HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 9, 1968 f •` PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 4/68 L April 9, 1968 A meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on 1. TUESDAY, the NINETH day of APRIL, 1968 at the Municipal Building, at 8:00 p.m. PRESENT: Mr. Harry T. Cook, Chairman Mrs. Deirdre Earle Mr. Robert Miller Mr. Milton Parkin Mr. F. H. Fox Mr. Donald Beer, Councillor Mr. Victor Rudik, Councillor - arrived 10:40 p.m. Noel C. Marshall, Secretary 1. Minutes On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Fox, the minutes of the meeting held on March the 19th were approved. L2. Accounts LVictor Symes repairs to magneto 24.00 / It was suggested that the Secretary be authorized to Lpay Mr. Russell Harrison the amount included on any progress reports submitted up to a maximum of $500.00. On Motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Fox and carried unanimously the accounts as presented were approved. L3. Correspondence L (a) Letter from F. G. Allen, District Engineer dealing with Department regulations on moving buildings. L,i)( (b) The Department of public records and archives submits application for Museum Grants. The Secretary agreed to complete the application and forward it to the Department. 4. General Business The Secretary read the following letters for the benefit of the Board. (a) Letter of thanks sent to William G. Newman, M.P.P. (b) Mrs. Len Cooper advised that Museum Board hopes to move LI.O.O.F. Hall in early summer. (c) Letter to Ralph Harrison requesting detail of expenses Lto date and return of balance of retainer. The Secretary was instructed to contact the Township I , Solicitor in the event that Mr. Harrison does not answer the letter, and determine what action the board can take if any, to recover the balance of the initial deposit. L (d) Letter to Russell Harrison asking for statement prior to payment, anticipated scheduling of moving of buildings and estimated total cost. • -2- 4/68 (e) Letter to D.H.O. advising of location and size of build- ings to be moved and suggested routes. 5. Reports Cataloguing - Mrs. Earle outlined to the board the activity that has taken place in re-organizing the displays in the Museum Building proper. She suggested that there were too many items on display in this building and that more atten- tion should be paid to an effective display of fewer articles. To date only 78 items had actually been catalogued and it was her feeling that the only way to complete this project was to start from scratch once a final display has been es- tablished. She asked for any assistance that the members of the Board might give her particularly in identifying many of the items with which she was not familiar. She inquired whether it Would be possible to obtain forms in order to make a better display of the clothes presently in the build- ing. Some discussion followed as to the proper location for many of the displays in the building with it being suggested that a number of them could be located in other buildings once they are located on the grounds. The Chairman suggested that Mrs. Earle prepare a list of all of the items that she would require to assist herd for consideration by the Board at their next meeting. 6. Filing Cabinet Mr. Cook had investigated the possibility of obtaining a four drawer filing cabinet at a reasonable cost and had concluded in discussing the item with several suppliers that a used filing cabinet would 3e most unsatisfactory. It was agreed that the Secretary purchase a filing cabinet for not more than $65.00 and charge it to the Museum account. 7, Museum Entrance The Chairman presented for the information of the Board a preliminary sketch of the gate house to be located in front of the Museum Building. The building would con- sist of a large board room, display room and ticket booth together with a turn-style, and would be of board and batten construction. The architect who prepared the drawings for the :o ilding suggested that it might be con- structed for as little as $1700_ but the members agreed that a more realistic figure of $200). should be anticipated. 04 Motion of Mr. Fo::, seconded by Pars. Earle, and carried unanimously, the Chairman was authorized to request the architect to proceed with detailed working drawings on the building. 8. Policy Mrs. Earle had previS�uslA indicated her concern over the lack of any clearly dectared lines relating to the accep- tance and display of the many items available to the Museum Board. She suggested that the stage had now been reached where a more selective acceptance of items should be em- barked upon in the interest of preserving a comprehensive and interesting display. In many instances items were on display that were not in keeping with the theme established by a particular grouping, and because of the personalities involved it was difficult to rotate them with items of more interest. The Chairman appointed Me_rrr_s. Parkin and -3- 4/68 Miller, and Beer as a sub-committee to discuss this pro:Dlem and establish basic ground rules with particular reference to the disposal of surplus material, trading of items, and a definite policy regarding aquisition of future material. It was hoped that the sub-committee could bring back a report for the next meeting. 9. Five Year Plan The Board members have been asked to consider priorities for completion of the Museum Grounds during the next five years and based On their consideration the following five year plan was suggested: 1968 - Completion of and partial restoration of; • Steam shed 25/ X 100' - Blacksmith' s shop - I.O.O.F. Hall - Church (complete plastering) 1969 - Restoration of; - Cole House (board wall) - Plank House - Shed for gasoline motors - also possibility of permanent heat for school house and I.O.O.F. Hall in order to extend Museum season from March to October - installation of part of wiring for various buildings - partial landscaping of grounds 1970 - Restoration of; - Harness Shop - Hotel - construction of drive shed for antique cars and trucks - additions to lighting of grounds and buildings 1971 - Construction of; - Storage building to hold all items not needed for immediate display. This building would have controlled temperature and humidity throughout the year 1972 - Year Round Operation of Museum to include a resident curator 10. Centennial Project Blacksmiths Shop - The Secretary was requested to contact the new owner of the Blacksmith shop and explain to him the problem encountered with the Department of Highways and request a further extention pf our agreement to move the building. In this connection Mr. Miller was asked to contact Mr. Harrison and instruct him to get the Blacksmith' s Shop ready for moving during the month of April in order that Mr. Reid, the new owner could see that we are sincere in our efforts to move the building. In this way the build- ing should be perhaps one of the first ones moved once the half load restriction is lifted. -4- 4/68 LDrainage - L It was suggested that the Secretary discuss with the Township Engineer the various problems relating to the drainage on -the Museum Grounds and impress upon -'him the Lneed for eariy action on this project in order that the drainage problem might not interfere with the iacating v7 of the various buildings on the grounds. To assist in Lthis discussion it was suggested that the master plan for the Museum project be obtained in order that the location of the buildings could be determined. LRuth Ingram Claim - LMrs. Earle showed the Board a list of items loaned to the Museum Board by Mrs. Ingram apparently done in her own hand writing, and wondered whether this might serve LX in lieu of the normal release obtained from individuals placing displays in the Museum Building. The Board doubted L whether this would have any bearing on our liability;in this matter but suggested that Mr. Marshall advise Mr. Lawson of its existence. L On motion of Mr. Fox the meeting adjourned. L LDATED Chairman L Secretary L L L L L L L L L