HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 33-02 .. ~, ~ ' -2 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: July 9,2002 REPORT NUMBER: PD 33-02 SUBJECT: Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-008/D Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/01 First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited (Metro East Trade Centre) Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 City of Pickering RECOMMENDATIONS: That City Council recommends to the Region of Durham that Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-008/D, submitted by First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited, on lands being Part of Lot 18, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering, to redesignate the METC/W aI-Mart property and surrounding lands including Canadian Tire and the Pickering Home & Leisure Cen1re from Regkmal Node 'a' to Living Area on Map A4 - Regional Stntctwe, to permit specialty retailing uses, be APPROVED; 1. 2. (a) (b) 3. (a) (b) That Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-005/P submitted by First Simcha Shopping Centers Limited, on lands being Part of Lot 18, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering, to redesignate the METC/Wal-Mart property and SUITOlUlding lands including Canadian Tire and the Pickering Home & Leisure Cen1re fÌ"om Regional Node 2 to Specialty Retailing Node on Schedule I - Land Use Structure, and to also transfer existing site-specific policies relating to the METC site from section 3.7 to section 3.6 ofthe Pickering Official Plan, as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PD 33-02, be APPROVED; That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 9 to the Pickering Official Plan be forwarded to City Council for approval, as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PD 33-02, and subsequently, that Amendment 9 be FORWARDED FOR APPROVAL by the City Clerk to the Region of Durham; That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/01, on lands being lands being Part of Lot 18, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering, to permit the deletion of the trade center as a permitted use, increase the maximum gross floor area for all uses, decrease the minimum floor area for a large format food store, and other minor changes on the METC/W aI-Mart property be APPROVED AS REVISED; That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/01, as set out in draft in Appendix IT to Report Number PD 32-02 be FORWARDED TO CITY COUNCIL for enactment; That staff be AUTHORIZED to make any necessary informational revisions to the Village East Neighbourhood policies and the Regional Node 2 Development Guidelines to further implement the Specialty Retailing Node designation in the Pickering Official Plan; and 4. 5. That a copy of Report Number PD 33-02 be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the applicant for their information. .. ' Report to Council PD 33-02 Date: July 9,2002 3 Subject: Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-008/D Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A25101 Page 2 ORIGIN : . Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-008/D submitted to the Region of Durham and forwarded to Pickering for comments; and Local Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-005/P and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25101. . AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, chapterP.1 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In 1999, the Ontario Municipal Board approved the Regional Node 2 policies pertaining to the development of large format retailing, including large format stores, ancillary retailing of goods and services, and limited residential development at higher densities. Specific retail unit size restrictions were also approved on the Metro East Trade Centre (METC) property. First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited, the owners of the METC property, has proposed to demolish the Trade Centre building and construct on this portion of the site a variety of large format and specialty retail uses. Applications to amend both the Durham and Pickering Official Plans were submitted. Specifically, the applicant proposes to replace the Regional Node designation with a new designation, to delete the trade center function, to increase the maximum gross leasable floor area to reflect existing and proposed retail uses, and to decrease the minimum floor area for a large format food store on the METC site. The amendment applications also affect the surrounding lands beyond the METC site including Canadian Tire and the Home & Leisure Centre. Staff has reviewed the applications and supporting documentation, the comments received from the public and commenting agencies, and the Peer Review results of the Retail Market Study, and concluded that the proposal is appropriate, is in the public interest and is consistent with good planning principles. Further, to provide a "seamless" transition for the vendors of the Pickering Markets to relocate to the new Invar site, staff requests that First Simcha to extend the deadline for demolishing the METC building. This will ensure that vendors stay with the current Markets, and do not seek alternative market operators. Accordingly, staff recommends that Council approve Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-005/P and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25101. It is also recommended that the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 9 to the Pickering Official Plan and the draft amending zoning by-law as set out in Appendix I and II to Report Number PD 33-02, respectively and be forwarded to Council for approval. Further, staff similarly concludes that the Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-008/D warrants support and recommends that Council endorse the approval ofthat Application by the Region of Durham. 4 .. Report to Council PD 33-02 Date: July 9, 2002 Page 3 Subject: Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-008/D Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A25/01 BACKGROUND: 1.0 Introduction The METC property including the Wal-Mart store is located at the north-east comer of Brock Road and Pickering Parkway (see location map - Attachment #1). The applicant, First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited, owners of the METC/Wal-Mart property, is proposing to amend the Regional and Pickering Official Plans and zoning by-law as shown below: Lands Mfected Proposed Proposed RegionalOPA Pickering OPA Proposed Zoning Change METCIWal- Mart From Regional From Regional Node 'a' to Node 2 to Living Area Specialty Retailing Node . deleting the trade centre as a permitted use, . deleting the minimum floor area for a trade center; . deleting the total floor area for all uses, excluding a trade center; . increasing the maximum total floor area for all uses from 40,000 sq.m to 49,237 sq.m; . decreasing the minimum floor area for a food store from 6,000 sq.m. to 4,515 sq.m. Other lands including Canadian Tire I Home & Leisure Centre From Regional From Regional No change. Node 'a' to Node 2 to Living Area Specialty Retailing Node The following documents have been submitted in support of the proposal and are available for viewing at the offices of the City's Planning & Development Department: Study Prepared By Date October 2001 Planning Report Armstrong Goldberg Hunter Metro East Trade Centre Traffic Study iTRANS Consulting Inc. October 2001 Retail Market Opportunity & Impact Study The Climans Group December 2001 A revised conceptual site plan illustrating the proposed locations of buildings is provided for reference (see Revised Concept Plan - Attachment #2). A site plan application, S06/00 (R02), has been received and is being processed by staff. ... - Report to Council PD 33-02 Date: July 9, 2002 5 Subject: Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-008/D Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A25/01 Page 4 2.0 Public Information Meetin2 The Information Meeting was held on February 21, 2002 for the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications. Information Report No. 04-02, which summarized the applicant's proposal and outlined the issues and comments identified through circulation of the application to that date, was prepared and is provided for reference (see Attachment #3). At the Meeting, the applicant's Planning Consultant, Mr. Michael Goldberg, commented on the Information Report and listed the studies undertaken. He further advised of the elimination of the trade center building and the net overall floor area increase of 10,000 square metres for the METC site. As well, a number of vendors from the Pickering Markets and residents expressed their concerns over the proposal to demolish the trade center building. Minutes of the Meeting are included as Attachment #4 to this Report. 3.0 Public and A2encv Comments 3.1 Public Comments Since the preparation of the Information Report, three letters have been received from the public regarding the development proposal: Mr. J. Weiz and Mr. Z. Schmerler, owners of Brockington Plaza, indicated their objection to the proposed applications (see Attachment #5); Mr. Peter Walker, of Walker, Nott, Dragicevic Associates Limited, planning consultants for 20 Vic Management Inc., property owners for the Pickering Town Centre shopping centre, expressed concerns with the proposed applications and the process of redeveloping the subj ect lands being made on an ad hoc basis with the cumulative effect of creating a regional-scale commercial centre (see Attachment #6); and Mr. Dan Mayer, of 1774 Listowel Crescent, expressed concerns with the proposal to demolish the trade centre and question the need for more stores in Pickering (see Attachment #7). 3.2 Agency Comments The following agency comments were received after the preparation of the Information Report, and are appended to this Report as Attachments #8 to #11: Agency Comments Supervisor, Development Control No objection; required. stormwater management report Region of Durham No objection; servicing conditions to be satisfied through site plan approval process. The Region ofDurl:1am has verbally advised that the need to widen Brock Road to six lanes between Pickering Parkway and Highway 401 is being examined through an on-going Class Environmental Assessment Study. The results of the Study will determine the timing and extent of future widening works to Brock Road. b Report to Council PD 33-02 Date: July 9, 2002 Subject: Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-008/D Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A25101 Page 5 Toronto and Region Conservation No objections; development is permitted in the flood Authority plain provided that flood-proofing measures are incorporated and a permit under Ontario Regulation 158 is obtained. Canada Post No objections. 4.0 Discussion 4.1 Appropriateness of the Proposal Previous planning approvals have shifted the focus of Regional Node 2 from primarily a Trade Centre function with ancillary special purpose commercial uses to large format and special purpose commercial uses. These new applications are a further refinement to the approvals previously granted. The applicant is not proposing to change the restrictions and limitations in the Official Plan and zoning by-law with the exception of deleting the trade center use, increasing the maximum total gross leasable floor area permitted for all uses, and reducing the minimum size of the large format food store. In this manner, the form of retail development will continue to remain different than, and complementary to the Downtown Core. Further, the City's consultants who peer-reviewed the applicant's Retail Market Study concur that the subject property will foster region-serving development at this location (see section 4.3 below). Accordingly, staff is supportive of the proposal to remove the trade centre building and to develop the site for large format and specialty retailing uses. As well, the existing policies pertaining to ancillary retailing, such as banks and restaurants remain the same. The buildings associated with ancillary retailing are required to locate close to the street edge to help define the public right of way, strengthen the urban edge, and create a comfortable area for pedestrian movement along Brock Road. 4.2 Loss of Trade Centre building and function The trade center has not achieved its intended function of attracting a strong trade show business. It is primarily used on weekends as the location of the Pickering Markets and the occasional specialized short-term sale or trade show. The applicant has concluded that a more efficient use of this portion of the property for other uses is appropriate and is therefore proposing to demolish the trade center building. As a result, staff has received numerous telephone calls from residents and affected vendors asking whether or not the City is considering alternative locations for the Pickering Markets. The City's Economic Development Office, through a screening process, has determined that no existing buildings in Pickering are of sufficient size to accommodate the Markets; however, vacant land capable of supporting a similar size building and associated parking could be considered. Also, the applicant has agreed to cooperate in the process of assisting with the relocation. More specifically, Charter Hall Management, the firm contracted to manage the Markets, has been given permission by the applicant to commence discussions with two groups that are interested in accommodating the Markets. The two sites under consideration include a site in Pickering owned by Invar Building Corporation located at the south-west comer of Bayly Street and Squires Beach Road, and the "Verona" site in Ajax on the north-east comer of Bayly Street and Monarch Avenue. Report to Council PD 33-02 Date: July 9, 2002 7 Subject: Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-008/D Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A25101 Page 6 It is our understanding that Invar Building Corporation is willing to accommodate the Markets on its site, subject to satisfactory arrangements being concluded. Further, Invar has requested the City assist in ensuring that the deadline for demolishing the METC is extended. Staff encourages the transition of the Markets from one site to another to be "seamless", whereby the vendors could move to a new site immediately after leaving the METC site. This will ensure that vendors stay with the current Markets, and do not seek alternative market operators. In this regard, the City has received Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/02 from Invar Development Corporation to permit the development of industrial and limited commercial uses including an exhibition hall and banquet facilities. A public infonnation meeting has been scheduled for August 22, 2002. Therefore, staff requests that First Simcha extend the deadline for demolishing the METC building in order to accommodate the movement of vendors to the Invar site. 4.3 Peer Review of Retail Market Study The firm of Malone Given Parsons was retained by the City in consultation with the Region of Durham to carry out a Peer Review of the applicant's Retail Market Study. As well, the Town of Ajax was consulted to discuss the Peer Review process and issues of particular interest to their municipality. The Peer Review consultants recommend that the City accept the conclusions provided in the Study that a commercial development of the proposed size, nature and tenant mix is not expected to cause any significant or sustained sale transfers, or put at risk any existing retail projects within the study area boundaries (see Conclusions from Peer Review Report - Attachment #12). As well, the consultants concluded that the proposed reduction of the minimum required floor area for a food store from 6,000 square metres to 4,515 square metres would exceed the size, role and function of a local serving, neighbourhood or community center food store anchor. Sobers is the proposed tenant for the food store on the METC site. 4.4 New Specialty Retailing Node Designation The METC/Wal-Mart site including the surrounding lands are designated Regional Node 2 by the Pickering Official Plan. This strategically located area to the Highway 401/Brock Road interchange is intended to be a trade centre and specialty retailing node serving a broad regional market. Other major retail uses may be pennissible in a manner that is complementary to the Downtown Core. With the proposal to delete the trade center -- a regionally-unique and specialized use -- the lands no longer warrant the Regional Node 2 designation in the Official Plan. As a replacement, staff is recommending a new Specialty Retailinf!: Node designation to recognize the retailing function of the area for large format and ancillary retailing. As well, to ensure that the area remains complementary to the Downtown Core and to other retailing areas within the City, the existing polices relating to size and unit restrictions will remain on the METC/Wal-Mart property. The request by the applicant to delete the policy relating to higher density residential development as part of an overall development scheme is not supported. Their proposed policy deletion affects lands beyond just the METClWal-Mart property. The intent of this policy was to provide the opportunity for landowners to develop limited residential uses at higher densities in combination with commercial proposals in the Node. Providing this healthy mix of commercial and residential development, especially in locations as appropriate as this, is considered a critical part of creating a vibrant, sustainable City and continues to be long-term goal of both the City and the Region of Durham. 8' ' Report to Council PD 33-02 Date: July 9, 2002 Subject: Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-OO8/D Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A25/01 Page 7 Accordingly, staff recommends that the private-initiated Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 05-001/P be approved as revised as setout in Amendment 9 to the Pickering Official Plan (see Exhibit #1 to Appendix I to this Report). Further, staff recommends that the 'by-law to adopt Amendment 9 to the Official Plan be forwarded to Council for adoption, and subsequently, that Amendment 9 be forwarded to the Region of Durham for approval (see Appendix I to Report Number PD 32-02). 4.5 Recommended Zoning by-law Amendment The METC/Wal-Mart lands are zoned "TC/(H-2)SPC" - Trade Cen1relSpecial Purpose Commercial, which permits trade centre, office, large format and special purpose commercial uses. Staff supports the changes requested by the applicant to delete the provisions relating to the trade center use. On this basis, the Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/01 is recommended for approval, and a draft implementing zoning by-law is included as Appendix II to this Report. This by-law is being forwarded to Council for approval concurrent with the associated official plan amendment application. The zoning will not come into force until the official plan amendments take effect. 4.6 Regional Official Plan Amendment The applicant has submitted Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-008/D to the Region of Durham proposing to redesignate the METC /Wal-Mart property and surrounding lands from Regional Node 'a' to a Living Area designation in the Regional Official Plan to permit the redevelopment of the site for various retail and service commercial uses. It is recommended that Council support the approval of the Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-008/D. 4.7 Other Matters With Council's adoption of Amendment 9, minor informational revisions to the Village East Neighbourhood policies and the Regional Node 2 Development Guidelines will be required (an Official Plan amendment is not required). The revisions relate primarily to explanatory text and name change. It is recommended that Council authorize staff to make any necessary "housekeeping" changes to both documents. 5.0 Applicant's Comments Appendices I and II of the Report were forwarded to the applicant for review and comment. As of the signing of the Report, no comments have been received. APPENDICES: I By-law to adopt Amendment 9 to the Pickering Official Plan (Amendment included as Exhibit #1 to By-law) II Draft Amendment to Zoning By-law 3036 ATTACHMENTS: Map 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Revised Concept Plan Report to Council PD 33-02 Date: July 9,2002 9 Subject: Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-008/D Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A25101 Page 8 Report and Meeting Minutes 3. Text of Information Report No. 04-02 4. Minutes of Public Information Meeting Public Comments 5. J. Weiz and Z. Schmeder. (letter dated February 7,2002) 6. Peter Walker (letter dated February 28,2002) 7. Dan Mayer (letter dated March 25,2002) Agency Comments 8. Comment letter from Supervisor, Development Control (letter dated February 7,2002) 9. Comment letter from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (letter dated February 7, 2002) 10. Comment letter from Canada Post (letter dated April 12, 2002) 11. Comment letter from Region of Durham (letter dated July 12, 2002) Peer Review Comments 12. Conclusions of Malone Given Parsons Ltd. (Peer Review Report dated June 21,2002) Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed by: !M-~ ~~ - i Neil Carroll, MCIP, RPP fJvDiIrxtor, Planning & Development ~ Grant McGregor, MCIP, RP Principal Planner - Policy Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy GM:td Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy Division Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 10 APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 33-02 BY-LAW TO ADOPT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 9 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN " i 11 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. :~'UF:T :;. ~~ "", , '..'. )t 1.\#.' Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 9 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering. (OPA 01-005/P) WHEREAS pursuant to the Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, c.p. 13, subsections 17(22) and 21(1), the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering may by by-law adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, and submit them to the Region of Durham for approval; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. That Amendment 9 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby adopted; 2. That Amendment 9 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering shall not come into effect until the related Regional Official Plan Amendment (OPA 01-008/D) is approved and has come into effect; 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Regional Municipality of Durham the documentation required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments; 4. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. BY-LA W read a first, second and third time and finally passed this - day of 2002. MAYOR WAYNE AR THURS ~ ~~ CLERK BRUCEJ. TAYLOR 12: Exhibit "A" to By-law AMENDMENT 9 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMEND MENT 9 TO THE PI CKERIN G 0 FFI CIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to redesignate "Regional Node 2" to "Specialty Retailing Node" in the Pickering Official Plan. LOCATION: The Amendment affects an area extending along the east side of Brock Road from Highway 401 in the south to the northern limit of the Metro East Trade Centre property, as shown on Schedule' A' of this Amendment. Specifically, the Amendment affects four properties: the Pickering Home and Leisure Centre, a Canadian Tire Store, a Wal-Mart Store and the recently reduced in size Metro East Trade Centre building. BASIS: Previous planning approvals have shifted the focus of Regional Node 2 from primarily a Trade Centre function with ancillary special purpose commercial uses to large format and special purpose commercial uses. As well, to ensure that the area complemented the Downtown Core, specific retail unit sizes restrictions were also approved. The trade center has not achieved its intended function of attracting a strong trade show business. A more efficient use of this portion of the METC property for other uses is proposed by removing the Trade Centre building, and in its place, construct the whole site with a variety of large format retail uses. The proposal is considered a further refinement to the approvals previously granted. An applicant has proposed to relocate the Pickering Markets to another site within Pickering. Therefore, retaining the trade center function is not an essential land use at the METC site and there are no other lands of sufficient size within Regional Node 2 to accommodate this use. As well, the Peer Review results of the Retail Market Study indicate that the proposed commercial development is not expected to cause any significant or sustained sale transfers, or put at risk any existing retail projects within the study area boundaries. To ensure that this Node continues to be distinct and complementary to the Downtown Core, the specific retail unit sizes will be retained on the METC property. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Amending Schedule I - Land Use Structure by deleting the "Regional Node 2" designation in its entirety and replacing it with a "Specialty Retailing Node" designation, by adding a "Specialty Retailing Node" and deleting the "Regional Node 2" from the Land Use Structnre legend; as illustrated on Schedule 'A' attached to this Amendment; 2. Amending Table 2, by adding the words "Specialty Retailing Node" in the Mixed Use Areas row under the Land Use Subcategories column, and deleting the words "Regional Node 2" in the Regional Nodes row under the Land Use Subcategories column, so that Table 2 now reads as follows: Appendix I to Report to Council PD 33-02 Amendment 9 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Regional Node 2 lands ".....,..................,...............................................,........................................................................................................................................................................................................................, . . ¡ ¡ ¡ TABLE 2 ¡ , , i i . . 1"" ""'iAND"UsÏi"""'r""'" """""""""'c RITÏiRiA'¡;oïÙ> ET'EïWiÑÏNà"""""" .............. r"""""""'" """'LÄNi1"USÏi"""""""""""""j ! CATEGORY ¡ SUBCATEGORIES ¡ SUBCATEGORIES: I" "Ö¡; ~ ñ"'šp~~ ~.........!... Th~"~~~~' ~ "~bilitÿ"ï~";¡ïh~ï~~d"h~~;~";~ri~iïY"""""" rï;;;f~~~;i'A;~;~ """"""""'" """""""""""1 i System ¡ without impairing significant ecological ¡ Active Recreational Areas i ¡ i functions or endangering- human life/propertY ¡Marina J\fl"a" i , Lol:.1I.:\ OU~" ¡ Community Nodes ¡ Mixed Corridors ¡ Specialty Retailing Node ¡ Down/'m,.. nlll' I II,' ill"'llIh'cI hll'lI- 0111111111' 1,IIIot - oilld ¡ R~gltJll.1l.:\oUL 1 ¡ activities in the node i Rf'E!'ÏAnal "'lotir 2 . I II,' ill"'llth'cllIlI' or II-"~, °llt'.olliC'll,II ¡ Gcllcul LllljJluymellt ¡ requirements, and design/performance j Prestige Employment ¡ standards ofthe a,fl"a ¡ '\Hwd f'. III 1'10\ 11"'111 I 111,111 I II,' 111111111111111 ,IIItIIll,I"1I1I1II1 IIlIlIIh,'. III ¡ Lo\\ U~ll"U) .\1~.1" ¡ : Residential ¡ residential dwellings permissible in the area ¡ Medium Density Areas i L~~.~.~.. ............................1........ """"""""""""" """""""'" ............ """" """"""""""""""'" """"""""""""""""""" ..........L.~.~.~~..~~.~.~~~..~~.~~.................... ......1 ¡ Rural ¡ The relative size, mix of uses, and character of j Countty Residential i ! Settlements i the settlement ¡ Rural Clusters ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ Rural Hamll"t" i I ,,'t'\\ 01\" I II,' °1' l011II1I1I~ 10 ,1I't OllllllOcl,Ih' olliclill" ...1 , l'ùl~llU.11 ~lulu-L,,~ .\1\...1" ¡ ¡ and Major ¡ uses or activities in the area I Controlled Access Areas I L..P..~~~~~~.~......................I......................................................................................................................................................L.....................................................................,.............1 ¡Agricultural i not applicable ¡ no subcategories ¡ ¡ Areas ¡ ¡ ¡ r-Š-~~t~ñ"""" """""""""I"""~~'ï'~ppli~~bï;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""'" """"""""l"~~"~~b~~ï~g~ri~~""""""""""""""""'1 I Urban Study I I ¡Area i ¡ i ¡...................................................¡......................................................................................................................................................¿....................................................................................., ¡ Potential ) not applicable ¡ no subcategories ¡ !....~T..?.~.~..~.~~.~..........I......................................................................................................................................................L.....................................................................................! i Study Areas ¡ The location of the area, either urban or rural ¡ Urban Study Areas ¡ :...................................................1......................................................................................................................................................L..~~~~~..~~~Y...~~~.~...............................i \11",11 I ..,' IAreM ! Ht' ,!iolloll ¡ Nodes . IlIIpIO~lIIt'lIl I Areas I II,' Ju,',lIi',II. ~t',11t- ,lIlIlu'I,lII\¡' II II III h','1 It' I p<ople wved by the Mixed D,e Are, 3. Amending Table 4 by adding the words . "Specialty Retailing Node" to "Mixed Corridors" under the "Pickering Plan Designation" row so that it now reads as follows: ................................................................................................................................................................................,........................ i ¡ ¡ TABLE 4 ¡ . . I~~.~;=~~~~~~!;;~;~:~ r"""""."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'r"""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1 I Community Central Areas I Community Nodes I r"""""""""""""""""""""".""""""""""""""""""""""""""'r""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".'."""""""'1 I Local Central Area J Local Nodes ¡ ¡...................................,..............................................................t.................................................................................................¡ ¡Section 8,2.2 (intensive mixed j Mixed Corridors ¡ ¡ uses along arterial roads) ¡So It R t T N d i 1.................................................................................................../........:,~.~.~.:....=.......~...~.~...~.~~........~....:.......................I Appendix I to Report to Council PD 33-02 15 Amendment 9 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Regional Node 2 lands 4. Amending Table 7 by replacing the words "Regional Node 2" with the words "Specialty Retailing Node" under the Regional Nodes Subcategory; deleting the words "Trade Centre and" from the Regional Node Subcategory column and deleting the words "Trade centers and" from the Permissible Uses column; and moving the entire "Specialty Retailing Node" row from Table 7 to Table 5 between the Mixed Corridors and Downtown Core rows so that Tables 5 and 7 now reads as follows: .""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" . . . . . . . . . . i TABLES i . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................"......................................,............................................,..............................................................."""""""""""""""""""'" .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ¡ Mixed Use Areas i Permissible Uses i ., . .. . ., . ; Subcategory' ; i t (Restrictions and limitations on the uses pennissible, arising from other i !...... ...... ................. .............. ............... .....!................. ...........P.~~!.~.~.~..~.~.~.~.~..!'.~~~~..~~..~~..~~~~,~~~.~~..~~~~g..~y'~ ~~~,).................... ........! ! Local Nodes! Residential; ! ¡ ¡ Retailing of goods and services generally serving the needs of the ¡ ! ! surrounding neighbourhoods; ¡ ! ¡ Offices and restaurants; ! I......... ,.................... ............... ................ ..I....~~.~.~ ~~~.:.~..~~~.~.~~.~..~~~..~~.~.~~.~~.~~~.~..~~.~~:..... ................... .......... ....................... ..................1 ¡ Community ¡ All uses permissible in Local Nodes, at a larger scale and intensity, ¡ i Nodes ! and serving a broader area. I ¡---............................................................¡...................................................................................................................................................................................""""""""""""'j ¡ Mixed Corridors ¡ All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at a ¡ ! ! scale and intensity equivalent to Community Nodes; ! i i Special purpose commercial uses. I ¡---............................................................¡---............................................................................................................................................................................""""""""""""""'j ¡ Specialty i Hotels: ¡ ! Retailing Node! ! ! ! Special Purpose Commercial uses such as: large format retailers ¡ ! ¡ (including large format food stores and large format discount ! ¡ ¡ stores): retail warehouses; membership clubs: theme and lor ¡ ! ! specialty retailers; automotive uses: and, ancillary retailing of other! I I :::~:~~~=~~~~~~~~~,; I ¡ ¡ Limited residential development at higher densities as an integral ¡ I..................... """"""'" ...........................!.. .~~.~..~.~..~.~..~.~~~.~~~.. ~~~.~.~.~~~~~~..~.~~ ~~~:.......... .......... ................... ......... ........... ............................1 ¡ Downtown Core: All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at the ¡ ¡ ! greatest scale and intensity in the City, serving City-wide and ! ! ! regional levels; ! i i Special purpose commercial uses. i ;...............................................................¡................................................,...........................................................................................................................................................; 16 Appendix I to Report to Council PD 33-02 Amendment 9 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Regional Node 2 lands ;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".............................................................................................""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""; . . . . ¡ T~æ7 1 . . ["""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1"""""""""""""""""'"..................................................................................................................................................] i Regional Nodes i Permissible Uses i !. S !. (Restrictions and limitations on the uses permissible, arising from :. ubcategory I... ..................... .. .............. .. ... ................. ................. ...1.. .. .. .... ~ .~~ ~.~. ~~ ~.~ ~ ~~.. ~.~. ~~.. ~ ~:. ~. :.I~ ..~~..~~. ~ ~.~.~ ~~..~: ..~. ~:~ ~ ~..~ ~ ~ ~.~.=~.: ~.......... j I Regional Node 1 I Community, cultural and recreational uses; ! ¡ Community, Cultural I Limited offices, and limited retailing of goods and services I I and Recreational Node ¡ including restaurants; I f..................................................................................I...~.~~.~~~.~~~~~.~.~~~~~:..............................................................................................................................) I Regional Node 2 ¡ Trade eentres and hatels; I ¡ Trade Centre and ¡ Special Purpase Commereial uses such as: large fermat i ! Sf'eeialty Retailing ¡ retailers (iacluding large farmat faad stores aad large ¡ ¡ Nede ~ format discouat stores); retail warehouses; membership ! i ¡ dubs; theme and/or specialty retailers; autamotive uses; ¡ ¡ ! aad, aaeillary retailing af ather goods and services ! ¡ ¡ including restaurants; I ¡ I Limited affices; I I I Cammuaity, cultural and reereatiaaal uses; I ¡ ! Limited resideatial de-¡elopmeat at higher densities as an ¡ ¡................... .............. """"""" """"""""'" .................!.. ..