HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 37-02 311 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: June 21, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: PD 37-02 SUBJECT: Disposal of Lands Shirley Drive, Plan 473, Pickering Our File: RE0202 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to stop-up and close the entire portion of Shirley Drive, Pickering, as public highway and sell the northerly portion of it (all lands excluding the public walkway), in accordance with provisions of the Municipal Act and subject to any required easements. ORIGIN: (a) City's ongoing review of municipally-owned properties no longer required by the Corporation; and Resolution 97/02, item 6. (b) AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter MA5, sections 297,300 and 315. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Appraisal Value Advertising, appraisal, survey costs and legal feesldisbursements (City's Cost) $80,000 (approx.) $2,500 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In 2001, the City undertook a process to review all municipally owned properties to determine which properties were no longer required by the City for municipal purposes. It has been detennined that the subject property known as Shirley Drive, Plan 473 (the Lightfoot Place walkway connection) is no longer required by the City and has been slated for disposal in 2002. In this instance, because this property is dedicated as a public highway, the process to stop-up and close it must occur prior to declaring it surplus for the purpose of sale. BACKGROUND: The subject property is known as Shirley Drive (dedicated as a public highway on Plan 473), which is located on the east side of Rosebank Road, south of Sheppard Avenue. The property has a width of 20 metres and depth of 61 metres. When Plan 473 was developed, the land encompassing Shirley Drive was dedicated on the plan for future road purposes in anticipation of it continuing easterly upon the development of the adjacent lands. 31) ..h. Report to Council PD 37-02 Date: July 19, 2002 Subject: Disposal of Lands (Shirley Street) Page 2 In 1986, when the easterly abutting plan (plan 40M-1437) was developed it was determined that, due to the development pattern of Plan 40M -1437 and the grade differential between the plans, the connection of a roadway through both plans would not be feasible. The City has retained the property since that time, installing storm drainage workslcatch basin and a fenced walkway along the south boundary of the property. It has now determined that, while we should continue to provide the pedestrian connection between Lightfoot Place and Rosebank Road, it is no longer necessary to retain the entire parcel for municipal purposes and that the portion not encompassing the walkway should be disposed of, subject to an easement in favour of the City over the portion of the property wherein the services are located. Accordingly, it is being recommended that: (a) the entire property be stopped up and closed as a public highway; (b) the City retain a 4.0 metre wide pedestrian walkway along the south side of the property continuing the link between Lightfoot Place and Rosebank Road; and (c) the remaining 16.0 metres be declared surplus for the purpose of sale (subject to an easement in favour of the City) for the eventual development of one detached dwelling unit in accordance with the zoning of abutting residential properties. As the subject lands constitute a public highway, the road closing process, as governed by the Municipal Act, takes precedence over the Sale of Surplus Land Process. As such, the appropriate Notice has been published in the local newspaper for four (4) consecutive weeks and the applicable agencies have all been notified of such a road closure. No objections have been received. Further, section 315(2) of the Municipal Act states, in part: "The Council shall by by-law set the sale price of the lands to be sold and shall offer to sell it to the owner of the land abutting the land to be sold and where there are parcels of land abutting on opposite sides of the land to be sold, the owner of each parcel has the right of first refusal to purchase the land to its middle line. " As it is the City's intention to retain the walkway portion of the property, the City becomes one of the adjacent owners. Therefore, only the remaining part ofthe property will be offered for sale at the appraised value to the adjacent landowner to the north. In the event the Owner to the north waives his right to purchase the property, the property will be sold pursuant to the City's Sale of Surplus Land Policy, initially via the Tender process, and if not successful by that method, on the open market. A