HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 5, 1967. Lr 1 I C. • .,, ( ( L h . u r L PICI RING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM COn IITTEE APRIL 5 , 1967 t. . A:meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Committee was held on ':'UESDAY the FIFTH ady 6T APRIL, 1967, at the home of Mrs. Ruth Hay, Brougham, Ontar__o, at EIGHT Lo?clock p. m. 0 PRESENT: Robert Miller, in the Chair 1 Harry Cook Mrs, Deirdre Earle . t: Mrs. Ruth Hay II Mrs. Elsa Storry, Secretary 7 MOVED by Mr. Cook; seconded by Mrs. Earle, that minutes of meeting held March 14 Cbe adopted, C�.RRIED CORRESPONDENCE 1 " Canadian Museums Association Convention, King Edward Sheraton_,_ Toronto, I May 31st to ,June 2nd. I: MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Earle, that the matter of 1-.he Canadian Museums Convention be tabled. CAPuPIED 2 o,, Canadian art China Limited Centennial plates ready to be pi: ked up. i Suggested that Mr. Fox or Mr. Ken Ramsay be asked to pick the ;., up, - i LMOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Cook, that Centennial plates be - sold as follows: L. Plates 6 1.,50 Carrier_plus plate. 2.255 it Carrier .75 [-. , Hanger plus plate 1 .85 ;; Hanger .35 . C`RRIED CZ,, 4 Miss J. E. Corbet would like to display 100-year-old quilt at Museum. _AGREED that responsibility of borrowin g quilt could not be ta.:;en until Centennial Village set up. C3. Mrs. A. W. Tyas writes thanks for admitting Senior Citizens fl`ee of charge. r t: 44 C. B. Cowan, Principal, Agincourt Public School, thanks Curator for loan II of articles for their historical display. 5. Centennial Conference on the history of the Canadian Uest, at Banff, Alta. L TABTFD ,, 52"2 Letter and ribbon from Jean-Pierre Cote, Postmaster General, re inauguration L of postal delivery in township - presented to museum by Reeve Laycox. 0 L. ,1 . L :, i - ti 11 . , ,, ,,, i 0 . L._,;:,,,„.., „ , li i • . [-. . . . ' (( , .-- [-r . ' Li _ . - 2 - [: !. ., Mrs. N. K. Robinson writes about history of Bible Christian Church, now on museum grounds). . , I: 7,' Walter M. Merrill searching for letters of WM. Lloyd Garrison. Sec'y to reply nothing on museum files, [-w 8, Receipt for membership in Ontario Historical Society, 9.! Ontario Hydro submits tentative estimates of moving wires for buildings: • ['w . Collin's House S 225,00 r Blacksmith Shop 190.00 ['w Brock Road Bldgs. 150,.00 - General Business [-. Mr. Cook reported that Mr. Cook interviewed Mrs. Wisebrot about museum papers _ in her possession. Some were in disrepair and almost useless; some could be microfilmed. Mr. Cook will pick them up, • [-w Sec'y write Mr MacMillan and let him know when they will be available. AGREED that Museum Assistance Committee be invited to a meeting on FRIDAY, [o APRIL 14, at the new municipal building, at 8 o'clock p. m, If members cannot attend, that they be asked to send a representative or write letter on ideas for Centennial project. AGREED that an agenda be prepared for discussion on rw plan cf restoration, cataloguing, and other Centennial project matters. [. History in Action MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Earle, that Noel Marshall be Parade Marshall, that commercial and non-commercial entries be invited; that an entry fee of 0_0 L. be charged for commercial floats and 65.00 for non-commercial, if they wish to enter contest where prizes would be given for each group; that individual entries for historical costumes for children of all ages be invited - children free; r and that Mr. H. T. Cook will assist Mr. Marshall. CARRTED Lw It was suggested that Peter Kaiser also be invited to assist. (: 1111 .2111n ., Mr. Miller reported on progress made in attempt to remove barns and draw them to Lmuseum grounds. AGREED that names to work on Saturday and Sunday duty at the museum be drawn 1: from Museum Assistance Committee. Mrs. Rirle will look into possibility of teen-agers looking after a gift and refreshment booth, Contact Mrs. Cook about Girl Guides, 1: It , was suggested that "Open and "Closed" signs be made for museum. • AGREED that Curator purchase new Guest Book. I- . E • . " i j• _ ____ _ __ __ -------- -- - - --- - - -- C,''.:' L . . r • I L s r t - 3 - MOV1_D by Mr. Co:. -, seconded by Mrs. Earle, that r '.nee winter visitors to the L. museum creates p:oblems, that the key will not be available to any but museum board members, CARRIED • MOVED by Mrs ?axle, seconded by Mr. Cook, that nutter of further souvenirs be left L until Centennial Village is set up. CARRIED t: Mr. Miller conr ended Mr. George Smith for progreFs he is making on Centennial map, and discussion of places which should be earmarked for 1967 ensued. Mr. Miller su. ,geated that a book be written on the history of Brougham, and will rL. ask the Brous r .s Centennial group if they would Le willing to underwrite the cost. The Hydro service has been changed at the museum and is now 100 amp. service. r Mr. Ernie Carr ut.__rs, Electrician, donated his time. L Secreta.r* requested to write letter of.� o thanks. Residents of Pr.c;-gham subdivision complain of smell from toilets. AGREED that although toilet:,_. were not used all winter that Health Unit be contacted to learn most effective cl.lemical for reducing any smell. Mr. Miller complained that someone I: complained of ra-:;s> from the barn, but it was agreed 'that rats do not congregate where there is no food, and thought it likely that they may be in adjacent barns housing livestock. L - MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Earle, that fence be erected around the museum by May 13, or a refund of money be made to museum. CARRIED C Discussion of stage and gardening. AGREED that Museum Assistance Committee be asked to comment and assist with these projects. L Mr., Miller and Mrs. Storry to prepare wording for signs outlining history of i museum building and church. L., Secretary write to Department of Highways re permit for buildings to be moved.. Ask if permit be obtained for moving Whitevale building, should it be possible to;! move it. L Mr, Miller and. Mrs. Earle reported on meeting in conjunction with Brougham Centennial program.m. L AGREED that opening day for museum this season be Saturday, }3ey 13. Mr. Miller ad-:is: d that Mr. Charles Fuller may sell his Model A Ford, 19314 . L this spring. . He asked if anyone was interested in a 20 mm. No. 19 Kodak projector. CSeveral articles have been taken to Royal Ontario Museum of identification. On MOTION of I:r. Cook, the meeting adjourned. r- <PPROVED 1967 Lw Secretary Chairman _. C [.: - f' d i 4