HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 27, 1969' LPICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUMS BOARD 9/69 L AUGUST 27, 1969 { A meeting of the P ids eying Town- ship Museum Board was held on WEDNESDAY, the TWENTY--SEVENTH day of AUGUST, 1969 at EIGHT Eo 'clock p.m. 4. PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman , LMr. R. Miller Mr. D. McLean Mrs. D. Earle ' L . Mr. M. Parkin (arrived 9 :00 p.m. ) Noel C. Marshall, Secretary LIN ATTENDANCE: Mrs. Bonehill, Museum Assistance Committee L1. Minutes - , L On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Miller and carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting held on August the 12th were adopted. I _ 2. Accounts - r On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Miller and carried unanimously the accounts were approved for payment. NOTE : The list of accounts was retained by the Chairman and as he was away on vacation at the time of transcribing these minutes the individual accounts are not available. L3. Correspondence - r A) In a letter dated August the 11th, Mr. R. Price, P. Eng. of the Ontario Hydro stipulated the conditions under which the Hydro would approve the operation of the generator r located in the steam barn.. The conditions were somewhat stringent and in order to assist the men involved in' this project in evaluating the conditions a copy of the letter , L was given to Mr. Miller. 4. General - A) The Claremont band have indicated their willingness eir w�llingnes� t�o play on both days of History In Action and have asked that [ a truck and chairs be supplied. dr. Miller agreed to arrange for a truck for the parade. :: an the same note Mr. Carl Devit has agreed to play the violin during the intermission taken by the band. ,[ B) Memberships - The Secretary is to investigate the legality of selling memberships to the Museum Board. C) Printing Press - Evidently Mr. Ron Peacock who resides on Sherwood Road in Markham has available a printing press which he is willing to donate to the museum. Mr. Miller is L to arrange for the picking up of this item and its delivery to the grounds. D) Mr. Cook has arranged for individuals to head the games for the children on History In Action. Mrs. Bonehill agreed to, .L ask her husband to sell the game tickets. • • ea T • -2- 9/69 LE) The members of the Board agreed to give prints of the barn raising photos to the various men involved in the demonstra- tion. Mr. Miller is to arrange for this 1: F) It was suggested that the Council members be asked to participate in the parade this year. Also if possible the local MP and I MPP o G) The members of the Board are to meet at the Museum Grounds L on Sunday, September the 7th at 2 p.m. to assist with a general glean up. H) A letter of thanks is to be forwarded to Mrs. Emmink for her generous donation of pottery. L It was agreed that the next Museum B - ' • Board meeting _�e held as usual on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, namely September Lthe 9th. . On motion of Mr. McLean the meeting adjourned. , DATED L Chairman Secretary L L • L L ,� L , _ 1: • L. , ________ _ _ , __ _