HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 13-16 Coo Report to PICKERiNG Council Report Number: CR 13-16 Date: October 17, 2016 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation Subject: Architectural and Engineering Design Services, Council Chamber & Accessibility Renovations - Request for Proposal No. RFP-9-2016 - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Proposal No. RFP-9-2016 submitted by AECOM Canada Architects Ltd. in the amount of $132,950.65 (HST included) be accepted; 2. That the total gross project cost of$155,550.00 (HST included), including the amount of the proposal and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of$140,078.00 (net of HST rebate), be approved; 3. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the net project cost of $140,078.00, as provided for in the 2016 Capital Budget Civic Complex, by a transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve; and 4. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The City is planning to renovate key public and staff areas in the Pickering Civic Complex in order to upgrade aging facility amenities and improve existing accessibility and security facility features. The renovations will take place in the Council Chamber, ground floor public washrooms, service counters and associated ancillary spaces and will ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The approved 2016 Capital Budget includes funding for the project of which the selection of architect is the first step. The project's timetable is based on having the design completed by early 2017. Four design consultants with the necessary experience were pre-qualified in May 2016, through Request for Proposal No. RFP-8-2016. Subsequently, the pre-qualified design consultants were invited to submit a proposal to Request for Proposal No. RFP-9-2016 for Architectural & Engineering Design Services - Council Chamber & Accessibility Renovations, which closed on September 13, 2016. The proposal submitted by AECOM Canada Architects Ltd. in the amount of $132,950.65 (HST included) is recommended for approval. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $155,550.00 and the total net project cost is estimated at $140,078.00 (net of HST rebate). CR 13-16 October 17, 2016 Subject: Architectural and Engineering Design Services, Council Chamber & Accessibility Renovations Page 2 Financial Implications: 1. Proposal Amount Proposal No. RFP-9-2016 $117,655.50 HST (13%) 15,295.15 Total Gross Project Cost $132,950.65 2. Estimated Project Costing Summary Proposal No. RFP-9-2016 $117,655.00 Contingency 20,000.00 Total Cost . - $137,655.00 HST (13%) 17,895.00 Total Gross Project Costs $155,550.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (15,472.00) Total Net Project Costs $140,078.00 3. Approved Source of Funds 2016 Capital Budget— Civic Complex Account Code Source of Funds Budget Required 5700.1602.7021 Rate Stabilization Reserve $1,300,000.00 $140,078.00 Total Funds $1,300,000.00 $140,078.00 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by $1,159,922.00 Proposal No. RFP-9-2016 includes the scope of work necessary for architectural and engineering services that are required to design and produce working drawings sufficient to obtain a building permit, and provide contract administration services during the construction phase of the work. The remaining funds of$1,159,922 will be for the construction portion of this project which will be tendered separately at a later date. • CORP0227-07/01 revised CR 13-16 October 17, 2016 Subject: Architectural and Engineering Design Services, Council Chamber & Accessibility Renovations Page 3 Discussion: The Civic Complex opened in 1990 and celebrated its 25 year anniversary in 2015. Through the City's 5-Year Accessibility Plan (2012-2016), staff have identified deficiencies of the building as compared to current regulations, particularly the Ontario Building Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Specifically, staff identified the particular need to improve accessibility in several key public areas and points of service throughout the ground floor of the building. Staff reviewed the work necessary to achieve the alterations required, particularly inside the Council Chamber, and determined that relocation of the wheelchair ramp access would involve major intrusive construction. The work would also involve a significant renovation of the space in order to reconfigure barrier free paths of travel and create a more inclusive environment for those with accessibility needs, and the public in general. Consultation with senior staff in late 2015 and early 2016 