HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 10, 1968 l 61C/ L., .L PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 9/68 LSeptember 10, 1968 L A meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the TENTH day of SEPT- L EMBER, 1968 at the Municipal Building at EIGHT o'clock p.m. L PRESENT: Mr. Harry T. Cook - Chairman Mrs. Deirdre Earle Mr. Robert Miller L Mk. Milton Parkin Mrs. Ruth Haye - Curator Noel C. Marshall - Secretary L .•- 1. Minutes - L MOVED by Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mr. Miller that the account for Curran & Briggs be shown as $83.50 rather than the $68.80 indicated. LCARRIED. On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Parkin and carried Lunanimously the minutes of the meeting of August the 20th as amended were adopted. CARRIED. L2. Accounts - LOn motion of Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mrs. Earle the following accounts were approved for payment: LCentennial - Treasurer of Ontario - moving permits - Cole House $ 32.00 L - Mutch Store 16.00 Russell W. Harrison 2,625.00 L Harness Shop $ 525.00 Blacksmith Shop 225.00 Collins House 375.00 L Cole House 900.00 Mutch Store 600.00 Ontario Hydro- prepayment - Cole House 200.00 LBell Telephone Company - Collins House 400.00 Jack Grove - cleaning up site of Cole House 28. 50 L A. Storry Sand & Gravel -stone and sand -Steam Barn 132.80 A. Storry Sand & Gravel -sand, lumber & brick -Blacksmith Shop 51.00 L Andy Ramsay - week ending Aug. 17 - 40 hours @ $2.00 - week ending Aug. 24 - 37 hours @ $2.00 - week ending Aug. 31 - 32 hours @ $2.00 218.00 Barry Ramsay- week ending Aug. 31 - 96 hours @ $1.25 120.00 L David Miller- week ending Aug. 31 - 26 hours @ $1.25 32. 50 Garry Campbell-week ending Aug. 31 - 48 hours @ $1.25 60.00 L Walter Hope - Aug. 15 to Sept. 6 276.25. Arthur Hall - Aug. 15 to Sept. 6 277. 50 Arthur Mitchell Ltd. - shingles, sand & cement 28.92 L John Winterstein - Blacksmith Forge 101. 50 D. L. Mains & Son Ltd. - roofing materials - steam barn 712.24 $ 5,312.21 L _ _________ __________________ -2- 9/68 Museum - Mrs. Peggy Campbell 6.00 Mrs. Erma Lawrence 12.00 The News Printing Co. - History In Action Posters 14. 52)r Ward Machine & Welding - repairs to boiler smoke stack 56.00 Miss Marg Spang 21.00 $ 109.52 Race ipts Sale of Maps 7.00 Admissions ' 110.00 Donations 40.00 $ 157.00 3. Business Arising From the Minutes - 1) Display at Nucleur Site - Mr. Cook reported that the necessary pictures were available and once a sketch of the display area at the Nucleur Plant was available the Board would be in a better position to select the most suitable items for display. 2) Group Application Forms - Mr. V. Rudik submitted copies of the various application forms used by the Conservation Authority at Pioneer Village for group tours. These were referred to Mrs. Earle for further recommendations. 3) Plastering Church - Mr. Miller had been unsuccessful in getting Mr. Marco to plaster the Church and in view of the present deficit position of the Centennial project it was deemed advisable to place the matter in abeyance for this year. 4) Masonic Hall - Mr. Miller reported that Mr. Harrison had examined the building and decided upon a possible route to move it to the Museum property. It was hoped that the Department of Highways would ease their restrictions and permit the moving of the building along number 7 highway for at least one and one half miles. The Secretary had written to the District Engineer and would report back to Mr. Miller on this item. Mr. Harrison hoped to move the building during the first two weeks of October providing all the necessary utility surveys were completed by this time. 5) Exterminators - Mr. Sanderson had not examined the log cabin to date and the Chairman agreed to contact him con- cerning this item the following day. 6) Display Book for Pamphlets and Handbills - Mr. Cook reported that he had not had an opportunity to investigate this item but would report progress at the next meeting. 4. History In Action Celebrations - 1) Posters Re: History of Various Buildings - Evidently Mrs. Storry was completing the copy necessary for the posters and Mr. Miller hoped to have Mrs. Jean Booth draw up the necessary posters. -3- 9/68 2) Boarding Up Unrestored Buildings - Some discussion was held concerning this item and in view of the elevated postion of the various buildings and in some instances the absence of floors it was decided that covering up the various entrances to some of the buildings would not achieve the desired result. The staircases in the Collins House and the Cole House would be blocked off and the entrance ways to the Hotel and Collins House would also be protected. In this connection Mr. Cook reported that Mr. Ian Bell had volunteered to patrol the Museum grounds insuring that children did not get into the various buildings that were closed to the public. He had agreed to carry out this service for both Saturday and Sunday. 3) Clean Up Crew Following Celebrations - The Scout troup had not been contacted due to the absence of Mr. Sanderson. It was suggested that several local boys be contacted and paid a nominal amount to clean up the grounds following each days activities. Mrs. Haye agreed to look after this item. 4) Washroom Facilities - The Secretary reported that he had contacted a firm concerning this item and was advised that each unit would cost $30.00 for the weekend. He felt that this was too much to pay for such an item and had not ordered them. The Committee concurred with his decision. 5) Supervision of Buildings - As mentioned in item 2) Mr. Bell will be endeavouring to cover most of the buildings during the weekend festivities. In most instances display groups will be operating and will oversee their respective areas. 