HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 14, 1970 2q-ari-444 • TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING MUSEUM BOARD 4/70 A meeting of the Pickering Township Museum Board was held on TUES"'. : , the FOURTEENTH day of APRIL at EIGHT o'clock p.m. at the Municipal Building PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman Mr. D. McLean Mr. M. Parkin Mr. R. Dickson Mrs. D. Earle: Mr. R. Bowen N. C. Marshall, Secretary 1. Minutes - On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. McLean and carried unanimously the minutes of- the meeting held on the 10th day of March were adopted. 2. Accounts - On motion of Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Dickson and carried unanimously the following accounts were approved for payment: D. X. Oil Company $ 22.97 Robert Miller 27.21 Pickering Lithoprint 30. 58 Canadian Museum's Association 15.00 3. Budget - The Secretary reported that Council had approved a grant to the Museum in the amount of $5,000. for the year 1970 which was considerably larger than the previous years grant. The 1969 deficit had also been absorbed. The Board had for their consideration a revised 1970 Budget premised on gross revenue of $9,100. It was suggested that in view of the funds available that the priorities for the 1970 Renovation Program should include the plastering of the Oddfellows Hall and the completion as near as possible of the Collins House and the Cole House. Mention was -made of the need to protect the Hotel against the weather where the building had formerly been joined to the Harness Shop. It was conceded that this particular task should be completed immediately. Net operating costs for the year were estimated at $4, 525. and the Renovation Program previously noted amounted to $3,600. ,■ leaving approximately $925. to cover any over expenditure. A copy of the revised budget is attached to the minutes. On motion of Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. Bowen and carried unanimously it was agreed that the 1970 Budget as amended be adopted with the following priorities to apply in the area of renovations. 1. Protect the Hotel against the weather. 2. Plaster the Oddfellows Hall. 3. Finish the Collins and Cole House. -2- 4. Hasty Notes - Mrs. Earle showed samples of the hasty notes discussed during the previous meeting. These could be produced at the cost of 50 per dozen and sold at a $1. a dozen. It was suggested that some wording be incorporated on the front underneath the picture indicating the fact that it was the Brougham School and that it formed part of the Pickering Township Museum. She agreed to arrange for the incorporation of such wording on the paper. She also mentioned the possibility of sketches of other buildings on the property being used in a similar fashion for Christmas Cards and agreed to obtain samples for the consideration of the Board. Some discussion took place concerning the necessity for charging sales tax on such items and it was agreed that the printer should incorporate the sales tax in his price to the Board thus eliminating the need to obtain a license for this particular purpose. 5. Township Maps - The Secretary brought to the attention of the Board that the price of the Centennial Maps while valid during the real estate boom of 1968 and the early part of 1969 was no longer valid. People were reluctant to pay $2. 50 for the maps and he suggested that the price be reduced to that charged at the Museum Grounds of $1. It was agreed that the price be reduced to $1. 6. Teachers College Students - Approximately 100 student teachers will be visiting the property during the next week and their supervisor had offered to assist the Board in any type of work that would be of benefit to the Board such as cateloguing, re-locating displays, and the like. Mrs. Earle sought the direction of the Board as to what activities the Board would like these students to become involved in suggesting that one of the prime needs at the present time was the straightening out of the displays in the Museum building proper.. In the discussion that followed the future of the display cases from the R.O.M. as well as the moving of several displays to other buildings was thoroughly discussed. Mr. Parkin agreed to contact Mr. Bill Clark and ask him to attend one of the days with a view towards straighten- ing out the Blacksmith' s Shop Display. Mr. McLean indicated that he would be in attendance during the week and it was hoped that possibly Mr. Miller could also participate to assist in directing the students and on answering many questions they may have concerning the various items on display. .J lJ a s- ~irk / -3- 7. The Board noted the need to complete the erection of the barriers between the gate and the main entrance of the Museum Building to control the flow of people through the Museum Grounds. It was hoped that this would be completed prior to opening day. 8. Direction Signs - L The question was asked whether or not it would be possible to obtain additional signs identifying the existance of the Museum for the Brock Road. Such signs L J do exist at either end of the Hamlet of Brougham on Number 7 Highway. The Secretary agreed to contact the appropriate authorities to see whether or not this would be possible. 9. History In Action - The Senior Citizens had inquired concerning the possibility of a number of their ladies taking over one of the renovated L homes and serving tea on History In Action. They were interested in knowing whether this proposal would be acceptable in view of the arrangements for the provision of refreshments by the Kiwanis. It was agreed that such an activity would not seriously hamper the Kiwanis efforts and it was agreed that they be permitted to proceed. 10. Historical Society - A report was received concerning the recent meeting of the Historical Society in which it was noted that it was poorly attended. Nevertheless it was hoped that the Society would become active again. One suggestion had been made at the meeting that possibly the Society or perhaps other groups within the Township might sponsor L the renovation of particular room in the various build- ings. It was hoped that such interest would crystalize in some positive action. L On motion the meeting adjourned. L L DATED Chairman L Secretary L L L PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD REVISED BUDGET 1970 LREVENUE: Grants - Ontario $ 500.00 - Township 5,000.00 Admissions 500. 00 Maps, plates, etc. 100.00 History In Action 2, 500.00 Donations 500.00 $ 9, 100.00 EXPENDITURES : Curators Salary 750.00 Temporary Staff 250.00 Secretary 150.00°' Postage, stationery, supplies 100. 00/ C Hydro 150.00" Heat 200.00' Convention 100.00/ Insurance 400.00" Memberships 75.00/ Building Maintenance 500.00/ L Equipment Repairs 300.00% Antique Purchases 300.00' Ground Maintenance 250.00/ C History In Action 350.00 hr Contingencies 700.00, 4, 575.00 LRENOVATIONS: $ 4, 525.00 Oddfellows Hall - plaster 2, 300.00 Cole House 800.00 Collins House 500.00 3,600.00 LB A L A N C E $ 925.00 L L L L L L L L , ,, L tea ,-, (-.) L ' TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM COMMITTEE LBALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1969 LLIABILITY AND DEFICIT LLIABILITY: Due to Township of Pickering $ 3, 996.00 LDEFICIT: L Surplus Balance at January 1, 1969 $ 5, 529.00 Excess of Expenditure over Revenue 9, 525.00 Deficit Balance at December 31, 1969 3, 996.00 LTOTAL N I L STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE LFOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 REVENUE: LGrants - Province of Ontario $ 850.00 Township of Pickering 2, 500.00 Bank Account - R. Miller in Trust 3, 953.00 LDonations 1,010.00 History In Action 2, 237.00 Other Museum Activities 1,443.00 LTOTAL REVENUE $ 11, 993.00 LEXPENDITURES: Grounds Upkeep $ 222.00 LHydro 69.00 Heat 1,031.00 L Insurance 335.00 Stationery 283.00 Salaries & Wages 6, 572.00 History In Action Expenses 706.00 LOther Museum Activities Expense 127.00 Renovations 5, 501.007 Moving Oddfellows Hall 5, 361.00( Equipment Repairs 1,250.00 Miscellaneous 61.00 LTOTAL EXPENDITURE $ 21, 518.00 LEXCESS OF EXPENDITURES OVER REVENUE $ 9, 525. 00 L L L L . , _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ __