HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 10, 1970 L - „00i L PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 9/70 LA meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on r TUESDAY, the TENTH day of NOVEMBER, L 1970 at EIGHT o'clock p.m. at the Municipal Building LPRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman Mr. R. Miller LMr. M. Parkin Mrs. D. Earle L1. MINUTES - On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Parkin the minutes of the meeting held on October 13th were approved. CARRIED. L2. ACCOUNTS - LOn motion of Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mr. Miller that the following accounts be paid: LCounty of Ontario $ 170.92 R. Miller 33.82 Mr. Ramsay 120.00 CARRIED. L3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES - L a) It had been suggested that the Historical Society be asked to transfer the money they wished to spend on restorations to the Museum Board. However, L since there will in future be no carry over of any budget surplus from one year to another, it was decided not to ask for the transfer of these funds until early in 1971. b) Store - LMr. Miller had asked Mr. Hope if he would be available to work on this building next year. L Mr. Hope will be ready to start as soon as possible and would like to be informed if he is needed as he would like to make an early start. c) Publicity - L Mrs. Earle stressed the fact that the Museum has no pamphlets to hand out. Mrs. Storry is still working on the history of the buildings so this L material is not yet ready for any pamphlets. This matter to be discussed at the January meeting. L4. BUDGET - On motion of Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mr. Miller it was L decided that the budget as proposed by Mr. Marshall be presented to Council. CARRIED. L L -2- 9/70 5. GROUP FEES - On motion of Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Parkin the raising of group tour fees was raised from $3. to $5. for local groups and from $5. to $7. for groups from outside the Township. CARRIED. It was felt that extra help is now necessary with more L buildings and increasing use of the Museum by school groups etc. , and the increased charge will pay for this. If the Curator is unable to be present, then L someone else must be on hand to supervise tours. Mrs. Hay is ill at present, so Mrs. Earle is to in- struct Mrs. Gillman to request Mrs. Campbell to take over supervision duties as school classes are visiting the Museum this month. A pamphlet is to be prepared for distributuion to groups requesting tours, explaining that there will be extra charges for any further extra services. LOn motion the meeting adjourned. L L L DATED Chairman L Secretary L L L L L L L L