~~~~.~.~~ ..:.~.~..~.~..~~...~~:~.~~~..~.~~~~~~.:.~~.~~..~~~~.~~.:.. """"" ...................... .......1 5. Amending Table 6 by adding a new "Specialty Retailing Node" row between the "Mixed Corridors" and "Downtown Core" rows so that it now reads as follows: ,.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" . . . . . . . . ¡ T~LE6 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" . .. . . . '. . . . " . . . '. . . . i Mixed Use i Maximum and lYfinimum ¡ :Maximum Gross Leasable ¡ Maximum Floorspace ¡ ~ Areas ¡ Net Residential Density ¡ Floorspace for the ! Index (total building ~ ! Subcategory I <"' dwelling< pc> bed.,e) I 7.!u;::::~d I floo:~c~~~~ by I ["""""""""""""""""""""""'1""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""........................t.......................................................................................¡.........................................................................¡ ¡ Local Nodes ¡ over 30 and up to and ¡ up to and including 10,000 i up to and including i }...............................................{...~~~~~~.~.~..~~.....................................................f....................................................................................... ...:.:.~...~.~.~.................................................I ¡Community ¡over 80 and up to and ¡ up to and including 20,000 ¡ up to and including ¡ f...~~~.~~........ ...............~...~~~~~~.~.~.~ ..~.~~..................................................~.............. ............................. ............. ........... .......... ..........I....~.:.~...~.~.~....................... .............. ............1 ¡ Mixed ¡ over 30 and up to and ¡ determined by site-specific i up to and including i f...:~.~.~.~.~.~.~..... .........~...~~~~~ ~.~.~..~.~~....... ................ ...........................~...~~.~.~.~~.... """"""""""""""""'" """"" ...............i.. .:.:.~. ..~.~.~..................................................i i Specialty i over 80 and up to and ¡ determined by site-specific i up to and including i ¡ Retailing ¡ including 180 ! zoning ¡ 2.5 FSI j ¡...~~~.~..........................~............................................................................................t....................................................................................... ........................................................................./ ¡ Downtown ¡over 80 and up to and ¡ up to and including 300,000 i up to and including ¡ L.:~.~~..................... .........L~~~~~~.~.~~..~.~~....................................... ...... .....L........................................................... .......... .......... .....J... ~.:.~...~.~.~.. ..............................................J Appendix I to Report to Council PD 33-02 17 Amendment 9 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Regional Node 2 lands 6. Amending section 3.7 (b) by deleting the words "or Regional Node 2", replacing the words "Regional Node 2" with the words "the Specialty Retailing Node" in section 3.7(c); replacing the number "7" with the number "5" in sections 3.7(c)(iii) and 3.7 (d); replacing the number "31,000" with the number "49,000" in section 3.7(c)(iii); and moving subsections (c) and (d) from section 3.7 to section 3.6 and realphabetizing them as sections 3.6(g) and (h) so that section 3.6 now read as follows: "City Council, (a) ..., (b) ..., (c) ..., (d) ..., (e) ..., (f) ..., .(g) within the Specialty Retailing Node, ill prior to zoning for significant retail floor space. shall require the submission of a retail impact study justi{ying. to the City's satisfaction. in consultation with the Region of Durham. that the addition of such floor space will not adversely affect the planned function of the Downtown Core. the ComnllUtÌty Nodes. and nearby Main CentralAreas in other municipalities in the Region; .(ill for lands north of Pickering Parkway, shall establish a minimum gross leasable floor area of 500 square metres for any permitted individual retail unit. except that up to an aggregate of 1.400 square metres of gross leasable floor area may be devoted for any permitted individual retail unit of less than 500 square metres of gross leasable floor area, but not less than 300 square metres of gross leasable floor area; (iii) for lands north of Pickering Parkway. shall establish a maximum aggregate gross leasable floor area of 49.000 square metres for all special pur.pose commercial uses permitted by Table 5; (iv) shall not permit an enclosed shopping centre or pedestrian mall; .(y) shall not permit occupancy of any type of food store with a gross leasable floor area greater than 700 square metres prior to June 11. 2003; and " , 18 Appendix I to Report to Council PD 33-02 Amendment 9 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Regional Node 2 lands (g) for the purposes of Table 5. shall define "large format discount stores" to include a discount department store as defined by Statistics Canada, such as but not limited to Zellers and Wal-Mart. engaged in general merchandising of a wide range of commodities and services which may include but is not limited to apparel. hardware and household goods, garden supplies, automotive supplies, leisure. pet and drug items and toys. but shall not include a major department store as defined by Statistics Canada. such as but not limited to Eatons. Sears and The Bay." IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Cross-Reference: (OPA 01-OO81D; OPA 01-OO51P; A 25/01) First Simcba Sbopping Centres Limited July 2002 , . SCHEDULE IAI 1- x « ") « LL 0 '------- z 5 0 f- ,I EXTRACf FROM SCHEDULE I TO TIlE PICKERING 0 FFI CIAL PLAN LAND USE STRUCTURE -.-' OPEN SPACE SYSTEM EMPLOYMENT AREAS . NATURAL AREAS D GENERAL. EMPLOYMENT . ACTIVE RECREATIONAL P'ZDJ PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT AREAS r:l'.lliI MIXED USE AREAS ~ MIXED EMPLOYMENT OTHER DESIGNATIONS . COMMUNITY NODES URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS. URBAN STUDY AREAS . MIXED CORRIDORS LOW DENSITY AREAS mIl DEFERRALS . SPECIALTY RETAILING ~ 1"":":"1 NODE ~ ~ MEDIUM DENSITY AREAS ~ APPEALS . DOWNTOWN RE ~- - "'H ----- HIGH DENSITY AREAS REGIONAL NODES ' ADD "SPECIAL TV RETAILING NODE" . REGIONAL NODE 1 UNDER LAND USE STRUCTURE . REGIONAL NODE 2 FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES iii POTENTIAL MULTI-USE AREAS l1li CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS EDmON2 I 0fTY I "" , ì~-I - ...... ;1 ~=- ":.' SHEET 1 OF 3 DELETE "REGIONAL NODE 2. UNDER LAND USE STRUCTURE CITY 0' I'IOKE""'" ..LANNING .. ~NT DEl"AftTVENT .... -........... <II' ...w..:'~Y¡".2::2_........ """'- ......--..----------, APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER PD 33-02 AMENDING ZONING BY-LAW TO IMPLEMENT ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A25/01 19 THE CORPORA nON OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, Part of Lot 18, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering. (OPA 01-008/D, OPA 01-005/P, A25/01) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to permit the removal of the trade center use, decrease the minimum floor area for a large format food store, and increase the maximum aggregate floor area for all uses on the subject lands; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 5511/99, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 1. SCHEDULE I AMENDMENT Schedule I with notations and references shown thereon is hereby amended by changing the zone symbol from "TC/(H-2)SPC" to "(H-2)MU-SRN". TEXT AMENDMENT Section 2. of By-law 5511/99 is amended by changing the zone symbol from "TC/(H-2)SPC" to "(H-2)MU-SRN"; Section 4. of By-law 5511199 is amended by deleting subsection (22); Section 5. of By-law 5511/99 is amended by deleting all reference to the zone symbol "TC/(H-2)SPC" and replacing it with "(H-2)MU-SRN"; Clause 5 (l)(xii) of By-law 5511/99 is amended by deleting trade centre as a permitted use; Subclause (2)(iii)(A) of By-law 5511199 is amended by replacing the number "40,000 square metres" with "49,237 square metres"; Clause 5 (2)(iii) of By-law 5511199 is amended by deleting subclauses (B) and (E); Subclause 5 (2)(iii)(G) of By-law 5511/99 is amended by replacing the number "6,000 square metres" with "4,515 square metres"; Clause 5 (2)(iii) of By-law 5511199 is further amended by realphabetizing paragraphs (A) to (G); Subclause 5 (2)(v) of By-law 5511199 is amended by deleting paragraph (B); Subclause 5(2)(v)(C) of By-law 5511199 is amended by deleting the word "other"; Subclause 5(2)(vi)(H) of By-law 5511/99 is amended by deleting the phrase "with the exception of the trade center use"; Subclause 5 (2)(vi) of By-law 5511/99 is amended by deleting paragraphs (A), (B), and (C); Clause 5 (2) (vi) of By-law 511199 is hereby further amended by realphabetizing paragraphs (A) to (K). - 2 - DRAFT 21 3. BY-LAW 5511/99 By-law 5511/99, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I and Sections 4. and 5. attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by the relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended; 4. EFFECTIVE DATE This by-law shall take effect from the day of passing, subject to the approval and coming into effect of Amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan and Pickering Official Plan respectively (resulting from the approval of Regional Official Plan Amendment Application 01-008/D and Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application 01-OO5/P respectively), or subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this ,2002. day of ,. MA~ WAYNE ARTHURS CLERK BRUCEJ. TAYLOR 22 ATTACHMENTI~TO REPORT I PO - \ ~ JID -------- . . ~~ - I ~ Jm =L . ~op..\) ~c- lIJ -ë!8 > œ. õ2 = 0 - FINCH AVENUE >T / FINCH ~03J[0' -ð ð 0:: -0:: 0:: 0 - 0 0:: 0:: 0 () AVENUE . -0 -..J -5 -CI 0 « 0 0:: 0::- =-lIJ ~o_- -~- ~ -1;;- - == ;¡; ==°0- z ~ :_-~==:~-£. ~ Q= 0 -~= t ~ ~ ~ 'Iffff¡- 2. ~ -In- - - ..~ DRIVÍII[ 1TIJI[ JI[[]§9 ~ ~ == !!! = J]]§~~~=& O::~lIJ--O- Œ }3 = .~ u@ 0 0:: 0 >- I . .~ ~ .@ C= A-OÎ . . ---J J , r . y !i) 0 0:: L ,- ~ u 0 0:: In -------------- --~- 0 « 0 0:: I lIJ ::;¡ Z lIJ a; ~ ~ u L QUARTZ ST. J: ~ In L r- 0:: 0 0 0:: 0:: 0 () PLUMMER STREET , en lIJ 0:: 5 0 en ] I City of Pickering >- -0 I- m- STREET I IJ \ í Planning & Development Department "- I~. Ci STREET 0-'1 CJ BAYLY BAYLY - LANDS SUBJECT TO OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT OPA 01-005/P III LANDS SUBJECT TO ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT A 25/01 l' I DATE JULY 9, 2002 CT') "-i ~ ('J 0 C'L.-e c\'. ..... 1-0 2Cl. ~"'" :x: I- ua: <CC;:) I- G.. ~~ SITE STATISTICS TOTAL SHE AREA: PARCEL A PARCEL AREA: BEFORE EXP.: BUILDING :~~IRED : ~~~~:~g PRO'.10EO : G AREA AFT. EXP.: BUILOIN REQUIRED: ~~~~:~g PRO'.10ED : PARCEL B PARCEL A:~~A: : BUILDING IRED : PARKING ~~~OEO : PARKING - 48.34 ACRES 2106.025.8 Sf SM : 19.56 HA . 195.650 (49 305.5 SM) 530.737 SF . \465/1000 SF) 2.468 CARS 5'.18/1000 sF) 2.749 CARS . ( 27 ACRES) 404.054 s~ (9847.4 SM) 106.000 S. '/1000 Sf) 530 CARS «~~/lOoo SF) 571 CARS. (1356 ACRES) 590.598.5 '(11 501 SM) 123.803 SF. ;000 Sf) 681 CARS «~~g~1000 SF) 822 CARS. (14782 SM) 153.803 SF. ;000 SF) 846 CARS «~'¡~~1oo0 SF) 841 CARS. AREA AFT. EXP.: TOTAL BUILDINgALCULATION: FOR PARKING G REQUIRED : TOTAL PARKING PRO'.1DED : TOTAL PARKIN PARCEL F PARCEL AREA: BEFORE EXP.: BUILDING ::~IRED : PARKING '.1DED : PARKING P~~A AFTER EXP.: BUILDING :RO'.1DED : PARKING (491 ACRES) 213.889 rr (4459.2 SM) 48.000 . 6Ò/1000 SF) 269 CARS «~'60/1000 Sf) 269 CARS '(5 388.2 S...) 5B,OOO SF(464/1O00 Sf) 269 CARS. \l--= ......ERCIAl G RESIDENTIAL/CO EXISTIN ~ 0 &i.. --=::::::: KEY PLAN SO-94 ". _.._-_::~-~- ~f:~~~:~~='-- SITE PLAN . . ",.. IMC~A SHOPPING FIRS¿E~TRES LI~~T~ PARKWAY ROCK ROAD AND PICK ONTARIO B PICKERING ~I~- ::;" -,,= "" . 99195 . . SO 94 "24 T ACHMOO # -.. '3 ¡OAT' PD3ô- 02 Ciú¡ c# INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF February 21, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O.1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-008/D Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 0 1-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25101 First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited (Metro East Trade Centre) Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the METC property including the Wal-Mart store is approximately 19.6 hectares in area, and is located at the north-east comer of Brock Road and Pickering Parkway (see location map - Attachment #1); the METC building is used as a weekend flea market and occasionally for specialized short-term sales and trade shows; uses surrounding the METC property are: low-medium density residential development to the east; the Home & Leisure Centre and the new Canadian Tire store on the south side of Pickering Parkway; medium density residential development on the west side of Brock Road; and a service station and Brockington Plaza to the north. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited, owners ofthe METC/Wal-Mart property, is proposing to amend the Pickering Official Plan and zoning bylaw by: . redesignating the METC/Wal-Mart property and surrounding lands including Canadian Tire and the Pickering Home & Leisure Centre from Regional Node 2 to Special Purpose Commercial; . deleting the trade centre and high density residential uses that are currently permissible on the METC/Wal-Mart property and surrounding lands, from the new Special Purpose Commercial designation; . adding the new Special Purpose Commercial designation and related policies to the Mixed Use Area section of the Pickering Official Plan; . increasing the maximum aggregate gross leasable floor area from 31,000 square metres to 49,000 square metres for the METC/Wal-Mart property; and . amending the zoning by-law for the METC/Wal-Mart property to implement the proposed changes to the Official Plan; a copy of the conceptual site plan is provided for reference (see Concept Plan - Attachment #2); a copy of the proposed amendment to the Pickering Official Plan is included as Appendix I; .3.0 BACKGROUND in September, 1997, the Region of Durham approved the Pickering Official Plan, which designated the trade centre and surrounding lands as Regional Node 2; within the Regional Node 2 policies, the Region deferred (Deferral 4) the approval of major retailers, supermarkets, department stores, and residential uses as permissible uses; ~ Infonnation Report No. 04-02 t:Tlþ,,; ;ENT I ~ TO REPO\i1 # PO ?) - 02. '_"d Page 2 25 in June, 1998, the Region resolved Deferral 4 by approving the following permissible uses within the Node: . trade centre and hotels; . special purpose commercial uses such as: large fonnat retailers (including large format food stores and large format discount department stores); retail warehouses; membership clubs; themes and/or speciality retailers; automotive uses; and ancillary retailing of other goods and services including restaurants; . limited offices; . community, cultural and recreational uses; and . limited residential development at higher densities as an integral part of an overall development scheme; this decision of the Region was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board; in June, 1999, the Ontario Municipal Board further modified and approved Deferral 4 by approving the permissible uses approved by the Region and by adding floorspace and units size restrictions, as well as a definition of "large format discount department store". 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Ree:ional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the METC property and surrounding lands as Regional Node 'a '; Regional nodes are to be developed in a manner that will attract compatible uses, provide necessary transportation facilities, and incorporate high quality designs and visual standards; Node 'a' is to be developed for specialized uses such as trade centres and ancillary facilities such as a hotel and complementary uses, including select special purpose commercial uses, industrial uses, offices, research and data processing centres, and limited residential development at higher densities; Brock Road is designated as a Type A Arterial Road and as a Transit Spine in the Regional Official Plan; an application to amend the Regional Official Plan to redesignate the METC property and surrounding lands, from Regional Node 'a' to a Living Area designation, to permit the redevelopment of the property for large format and special purpose commercial uses has been submitted; 3.2 Pickerine: Official Plan Schedule I of the Pickering Official Plan - Land Use Structure designates the METC property and surrounding lands as Regional Node 2; it is intended as a trade centre and specialty retailing node serving a broad regional market; major retail uses may also be permitted in a manner that is complementary to the Downtown Core; residential uses may also be permitted; Policy 3.7 (c) of the Official Plan specifies that prior to zoning for significant retail floor space, a retail impact study is required justifying to the City's satisfaction, in consultation with the Region of Durham, that the addition of such floor space will not adversely affect the planned function of the Downtown Core, the Community Nodes, or other Main Central Areas in other municipalities of the Region; Brock Road is designated as a Type A Arterial Road and Transit Spine in the Pickering Official Plan; such a designation indicates that the road is designed to accommodate large volumes of traffic at moderate to high speeds over relatively long distances, and that a higher level of transit service is expected to be offered along Brock Road; a portion of the property is also within the Flood Plan Special Policy Area of Schedule III - Resource Management of the Official Plan, this designation permits development provided appropriate flood protection measures are instituted; ATTþ~>,;,.,¡'."'..r # ;:. TO REPùt-\ 1"'1 )1) ?). - 02 Page 3 26' Information Report No. 04-02 3.3 3.4 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 the subject property is situated within the Village East Neighbourhood which includes Council-adopted development guidelines for Regional Node 2; such guidelines are intended to guide the development or redevelopment oflands within the Node; Policy 11.2 of the Official Plan indicates that Council shall ensure that any development proposal complies with the adopted guidelines; the applicant has submitted an application to amend the Pickering Official Plan to delete the trade center use and redevelop the METC property with large format and special purpose commercial uses, containing a maximum aggregate gross leasable floor area of 49,000 square metres (see Appendix I); Compendium Document as noted above, the subject lands fall within a Detailed Review Area for which Council has adopted the Regional Node 2 - Development Guidelines; the Guidelines provide direction on community design objectives relating to building location and orientation, fenestration, massing, aesthetics, and exterior amenities; there are detailed design elements for all ofthe lands north of Pickering Parkway such as view corridors, primary driving aisles, access points, build-to zones, boundary area, special design requirements, and other detailed design interests; the applicant has indicated that the proposed redevelopment of the METC lands will be consistent with the Guidelines; Zonin2 By-law Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 5522/99, zones the subject lands "TC/(H-2)SPC" - Trade Centrel Special Purpose Commercial, which permits trade centre, office, large format and special purpose commercial uses; an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to implement the applicant's proposal to delete the trade centre as a permitted use, increase the maximum aggregate floor area for all uses from 40,000 square metres to 49,237 square metres; and reduce the minimum floor area for a food store from 6,000 square metres to 4,515 square metres; other minor changes including parking standards and relief from building locations are requested. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments no written resident comments have been received to date; however, several telephone calls have been received expressing concerns with current operationaVmaintenance matters with the METC property. A2encv Comments Durham District School Board - has no objections to the proposal (see Attachment #3); Veridian Connections - advises that the applicant must obtain specific approval of the new electrical service arrangement that will be required (see Attachment #4); Staff Comments Proposed Regional Plan Amendment staff must review the purpose and intent of Regional Nodes in the Regional Official Plan and make a recommendation to the Region as to whether the proposed Living Area designation for Regional Node 'a' is appropriate to implement the applicant's proposal; preliminary review finds that although large format and special purpose commercial uses are generally intended to serve specialized needs, the market area is not always regional in nature; Information Report No. 04-02 ATTACHM!.í!T #;; TO REPORT if PO '?) ,02 Page 4 2'"( in contrast, a Regional Living Area designation can permit, through a Special Purpose Commercial designation in the local Official Plan, other specialized retailing opportunities serving occasional needs and requiring larger parcels of land; depending on the final outcome of the regional and local plan changes; Pickering may be recommending site specific provisions in the Regional Official Plan to address development of the former Regional Node 2 lands in their entirety or specifically for the METC lands; 4.3.2 Proposed Pickering Plan Amendment staff is reviewing the required planning analysis submitted by the applicant that provides the rationale for the proposed amendment; as well, several sub-issues have been identified for review as follows; (a) proposed deletion ofthe trade centre use previous planning approvals had shifted focus of Regional Node 2 from primarily Trade Centre function with ancillary special purpose commercial uses to primarily large format and special purpose commercial uses; the METC, even when operating at it original full size, failed to capture a strong trade show business; the current by-law requires retention ofthe METC floor area, but the trade centre is primarily used on weekends for a flea market and the occasional specialized short term sale or trade show; elimination of the METC building will displace the flea market business; the applicant's submitted planning analysis indicates that the METC is not performing as intended, and concludes it is therefore appropriate to consider a more efficient use ofthis portion ofthe property for other uses; First Simcha is proposing to replace the METC floor area with new large format retail uses; although the METC may close in its present location, staff needs to assess whether other opportunities can be provided elsewhere in the Node 2 lands that could provide a similar function, prior to determing the appropriateness of deleting the trade centre use; (b) proposed increase in floor area for large format and special purpose commercial uses during the 1999 approvals for the METC lands, certain minimum unit and floor area requirements were established; the current proposal represents an increase of 18,792 square metres over the amount of large format and special purpose commercial floor area permitted under current the official plan and zoning floor area restrictions; the applicant's submitted market study concludes that there is market support for the proposed additional floor area and that it should be absorbed in the market in a reasonable period of time without an undue risk of market impact on existing and planned retail centres; the City, in consultation with the Region, is retaining a consultant to peer review the market study; with the exception of the minimum size for the food store use, the proposal is not changing any ofthe other per unit minimum floor space sizes; (c) proposed reduction in required minimum floor area of the large format food store previous planning approvals for the METC property concluded that the minimum floor area for a large format food store should be 6,000 square metres; the minimum floor area requirement for the food store was based on the market study submitted with the 1998 applications, the peer review of that market study, and analysis undertaken of the work by the Region of Durham relating to Amendment 28 to the Regional Official Plan that dealt with retail warehousing; ~8 Infonnation Report No. 04-02 ~ :.', .,1, þ,G!:m'.~E~ JT # ~~'-' -. '1 TO '~')""."'~o -0 ;;-1 vrl .' ¡J Page 5 the applicant's market study submitted in conjunction with this current application concludes that despite the reduced minimum floor area for the proposed food store, the food store will surpass the draw of smaller and more common 'neighbourhood servicing' supermarkets that are found throughout Pickering; as indicated above, a peer review of the market study is being undertaken with an emphasis on the review of food/grocery store component; results from the peer review are anticipated in April; further review by staff is required to detennine whether a reduction of the minimum floor area for a food store floor area maintains the purpose and intent of large format and special purpose commercial area, or whether it is appropriate to allow an exception for the reduced floor area food store; (d) proposed elimination of the opportunity for high density residential use through the 1997 approval for the Pickering Official Plan and subsequent development application, Gentra Canada Investment Inc., received approval for high density development as part of a co-ordinated development concept; subsequently, in 1998, Gentra Canada sold the METC property to First Simcha Shopping Centre Inc.; through careful design, high density residential can be coordinated with large format and special purpose commercial uses; however preliminary review of the submitted concept plan show no protection of land for such purposes; nevertheless, other landowners may choose to take advantage ofthis permission; further, the special purpose designation under the Regional Official Plan des not typically pennit residential uses despite its "parent" Living Area designation; the appropriateness of deleting the pennission for residential use from the Official Plan requires further review; ( e) proposed content and form of draft amendment consideration must be given to the unique mix of uses requested, and how they can be pennitted if recommended for approval under the framework of both the Regional and local official plans; preliminary review indicates an inconsistency between the applicant's proposals to amend the Regional Official Plan to Living Area while amending the Pickering Official Plan to special purpose commercial under the Mixed Used Areas section of the Pickering Official Plan; the Mixed Use Areas designation in the Pickering Official Plan corresponds to the Central Area framework ofthe Regional Official Plan; accordingly, staff must determine whether it is appropriate to include the Special Purpose Commercial designation in the Mixed Use Area section of the Pickering Official Plan as suggested by the applicant, or create a new section in the Official Plan to address special purpose commercial, or possibly to incorporate it under the residential section ofthe Plan; depending on the approach, technical revisions will be required to the form of the amendment to implement the new designation; 4.3.3 Regional Node 2 Development Guidelines the METC property and surrounding lands are currently governed by the Regional Node 2 Development Guidelines; site plan approval was granted for earlier construction of the Wal-Mart store and partial demolition of trade centre building on the basis of a "comprehensive design/concept plan"; this design/concept plan complied with the Development Guidelines; the applicant has submitted a preliminary site plan for the entire property, as proposed to be redeveloped by the current application (see Attachment #2); InfOlmation Report No. 04-02 Þ. TT¡\U1MENT fI_"~.----TO ~;tPúRT I PD~.. - . - Page 6 29 - preliminary review suggests several key structural elements of the design/concept plan (including traffic aisles, pedestrian connections, and landscaped areas) are no longer being complied with; therefore additional review of these discrepancies is required to ascertain whether additonal zoning or new guidelines are required to address concerns, or whether these matters can be dealt with at the site plan approval stage; - further, if the broader area is redesignated as requested from Regional Node 2 to a new designation, staff will have to process technical amendments to change the name of the Guidelines and references thereto; 4.3.4 Zoning based on the final recommended land use provisions, further review of the requested zoning changes will be undertaken; staff will also need to detennine whether any conditions of approvals are required prior to forwarding the implementing zoning bylaw; in addition, the need for any additional zoning provisions to be added to control development of these lands will be assessed; 4.3.5 Regional Official Plan Review (Commercial Policy Review) the Region of Durham is currently undertaking a review of the commercial policies of its official Plan; Regional staff is in the process of retaining a retail consultant to assist in this review; the City will consider any available results from the commercial review in completing our review of this proposal; 4.3.6 Transportation ITraffic Impacts the applicant has submitted a traffic study describing the changes in traffic anticipated by the proposed redevelopment, impacts on level of service of existing intersections, and recommended improvements are proposed; the study concludes that the proposed development can be supported by the current transportation network, with the recommended modifications to the road network; City and Regional staff are reviewing the traffic study; as part of the site plan review process, the City will be requesting an "on-site system control analysis"; current areas of concern include the internal intersection to Wal-Mart just north ofthe Pickering Parkway signal opposite Canadian Tire, and deletion of any main aisles or pedestrian connections in previously approved site plans; 4.3.7 Technical Matters a stormwater management report addressing on site management controls during and post construction will be required at the site plan stage; the stonnwater report will also have to address the need for any special grading to address flood plain issues; revised site plan approval will be required; 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 5.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are detennined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and / or Provincial interest; since this proposal also requires a Regional Official Plan Amendment, the local official plan amendment is NOT exempt ITom Regional approval; 3"0 Information Report No. 04-02 ATTACHMENl fL. B- .. .30 HEPORT # PD.-...~.33.-02__.u Page 7 5.2 General written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any official plan amendment or zoning by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department if you wish to be notified of the adoption of an official plan amendment or the passing of a zoning by-law, you must make a written request to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix I copy of the proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment; 6.2 Appendix II those whose comment on the proposal were received at time of writing are listed; 6.3 Information Received the City of Pickering has received the following technical information/reports on the proposed applications: . a "Planning Report" dated October 2001, prepared by Armstrong Goldberg Hunter; a "Metro East Trade Centre Traffic Study" dated October 2001, prepared by iTRANS Consulting Inc. a "Retail Market Opportunity & Impact Study" dated December 2001, prepared by the Climans Group Inc.; and full-scale copies ofthe applicant's submitted site plan; . . . all of the above information is available for viewing at the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; the applicant has withdrawn their original request to delete policy 3.7(v) of the Official Plan restricting the occupancy of the food store on the property prior to June 11,2003. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Policy Catherine Rose Manager, Policy GMlCLRlsm Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development 9. 31 Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes ATTACHMENTD~~ TO REPORT fI PD- 02 Thursday, February 21, 2002 7:00 P.M. Chair: Councillor Holland (III) REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION OPA 01-008/D PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION OPA 0l-005/P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 25/01 FIRST SIMCHA SHOPPING CENTRES LIMITED (METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE) PART OF LOT 18. CONCESSION 1 1. Grant McGregor, Principal Planner, Policy, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #04-02. 2. Michael Goldberg, Planning Consultant, representing the applicant, advised that a market impact study has been provided as well as a planning analysis and transportation analysis. He further advised that in 1999 uses were proposed and approved and these are the same uses that are being proposed with this application. Elimination of the trade center and better efficiency of the area is what is proposed with a net overall increase of 100,000 sq. ft. Unit size restrictions were placed on this property in the 1999 By-law and no changes will be made. Refinement of the previous approvals is what is anticipated. 3. Nina Kontrara, stated her concern for the heritage of Pickering, advising that small businesses should not be displaced for large box businesses. 4. Mark Resnick, representing the Pickering Town Centre, advised of his representation ofthe Pickering Town Centre. Leslie Blackmore, 640 Simcoe St., Oshawa, advised that she is a vendor at the Flea Market which is held in the Metro East Trade Centre and has patrons from all over not just Pickering. She questioned if visitors to the flea market have been asked how they feel about this application. She also inquired whether or not vendors will have first rights to leasing if the new facilities. 5. 6. Chad Baptiste, advised of his presence and representation of Canadian Tire. 7. A vendor at the Flea Market stated that the market is profitable enough and there is no need to demolish it. He suggested that new proposal include maintaining the Metro East Trade Centre. 8. Paul Feldman, 965 Mountcastle Cres., vendor, advised that the market runs at high capacity. More specialty stores are not needed when they are available within a short distance. Grant Morris, 289 Starview Crt, suggested that Council take a position to ensure a location for vendors. 10. Ron Halliday, 427 Taunton Road, advised of his presence and representation of Cougs Development. 11. A resident of Scarborough stated that the flea market has a personnel touch and vendors provide personnel service. 12. Jack Weisz, co-owner of Brock Plaza, stated his objection to the application. He advised that tenants are struggling to make ends meet and this application will destroy them as well as the City core. 13. John Liska, 700 Amaretto Ave., stated his opposition to the proposal, advising that people from far and wide know of the market. 32 Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes Thursday, February 21, 2002 AiTACHMENT #_m~TO 7:00 P.M. ;EPORT # PO . æ - 02._- Chair: Councillor Holland 13. John Liska, 700 Amaretto Ave., stated his opposition to the proposal, advising that people from far and wide know of the market. 