HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 14, 1969 .... ..-...._...--_ . . PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 11/69 OCTOBER 14, 1969 A meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on TUESDAY the FOURTEENTH day of L OCTOBER, 1969 at EIGHT o 'clock Y p.m. L PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman Mr. R. Miller • Mr. D. McLean L - . Mrs. D. Earle Mr. M..' Parkin . Mrs. M. Spang LNoel C. Marshall, Secretary_. 1. MINUTES - It was noted that the minutes of August the 27th indicated L that the printing press came from Mr. Ron Peacock. In actual fact the press had been donated by Mr. McLean and was left at Mr. Peacocks property for the lack of any other facility to store it at the time. L On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mrs. Earle and carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting of August the 27th and September the 9th were adopted correction subject to the 7 e�tzon noted above rw 2. ACCOUNTS - On motion of Mrs. Spang, seconded by Mr. Parkin and carried unanimously the following accounts were approved for payment: Walter Hope - week ending Aug. 13 •- 70 hr. @ 2. 50 175. 00 week ending Aug. 27 - 24 hr. @ 2. 50 60.00 Art Hall week ending Aug. 13 - 72 hr. @ 2. 50 180.00 L week ending Aug. 27 -- 75 hr. C@ 2. 50 187. 50 Andy Ramsay - week ending Aug. 13 -- 69 hr. @ 2.00 138. 00 L week ending Aug. 27 - 80 hr. @ 2. 00 160. 00 Garry Campbell - week ending Aug. 13 - 72 hr. @ 1.30 93.60 r - week ending Aug. 27 - 64 hr. @ 1. 30 83. 20 L D. L. Mairs - various including steel for gas barn 800. 30 r Art Hall - week ending Sept. 10 - 73 hr. @ 2. 50 182. 50 A. Ramsay -week ending Sept. 10 - 83 hr. ® 2.00 166.00 W. Hope - week ending Sept, 10 - 57 hr. @ 2. 50 142, 50 - week ending Sept. 19 -- 56 hr. @ 2. 50 175.70 L A. Ramsay - week ending Sept. 19 - 60 hr. @ 2.00 120. 00 A. Hall - week ending Sept. 19 - 56 hr. @ 2. 50 140.00 L , Winterstein Masonary - chimney Collins House 30.00 Home Equipment Co. - moving steam engine invoice 127 12. 50 Erma Lawrence - 24 hours @ 90 21.60 L Mrs. Peggy Campbell - 11 hr. @ 1. 30 14. 30 Miss Marg Spang - 21 hours ® 1. 30 27. 30 R. Tribbling - bus - Markham Drum Corp. 50.00 E. Gil Davis - Markham Drum Corp. 75. 00 Andy Ramsay - week ending Sept. 30 - 63 hr. @ 2.00 126. 00 Arthur Mitchell Ltd. - weepers 2. 60 G. M. Smith Ltd. - float moving steam engines 67. 50 C _ _ _ _ „ z ti -2- LD. L. Mairs - miscellaneous 53. 90 D. L. Mairs —June accounts invoices misplaced 21.81 r4 Sale of willow blocks 4. 00 Murray Baisdon - various hauling 60. 00 A, Storry hauling lumber for Cole House 15. 00 _ Sale of Maps 2.00 LRobert Miller various 410.96 3. GENERAL - a) Mr. Miller reported that Mr. Clifford Postill was working . '[ on plastering the Cole House and had finished the. Collins House. He estimated that the total cost for the two jobs would be in the neighbourhood of $350. - $400. maximum. It was remarked that work carried on in these two homes made a remarkable difference in them and that the restoration of the buildings required only the installation of the windows and the papering of the walls to complete the building. b) Mr. Parkin drew the attention of the Board to the fact that the original town clock from the Town of Whitby could be purchased for the sum of $200. Evidently it was a four , _ faced clock standing some 15 feet high and weighing something in the vicinity of 2 tons. During the discussion that followed . it was noted that while the acquisition of such an object r might be desirable its ultimate location should be finalized L prior to any commitment being made. In view of the general financial situation a note of caution was voiced. c) Finances - The Secretary presented the following financial statement to the Board: L PICKERING TOWNSHIP LHISTORICAL SOCIETY Revenue: L Due from Township of Pickering (1968) $ 439. 00 Due from Township of Pickering (1969) 2, 500. 00 Due from Province of Ontario 850. 00 Donations 1,000.00 R. Miller in Trust 3,952. 78 r Maps, Admissions etc. 3,227.90 Cash in Bank 5,020.00 TOTAL REVENUE $17, 039.68 Expenses: Miscellaneous $ 7,899. 59 Building Rentals 11.00 IHeating 997. 69 Power 45. 06 Insurance 322.61 ISalaries & Wages 6, 353.15 Legal Fees 5.00 ' Stationery & Supplies 283.42 Subscriptions & Public 45. 00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $15, 962. 52 EEXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES.. . . . .$1,077. 16 L . . S . ,,,,,,,„ -3- Mr. Marshall explained that the miscellaneous item was iaa a catch-all account wherein all expenses other than those noted were put,as the various sub accounts of the Museum Board did not coincide with the Township chart of accounts. In combining the miscellaneous amount of $7,099. 59 and the salary amount of $6,353.15 an idea of the extent of the restoration programme carried out during the year 1969 could be appreciated. It is hoped that in the near future a break down of these two accounts could be made whereby a better understanding of the monies spent on the various buildings could be achieved. It was obvious that bearing in mind the expenses approved' this evening and recognizing that the greater portion of them had already been paid and included in the statement presented. Very little working capital was available to the Board. It was suggested that the Board had now reached the stage where it can no longer operate successfully on the basis that it has done in the past. The members have achieved the monumental task of locating buildings of historical significance on the property and in some instances completed a good deal of the restoration necessary to make the project of interest to the public in general. Obviously the future success of the Museum would be directly proportion- ate to the amount of restoration work that could be carried out on an annual basis as the absence of such activities would result in a drastic reduction in attendance both on a weekly basis and at such functions as History In Action. The members acknowledged that their chief source of revenue for the Museum was the annual gate receipts and the History In Action Day programme. These two amounts in themselves represented a mere $3, 500. and could not be expected to absorb the cost of the restoration programme required. The members agreed to consider the timing of the various restoration programmes and to establish priorities for them and come prepared to the next meeting to map out a positive programme for budgetory purposes. It was emphasized that the primary purpose to the Museum was for educational purposes and in this vein it was suggested that possibly the Department of Education might be prepared to make a grant fowards the development of the project for educational purposes. It was mentioned that such grants are made by the Department for activities endorsed by the local School Boards. Pursuing this line of thought it was suggested that the Secretary contact both the County Board of Education and the Department of Education for the Province of Ontario drawing their attention to the educational value of the Museum and asking whether or not there could be provision made to include the Museum in their respective grant programmes. Once this information is known a meeting could be arranged with Council and the possibility of increasing the Township grants towards the Museum could be explored. Many of the points raised in the original report submitted to Council earlier this year were valid and it was general conceded that the Museum has now reached the stage in its develop- ment where positive participation by the various agencies involved must take place if the Museum is to continue. 14 -4- 4 , , 4 d) It was noted that a request for copies of letters of thanks L from the various school groups who had toured the Museum had not as yet been brought to the attention of the Board. A number of these had been received by the Curator and the I Secretary was asked to obtain them. e) Historical Society - Again the question of the assistance supposed to be provided to the Museum Board by the Historical Society was raised. Evidently the Historical Society has L not met for a number of years other than one meeting held . in February of this year. Certainly very little assistance had been received from this group in the operation of the tw Museum or the promotion of its activities. Some of the members of the Board who were associated with the Historical Society agreed to attempt to generate some activity in this direction. L - On motion the meeting adjourned. L L DATED LChairman L L Secretary L L . . • r L L . L L L L L L. • . . . e