determined that a broader scope of work was needed in order to simultaneously address ongoing security and other operational concerns at the Civic Complex. Due to the degree of disruption major construction will impose on our operations, it was proposed to combine a number of different scopes of work into one single project to include: • Provisions for an easier and more dignified accessible path of travel within the Council Chamber and a fully accessible podium position; • Acoustic redesign and upgrading of the existing Council Chamber sound system; • Upgrades to the existing Council Chamber audio visual systems including assistive listening, and more screens with improved placement for view by the public, staff and Council; • Revised seating configuration in the Council Chamber for the public and staff, including consideration for types of seating appropriate for flexible use of the Council Chamber floor space; • Analysis and implementation of millwork and furniture solutions; • New interior flooring and other upgrades to existing finishes; • Provisions for secure access control between public and staff and Council areas; • Lighting upgrades for improved quality, control and efficiencies; • Upgrading ground floor public washroom facilities to a higher standard of accessibility, including provision of a separate universal washroom; • Upgrading and reconfiguring various ground floor service counters for AODA compliance and improved level of service; • Adding a vestibule on the north courtyard (west) exterior door for improved staff and customer comfort; • Creating two or three enclosed offices within the senior management area on the ground floor (optional item depending upon available funding); • Upgrading the Civic Complex main entrance doors; • Related modifications to ceilings, plumbing, power, data, HVAC and life safety systems; and • Associated work to adjoining spaces and building systems as required to complete the work described above. CORP0227-07/01 revised CR 13-16 October 17, 2016 Subject: Architectural and Engineering Design Services, Council Chamber & Accessibility Renovations Page 4 Funding of$1.3 million was approved in the 2016 Capital Budget for design and construction, and enables staff to proceed with the design work in 2016. Pickering Council and key City staff will be consulted in the design of this renovation project. Staff plan to tender the project in the spring of 2017 with the intention to proceed with construction as one project, by one contractor, on one schedule which will result in a one-time interruption of service. Construction is planned to occur between June and November 2017 (inclusive). It will be necessary to relocate meetings and events which normally make use of the Council Chamber for the duration of the project. Specific accommodations will be developed during the design process for this project, once the extent and duration of disruptions are better known. The Health & Safety Policy, the current WSIB Workplace Injury Summary Report and Clearance Certificate, as submitted by AECOM Canada Architects Ltd., have been reviewed by the Coordinator, Human Resources and are deemed acceptable. The Certificate of Insurance is deemed acceptable to Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit. In conjunction with the foregoing approvals, staff have reviewed the previous work experience of AECOM Canada Architects Ltd., the references provided and the proposal is deemed acceptable. Request for Pre-Qualification No. RFP-8-2016 was issued to identify consulting teams with suitable skills, staffing and experience. Proposals were received by April 19, 2016 and a short list of four proponents was determined. All four were invited to submit proposals for Request for Proposal No. RFP-9-2016, issued August 23, 2016, and closed on September 13, 2016, to provide the City with Architectural and Engineering Design Services for this project. Three pre- qualified consultants submitted proposals and were evaluated. One proponent, AECOM Canada Architects Ltd., was invited to interview, which occurred on October 5, 2016. At the conclusion of the interview, AECOM Canada Architects Ltd. was the highest ranking proponent. Upon careful examination of all proposals and relevant documents received, the Culture & Recreation Department recommends the acceptance of Proposal No. RFP-9-2016 submitted by AECOM Canada Architects Ltd. in the amount of$132,950.65 (HST included) and that the total net project cost of$140,078.00 be approved. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated May 9, 2016. 2. Supply & Services Memorandum dated May 20, 2016. 