HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 12, 1967 - -[-. __., . . ( ?ICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOA( I-4 OCTOBER 12, 1967 A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Board was held on THURSDAY - , , C - the TITELFTH day of OCTOBER, 1967, at the Municipal Building, Pickering, at EIGHT o'clock D. M. . I PRESENT: Robert Miller, in the Chair 9 r L4 --",, t \ . iR ) Harry T. Cook Milton Parkin ..._____ Mrs. D. Earle L , ,4-.- c ,34_,("7", , t Z2 ., „.. \ c, --. Hrs. E. Storni- Secretary ' Storry, Secretary (Both hr. C. W. Laycox and Mrs. J. McPherson attended for a brief r 1,4 interval) MOVED by Mr. Cook, seconded by hr. Parkin, that minutes of meeting held r L. October 12 be aoproved. . ' . CARRTAT MOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Cook, that the following accounts be ., L paid: History in Action . . . [4 G. H. Smith Float Service $ 63.00 , • Centennial Project Pilkey Glass and Mirror Church Windows 3 .10 L A. W. Storry Gravel Stone 16.00 36.6o 52.6o . hitchell Bros. Shingles 267.20 LMuseum Board D. L. hairs Paint for Boiler 10.45 C . Note: Another account, that of Kenneth Spears for Speaker Syst6m at History in Action, was held over for clarification. LCORRESPONDENCE ' . . . 1.. Township of Pickering advises Centennial Committee has agreed to pay [4 certain expenses for History in Action. 2. Indian Dancer lost TimaK watch on History in Action day. Watch was found L but since it was not claimed the finder retained it. The name was Day, and contact has been made with all Days in the Township to no avail. Secretary instructed to write Indian Dancers to this effect, giving them the telephone number of one G. T. Day, 447-163, who has since moved to ['m Willowdale. 3. W. A. Twelvetrees, P. Mug., County Engineer, advises buildings on Brock [-4 n Road must be moved by Nov. 15. 1 - Secretary directed to advise Hr. Twelvetrees that buildings will be moved • by Nov. 15, and advise Mr. Ralph Harrison that Board requests removal of [-4 these buildings to museum grounds by November 1st. 1 • ' 4- • d . , . , . L 1 [i r- It • 1 1 L . . L r_. • ,, 9 9 - I , .. _ . . „ —--- ,_.,. , o - -o ,. . H . .k., o. — • , 1 . fl , t!e , . . . , . !I , Ft , !I . . A [. 4. List of historical books - .2;odiscoVering America - with descriptions and Prices. , L: 5. 1.:etropolitan Toronto ,'.. Aegion Jonserva don .„LI-.thorit7' as'I.:ed if Storry barn is to he rel,,..oved and states it has had other inc,uiries about it. Secretary replied that parts of it had been removed and remainder would 1: --,, be taken as soon as possible. j • ' $. Village Took Store, Toronto, orders five copies of The Pickering Story and in:iuireS about price. Secretary has advised about price. C: . I . 2. 1-_;anadian ifiuseums Association sends copy of "Gazette. ” 1:1 !.1 • L : T. r. 0. J. C70.7=2 :14S0, Iairport Deacn, offers to Liake hinges for log house. , 9. Pickering Township 2,-esolution Ho. 30V62 read- a resolution instructing L townshi'-, engineer to aesist in whatever way possible with -Auseum , drainage problem, and to be authorized to engage a surveyor to prepare ,„, topocraphical survey, passed on October 2. 1 .. _ ,..- L 1 S Li ! ecretor"' directed to wr council ite cocil ra,..-:uestin,-7, id,Id-Acdiate !;action on ! ' this resolution so d.h.G, requirements and drainage problems can - - be remedied before freeze-up. d : CAILLI.:::0 ..._. .._......._ [ i • '44.--...__.....t-' cPh 7,;:- - 4 erson agreed to speak to engineer'. • T ' • L .1.0.. Howard Stela., Chair:.ean no:run-east Pickering .-o-,,rnsni.") .,,ahmunity Centre, - advising that bell and belfry on 7..1.,D. ::. 2 school will b r: 1.'17pe,r-, Lanc„nt 1,:, loaned,' to museum. [1 ' 1 . t: . Secretary :t directed 1, to write letter of thanks, and accept bell and belfry. iF II r- I* 1. Hessrs. Sidney Pugh and Alfred Ka:os appeared bofore the Board, to discuss the plaque to be erected on hr. J. . ':-:-. Irwin's hou.Lo in -4hitevale ca.:Imemorating '',1hitevale DaPtist 6hurch 7..„hich once stood on the site, I: q the plaque an ll d attendant cereony to be organized by the former church and the museum board. . I -,—.. . U . L, 121r. Pugh said that a placue 17" x 13" had been devised by he Board, ,. and described an. engraving of the church at the top, and the wording, [-• which he would like to discuss with 1:.r. Irwin before co-.Lple:ting the r L. , project. 7:.r. P-uh said that the °loot° would take two or' three weeks to complete. Ee world first check with H:r. Irwin about the size and Wording and discuss a date for the dedication. He also soin that he wruld furnish a list of PeoPlo to be invited to the cera -.lon and report , 0_ [ ' - bac': to the Board. . • . 2. It we,-..: reported that many People ''..',isappointed at History LA action b.-.cause L A L.,:, C. [-7 aria . I"' - a have an on o t nit o ple.--, c I. ro s -are; ,ont ,..! no_ ,..,...L.,, not na e :. . "D -' 11 -— -6" .. .. Socretary directed to write :i„:1-.. hilton Pegg, exPressinr4 rerets about 1 and advise that stage would be moved, and future prora:::s would 10 be or with times set. . 1 .. ' • " ' . . 1.• lir, d • 1 ., , . . , C o '4 . .1. • . . o k .. , 1 • . , , 0 . . 'I • — . .,,':,,T-;AAlt,A, , . , .._ . .. ......_,.,,. .... ._., ,.„.. , . .. . . ., , ‘,- .E . ry „ . 4, E „ ,,,,, ; . „ „, ., . ; t 4 . '1 E , ,, , • 3 . i_0�_,D b�% ' =S. 7 c.r tee, SECGn'?.ed i0`r I'ir, Parl:i , t �':, tTe 'Of'CiG1' CjO;O Uf file 1877 maps from fir. Crosalt. �' �CAi1rED E DT, ?;:. i0, by Mrs. Earle, seconded by br. uook, that Cla.rement Land be given r2 "'---— , each i' e ;- names band a � ;_.a7 for .such rae�_.ocr, Mr. filler to secure n��l..s of o(anct 7� members. 1, llfll?,.�.L ED 5. lr . Miller reported that a fossil stone that had been taken to the Royal : . Ontario Museum for identification had not been returned. Secretary to [-0 write Museum to as for its return. , 6. Kr. Cook reported that he had invetirated the problem of a locled gas L to�ui,2p in Hamilton, and said his contact would require a picture of the pum see , kind it was. * Miller agreed g Y Se-,., what �.�1d 1.v aa. Mr, !'•�11�,.r agr�.ed 't0 �h0"t0�,rai�h 1t.� d I. 7. MOVED by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Parkin, that Mr. Cook be authorized to acquire wiring materials (for museum buildings) when available. _ Cif RILD "Fr. Miller to ask Mrs. May Fallis to follow electrical project up. [-i - MOVED by Hr. Parkin, seconded by Hrs. Earle, that Mr. Cook bei authorized to arrange for plans to be drawn up for entrance building. ,[1. CARRIED L >. 1'_r taller reported that Hr. Morley 3 es was arranging for men to work on Day' Shore barn, and he would atteuJt to get additional men when Mr. Symes was ready, l0. The i itevale Hall was again offered to the '?s'o '.:al Boar . C� 1ile� owners of the lot would like it removed, Yr. J. C. >'.;. Irwin is willing to may ;;1,000 'L , tioi'Tards noving costs. The Board C.iscussed 1-,hi,, -latter again,° seekin to find ways of. producing enough funds to pay the -;.,OCO cost oft moving the building. Mr. Cook agreed to approach Tom Newman, , '-i will e 10.1 e,r-i�.n, a_:1 i�r 111 r ;^T1 1 s e Mr. l,. T.c_ ?, so v :y, in t ul ri could a_ -roach their father,jJ Mr. !tarry Newman about ,assisting ing with this rOJect. ff L 11 A0,HEED that the beef ring barn be left where it is on the museum grounds. 12. MOV�?D by '_r. Coo Cook, seconded by Mr. Par kin, that Mrs. Earle be. a-n_roi 1 fed Display and L ctalo wing Chairman. C :T .D i y On MOTION of Mr. Cook, the meeting adjourned. C 1 4 ____ _____________=..f Jecr etart- L. P? COVED 1°67( ,1 ii L ' Chat man+ • hF ,i u N „ fl r •. ii _ li T , . 7