HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 11, 1971 E A n tip PICKERING TOWNSHIP MUSEUM BOARD 10/71 A meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Museum Board was held on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER the ELEVENTH, 1971, at EIGHT p.m. at the Municipal Building PRESENT: Mr. H. Cook, Chairman Mr. W. Clark Mr. R. Freeman Mr. R. Miller Mr. M. Parkin Mr. W. Earle Mrs. D. Earle N. C. Marshall, Secretary 1. MINUTES - On motion of Mr. Freeman, seconded by Mr. Earle and .J carried unanimously the minutes of the meeting of October the 12th were adopted. 2. ACCOUNTS - The Board were advised of the additional charge of $70.00 made by Barclay Transport for transporting the steam engines used in History In Action. 3. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT - a) Messrs. Miller and McLean had taken a number of school .., teachers for a tour of the property in preparation for the various school classes that would be touring the property in the next six weeks. b) He was experiencing difficulty in obtaining someone to clean the school and other buildings on the property but hoped to have this problem solved shortly. c) On October the 26th forty staff members from Upper Canada Village toured the property under the guidance of Mr. Douglas Hauff and Mr. Doucett of their staff. Evidently they were very impressed with a number of items and buildings, particularly the herb garden. d) Central Ontario Museum Association - •J The Administrator could see no real advantage to associating with this group feeling that it was too small to really accomplish any meaninful success. e) Mrs. Marr and a friend had met with Mrs. Duncan as well as touring some of the historical houses in High Park. They appeared very interested and dedicated to their project and hoped to determine the proper material for curtains in the houses shortly. They had located an outlet which could possibly supply the material and this was being checked by Mrs. Duncan. .J -2- 10/71 a J f) The Administrator will prepare a list of jobs to be carried out by Mr. Hope during the coming year. g) Hotel - Mr. Miller had located an appropriate stairway which could be used in the building if it was the intention of the Board to restore it as a hotel only. On motion of Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mrs. Earle it was agreed that the hotel should be restored as a hotel consistent with the period at which it was built. h) He wondered whether the Curator should be invited to the meetings. This item was discussed further on in the minutes. .J i) Hours of Museum - He asked that the hours of the Museum be confirmed as 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. It was agreed that these hours be confirmed. .J The Board noted that the attendance sheets for the past year suggested that attendance in general was light on Saturdays with the major portion of visitors coming to the property on Sunday. In view of the cost of maintaining staff on the Saturday the question was raised as to whether or not this was worthwhile. It was suggested that it would be better to have the salaried staff on duty on Sunday when there would be a far greater demand for guided tours. This matter was left in abeyance for further study and recommendation. 4. NEW CURATOR - Some discussion took place concerning the terminology that should be used in reference to a replacement for the former Curator. It was the general consensus of opinion that the term "Museum Custodian" was more in keep- ,. ing with the position and it was agreed that this would be the reference in future. Mr. Miller indicated that Mrs. Annis had agreed to take on the position. The Board were of the opinion that rather than an annual honourarium it would be better to pay an hourly rate. This together with a detailed job description specifying the responsibilities of the position and placing the onus for Museum maintenance on the incumbent would clear the air considerably on this part- icular subject. 5. NEW BUSINESS - a) Sign - It was suggested that the sign outside of the Museum property should have an Open sign similar to that of the regular sign. -3- 10/71 ,J - Some form of sign sufficiently large to catch the eye of the passer by, should be prepared advertising History In Action. - Possibly some form of advertisement on History In Action could be attached to the existing D.H.O. sign The Secretary agreed to check this out ,J - The existing sign showing the legend to the property could be attached to the back of the band shell and would thus be visible to those sufficiently interested to pull to the side of the road to determine how extensive the display was. The sign should be amended to indicate that tours are available. - Rather than placing signs on the buildings proper it was suggested that number signs could be prepared for each building and erected on a two by two stake immediately in front of each building. b) Telephone - There should be a listing for the Museum in the local telephone and possibly an extension located at the .„ grounds during the summer months. The Secretary agreed to check this item. c) New Members - It was suggested that possibly Mrs. Marr might be .a interested in joining the Museum Board. d) Presentation - It was agreed that a certificate suitably framed should be prepared for presentation to Mrs. Ruth Hay. e) Tape Recorder - The Board expressed considerable concern over the opportunities that were being lost daily to acquire knowledge on historical matters and in particular items associated with the Museum. It had been suggested that a tape recorder be purchased and that various knowledgeable people could be interviewed using this tape. Edited tapes could then be transcribed and preserved. The Secretary noted that the Township would likely be purchasing a tape recorder next year and that this could be made available to the Board on various occasions. -4- 10/71 6. BUDGET - The Board discussed the budget prepared by the Secretary in detail. On motion of Mr. Parkin, seconded by Mr. Freeman the budget for the year 1972 was recommended to Council for adoption. CARRIED. 7. SURPLUS FUNDS - Careful budgeting had resulted in a small surplus for the current years operations. It was agreed that the Administrator investigate the costs and be authorized to proceed with the following projects within the limits defined: 1. Repaint the interior of the school house. 2. Purchase the material for the curtains. 3. Plaster the Harness Shop. 5. Arrange for the construction of suitable footings and foundation walls for the Wood Shed to be attached to the rear of the school house and measuring 20 ' x 25 ' . 8. HISTORY IN ACTION - Mr. Freeman mentioned that a letter of appreciation had not been forwarded to the Woodlands Band and asked that the Board consider the payment of a small honourarium to the children. Evidently they were endeavouring to raise sufficient funds to take them to Moosenee in February and any amount of support would be appreciated. It was agreed that an honourarium of $25.00 be directed to the band leader, Mr. Drew Parker, for this purpose. Mrs. Earle mentioned a number of people that should be given a letter of thanks for their assistance during the festivities. She agreed to forward a list of these people to the Secretary. The Secretary voiced serious doubts to the validity of continuing the annual History In Action Day parade. He pointed out the competition that it provided to activities at the Museum Grounds for the early part of the afternoon and also to the increasing cost of putting the parade on. The Board tended to concur with his reasoning and agreed to consider the matter prior to the next meeting and make a recommendation at that time. On motion the meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. DATED Chairman Secretary