3. Supply & Services Memorandum dated September 14, 2016. 4. Supply & Services Memorandum dated October 5, 2016. CORP0227-07/01 revised CR 13-16 October 17, 2016 Subject: Architectural and Engineering Design Services, Council Chamber &Accessibility Renovations Page 5 • Prepar= ,, By: Approved/Endorsed By: , e-6 110 Vince Plouffe Marisa Ca • o • Supervisor, Facilities Operations Director, Culture & Recreation Brian c-- -----".. Duffi Stan Karwowski, CPA, CMA, MBA C)4 Mana er, Facilities Operations Director, Finance & Treasurer I Vera A. F t gemacher • C.P.P., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M., CMM III • Manager, Supply & Services BD:mc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council / • CO a, Z.0/6 • Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer E. • CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT# C-12 I Memo To: Debbie Shields May 9, 2016 City Clerk Judy Hodgson Division Head, City Administration Vince Plouffe Supervisor, Facilities Operations From: Ray Rodrigues Supervisor, Supply & Services - Subject: Proposal No. RFP-8-2016 Request for Pre-Qualification for Architectural and Engineering Design Services Council Chamber &Accessibility Renovations Closing Date: May 3, 2016 - File: F-5300-001 Terms of reference for prequalification of Architectural and Engineering Design Services Council Chamber &Accessibility Renovations was advertised on the City's website. Five companies have submitted a proposal. Stage 1 - Evaluation of Submission Requirements— has been completed and all seven proposals are available for consideration. Proposals are attached for evaluation along with the criteria to be used. Each member of the evaluation committee is to carefully review the submissions and score each response against the criteria and sign the form. Attachments received: 1. Stage 1 - Evaluation of Submission Requirements 2. Evaluation Form 3. Copy of the Terms of Reference 4. Copy of the proposals received Forward the completed evaluation form to Supply & Services. In accordance with Purchasing Procedures 14.02 Item 17, committee members' figures for each respondent will be totaled to establish an average score. A summary of average scores will be prepared for discussion at a meeting setup for the evaluation committee. Please direct enquiries to Supply& Services. Respondents will be advised of the outcome when the contract has been awarded. If you require further information, please contact me or a member of Supply& Services. RR clA Attachments - ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# ( paw 2e S RFP-8-2016 Architectural and Engineering Design Services Council Chamber & Accessibility renovation Stage II - Evaluation Rated Criteria Stage II will consist of a scoring by the City of each qualified proposal on the basis of the rated criteria. The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the RFP. Section 1: Company Qualifications & Experience 20 points Part 1.1 - Company Qualifications (10 points) Part 1.2 - Relevant Work Experience (10 points) Section 2: Staff Qualifications & Experience 50 points Part 2.1 - Team Leader (15 points) Part 2.2 —Team Organization (15 points) Part 2.3 —Workplan and Methodology (20 points) Section 3: Budget Control & Construction Administration 30 points Part 3.1 — Budget Control (15 points) Part 3.2 - Construction Administration (15 points) Total 100 points Section 1: Company Qualifications & Experience (20 Points) Part 1.1. - Company Qualifications (10 points): The Company should have expertise in each of the areas stipulated as part of the scope of work, above, and also including: design experience with Council Chamber and related accessibility renovation projects in the $1 to $3 million range;. experience working in a Municipal environment; experience working in an environment with multiple stakeholders; ability to integrate innovative design solutions in the fields of sustainability and accessibility; and ability to provide a complete service encompassing all design and approval requirements. Part 1.2 — Relevant Work Experience (10 points): The Company should provide detailed written descriptions of their most relevant, recently completed projects, demonstrating successful completion of at least three (3) relevant projects within the last five (five) years. The written description should include which of the proposed team members worked on each project, and in what capacity. Submissions should include three (3) client references and contact information for each. The City reserves the right to contact the references and use the information provided when assigning points • ATTACHMEN I +; _� _ it_ -1 during