HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 12, 1968 ,... , L. - I- L PICICRING TO7ITSHIP IIUS,UM C012aTITEE LOCTOBER 12, 1966 L A meeting of the Pickerirr? ' ehip :Tuscum Committee was held on 'EDIZSDAY, the 12th day of October, 1966, at the Municipal Building, Brougham, at 8 o 'clock p . m. [ PRESLFT: Robert Taller, in the Chair Mrs. F. "isebrot I Miss Mary Anderson P L Eilton Parkin Mrs. Ruth Hay i S Mrs. E . Storry, Secretary [. .M , r. George Smith, Planning Department CORRSPONDEYCE L 1 Letter from Crown Assets Disposal Corporation statinglthat a seed blower, sample divider, microscope, and balance were Lavailable to the Museum at a nominal price of a0.00. , MOVED by lirs. 'lisobrot, seconded by Mrs . Hay that items from C the Department of Agriculture , handled by the Crown Assets Disposal Corporation, namely one seed blower, Swiss Made ; two sample dividers, shop rude departmentally; microscope , Bausch E.: Lomb , and balance , Becker Sons, be purchasecLat Lprice of 1;10.00. CARRIED 2. Letter from Gwen lietcalfe , Dundurn Castle , Hamilton, asking L for donation for memorial for Ruth Hume , who assistedl many small museums. d L - Mrs. Hay and Mrs. Storry to get more information at Museum Workshop. u hr. George Smith discussed with the committee the possibilities of L a 1967 map of the township as a aentennial project, showing Centennial farms, Indian sites, the present churches, stone bridges one at Lot 5, Concession 7, to have a comparison betwen now and r- L 100 years aco. Mr. Smith said that the planning board would be willing to ,Tork on such a map as time permitted, with Council 's consent. , L MOVED by Mr. Parkin, seconded by lass Anderson, that Pickering Township Council be respectfully asked to permit the planning board to prepare 1967 raps locating Indian sites, churches, etc' CARRIED [. r , MOVED by Mrs. Hay, seconded by 1.±. Parkin, that front fence be in a straight line approximately 10 foot from the Museum building, that L the gatehouse be to the east of the school entrance, and a 16 ' entrance be provided for vehicles. CARRIED L r- 1 L 0 i I I 11 L , , L 1 ,1 L L 11 , [.: i.,... - 2 - L , It was reported that the north lot line on Gillman lot contains a row of plum trees. L , 40VED by Mrs. "isebroL, ,-,ecen--e, cd lif, Parkin, that fence be erected on Gillnan lot approximately 4 on south of the survey L line . 1! CARRIED LOVED by Hiss Anderson, seconded by Er . Parkin, that a tree , or trees, be_ planted' obnthe museum grounds as a Centennial project, L I CARRIED 1 Hrs. EcPherson, who was in attendance at a meeting of council in r committee , appreared and asked what use the committee wished to L make of the old municipal building. She was advised that at the moment the thei.zg-it ve.e for storage of ':iany artien . that cannot yet be housed at the museum. To be discussed further. LA study cf the Centennial village plan ensued, and discussion took into consideration cf the plan with a farmstead at the back L of the log house and barn, with period outbuildings. Mr Taller mentioned other buildings the owners of which were willing to donate , and others still which he felt it wise to request. L The Gillman lot will be a section to a period after 1900, while the remainder remains pioneer. This lot will contain gasoline stationary engines, tractors, steam engines and boiler (lumber saw a garage with old tools, gas pumps, engines, tires, patching L equipment, licence plates, car lights and bulbs, and should have space for two or three cars. 1 L AGED that Service Clubs, such as Kiwanis, Rotarians, Lions, Legions, Firemen, Citizen's League , be asked if they would be interested in demolishing I.:t. Zion Church sheds , various barns and L other buildings which have boon donated to the iius,eura in preparation of drawing them to the museum grounds, such clubs to be paid by the Museum Board to help with their projects. 1 , LEr. Miller to contact Mr. Harrison about moving buildings. MOVED by Mrs. Storry, seconded by Mrs. "isebrot, that Er: Miller L arrange for moving of buildings - the plank house , boardviall house, blacksmith shop, etc . , and contact Hydro and Telephone Company about costs for any wire-moving. 1CARRIED L MOVED by Hiss Anderson, seconded by Mrs . Hay, that Hr. RLpel be consulted about the restoration of the historical buildings. CARRIED L , r Er. Miller reported that so much material was coming in, ' both good and bad, that it is difficult to keep up with it. The L chairman has lists of articles to inspect, and if time permitted, could be on duty every night. L L , L L L - _ Lw 1 - 3 - Mr. Miller reported that Hrs. 7 . Johnston's shed, where some of the articles are stored, has a '.''_ roof, and said d that the sc article s should be moved. some articles are reported to have been stolen from the huscum, and the Curator reported that children were coming into the grounds and destroying some of the property. She urged that the'; fencing be done as quickly as possible . 7indow sill on log house broken. Mr, .Miller reported that the sign on the museum buildings was loose , and that there was a need for one declaring that ti o building was once Brougha?;: School - 1859 to 1959 . Mrs . '`r; scb:t: about the cost of b= - - _slates, some T,. of which have c �.,sted for the � . P. 'cstg : ,.;e articles, the L, donor to pay for them himself. FINAI',CIAL STAtl EI MT Treasurer Ronald 'Litchcll submitted a financial statement on the Centennial project showing the excess of Centennial revenue over expenditures to date as <,r16,9O2 .34. A Financial Statement on History in Action day, Sc;ote?;3.bc; ° 17 , 1966 , showed revenue as $1,160.98, expenditures, 4r 469.09, showing a profit of 691.89. There will be a slight change in these figures, for some receipts and some expenditures were not at hand at the time tn3 statement was prepared. The cost of maps, $�>2E39.06, was reduced by `x199.00 fro la revenue of their sale , which leaves a not cost to date of $90.06 . Profit on the notepaper is $12.00. AGED that History in Action day for Centennial year, 1967 , be hold on Saturday, September 16 , 1967. LOn MOTION of Lrs. `'isobrot the meeting adjourned. Secretary lo APPRO Vr D _ 1966 Chairman L C i Ali[ �nn