. 3.The number of votes for the affirmative or negative on a by-law or question. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 13 of 15 Examination of documents and materials (11)Despite subsection 88(6.1),the clerk may,if he or she considers it necessary in order to interpret the statement of results,examine any of the documents and materials in a ballot box in the presence of the relevant deputy returning officer. Variations to section 55 of the Act 4.Section 55 of the Act shall be read as follows: Rules re ranked ballot elections 55.(1)This section applies with respect to a ranked ballot election. Counting of votes (2)As soon as possible after receiving the ballot box from the deputy'returning officer under clause 54(6)(d),the clerk shall open the box and proceed to count votes in respect of the ranked ballot election in accordance with Ontario Regulation 310/16. • Rejection of votes in a ballot (3)The clerk shall reject from the count all votes in a ballot,if the ballot, (a)was not supplied by the deputy returning officer;or (b)contains writing or marks that may identify the elector,or is torn,defaced or otherwise dealt with by the elector in a way that may identify him or her. Rejection of votes for an office (4)The clerk shall reject from the count the votes in the ballot for an office, • (a)if the ballot is marked to indicate that more than one candidate for the office has been given the highest ranking; (b)if all rankings for the office are marked outside the space provided for marking the ballot;or (c)if no rankings have been assigned to any candidate for office. Objections (5)A scrutineer or certified candidate may object to a ballot,or to the counting of some or all votes in a ballot,on the ground that the ballot or votes do not comply with the rules set out in subsections(3)and(4). Duty of the clerk (6)The clerk shall, (a)decide all objections; (b)establish a list in which the objections are summarized and individually numbered;and (c)write the number of each objection on the back of the relevant ballot and initial the number. Clerk's duties after counting (7)As soon as possible after counting the votes,the clerk shall, (a)place the ballots and all other materials and documents related to the election in a ballot box;and (b)seal the ballot box so that ballots cannot be deposited in or withdrawn from it without breaking the seal. Variations to section 64 of the Act 5.Subsection 64(1)of the Act shall be read as follows: • Right to sit pending final disposition (1)A candidate who has been declared elected under section 24 or 26 of Ontario Regulation 310/16,in respect of a ranked ballot election,or under section 55 of this Act as modified by Schedule 2 of that Regulation,in respect of an election that is not a ranked ballot election,is entitled to sit and vote on the council or local board until the recount and all applications under this Act have been finally disposed of and a different candidate has been declared elected. Variations to section 88 of the Act 6.Subsection 88(1)of the Act shall be read as follows: 120-day retention period (1)The clerk shall retain the ballots and all other documents and materials related to an election for 120 days after declaring the results of the election under section 24 or 26 of Ontario Regulation 310/16,in respect of a ranked ballot election,or under section 55 of this Act as modified by Schedule 2 of that Regulation, in respect of an election that is not a ranked ballot election. FOR THE ELECTION THAT IS NOT A RANKED BALLOT ELECTION Application:variation to section 47 of the Act • 7.The following variations to the Act apply with respect to the election that is not a ranked ballot election: • 1.The reference to"clause 55(1)(a)"in clause 47(5)(g)of the Act shall be read as a reference to"clause 54(6)(a)". • FOR THE ELECTION THAT IS A RANKED BALLOT ELECTION https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 14 of 15 Application 8.The variations to the Act that are set out in sections 9 to 17 of this Schedule apply with respect to the election that is a ranked ballot election. Variation to section 47 of the Act 9.Clause 47(5)(g)of the Act does not apply. Variation to section 51 of the Act 10.Paragraph 3 of subsection 51 (2)of the Act does not apply. Variation to section 52 of the Act 11.Clause 52(3)(a)of the Act does not apply. Variation to section 57 of the Act 12.Subclause 57(1)(a)(i)of the Act shall be read without"or specified". . Variations to section 58 of the Act 13.Subsection 58(3)of the Act shall be read as follows: Order,notice (3)If satisfied that there are sufficient grounds for it,the court shall make an order requiring the clerk to hold a recount of the votes cast for all candidates and shall give the clerk a copy of the order as soon as possible. Variation to section 59 of the Act 14.Section 59 of the Act does not apply. Variations to section 60 of the Act 15.Subsection 60(2)of the Act shall be read as follows: Rules re recount (2)A recount shall be conducted in accordance with the following rules: 1.The clerk shall give notice of the recount to, i.every certified candidate for an office that is the subject of the recount, ii.in the case of a recount requested under subsection 57(1),the council,local board or Minister,as the case may be,and iii.in the case of a recount ordered under section 58,the applicant. 2.The clerk shall open the ballot boxes and conduct a recount of all votes for all candidates. 3.The clerk shall reject from the count all votes in a ballot,if the ballot, i.was not supplied by the deputy returning officer,or ii.contains writing or marks that may identify the elector,or is torn,defaced or otherwise dealt with by the elector in a way that may identify him or her. 4.The clerk shall reject from the count the votes in the ballot for an office, i. if the ballot is marked to indicate that more than one candidate for the office has been given the highest ranking, ii.if all rankings for the office are marked outside the space provided for marking the ballot,or iii.if no rankings have been assigned to any candidate for the office. Variations to section 62 of the Act 16.(1)Clause 62(1)(b)of the Act shall be read as follows: (b)if there are disputed ballots, (i)announce the number of them,and (ii)write the number of the voting place on the back of,and initial,each disputed ballot,place them in a separate envelope clearly marked so as to indicate its contents,and seal the envelope. (2)Subsection 62(3)of the Act does not apply. Variations to section 63 of the Act 17.(1)The reference to"a recount limited to the disputed ballots"in subsection 63(1)of the Act shall be read as a reference to"a determination of the validity of the disputed ballots and for a recount". (2)Subsections 63(2),(4),(5),(6)and(8)of the Act shall be read as follows: Who may apply (2)Subsection(1)applies to a certified candidate or an applicant under section 58. Summary procedure https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016 O. Reg. 310/16: RANKED BALLOT ELECTIONS Page 15 of 15 (4)The application shall be dealt with in a summary manner;without application records or factums. Clerk to attend court ' (5)The clerk shall attend court on the hearing of the application and provide the court with, (a)a certified copy of the result of the recount conducted by the clerk; (b)the sealed envelope containing the disputed ballots from the recount conducted by the clerk;and (c)any other documents relating to the election that are relevant to the application. Duty of court (6)If the court determines that a recount is required,the court shall, (a)determine the validity of the disputed ballots; (b)require a recount of the votes with respect to all candidates for the office that is the subject of the recount; (c)require the clerk to conduct the recount; (d)return to the clerk the material provided under subsection(5);and (e)require the clerk to report the results of the recount to the court. Order (8)When the recount is complete and the clerk reports the results to the court,the court shall, (a)make an order incorporating its decisions under subsection(6);and (b)announce to the persons present, (i)the result of the recount,and (ii)how the court dealt with the disputed ballots. • Francais • https://www.Ontario.ca/laws/regulation/160310 10/7/2016