the evaluation process. ect c - S Section 2: Staff Qualifications & Experience (50 points) Part 2.1 - Team Leader (15 points): Demonstrate the Team Leader's experience in coordinating projects of a similar size and scope, including: • a description of the overall experience, capability and leadership ability of the team leader (Resume/CV); • a listing of past projects completed as team leader in the last 3 years; and • an estimate of the team leader's monthly workload to be devoted to this project. Part 2.2 —Team Organization (15 points): Provide a narrative on the team including: • description of the Company's in-house capabilities and disciplines; • a list of prospective sub-consultants; and • commentary of previous experiences working with each listed sub-consultant Provide the name and experience of the proposed Construction Administrator to be assigned to the project, including a list of the last three projects completed in this role, their respective construction budgets and cost overruns (if any). Part 2.3 —Work Plan and Methodology (20 points): Provide a narrative of the company's project management style and strategies from design inception to conclusion of construction, including: • key opportunities and milestones throughout the process; - Design - Procurement - Construction - Closeout • major risk factors and mitigation strategies; • project scheduling; • coordination between disciplines; • cost controls (to be expanded upon in section 3); • assessment tools used by the Company to track project progress; and • communication and record management procedures. Section 3: Budget Control & Construction Administration (30 points) Part 3.1 - Budget Control (15 points): Describe methodology to maintain control over the budget from concept through to completion of construction, including the process to proactively exercise cost control, manage scope creep, and adhere to established and approved budgets. Part 3.2 - Construction Administration (15 points) The Proponent should describe their strategy for effective construction administration including, but not limited to, the following: . recommending general contractors . preparation of tender specification documents and addenda . preferred forms of contract . bid review and evaluation procedures ATTACHMENT#LTO REPORT • management of construction meetings c e 4 6°P" . Requests for Information (RFI) and Supplemental Instruction (SI) procedures . cost control and tracking of Change Orders. . tracking and reporting schedule issues . payment certification procedures . management of submittals . field Inspections . closeout procedures ▪ warranties- • • • • — --- ,, ,.. ....... ..,... ......,,,,,,. ■■■■- . . • . . , . . . . . • . . • . . , ATTACHMENT# t TO REPORT#CP,' i •• — 1 c, • ... . . . . • . • . f<=k7c3e....• S 0+` • • .4 . . . . c . . . . 76 o • . • „ - . . . • o o_ - • • 1- , c:. . co . .. . . , . . . . . • , . . c , • c o . • . ... . 'b. 2 c . . . • , 2 . • -to' :E a. . , • cS E•,-16 . < . . .. . . . , • - . 4 • . . . . , 1 r) 72- c , . • • ',...7 • .. . . -a c ,.... • . . • . . . 00010 • • •t- . . . . . . . . ■ .. . . . .. >,... ..., • , 03 0 4.. • • •. • co E -5 .c . • • a) c -o 5 .0 o •x o 0_ • , . . "Er; • _c o .,- 0 . . . . • O > iD•C%1 . . ' • • C . c 0 . ..- 8 E E • t‘,1) :t.a -..,..- . . • cl — LL . , cai c c .N1 '8 - • , 1 o w E a., . .. • . . . . - . ''''' w''' we) • I- ad'16 ' • • c11 w 0 0 CO c 0 To . a) • Litt . . . • . . c 0 • 1..1_ c c.5 , • . . • ct ai ._ =. ,,_ . , , -0 0 0 a) . . • c .0 C) -0 2, • ' 03 E 0 cal c , • • ._ . . rts to' _1 o . L. o. . . . . • . . ,' • - • a) 0 1- • a) A-, c . . ,._ • . a = • - . , • = • . • c) 0 - ., . c < • • , . o a) - iii c c , "E' 1') 'a . . ca 'cr) a_ . . . . . > o_ a) x a • , . .' ' . • • . , . • . . . • U) . . • C . . • . . ...E • • • . . o_ 0 0 . . E a- . . 0 e3 a, . . . . . a - . - , • 0 .. • • • . - E . . . . , , . ..... Cl) . • • z .• - . . -. . • . c 0. a_ . o. . . . o. ..o . • -1 2 co . . . ) a. a) ..o E • . • . . , a) . 1 . • .. . • I . • . . . . . ' a) a) P . • • . ici • ' ,, E • 1 . , •CD . • . E o 0 • .