HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 13, 1970 PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 1/70 JANUARY 13, 1970 LA meeting o f the Pickering T own- ship Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, the THIRTEENTH day of JANUARY, 1970 at EIGHT o 'clock p.m. PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook L Mr. R. Miller Mr. D. McLean Mr. M. Parkin Mr.. R. Miller �; . Mrs. D. Earle 1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN - On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. McLean and carried L unanimously Mr. Harry Cook was appointed Chairman of the Museum Board for the year 1970. • 2. MINUTES - On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Parkin and carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting held on December the 9th, 1969 were adopted. 3. ACCOUNTS - On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Parkin and carried Lunanimously the following accounts were approved for payment: Mrs. Ruth Ingram - settlement of claim 225. 00 Bell Canada - Masonic Hall 383.71 Mrs. Freda Emmink -. ceramics 10.00 DX Oil Company 20.60 DX Oil Company 23.98 Mrs. Ruth Hay - Petty Cash 22.82 Mrs. Peggy Campbell 15.60 L Mrs. Erma Lawrence 10.80 4. INGRAM CLAIM - L • The Secretary y re ported that Mr. Lawson had been successful in resolving this matter and that the necessary releases L. . had been obtained. 5. HOUSSER WAGON - A letter had been received from the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital indicating their agreement to donating the Housser Wagon, Wooden Bean Plough etc. to the Museum. Mr. Miller • was ,to complete arrangements for moving these items to the Museum Property. 6. Mr. James A. Taylor, Township Solicitor reports that he can find no authority for the Museum to sell memberships L to the public. In the discussion that followed mention was made of the Art Gallery in Oshawa which has sole member- • ships since its inception. It was suggested that the Sec- retary contact Mr. Paul Bennett and determine whether or not there is a similarity in the operation of these two facilities. low T-"'"ml.----"-"-----I- ! -2- L7. INDIAN DIGGINGS - As a result of Mr. Walter Kenyon.'s remarks concerning the L historical significance of the Miller Site, Council was interested in knowing whether or not the Museum Board 'L still felt it necessary to preserve this site. It was suggested that the possibility of plaque erecting a 1 que on this site might suffice. Mr. Parkin mentioned that there were a number of similar sites in the Township which are not known to the public. He was wondering whether these should "be identified. He agreed to discuss the matter I.: further with Mr. Walter Kenyon and report back to the Board. : ' 8. CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION - _ The CBC had been in touch with the Curator, Mrs. Hay, as lwell as the Secretary concerning their desire to use the Church on the Museum Grounds for an upcoming CBC production. The film is a drama centred around a Scotish settlement in the late 1700 's and much of the story centres around a Church similar to the one on the Museum Grounds. The film- ing is to take place during the month of February. The CBC had asked for permission to paint the walls at the front of the Church as the white plaster would not permit accurate filming. .In addition they were interested in having the doors on the Church installed and would requre these by the 1st of February. LEvidently the correc t decoration of the Church entailed the painting of black strips approximately one half inch L wide in the formation of blocks 16" x 8" against the white plaster. Obviously this would not serve the purpose of the CBC. It was agreed that Mr. Cook negotiate with I Mr. Hugh Spencer-Phillips of the CBC concerning the entire operation with a view towards obtaining some form of compensation for the use of the facilities. This could take the form of publication of History In Action Day celebrations as well as perhaps the completion of the , L decoration of the Church itself. 9. WORK CREW - LThe Chairman presented a proposal for relocating a number of the displays in the Museum which could be carried out on the day in February when the work crew was in attendance. • There were varying opinions as to the type of work that should be carried out at this time and it was suggested r that members of the Board consider the matter for the next meeting. 10. WIRING Mr. Cook showed the Board a diagram of the Museum Grounds on which he had indicated the wiring requirements. The Board was satisfied with the proposal and agreed that r Mr. Cook proceed on the basis outlined. L L ., , _ ___ _ ___ __ _ __ .., _ ______.___ __ _ . _ . _ ______ _ __ _... . ____ LtP ..3_ • 11. ACCESSION CARD - Mrs. Earle mentioned . that future cataloguing should be Ldone through the use of an accession card which she ex i.• ex- plained to the Board. It was agreed that she proceed on this basis and have the necessary cards printed. C12. PRINTING - LMrs. Earle explained that it would be difficult to come up with a reasonable fact similly of the existing letter- head as the copy that would be photographed was itself a L copy. It was suggested that the matter be put in abeyance until the spring at which time new photographs could be t: obtained and the new letterhead designed. With regards to printing in general it was felt that this business should be placed locally provided there was no �. . large quantity involved which would necessitate calling tenders. L .. .. 13. SALES DESK - . It was pointed out that a strategically located sales L desk could contribute in large measure to the revenue of the Board. It was hoped that with the re-arrangement r of the Museum Building proper that such an outlet could be established. LOn motion the meeting adjourned. L DARED . .. . . . ..- _ .,_. .. ...._... E Chairman C Secretary 4.. • L L L L L ____„„za _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _