HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 26, 1966 MUSEUM COMMITTEE APRIL 26. 1966 A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Committee was held on TUESDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH day of APRIL, 1966, at 8 o'clock p. m. PRESENT: Robert Miller, in the Chair Mrs. F. Wisebrot Miss M. Anderson M. Parkin C. W. Laycox Mrs. Ruth Hay Mrs. E. Storry, Secretary • MOVED by Mrs. Wisebrot, seconded by Mrs. Hay, that Minutes of meeting held March 22, 1966, be adopted. CARRIED • CORRESPONDENCE, 1. Canadian Museums Association Conference at Winnipeg May 30 to June 3 . Registration, $16.00. 2. Letter from Mrs. Barbara Saunders, owner of Lot 13, Plan 530, (Brougham) saying she and her husband had decided their lot was not for sale at the present time. BgSOLUTIONS MOVED by Mrs. Wisebrot, seconded by Mrs . Hay, that the 25 admission fee to the Museum be retained, and that the charge for children be 10<, pre-school children free. CARRIED • MOVED by Miss Anderson, seconded by Mr. Laycox, that Mr. D. J. Plitz, Pickering Township Clerk, be Town Crier for special Centennial projects, and that he be supplied with costume. CARRIED MOVED by Mrs. Wisebrot, seconded by Mrs. Hay, that two flags be flown from the Museum flag pole, one the old Canadian flag, the other the new flag. CARRIED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Mrs. Ruth Hay presented a large framed photograph of her father,the late John Gillman, seated in a rocking chair beside the fireplace in the °- log cabin. Mr. Gillman was the former Curator. Members agreed that this was a fitting and attractive gift to be hung on the walls of the Museum. ..r New' - 2 - AGREED that Mr. J. Grosart, who was unable to be present, be contacted about the purchase of brass plates, one to be attached to Mrs. Hay' s picture, and others to be placed on particular articles. It was also agreed that inquiries be made about pamphlets, maps and envelopes which are being prepared by Mr. Grosart. Mr. Miller advised that he had a request from a Whitby Township resident for a map of his municipality, who said that he would be happy to pay for one. Mr. Miller suggested that preparation of maps for adjoining municipalities be looked into, with the idea of IMO selling them to help with the maintenance of the Museum. Mrs . Wisebrot reported on the publicity she was attempting to do stressing the importance of promoting the Museum, making it well known throughout the whole township. She is acquainting residents of the south part of the township with the Museum and engaging their anwl interest in it. Mr. Laycox concurred with the idea that good public relations were important and said that interest in the Museum was one means of healing the north-south split. Mr. Laycox advised that verbal approval had been given the Pioneer Village project, and that he had no doubt official approval would soon be forthcoming. Mrs. Hay spoke of the work that was required to be done at the •• Museum - raking, pick.. _ing up leaves, tidying the grounds, erecting the flag pole' , re-arranging displays, dusting and cleaning. It was agreed that everyone who could be contacted come to the museum grounds the next two Saturdays to prepare for the opening. Miss Anderson reported that the Girl Guides would come to opening on May 14, and have a bonfire. Miss Anderson suggested that typically Canadian food be served, mentioning home-cooked beans and home-made bread. MOVED BY Mrs. Hay, seconded by Mr. Laycox, that Miss Anderson be in .. charge of refreshments at the May 14 opening. CARRIED The following names were suggested to be sent invitations for the May 14th opening: By M . Laycox: Mr. J. Blay, Mr. Braden, and Mr. Norman Panzica of "• the Ontario Hydro. By Mrs. Wisebrot: Mrs. Natalie Bundza, John Fisher, of Centennial Commission. � ..�lY/. P _.. - ..._ 1. ' -r-.., . 3 - It was reported that Mr. John Fisher gave an address on the (-. Pickeriifg Township *is.eum over th,a rho recently, and the secretary was instructed to secure a copy. Mrs. Hay advised that quite a few visitors wish to attend the I. Museum on Sunday mornings, and asked if it should be opened then. it was agreed that this be discussed at the next meeting. F- It was agreed that High School students, and other young people, Lle asked to help with the work of the Museum. It was AGREED that those who attend the industrial tour later this Lyear be invited to visit the Museum on that occasion. -- Secretary was instructed to write Mrs. F. Stotts, Beaverton, and Lask her for the loan of her collection of dolls to be displayed at the May 14 opening.il Mrs.. Wisebrot agreed to find out about the weaving of cloth at the Ontario Hospital in Whitby, if it could be purchased for costumes, L: and how much ' it cost. Mr. Miller suggested that the Museum meet with Council in Finance Committee on May 9 to discuss the Township' s Centennial project. Mr. Laycox made a note of this and will advise. i r AGREED that Reeve Laycox, assisted by Deputy Reeve Mrs. J. L. LMcPherson, open the Museum on May 14th. DATES TO REMEMBER I Historical Society Meetings - June 10 [i . . September 30 November 4. 1.— Historical Board Meetings (4th Friday of each month) i May 27 June 24 July 22 Aug. 26 Sept. 23 ` Oct. 28 Nov. 25 11= . Next Museum Board meeting: MAY 24, 1966. On MOTION the meeting adjourned. Secretary APPROVED 1966 Chairman II j4