HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 20, 1971 L 1/4w, 2„2„.„:„.:6„, L PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 7/71 A meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on TUESDAY, AUGUST 10th, 1971, at EIGHT p.m. at the Municipal Building PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman Mr. R. Miller L Mr. D. McLean Mr. W. Clark Mr. M. Parkin L Mr. R. Freeman Mrs. D. Earle Mr. W. Earle L1. MINUTES - L The minutes of the June Meeting were mailed out and approved in a motion made by Mr. D. McLean and seconded by Mr. M. Parkin. �,. 2. FINANCES - L The Treasurer's statement was read by the Chairman, further elaboration on some of the details will be sought from Mr. Marshall. 3. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT - L Mr. R. Miller reported on his activities during the month of July. All buildings except the Oddfellows Hall are now wired and awaiting Hydro inspection. Progress on building resotration. The daily report sheets were proving cumbersome and he was of the opinion that a monthly summary sheet would suffice, with the daily report sheets being discarded after the completion of the monthly summary. On motion of Mr. D. McLean, seconded by Mrs. D. Earle and carried the Administrators commendable report was accepted. 4. PUBLICITY - L A History In Action notice will be carried in the Holiday Inn publicity on local activities and posted on their activity board. $200. is available in the publicity budget for promoting History In Action. I. 5. HISTORY IN ACTION - tL The Board reviewed the full program of activities I. which included - L Lid ,0) -2- 7/71 - Bake Contest & Sale - Threshing & Flailing - Blacksmith Shop - Shingle Mill - Print Shop - Steam Engine Barn L - Sausage Making - Quilting & Rug Weaving - Horseshoe Pitch L - Chair Caning - Corn Roast - Butter Making L - Childrens Games - Claremont Citizen's Band - Woodland Centennial School Band LOn motion of Mr. R. Miller, seconded by Mr. W. Clark the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. L L DATED LChairman L Secretary L L L L L L L L L L