14. Andy Payne, vendor, advised that it is the Council's responsibility to know the thousands of people who will be affected by this application. 15. Sylvain Trepanier, 1218 Monica Cook Place, stated that staff have not considered revenue generated by this market. He questioned if direct impact has been investigated by the City. He stated that if this application is to go forward, he hoped that the applicant would work with the vendors to ensure they have a location or give them first lease opportunity. 16. Michael Goldberg, Planning Consultant, representing the applicant, stated that they have the utmost sensitivity and regard for those affected by this application. He stated that the METC is privately owned and the tenants are on a month to month basis. He further stated that they would take the previous comments into consideration. 33 RECEIVED CITY OF PICKERING BROCKINGTON PLAZA INC. FEB - B 2002 17 Portsmith Road, Willowdale, Ont., M2L 2W7 phone (416) 445-8913 fax (416) 445-0940 CLERK'S DIVISION :¡ .,: j~__Q.__TO 'D~:O>6,_. ._- February 7, 2002 City Clerk City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 Re: First Simcha Shopping Centers limited Application Regional Official Plan. Amendment Application OPA 01:..008/D Pickering Official Plan amendment Application OPA 01-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/01 We are the owners of the strip plaza at 1725 Kingston Road, Pickering, ant. adjacent to the subject property of the applicant. We are hereby expressing our objection to the above noted amendments and we wish to be on the record for us to be notified of any meetings or decisions concerning this application. Could you please send any notifications to the attention of: J. Weisz Brockington Plaza Inc. 3625 Dufferin Street Suite 120 Toronto, Ont. £\ßK IN4 Z. Schmerler Brockington Plaza Ine. 17 Port smith Road Willowdale, Onto M2L 2W7 Yours truly BROCKINGTON PLA.ZA INc. ~ 34 ~' ~ 'rOGL ~rl æ rë;.G rr:; D ~ /7 æ ~ t/I~K . . !:,.) Lt; ,.D II:; ïýj LÇ; ""¡(e.H\NG crrY ;1N~~'O:;~íMEtr rV¡AR 5 200Z ...J CE'JEI.OP~J,¡;N1 0 ..:;,I CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING. ONTARIO Anr.GHMENT #~~~ (}.TO f(?ORT # PD- -2_" . February 28, 2002 By Fax and Mail City of. Pickering Planning Department 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 Attention: Mr. Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP Dear Mr. McGregor: Re: Official Plan Amendment Application by First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited Metro East Trade Centre site, City of Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application File No.: OPA 01-0051 P Zoning By-law Amendment Application File No.: A 251 01. Our File: 98.519 We are the planning consultants for 20 Vic Management Inc., property managers for lands in the Town of Pickering known as Pickering Town Centre Shopping Centre. We are submitting this letter on behalf of our client to express concern with the applications by First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited to re-designate the Metro East Trade Centre site from "Regional Node 2" to "Special Purpose Commercial", together with proposed amendments to related policies within the Pickering Official Plan. We are similarly concerned with the related Zoning By-law Amendment application. The applications currently before the Region and the City, if approved, would in practice allow an additional 200,000 sq. ft. of retail commercial space, with minimal restrictions as to permitted uses. Our client's are concerned with the process of redevelopment of the subject site, which, it would appear, is being made on an ad hoc basis but with the cumulative effect of creating a regional-scale commercial centre. Our client's are further concerned by the planning process in that the planning controls on the site were the subject of a fairly recent Ontario Municipal Board hearing, with the Board's order only having been issued in June of 1999, following a settlement to which our client was a party. Our client had hoped that the Board approved settlement agreement would be respected. Our client's property, the Pickering Town Centre, presently serves a planned regional commercial function within a Main Central Area designation under the Regional Official Plan, and this function may be adversely impacted by the proposed scale of redevelopment of the METC site. Section 9.2.3 of the Regional Official Plan states '~ny Development of additional floor space for the retailing of goods and services in Central Areas shall not be permitted if the viability of any existing Central Area is likely to experience an undue economic decline." The Walker, Nott, Dragicevic Associates Limited Planning Urban Design Environmental Assessment ./ ,,/ / /// /' / ./ / / /. /// /'/ // //. /' ,,/,/ /,/ // //,' .,-;:::; //'/ ,/' // Aø /-://" /" ,/' ø~ :.~:::ç;;::¿~~~~ ///::-"/ f8.~ ~ / ./ ///' /--/. ø~, ,~., / /~ ;:;::;:; <~<;/ ~ /~~~ ~~:;;;; :/ ~/ ,/~// '.r 172 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5R 2M7 TEL 416 / 968-3511 FAX 416 / 960-0172 e-mail: admin@wndplan.com web: WVvW.wndplan.com Peter R. Walker, FCIP, RPP Wendy No«. MCIP, RPP Robert A. Draglcevlc, MCIP. RPP Principals Jason C. Wu, MRAIC, OM Associale Principal Martha Coffey Controller AT' ¡'¡'¡"'.i!+i .!.. ~ 0 TO REf"(:¡'~T":~ 'Pi! '3'6- 02 Mr. Grant McGregor City of Pickering, Planning Department February 28, 2002 Page 2 METC site is not currently within a Central Area designation, yet its proposed scale lends itself to such a category of designation, with the accompanying necessary rationale as to why it should be permitted. The applicant is proposing a "Living Area" designation in the Regional Official Plan. This designation would permit "special purpose commercial" uses (with the exception of super markets which the applicant has indicated is part of the proposal), provided the local Official Plan includes appropriate provisions and designations. We question the appropriateness of this proposed designation, and suggest that a Central Area designation is more appropriate given the proposed scale of the redevelopment. Similarly, the Pickering Official Plan states that "within Regional Node 2, prior to zoning for significant retail floor space, shall require the submission of a retail impact study justifying, to the City's satisfaction in consultation with the Region of Durham, that the addition of such floor space will not adversely affect the planned function of the Downtown Core, the Community Nodes, and the nearby Main Central Areas in other municipalities in the Region." The Pickering Town Centre is within the Mixed Use Area - Downtown Core designation, and the attempt by the proponent to redesignate their lands as Special Purpose Commercial does not relieve them of their existing obligation to justify that their proposal will not adversely affect the planned function of the Pickering Town Centre. We understand that the Region and City have initiated a peer review of the market impact study which was submitted by the applicant in support of the applications. We look forward to the results of that peer review. Are clients are continuing their review of this matter and reserve the right to make further submissions as considered necessary. Please contact me should you have any questions or require any additional information. Yours very truly, WALKER, NOTT, DRAGICEVIC ASSOCIATES LIMITED Plannin7esi9n . Environmental Assessment Peter Walker, FCIP, RPP President and Senior Principal cc: Mr. Robert Yamamoto, 20 Vic Management Inc. 35 // //' /' ... ./,,<::,.~~~::.:/::///.~ ,.</ /~/ // . /.//~'..ø; ./ .' " /' ,/ /;.;;;:; /---:::/./, /.', ,/./ ~/.;'%~~ ,/ ,////' ,/,/,/~;%/~ "/.//, ,. ,',,"/ ",'~"','%::% ~,-://.~%;:; /../ ,/'../ ,/ /// "~":;://>-:/' ... /,"',"'" /' ",/../.,:%%/,::%~:;..-; ,;;:;' ./ ," .. ... ,'/ .. .-;.'/' / r;/5/, ... ./ ./ ./,/ "';./"'-/..;;:--;/ h;::: ::>;:, ,~~r;;;:,:y"',%?%,~~~ ...- /" /,/// ./-;;--;//~ .. /:,.../ ,,/</.";;:':~/ -::;:..- ./ ./ ..~ø/;// ./ '/." ,/;;;'/./r/ , ,'" :';:;/ "'<;::: 1\'1 t D j ¡; ¡)(,'ll')'; t-o"\1\ ~. ,.J L { J L ])A 1'4 rvdi \J E~ 17 7 4- I Lt;, f-o wU1 (øeo A~V\ÆC\ Í-LV ~3. 0 6' 'ATTACHMENT#~TO oJ REPORT # PO - RECEIVED (,1rrv OF PICt'(ERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ~(' N\{'- Nc..~~Of', DEPARTMENT A ~ ~ lìJlA\I' U\tt 5 C\.Á)\ c\ ~.~ ,~ ~ ~ 'f~~ C-\c,~lU'« cÀ ~ Pl~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ C6(}~f\eà o-~t)~ ~ ~~~, ~ <;\ ~t~, ,W\V' OJf\à, , ~ ~ c\aE7--\~~ lX>cuk:\ ~V\ ~ ~ Q>.L~lÃAj b\.LVð~ ~ ~ ' j a.."^ 0.. Q. é) ~ ~ c~- ~ J\~ I j h~ ~ ~~ ~ M~~I J¡; (:)e/IAAR.~ f¿ °f€ÄA Q.V) ~~~ ~ ""'~ """1 (~, ~, dl\J~~ \ <A, ~, ~ o..\\aJ,'~ _-tk ~~cð ~ OJ\Ac\ ~ ~ f~~ ~o If-VJ\A ~ $~. ~ ~à be, ~ Vv.A hDfP~ "þ o-eJL -ck ~(),JJrJ- i r!P I .eecþ\t.2. ~ tD Pi ~ I [6 ~ M~w-" p~ a1l ð U€..J/" ¡' LOV!~CN1/ Ù¡~~, ß~~ð~Q.A ðokLL1, Q~ ~, Ù~ Id-~ (~ ~ Olb ~~l~ . '~ \.¡b~~ '^" -rCUJII~, do,\!,t"-"",, d,' c¡r Ç>t~ .!.M.- ~ ~ ~ R. ~~ I M t)~ ( q C\A ßt-~lClÄ-Q ~n ~ fë, ~ MÇL-t~ ~. o-üe.-..+e'MJ bu.!1>eb ¡f~cbd ~ ~er~r-k W:ho ~. .f-c...,-tL P,cl.~ Mt:tA.J I ~ ,-tk l'1l4chJ wcv> Ut;s.ed fka- +éW/S!- Jðn<1~ ~cl'" Pr ~~ u.9 cMl& be- ((!) s:. f- j)" we- NJed M~ $1-0 fU:J tM R~ ,'Ç d 1'J~1l- ~ 6 c> ~..t(k-I~~. ~ ~. .li-IP~.-.~.'ð.g-- ~.])....,.~:;",~... '~'-~. ...:A~ \lw~\t~)::lr-I , LOL eRo 1'Ic1-~ tMcv-e..E1 ~~~ .?îr~~= ~ ~Z ~:-~Þd~ ~ ~<Wedqr .... ] ~ ~ Ifi dø.d J- .tAJLtl /C)~ ~ lci-tk fet~ LVJ1 ló&e tel- °3~ - ~ Mèj ~ ~~~ :b~~iei~~¿~Jf~~C~LM~ : ~~ aA . .' ;.,,/~' .. .ø;p~ vV ..¿¡;/VL /~ --.".-. ATTACHM.EN1 # ~ TO REPORT tI PO <:2j . 02 37 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM March 8, 2002 To: Grant McGregor Principal Planner - Policy From: Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control Subject: Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 01-008/D Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25101 First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited (Metro East Trade Centre) Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 City of Pickering We have reviewed the above-noted application and provide the following comments: 1) The internal traffic, flows at the main signalized entrance on Pickering Parkway should be reviewed, and restricted access to the main entrance from the Wal-Mart parking area be implemented. 2) The proposed units north of the existing Wal-Mart store appear to be located where the present stormwater management, (quantity control area) is situated. A stormwater management report will need to be provided and an acceptable storage system proposed before acceptance of the application can be considered. Relocation of the existing storm sewer will also need to be addressed and quality controls reviewed. 3) The houses on Banbury Court will be affected by the proposed buildings, traffic aisle and parking. The proposed grade of the site needs to be established and then items such as noise, lighting, proposed screening and safety, etc. need to be addressed. ~ Robert Starr RSlsm mgmVrstarr/memosi A25.0 l.doc Copy: Development Approvals Co-ordinator ~ 38 ATTACHMENTI~O REPORT II PO . - onservatTon TORONTO AND REGION MarCh,5., 2002 RECEIVEC- 1 MAR 1 3 2002 ~ CITY OF PICtŒRING ì PLANNING AND ' DEVEL~~~!.;'.~\t:~~~NT ) CFN Mr. Grant McGregor Planning Department City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 1J)1r; (ri) n Vl' m !~;; 1 ~ 1002 ~JJ CITY OF P¡CKEFUNG PiGIŒHING\. ONTAFHO Dear Mr. McGregor: Re: Regional Official Plan Amehdment Application OPA 01-008/0 Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-005/P . Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/01 First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited (Metro East Trade Centre) Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 City of Pickering. Authority staff have had an opportunity to review the above noted applications and now offer the following comments. The subject property is located partially within a Fill Regulation area and partially within the Regional Storm Flood Plain of Duffins Creek. Enclosed please find a part print of the Authority's Flood Plain and Fill Regulation Line map, Sheet Nos. 5 and 6 of Duffins Creek on which we have plotted in red the subject property, in blue the Regional Flood Plain, and in green the Authority's Fill Regulation Line. In accordance with Ontario Regulation 158 (the Authority's Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterways Regulation), a permit is required from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) prior to any of the following works taking place: (A) construct any building or structure or permit any building or structure to be constructed in or on a pond or swamp or in any area susceptible to flooding during a Regional Storm; (B) place or dump fill or permit fill to be placed or dumped in the areas described in the schedules whether such fill is already located in or upon such area, or brought to or on such area from some other place or places. Please be advised that the northeast portion of the subject property that is located within the Regional Storm Flood Plain, has been recognized as a Special Policy Area (SPA). The SPA concept recognizes that, for a community which has historically existed in the flood plain, strict adherence to province-wide policies prohibiting development in the flood plain would result in social and economic hardships. Therefore, in accordance with the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program and the SPA criteria, development is permitted in the F: \P RS\NO RA259\P U BlIC\M ETC. WPD w.°".,o... . \ , , .,-,' 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca ATTACHMENT # q TO REPORT # PO ?8- 02 - 2- 39 March 5, 2002 flood plain provided that flood proofing measures are incorporated and a permit under Ontario Regulation 158 is obtained. Based upon the above, we would have no objections to the approval of these applications as submitted. We trust this is satisfactory. However, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, ~L.~~ Nora Jamieson Acting Plans Analyst Development Services Section Ext. 5259 Encl. NJI cc: Region of Durham, Planning Dept. (w/encl.) Armstrong Goldberg Hunter, 9251 Yonge St., Richmond Hill (w/encl.) F :\P RS\N ORA259\PU BLlC\M ETC. WP 0 DELIVERY PLANNING . . 40 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON MtP 5At CAN A D A };, ~ 0 ~'""~""'~, ~"._"- ~ ~ ~~~~~;~~~~~ POST CANADA April 12,2002 ArrAGHME,NT #~~S'ßo~JO Ç'::'~ORT # PD "2- ,...f' - . "- RECEIVED APR 1 5 2002 Grant McGregor Planning and Development Department City of Pickering I The Esplanade Pickering On Ll V 6K7 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND QI~OPMENTDEPÅRTMENT Dear Mr. McGregor, RE: Regional Official Plan Amendment Application OPA Ol-O08/D Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OP A 0 1-005/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/01 First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited (Metro East Trade Centre) Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 City of Pickering [j)~~~DW/~ ~ J))APR 1 5 2002 ..J ..=,) CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING. ONTARIO One of the mail delivery service options available for retail centres is centralized mailboxes supplied, installed and maintained by the developer/owner. Please ask developer/owner to call me to discuss mail delivery options. Sincerely, ,7' t ;(À~~ Debbie Greenwood Deliver Planner 416-285-5385 41 N T E R ATTACHMENT #~TO REPORT # PO - M3MO 0 F Fie E To: Tom Cadman - Current Operations Branch Greg Gummer - Development Approvals From: Date: Re: July 12, 2002 New Application to Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan Applicant: First Simcha Shopping Centres Limited Lot: 18 Concession: 1 City of Pickering Our File: OrA 2001-08 Upon further review the Regional Works Department wish to offer the following revised comments for the above noted OP A application. Municipal Water Supply and Sanitary Sewer Service Municipal water supply is presently available to the site through the existing Zone 1 - 300 mm watermain on Pickering Parkway. Sanitary sewer service is available from the existing 200 mm sanitary sewer on Bainbridge Drive, the existing 250 mm sanitary sewer at the southeast comer of Kingston Road and Brock Road and the existing 250 mm sanitary sewer on Pickering Parkway. Due to down stream sanitary sewer constraints in the existing sanitary sewer system east of Brock Road the maximum allowable floor space permitted to discharge to the 250 mm sanitary sewer on Pickering Parkway will be 40,000 sq. metres. Transportation Brock Road I Kingston Road Intersection The iTrans Traffic Study for the subject development recommends that an additional north bound left turn lane will be required for the south approach to the intersection of Brock Road and Kingston Road and, that corresponding changes to the traffic signal cycle length would be required. . This recommendation would require significant geometric design changes to the existing intersection including the acquisition of additional property. The geometric requirements may also impact adjacent intersections and land use. Dual left turn lanes would also require a substantial increase to the traffic signal timing cycle length to provide protected signal phasing and timing plans, which can not be accommodated in the existing network. In addition, the impact to the existing network traffic operations including the ability to accommodate pedestrian movements at the intersection would be compromised. C:IDOCUME-1 IGMCGRE-1\LOCALS-1\ TEMP\200 1-D8AREVISEDJUL Y 12 .DOC . . ATTACHMENT 11 w tJ.- TO .,,",),"R"fif' PO '28 - 02 .\1:.¡ ul. - . . - An acceptable alternative to providing dual left turn lane would be to implement a higher order of adaptive signal control and integration with planned intelligent transportation applications on Brock Road, to better manage anticipated site generated traffic flow. Therefore, the Region will require a contribution of $185,000 as the applicants share towards the total cost to install the adaptive signal control system. 42 Brock Road The anticipated additional entry volumes for the intersection of Pickering Parkway and Brock Road may require intersection improvements to improve the southbound left turn vehicle flow. The Region will be monitoring the intersection and provide requirements for possible road improvements at the site plan stage. Conclusion At the site plan stage the applicant will be required to enter into a site servicing agreement with the Region of Durham to cover the contribution for the signal control system, for the construction of any required road improvements, site servicing and covering all provisions financial and other wise as indicated above. Therefore, the Regional Works Department has no obj ections to the further processing of the submitted Regional OP A subject to the above conditions. vie trust the abòve is sufficient for your purpose. Greg Gummer cc. Steve Mayhew 10CU ME -1 IGMCGRE-1 ILOCALS-1 \ TEMP12001-OBAREVISEOJU L Y 12 .DOC "¡ ,. '2 '" ",: I ?23~ ,02,---, 43 ,\ ¡ T jH Cìty of Pìckering Peer Revìew Climans Group First Simcha Market Study 5.0 Conclusions 1.0 First Simcha, a member of the First Pro Shopping Centres group owns a 19.6 hectare(48.37 acre) property at Brock Street and Kingston Road, a short distance north of Highway 401, in the City of Pickering. The subject lands have been the subject of extensive market impact study and approvals consideration in past years and are cUlTently designated and zoned to pennit 40,000 square metres (430,571 square feet) of commercial development. The commercial centre development proposed by First Simcha differs somewhat from the development allowed by the CUlTent designation and zoning and the land owner has made application to the City of Pickering for the Official Plan Amendments and zoning changes required to proceed with their proposed development. 2.0 First Simcha has submitted consultants' reports and materials in support of their application, including a market opportunity & impact study conducted for them by Climans Group Ltd in December, 2001. The City's staff engaged Jeryl Jaque, a Senior Associate at MaIone Given Parsons Ltd , a consulting firm specializing in market, development impact and land use planning matters, to 'carry out a Peer Review of the Climans Group market impact study. 3.0 The Climans Group are a consulting firm known to have experience in market research and analysis and to have conducted market studies in Durham Region on past occasions. The Peer Review found that the method employed by the Climans Group in conducting their study is based on an appropriate approach and procedures of the type generally employed by Ontario market analysts. We can confmn that their analysis approach is suitable for assessing potential impacts on the planned function of the Downtown Core, Community Nodes, and Main Central areas in abutting municipalities. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 10 '44 ;,TTACHMHJT#~12 TO ~;i:PORT # PD. 5~ - 02 City of Pickering Peer Review Clirnans Group First Simcha Market Study 5.0 Conclusions 4.0 The Peer Review consultants agreed with the Clirnans Group report assessment that the site has the physical attributes and accessibility necessary for a commercial centre of the nature proposed. We agree that the subject property is "suitable for the proposed type and mix. of retail development, which. will include a large fonnat food store, a home improvement store a mix. of non-department store DSTM retailers" and will "foster region-serving retail developmenf' at this location in Pickering. 5.0 Scrutiny of the Climans Group December, 200 I report indicated that the research and analyses were generally sound. Some minor corrections and some revisions were suggested and some clarifications and supplementary materials were requested. The Climans Group made colTections, and provided explanatory discussion and written materials. The Climans Group made some, although not all, of the revisions suggested. The Peer Review consultants reviewed the response infonnationand the revised calculations. Where revisions were not undertaken analysis categories were examined to detennine that the study's results and conclusions regarding market support and impact would not require amendment if changes were made. 6.0 The results of this Peer Review, therefore leads us to recommend that the City of Pickering accept the following conclusions arising out of the Climans Group Market Opportunity & Impact study & supplementary submissions. A commercial centre development of the size, nature and tenant mix. proposed can be supported on this site at this location in tþis market now at acceptable levels of sales perfonnance for each category of store. The limited level of sales transfer that may occur following development of the project is not expected to cause any significant or sustained sales transfers, or put at risk any existing retail projects within the study area. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 11 .~ P. ~'..1N.~HMENT ~O ~:,!:: ,¡FiT fI PO . . 45 City of Pickering Peer Review Climans Group First Simcha Market Study 5.0 Conclusions 7.0 A review of the market studies conducted over the last decade addressing commercial centre development at this site location indicated that The Climans Group study results are generally consistent with the results other finns have obtained. 'The Peer Review consultants' own evaluations, made over the course of this assignment, also corrobomte the Climans Group study findings. 8.0 With respect to the issue oflowering the minimmn size requirement in the Zoning Bylaw for a site food store the Peer Review consultants reached the conclusion that this would be appropriate and that the City of Pickering can do so without adverse effects. The proposed Sobeys large fonnat food store with its provision for expansion will, in our view, comply with the original intention of the minimmn size constraint 'The store proposed is this food store chaln's largest store module and will function as a region or sub-regional serving facility as part of the proposed commercial centre rather than a neighbourhood or community food store. MALONE GIVEN PARSONS LTD. 12