- . • z 1 . . • . . . .. • . • 1 . . . . . ' • 1 . . . . • . • . r ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# nr,L1 E,� a A tiONSONI17111 • Memo �._ == � y� li=ate To: Marisa Carpino May 20, 2016 Director, Culture & Recreation From: Vera A. Felgemacher - Manager;,Supply & Services Copy: Division Head, City Administration City Clerk Supervisor, Supply & Services Subject: Request For Proposal No. RFP-8-2016 Prequalification of Architectural and Engineering Design Services — Council Chamber & Accessibility Renovations - File: F-5300-001 Further to memo dated May 9, 2016, Phase 1 of the procurement process is to prequalify proponents for Phase 2 of the procurement process which will be Request for Proposal RFP-9- 2016, to submit a proposal for architectural and engineering design services for the Council Chamber &Accessibility Re novations. The City will only invite proponents, who in the sole discretion of the City, have been prequalified in Phase 1. Terms of Reference enables the City to select up to five (5) of the highest ranking Proponents to participate in Phase 2 of the procurement process. The evaluation committee recommends selecting the following four(4) highest ranking proponents: 1. AECOM 2. Barry Bryan Associates 3. Bortolotto 4. The Ventin Group Please provide your approval to award in memo form to Supply & Services. Pleqse direct enquiries to Supply & Services. If you require further information, please contact me or a member of Supply & Services. f CULTURE &MREATION Di 1ZN , C) °• • FILE N VAF/rr AE,EY T:=_�,. Attachment ' ` s...$LATE MAYO; ^st _ I CAC -- r-- i r;Ji.,l^!J RESOURCES- MPE :■I— ::cN 1 E i j LC SAL FAC CPERI I Ctd> CFFICE SUSTAIN S h C&R UPERVISORS(� PLAIV&DEV 04 4 ATTACHMENT#_%____ 10 RE&OR1 # C--P. t- "A L PICKERING Memo 'CULTURE& _ECREATION 0 b To: Marisa Carpino RECF.,vED 1 ;_i_r `-S-epte ber 14, 2016 Director, Culture & Recreation FILE�. M J C ._ __ r From Vera A. Felgemacher ------, r„:++.:.T _ Manager, Supply & Services „ _---__.._ — CAO Copy: Manager, Facilities Operations CJL_f, '`' ` -- Supervisor, Supply & Services , nape c+ C,_,_ , _i � ;_______.__._ FF'.COPt:;iiai:;_:•IS I. C-Ft-ICE.: _iI Subject: Proposal No. RFP-9-2016 CxF1 SUPERVISORS lJ I AN 84 DFV _"i____ Architectural and Engineering Design Services – Council Chamber &Accessibility Renovations Closing Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 12:00 p.m. local time • - File: F-5300-001 Terms of Reference for Architectural and Engineering Design Services – Council Chamber & Accessibility Renovations were emailed to the four pre-qualified vendors from RFP-8-2016. 3 companies have submitted a proposal by the closing date and time. Stage 1 - Evaluation of Submission Requirements – has been completed by Supply & Services and 3 proposals are available for consideration. Proposals are attached for evaluation along with the evaluation criteria included in the RFP document. Each member of the evaluation committee shall independently review and score the submissions against the evaluation criteria and sign the evaluation form. . Attachments: . 1. Stage 1 – Evaluation of Submission Requirements 2. Evaluation Form 3. Copy of the Terms of Reference 4. Pricing Evaluation 5. Copy of the proposals received Evaluation committee members shall forward the completed evaluation forms to Ray Rodrigues. In accordance with Purchasing Procedures 14.02 Item 17, committee members' scores for each Respondent will be totaled to establish an average score. A summary of average scores will be prepared by Supply& Services for review and discussion at a meeting set up for the evaluation committee, if required. . Please direct all enquiries to Supply & Services. Respondents will be advised of the outcome when the co tract has been awarded. If yo require further information, please contact me, ora member of Supply& Services. c.,/ • VAF Attachments R E P O R T ATTACHMENT t3--t •Architectural & Engineering Consulting Serrices — Council Chamber & Accessibility Renovations RFP-9-2016 Stage 1 — Evaluation of Mandatory Requirements 9 ry q Stage I will consist of a review to determine which proposals satisfy all of the mandatory submission requirements. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory submission requirements as of the submission date will be provided an opportunity to rectify any deficiencies. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the rectification date will be excluded from further consideration. Those submissions that satisfy the mandatory requirements will proceed to Stage II. Proposals are to include the following mandatory requirements: A. Submission Form (Appendix B); • B. Rate Bid Form (Appendix C) C. Addendum No. 1 D. Four (4) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy Company Item A Item B Item C Item D AECOM d V. V • Barry Bryan Associates v Bortolotto Architect Inc. V • V V The Ventin Group No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid AT1ACHMEN I #_. 1O t.EPORT L t3 —I co . Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services Council Chamber &Accessibility Renovations RFP-9-2016 Stage II - Evaluation of Rated Criteria Stage II will consist of a scoring on the basis of the Rated Criteria. Subject to the Terms of Reference and Governing Law, the top-ranked proponent as established under the evaluation will be selected to enter into a contract for the provision of the Deliverables. The selected proponent will be expected to enter into a contract within the timeframe specified in the selection notice. Failure to do so may, among other things; result in the disqualification of the proponent and the selection of another proponent, or the cancellation of the RFP. • The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the RFP. Appendix D – Request for Proposals Particulars D. Rated Criteria The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the Request for Proposals. Proponents who do not meet a minimum threshold score for a category will not proceed to the next stage of the evaluation process. Rated Criteria Category Weighting (Points) Minimum Threshold Stage II Understanding of Project 15 7 Work Plan and Deliverables 30 15 Quality of Proposal 5 3 Subtotal: 50 25 Stage Ill Pricing Table #1 Project Cost 40 N/A Pricing Table#2 Professional Fees - 5 N/A Hourly Rates (Avg.) Pricing Table #3 Sub Consultant Fees - 5 N/A Hourly Rates (Avg.) Total Points 100 Stage V Interview 20 N/A Suggested Proposal Content for the Evaluation of Rated Criteria Understanding of Project = 15 Points The Proposal shall include information that provides: a. Information that the Proponent understands the objectives and requirements of this project. Proponents must relate these objectives to past experience or expertise of the Proponent and/or their team; AT1ACH11EN14_3 CO I E'ORT# - ( % —( L S b. Identification of"value-added" services brought by the Proponent's team; and c. A summary of the risks, concerns or issues associated with the Work and how they will be mitigated. Work Plan and Deliverables = 30 Points The Proponent is to articulate, clearly and concisely, the following: a. An indication of how soon the Proponent can commence the work; b. A detailed work plan indicating the method, tasks and deliverables; c. A schedule that identifies Work phases (by Gantt Chart or other similar illustration) including key dates for major deliverables (design development, working drawings, tender documents, tendering, construction administration and post construction) in the Proponent's detailed work plan; 'd. Proposed staffing roles and the amount of time, shown in hours, that they will be dedicated to this project; e. Detail how the proponent will manage their fee and deliverables to ensure that there are no, or minimal, claims for extra fees; f. Identification of the experience/past projects of the cost Consultant and their success rate; g. State the assumptions regarding the roles and involvement of City staff; h. Summary of quality assurance manual and procedures; and i. Explicitly identify any Deliverables and/or Services which are a part of the RFP but are being excluded by the Company during the term of the contract. Quality of Proposal —Total Points = 5 Presentation of proposal, examples, details, content organization and how well instructions are followed. Pricing — Total Points = 50 Provide a lump sum price (excluding HST) for Architectural & Engineering Design Services for the Council Chambers &Accessibility Upgrades and as further described in Appendix D — Request for Proposals Particulars, Section A— Deliverables. Pricing will be scored based on.a relative pricing formula using the Total Project Cost set out in the Pricing Form, Pricing Table #1 and the average of all hourly rates provided in Pricing Table #2 and Pricing Table #3. Interview Evaluation Criteria —Total Points = 20 At the completion of Stage IV evaluation, up to three (3) of the highest-ranked Proponents may be selected for an interview. The City and the selected Proponents will schedule these interviews the week of September 19, 2016, and Proponents will be given sufficient time to prepare. Interview questions may be provided to those Proponents who have been selected. RFP-9-2016. Page 2 of 3 Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services — Council Chamber &Accessibility Renovations ATTACHMENT#..,, TO REPORT# 3 -= Q S A S Interviews will be scored by representatives of the valuation Committee, and shall follow this general format: • a. Introductions b. Questions from Evaluation Committee c. Answers from Proponents Interviews will be scheduled by the City for a mutually agreeable date and time, at the following location: Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V6K7 Interview Evaluation Criteria: Rated Criteria Category • Weighting (Points) Responses to interview questions 10 Overall project suitability 10 Final scoring and award shall be in accordance with Part 2 of this RFP. RFP-9-2016 Page.3 of 3 Architectural & Engineering Consulting Services Council Chamber &Accessibility Renovations • ATTACHMENT#. 