HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 8, 1971 L 3/4 , PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSUEM BOARD A meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, JUNE 8th, 1971, at EIGHT p.m. at the Municipal Build- ing L PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman Mr. W. Clark Mr. D. McLean Mr. R. Miller Mr. M. Parkin Mr. W. Earle Mrs. D. Earle 1. MINUTES - Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Clark that the minutes of the May meeting be approved. CARRIED. 2. ACCOUNTS - L Moved by Mrs. Earle, seconded by Mr. McLean that the Y Y bill for $30.60 from the G. Plitz Company (for souvenirs) be paid. CARRIED. 3. BLACKSMITH SHOP - Mr. Clark asked the Board for clarification regarding the building of the proposed stairs. The Board agreed that the stairs should be constructed. 4. ADMINISTRATOR - Mr. Miller reported as follows: IL a) Mrs. Hay had taken in the sum of $86. 53 during May. b) The Administrator thought that the report sheets involved rather a lot of paper work. It was noted that these sheets were actually for control of forth- coming student help. c) The estimate for 108 feet of new eavestroughing for the Museum building was $102.00, from Don Goodwin, R.R. 2, Claremont. The Board agreed that this estimate be accepted and the work be done. d) The Brougham Recreation Committee has requested that publicity for their Cold Plate Supper (held in conjunction with History In Action) be included in History In Action publicity. The Board agreed to do this. L L • L . ,./ L -2- e) Mr. & Mrs. E. Brown, Heritage House are holding a Canadiana Festival. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Earle that L the drag saw and steam engine be loaned to the Brown 's for this event. LCARRIED. f) Messrs. Carruthers and Smith are working on the electrical wiring. g) The Museum tours are proving successful. h) The Church Shed has been cleaned out and the Beef Ring Barn is to be cleared next. i) It was necessary to decide what to do with the school desks now in the Church. The Board advised they should be stored until further notice. j) Mrs. Duncan has advised not to open upper storey of Log House. She is coming again to advise on correct furnishings for the houses. Lk) The siding has been removed from the hotel and harness shop to see what repairs are needed. 1) Mr. Miller stated that 3 steam engines are available from Glen Hodgson of Haliburton. LMoved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Parkin that they be accepted and transportation paid to ship them to the Museum. CARRIED. m) Mr. Marshall had been informed by the County that they have logs available for the Museum. L5. MUSEUM HOURS - As an experiment it was decided to open the Museum on three Sunday ' s in June at 10 a.m. Mr. Miller is to arrange this. L6. SOUVENIR PRICES - The items from the G. Plitz Company are to be priced as follows: Brooches - $ . 75 Axe In Log 1.00 Poodles On Log - 1.00 Hockey Sticks - . 75 L L� L ,w) L L -3- 7. MUSEUM QUESTIONNAIRE - LThe Dominion Bureau of Statistics requests return of the questionnaire issued. Mr. Miller is to complete and return this. 8. CENTRAL ONTARIO MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION - Mrs. Earle reported she attended the May meeting of the Association. Co-operation between area Museum's was the theme. To augment the area maps being prepared the Association suggests each Museum purchase a rubber stamp with its name on at a cost of between $4. 50 to $5.00. Mrs. Earle is to order one. 9. WORK MEETING - Members of the Board will meet (for further work on re-arranging items) at the Museum on June 23rd at 7:00 p.m. On motion the meeting adjourned. L L DATED Chairman L L Secretary • • L L L L L L L L