HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 27, 1966 10•1•P• l .- . L/ . L ,,,,,--,-.-R.1-1'CT 701I'SHTP iiUSELi COilli.ITTEE , r ,:---)r-r--,, T, ?r7 , ..... 3.:J_i_ 1__JL--li,i. -, 1 9 6'6 A raeetiug of the PicI-eri..ng Toi.rnship Museum Conmittee was held on L _.T j T 77 7,- 'T`T T,T) '---."7:,"7, r r; ,-, ' the,:' 7- -, • -7 , -- , - 7 • Th.,,,I.E,-.)*\._1 , S-E, Tuv.,-R 217 190- , at un- ,..uiliczo,11 ,DILA...4..ding , Brougnam, Pt 8 o 'clock D . n. L PRES7,1,T: Robert 211ller , in the Chair hiss Mary Anderson • Milton Parkin E John Grosart Elsa Storry, Secretary 4 'COVED by I'_r. Parkin, seconded by Hr. Grosart, that Minutes of Lthe last meeting 1-1e-id _ S.-pt. 8, 1966 , be adopted . CARRIED • f . 10TED by hr. Parkin, seconded by :Hiss Anderson, that reproductions L o 1877 Pickering Township maps be given to those ivho assisted on i J.-Lstory in Action day as a snail token of the Board ' s appreciation, CARRIED L LILVED by Mr. Drosart, seconded by -lir. Parkin, that the following accounts be paid: LRobert Miller Expenses 5,3 352 . 55 D. L. hairs Fencing 1 00 , n-,. 90 Amos -Baker Sugar 25.00 L Surpblis Market 1:ala.tars 1,cd. Food. Costumes 29.26 103.16 News Advertiser Advertising 5.04 L: Snowden industrial Rubber Hose Connection 79.15 Tratson Printing Advertising 28.08 L m Guardian A6vertisinb Markham Economist Advertising 10 ,00 9.87 The 'Thi tby News Advertising 10. 72 r L Uxbridge Times J. Honing 7 c ,- --- Advertising Survey 9. 36 /5.00 , 1 E , ebold.-,y p.e Posta , 6,10 E . Carruthers 'Tiring 109, 93 1: Lran Service Ilitchell Ltd. Coal Posters, Flyers 57.83 P 9, Hr. Cave Piano Repairs, Trade 40,00 L CARRIED , , 1 1 Miss Anderson reported ladies in Hospitality Group , consisting L of Mrs. Eileen 1-_,71n -r uTds , Hrs. 011ie illianson, lire , Bodnary1,-, IL.rs, Audrey Macdonald, Miss Diane Robertson and Miss Elaine Anderson operated Hospitality Booth at History in Action at log cabin, resulting in a donation to the Centennial Project of 1.• Letter re-ld from Lire, Ruth Hay, thanking menbors of tho committee r L for flowers and cards while in hospital. . 1 , C: 1 L L , L L , — — — ( ) r L T' 77' b- C ,,, , 1 i ,D hiss .Anderson, seconded by hr. Orosart, that a letter be sent to School Area :Board Yo, 1, to a.sk if the it Pleasant bell could be donated to the 11-,:,..sum and a further letter be sent to '! , , Ur . Liiton J . La0.7bray, President of the rorth-East Pickering E. Fecreation Centre , to inquire if the bell frol-2. the Kinsale 0 - _ 'School coul:,... be donated to the -Luseum. CARRIED , , . . AGREED that coffee left ever from History in Action day be C „ sold at 80V, DC-2 pound, . C _ . l,OV-ID by Ur, arosart , seconded by 1=2. Parkin, that the wheel on '1 the Uarquis wagon be reriaired and 'painted. CARRIED L 7:-0 hailer to attend to this matter, , - The Secretary was instructed to make application to Pickering rnownship Council for the use of the old Hunicipal BuildinP4 , L: Brougham. I , ;Lr. Parkin was reo,uested to look into the feasibility of , L -.bringing the remains of an of lighthouse at r1hitby, or part of it, to he displayed at the Uuseum. ,. .1 L 'hr. Hiller was reouested to inspect the -Lunro Earn. , 170'0/ED by hr . Gros0,rt, seconded by Miss Anderson, that old-model 0 Cp icebox be -Durchased for ...:-,;10 .0.0. CARRIED , i 0 AGREED that Mrs. Hay and Hrs. Storry attend liuseum 'orkshop at .13arrie October 20 - 22 . C -.1.70VED by Ur. Grosart that the meeting adjourn. 0 , 1 , Secretary '11 - 1 0A-D-0-,-,:ov7D 1966 10 0, _ .L. 4- E ,, - , , 1: . „ . ,. Chairman R L , E ■ 4 li , . II L i 1 1 io 1 II C P E d ' El , li L d ' 1 1 , [ g . A ■ C , L „ i! ,, , , 4 i c C d ..