10 RE&OR1 #.� U.S —t Memo To: Marisa Carpino October 5, 2016 Director, Culture & Recreation From: Vera A. Felgemacher LTURE &RE EAT 'N DIV I•N Manager, Supply & Services 41A, , , Copy: Manager, Facilities Operations '°- - --- `,,,_,Y rte I Supervisor, Facilities Operations FwU r-- ,.. ; I CLJLATE Division Head, City Administration ,_ CIS City Clerk y Clk i & REC... ..-LOR`'SF7'.'CrS Supervisor, Supply & Services i Jr RESOURCES MI JPS Cf.^1"r;F _ LEGAL Subject: Request For Proposal No. RFP-9-2016 �'�F;`'=13,2'--)__ OFFICE SUSTAIN. Council Chamber &Accessibility Renovations �,�aN oev - File: F-5300-001 Further to the memo dated September 14, 2016, the Terms of Reference for the above project were issued on August 23, 2016 to the four prequalified proponents from RFP-8-2016. Three (3) proposals were received by the closing date and time of Tuesday, September 13, 2016 12:00 p.m. local time. • The proposals received contained the mandatory requirements for Stage 1 Evaluation, and two (2) proceeded to Stage II. The Evaluation Committee consisting of City Staff from the.City's CAO Office, Culture & Recreation and Corporate Servcies conducted independent evaluations of the proposals. Up to three of the highest ranked proponents may have been invited to participate in an interview, which determines the proponent to recommend for award. The committee invited one proponent to an interview which was conducted on October 5, 2016. A summary of the submitted pricing (excluding HST) and points awarded for the proposal and interview is attached. AECOM has received the highest overall points. The total cost to provide this service is $117,655.00 plus HST. A budget of$130,000.00 was provided to Supply & Services for this procurement. Pursuant to Appendix D, Item B, the following documentation will be requested of AECOM for your review during the evaluation stage of this proposal call. Please advise if Supply & Services is to proceed with collecting the following documentation: (a) A copy of the Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; (b) A copy.of the current Clearance Certificate issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; and (c) The City's certificate of insurance or approved alternative form completed by the Bidder's agent, broker or insurer. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.04, the authority for the dollar limit as set out below excludes HST. ATTACHMENT#_.L TO REPORT# 3--No pae 2 3 As such, in accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 10.04, where written proposals are obtained by the Manager in accordance with procedures set out in Section 06 and funds are available in the approved budget; (a) An award over$50,000 is subject to the additional approval of Council. Please include the following items in your report: 1. if Items (a) through (b) noted above are acceptable to the Co-ordinator, Health & Safety or designate; 2. ‘if Item,(c),is acceptable to the Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit; 3. any past work experience with the low bidder AECOM including work location; 4. the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; 5. ,the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; 6. Treasurer's confirmation of funding; 7. related departmental approvals; and 8. related comments specific to the project. After receiving Council's approval, an approved "on-line"requisition will be required to proceed. Do not disclose any information to enquiries during this time. The Proponent will be advised of the outcome in due course. An award notice will be placed on the City's website upon receipt of all required approvals. If y u require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Se ices. 0 VAF/rr attachments (1) • Request for Proposal No. RFP-9-2016 Council Chambers &Accessibility Renovations Page 2 of 2 • ATTACHMENT'# 14 TO REPORT# Q t 3 I co p°-Se- 3 c •• H C ai O C) O = (C N CD v S 'O to = o o o a' n p, 7• co , co Co CD .o C. C 3 co - C2 N rt y p V - O aj . N '0 co O. O 7 'O Co O cn O 0) n Z _ O..' 0 !v < �- :► 3 CD CA O -1 "O CO') p 611 C a a) Se ca go m -o D = ., = cc o —. w cn ms 9—'. CD CO — D '< m CD o, o<i = `D C Co D c OI —I o c Z a . m� A9 E. O co " Cl) 514? C) CD 0CD m -0' Oc) Z N O 7 Co F Z y D) . D UI Doym n 9-, a 6 o ' N C) 0 � m n sv CD Cn o -' 3 = Z Ci co C a WCO m D' > c a O' CO go "',< CD CI C) CD CD Co 7 O' fa r► O CD . . CD C O • 0) 0 m = < Co 0) C Cu 0 C) O 3 3 CD 7 a