HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 14, 2016 Page 1 of 5 Minutes/Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee September 14, 2016 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: P. Bashaw A. Doucette V. Ronaldi T. Higgins, Staff Representative N. Emery, Traffic Coordinator I. Janton, Planner II – Site Planning L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: S. Bernardo, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade E. Fulton D. Hughes M.Thorpe Ross J. Whynot S. Wilkinson Guests: Larry Noonan, Chairman, Altona Forest Stewardship Committee Jim Ball Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introduction T. Higgins welcomed everyone to the meeting. Due to a lack of quorum, the minutes from the June 9th meeting were not approved. 2. New Business 2.1) Presentation – Photograph Repository T. Higgins welcomed Larry Noonan, from the Altona Forest Stewardship Committee, who was in attendance to provide a presentation on the Altona Forest and Rouge National Park. Through the aid of a slide show, Mr. Noonan provided members with a number of photographs depicting the numerous flora and fauna, wildlife, the numerous species of birds as well as ponds found throughout the Altona and Rouge Parks. He stated they are currently working on a photograph repository to feature the various trails in order to enable residents who cannot make it out to, or access the trails, to be able to enjoy these public Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) natural resources. He stated they are encouraging accessibility on the trails, and by conducting virtual hikes, they hope to determine the levels of difficulty with respect to accessibility on the trails. He also noted that they are encouraging residents to submit their photos as well for the repository. A discussion period ensued with the following comments and questions noted;  Is the area protected from development?  TRCA oversees the park  Currently not very accessible  Could pathways be paved?  Paving could be detrimental  Discussed use of alternative surface materials to enable accessibility on pathways  Trying to make a connection from parking lot to boardwalk  Plans to present to the City’s management group in order to pursue a virtual model of the park’s natural spaces  Catalogue trails and make available through the Pickering Library  Are any tours conducted for the disabled residents?  In the Rouge National Park, they are trying to encourage canoe, bus and car hikes  Possibility of having accessible rental vehicles available for use in the parks T. Higgins noted that this item would be on future agendas for on going discussions. 2.2) Parking By-law Update Nathan Emery, Traffic Coordinator, was present to provide an update on the status of the Parking By-law, advising that the purpose of amending the current by-law was to bring it up to Ontario regulations. He noted that public consultation had begun, stating that through various City events, they had provided information to residents. He also noted information was posted on the City website as well as in the local newspaper. He stated that through feedback received, the consistent response seemed to be the abuse of accessible parking spaces. Mr. Emery provided members with copies of the draft by-law, noting that the major changes were highlighted within the document. Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Discussion period ensued with the following comments;  Include temporary accessible parking  Changes needed for easier enforcement  How will the by-law be enforced?  Partner with By-law department in going forward  City events such as Canada Day and Ribfest were utilized as a pilot project for temporary accessible parking  Stressed the importance of event planning  Steps have already been taken on the Esplanade North to install tactile warning plates and curb cuts  Should consider an additional allotment for the number of accessible parking spaces in commercial areas if the offices include a doctor’s office or medical building  Are drop off zones being addressed?  Possibility of producing brochures in plain language on accessible parking N. Emery noted plans to bring the amended by-law forward to Council in November. T. Higgins encouraged members to advise him by Monday of any further comments. 2.3) Site Plans I. Janton provided members with the following site plan applications for review and comment; 1635 Bayly Street I. Janton provided an overview of the site plan application for 1635 Bayly Street for a proposed Harvey’s drive thru restaurant. She provided background information on the location as well as access, floor plans and parking areas. She noted that the accessible parking spot is located away from the line of traffic. Comments were noted as follows:  Will there be a drop off zone?  Concerns over the distance from the accessible parking spot to the door  Surplus to allow for an additional accessible spot closer to the door  Visibility of pathways for safety should be considered  Possibility of making the island smaller with curbs on Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) both sides  Accessibility of seating areas within the establishment – consider true accessibility when planning seating areas, such as table heights 1741 Fairport Road I. Janton provided an overview of the site plan application for 1741 Fairport Road, stating the development would consist of 9 single dwelling detached units with 2 storeys Comments were noted as follows:  Encourage builder to consider private options to create a more accessible residential living space 534 Rodd Avenue I. Janton provided an overview of the site plan application for 534 Rodd Avenue. She stated plans to add onto the existing retirement home with an additional 60 rooms over 5 storeys. She noted the accessible parking areas and outlined the elevations. She stated there were good amenities in the area and noted the addition will merge aesthetically with the existing exterior materials. Comments are noted as follows:  Members noted the importance of appropriate drop off zones to allow for emergency vehicles as well  Members felt the washroom areas could be more spacious  Questioned whether the turning radius would accommodate wheelchairs on the interior rooms  Questioned the need for bathtubs in the units  Members felt 2 elevators would not be sufficient, particularly during meal hours  Need to be made aware of accessibility issues  Claremont Public School I. Janton provided members with an overview of the site plan application which is proposing an addition to the Claremont Public School. She noted that the building is of historical significance, and stated that there are plans to retain a portion of the façade in order to preserve a portion of the building due to its heritage value. She indicated that the addition would Page 5 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) merge with the existing structure, providing an outline of the new footprint which included additional parking. She also noted that the building would house a daycare centre. Comments and questions are noted as follows:  Will there be a secure, accessible outdoor play area?  Will daycare and students be in separate areas by age groups?  Plans should include one additional accessible parking space for the junior school  Ensure drop off zones  Consider alternate route in and out T. Higgins noted that the balance of agenda items would be brought forward in October, indicating that a presentation was in the works with respect to Accessible Housing. 3. Correspondence T. Higgins informed members that Sanjin Zeco has tendered his resignation as he will be moving out of Pickering. 4. Other Business 3.1) V. Ronaldi advised the Committee of her concerns with the Accessible Taxi-cabs. She noted very unkempt conditions within the vehicles as well as safety concerns. T. Higgins thanked Ms. Ronaldi for bringing forward her concerns and noted that this would be looked into. 3.2) T. Higgins advised members of the upcoming Children’s Games to be held on October 22nd. He encouraged all members to attend if possible, noting he would forward additional information as appropriate. 6 Next Meeting: Wednesday October 12, 2016 Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 9:30 pm Copy: City Clerk