6) Grant to Markham Drum Corp - The Secretary reported that he had been successful in obtaining the services of the Markham Drum Corp for the parade and had been asked for their normal fee of $75.00 plus bus transportation. Skinner Bus Lines had been contacted and had agreed to supply a bus with their compliments for the afternoon. Mr. Marshall had located a gentleman to drive the bus at no charge and was therefore seeking the committees approval to the payment of $75.00 to the band. On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Earle and carried unanimously the committee recommended the payment of $75.00 to the Markham Drum Corp for their attendance at the History In Action Day Parade. 7) General - Mrs. Earle had been contacted by Miss.Anderson concerning a girl guide group from Dunbarton who wish to participate in the days festivities by holding a camp fire and toasting marshmallows for the many children that attended the event. Their only requirement was that suitable fire wood be supplied. The committee felt that this would be an excellent activity and asked Mrs. Earle to complete the arrangements. Mr. Paul Jordon has volunteered to meet the various dem- - at the gate and see to it that they are suitably located on the grounds with whatever equipment is required. It was noted that the candle makers as well as several other groups had requested a work table to work on during the day. -4- 9/68 A number of tables were being secured from the Department of Highways and it was hoped that all groups would have adequate facilities. Ole Mrs. Earlia reported that at present there uas no one to make butter and that she had contacted Pioneer Village. The Conservation Authority has agreed to send a Mrs. Petch of Markham together with a butter churn suitable for making the butter providing the board was prepared to pay her $6.00 - $8.00 per day and supply the necessary cream. The Committee felt that this was an important display item and agreed that Mrs. Petch should be asked to attend. Mr. Miller agreed to contact the Malcolm family and arrange for the supply of the necessary cream. Mrs. Earle noted the absence of activities geared to the interest of the children and hoped that in the future more games and amusements would be available for the younger generation. Mr. Miller reported that most of the piping associated with the steam engine and boiler was complete with the balance to be completed by Saturday. He noted that the installation unlike previous years was of a permanent nature and had involved many evenings and week ends work by Mr. Ramsay. The committee wished that it be noted in the minutes that Mr. Ramsay is a qualified steam fitter and that the installation had been carried out in accord- ance with the standards set by his trade. 6. General Business - 1) Hinges for log cabin door - Mr. Miller advised the Committee that Mr. Remple had delivered the strap hinges that he had agreed to make for the door to the log cabin. He expressed concern that they had been made out of cold rolled steel rather than wrought iron and as such were not in keeping with the history of the building. He mentioned that Mr. Remple had agreed to make new hinges out of wrought iron if the Committee felt that it was necessary. It was suggested that the hinges not be installed for the week end activities and an attempt be made to have authentic hinges made. 2) Mr. W. G. Lawson submitted a copy of a letter from wm. B. Thomas a Solicitor acting on behalf of Mrs. Ruth Ingram in connection with her claim for damages against the Museum in the amount of $225.00 for breakage of 3 items placed on display with the museum. His letter indicated that an independent appraisal had been made on two of the items showing a value of $10. and $15. respectively and that his research had indicated that the blue milk glass covered sugar if part of a complete set could be valued in the neighbourhood of $600. - $950. He indicated that if an offer of settlement was not received within 10 days no further negotiations would be carried out and the necessary action, presumably through the courts would be taken. The Committee re-iterated their feelings that Mrs. Ingram should submit the broken pieces to the Board in order that they may obtain an independent appraisal of them prior to any form of settlement being offered. The Secretary was asked to convey the Committees feelings to Mr. Lawson and ask that he reply to Mr. Thomas ' letter. L„ -5- 9/68 3) Mr. Russell K. Cooper, Administrator, Historic Sites Division of the Metro Toronto Region Conservation Authority in a letter dated September the 5th advised the Board that Mr. Herb Campbell publisher of the Dutton Advance Ltd. , Dutton, Ontario has an A.B. Taylor cylinder press which he is willing to donate to a museum in order that it may be preserved. He L estimates that the press was manufactured somewhere between 1870 and 1880. While Mr. Campbell is quite willing to donate the press he would expect the recipient to assume L the cost of dismantling it and any transportation charges. Mrs. Earle volunteered to investigate the historic value of this press indicating that she was of the opinion that it would be an extremely valuable asset to the museum. In the interim the Secretary was asked to contact Mr. Campbell indicating our interest in obtaining the piece. L4) The Curator asked that the Board consider the installation of a phone at the Museum Grounds or in the alternative L placing an extra listing in the telephone directory showing the Gillman number. On many ocassions people attempted to phone the Museum and were unsuccessful. As the current telephone directory was now printed the matter was referred for further discussion. L Mr. Miller advised the Board that Mr. Elmer Johnston of Whitby, a long time supporter of the Museum had recently suffered a heart attack and was confined to Oshawa hospital. L Mr. Johnston who has been spending considerable time during the summer months getting one of the old tractors in working order for History in Action. The Committee suggested that a get well card be sent to Mr. Johnston on behalf of the Museum Board. On motion of Mr. Miller the meeting adjourned. L L DATED 1968. LChairman L LSecretary L L L L L