by-law should therefore be enacted to: I) stop-up and close Shirley Drive as a public highway in accordance with provisions of the Municipal Act; 2) declare the portions of the Shirley Drive designated as Parts 1, 2, 4, Plan 40R-XXXX surplus to the needs ofthe City for the purpose of sale; and 3) authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute all necessary documentation (satisfactory to the Solicitor for the City) relating to the stopping-up, closing of Shirley Drive and the sale ofthe parts no longer required for municipal purposes. Subject: Disposal of Lands (Shirley Street) Date: July 19, 2002 3.t 3 Page 3 Report to Council PD 37-02 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: UJ .'§z-e Denise Bye, CoordInator, Property and Development Services Neil Carroll, P Director, PlannIng and Development DBltd ATTACHMENTS: I. Location Map 2. Site Sketch 3. Draft by-law Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council --<e:---/ 314 ATTACHMENTI~TO REPORT # PO' - . ci- 0::- >-- --¡FRONTIER :J - ~~ U- TOYNEVALE ci---' 0::- il lo \ð- 0:: DUNFAIR ST. '- -.-J .,.. ~ I ~ /" 0/ « - 0 0:: '- s CI!= ~- ;¡:L 3: City of Pickering Planning & Development Department l' I DATE JUN 5, 2002 Q ct ~ I <D 0 I r I ( 0:: 11 I [~ . ~~ ~,., N K¡s ~ h ~~ i~ % t ijg ", ~tO U 0 i <a : 0 . I') .1 I '" I>J :i --' ~ ! n: Z , « ŒI LU (J) 0 0:: ) ¡ ..". , ,- ~ ... ë. t !f ATTACHMENT' 2. TO REPORT # PD?"ï- n?. LOT 13 P. J. 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I PART 1 .... ...-- ".0' . Ô~.l 'C, þ'" "f"" ro' . ~~r11 ~L.'-. 1 'P I \/r: J." ,,- (œl)ICATEO BY ~EGWTERi::D PAil Po I. N. 26306 -- "'014 ãl,15 N 7:1.'47' 00. E PART 2 C\\-,," u II aC,1I1J( U'1l' N 7'l" 00' 10' t PART 3 , ""., eo.ß1 N 71'~' OII"E PÞJU 1, PL,AN 40H--iJO2i' . SiJBJECT TO EASEMENT!'" 1~15r. No. [j2~94:i2 L () T .. A I ¿L I , p, I. H. 26306 - 0015 It:::> ( ,<i /.- l"~ , ... ,,-, C¥ '.r.í lJ:.- 1D'>I<D 315 .0" ...?: I I ¡ . l , "mOl I I)< tJII[ II .dS I ,~. E '""\ç FEHCt ----1 I <0 I;) "1 1O 1-- 1'1 ,., . ...J T- . _: --" IL I;; CJ 5 L' , .o~ I I N 1-- r... ....... .-.: I g: t') CD .'1 3 n: 316 ATTACHMENT,;t TO REPORT # PO 3 - 02 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. ð~Þ}- Being a by-law to stop-up and close as public highway those parts of Shirley Drive, Plan 473, Pickering, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, Plan 40R-XXXX and authorize the sale of the lands comprising Parts 1,2 and 4, as they are no longer required for municipal purposes. WHEREAS, Shirley Drive has been dedicated as a public highway on Plan 473, Pickering; and WHEREAS, pursuant to sections 297 and 315 òf that Act, the Council of the City may pass by-laws to stop-up a highway, or part thereof, and to authorize its sale or the sale of a part thereof at a fixed price; WHEREAS, Notice of this by-law has been published once a week for four consecutive weeks and the provisions ofthe Municipal Act relating to the stopping-up of a highway have been complied with; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following portions of highway are hereby stopped up and closed to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic: Those parts of Shirley Drive, Plan 473, Pickering, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, Plan40R-XXXX. 2. Those parts of Shirley Drive, Pickering, designated as Parts 1,2 and 4, Plan 40R-XXXX, shall be offered for sale to the abutting owner for a sale price of $80,000.00, subject to any easements previously granted or granted pursuant to section 5, herein. 3. (1) The offer referred to in section 2, above, shall be made by the City on or before August 5, 2002. (2) The period within which the abutting owner may exercise the right to purchase the lands, shall commence at 9:00 am on August 6, 2002 and end at 4:00 pm on August 30, 2002, both Eastern Daylight Saving Standard Time. 4. In the event the Part 1, 2 and 4 lands are not sold to the abutting owner, The Corporation of the City of Pickering shall offer them for sale pursuant to the City's Sale of Surplus Land Policy. 5. The Corporation of the City of Pickering shall ensure that all utility easements over any of the lands described in Section 1 above are conveyed to the appropriate utility authority, including but not necessarily limited to, The Regional Municipality of Durham, Bell Canada, Enbridge and Veridian Corporation at a sale price of $2.00 each. 6. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute all documentation required to stop-up and close Shirley Drive, Plan 473, Pickering as a public highway and to effect the conveyance of the Part 1, 2 and 4 lands. BY -LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 29th day of July, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk