HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 11, 1967 • , ,„ . . • L . . .,... d ,... [ ( ., ...."''''...''' . ( . , . [0 ' .__ PICLE=G TWISHIP MUSEUM 13oAnD 1 I: . • JULY 11, 1967 A meeting of the Pickering- Township Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the ELEVENTH day of JULY, 1967, at the Municipal Building, Pickering, at EIGHT I O'clock p. m. PRESENT: Robert Hiller, in the Chair . • I: Mrs. J. McPherson H. T. Cook . il ' I Milton Parkin •[0 F. LI. Fox Mrs. Deirdre Earle 1 • Lire. E. Storry, Secretary 1 L MINUTES - , , . . 4 MOVED by Hrs. McPherson, seconded by Mrs. Earle, that Minutes of meeting held June 27, 1967, be approved. - CARRIED ,. ,. CORRESPONDENCE ..._ [ 1. Singer Company of Canada Ltd. advises they are checking outour entry in old sewing machine contest, and will contact us when all entries have been checked. L . . 2. Department of Public Works advises antique steam engihes haVe been placed on loan to the museum. I - MOVED by Hr. Fox, seconded by 112.-. Cook, that a truth-. be rented to move the steam engines to the museum grounds. ' CARRIED E 13. Mrs. Ruth Hay expresses thanks for [Lifts while in hospital. 4. Ronald Mitchell, treasurer, reports that Centennial Commission inquires in a letter how long the Board wishes to extime tend the t offthe project. MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Earle, that we request an extension up L L., , ,- of . the , - . to a maximum ol six months for uhe completion of the Centennial project. ' CARRIED L rw ACCOUNTS • • , MOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Fox, that the following accounts be paid: 1 Ray Anderson Gravel for Parking Lot 1A25.12 [0 Ray Anderson Trucking Gravel 204.50 R. L. Wilby Painting Wagon • ' 50.00 L Robert Miller Paint, Transportation, Oilers, etc. 147.35 CARRIED .....„..._ r MOVED by Mr. Cook, Seconded by Hr. Fox, that we expend W5 for material for making Centennial dresses, and four or five patterns. I CARAIED _____ r . L • [-. . c. . . . • '. r- - . . . . . v.. _ _ _________ ______ L , r II ii ' L , L - 2 _ 1 History in Action 1 [.: Secretary reported that she had written to Claremont Band, Ajax Ladies Pipe I Band, and Pickering Blue Notes to march in parade, and stated'iino reply had Ebeen received as yet, hr, and mfrs. E. B. Brown have agreed verbally to demonstrate crafts. Mr. Cook has advised that posters are under way. � Suggestion that Aurora Band be contacted. 1 CAGREED that draw, or games, be arranged for children. Mrs. Earle to look : after this. I: a AGREED that Miss Mary Anderson be asked to organize ladies ini south part of f' tm,mship to demonstrate early foods that were served, pi .qc-?.USED tha, lr.. Coo'_. invite the i_iwanus club to have a hamburg and French fry booth. Secretary to write service clubs re float entries. 0 • AGREED that children be asked to appear in Centennial costumes, and that r prizes be given. Secretary to write to School Areas 1 and 2 inviting children to share in History in Action. Requested to write to Mr. K. D. Munro re Area 2 children and Mrs. Eleanour 1-icKean re Area 1 children. Secretary to write to firs. Stott, Beaverton, asking her to exhibit her collection of old dolls, and advise that church and cases were available. L . PARADES . Mrs. McPherson was cowuaended and thanked for her part- in the museum entries in the Pickering Township Centennial parade on July 1, and asked to convey C the thanks of the board to her daughter-in-law and granddaughter. 4 For the Greenwood Parade on July 15, it was agreed that the dump cart and Ihorse and the Marquis wagon be entered; also that Mrs,. McPherson contact Mr. and Mrs. Don Beer to take part. Mr. Fox agreed to attempt to obtain . horses to draw the Marquis wagon, and informed the board that he would enter L: his steam engine. GENERAL BUSI LESS L L Mr. Hiller advised that permission had been received from!! Iowa to erect fence around lot under negotiation for purchase. j I.: , 2. Mrs. Earle reported that she had contacted Mrs. McKenzie re herb garden, and it was agreed that the number of signs for herbs be cut down to �—__- -- about 20 of those commonly known. I r. Miller agreed to make ke metal plates L supported by rods which he could. furnish. It was suggested that mimeographed sheets describing the herbs be made for distribution. L ri L II ii it C . - it . .2(4. r---------------- — _______ ,,.. . i L 4 11 : . . :1 • L , L ( 3. Mr. Minor reported that Mr. Morley Spies had advised abbut barns. He said that he wanted stones and Mr. Miller said he would arrange to have some cut He wanted grass cut before barn was erected. 1 1 It was reported that the township Parks board had cut the museum :-ras8 1 L and the Gila:man lot, which was appreciated. , - - 4. ,Mr. Hiller reported that Mrs. E. Johnston was moving, and the material 1-4 , stored in her barn was to be moved within a month. 5. AGREED that front fence on museum grounds be taken down. - ' L 6. MOVED by Mr. Parkin, seconded by Hrs. Earle, that the large bell be moved inside the museum grounds. , I CARRIED , L 7. MOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Fox, that price of Centennial plate holders be reduced to 50 . 1 CARRIED L 8. Mrs. Earle reported plate and other museum articles sold at Centennial celebrations July 1 a3 follows: 1 /.1. "Pickering Story" . , . $ 16,00 . 31 Maps 31.00 1 [4 5 plates 7.50 11 plate hangers 3.85 I L s 58.35 ,q 9. MOVED by Mrs. McPherson, seconded by Mrs. Earle, that tickets on quilt l: , be sold at 25 each, or five for '':;;1.00. 1 10. AGREED that rail fence be erected around the church. I L I AGREED that Board meet on Wednesday, July 19, at museum grounds to work at log house. L 11. Mrs. Hay submitted schedule for week-end workers at loq house. ii 12. Mr. Miller to contact Hr. Pugh about progress on plaque forldr. Irwin's • Lhouse. 1 , 13. Mrs. Hay submits copy of Pioneer Press Centennial issue, July, 1867, :f from Black Creek Village for perusal of members. d L ° q 4 On ,MOTION of Mr. Fox, the meeting adjourned. q Secretary • L APPROVED 1967 L !I, Chairman . 11 4 L . , k • li la li 1! !I . 1 ' i „ L fi 4