HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 June 11 2008 Page 1 Minutes / Meeting Summary Site Plan Committee (SPC) Meeting June 11, 2008 4:45 pm Tower Meeting Room Attendees: Jennifer O’Connell – City Councillor – Ward 1 Doug Dickerson – City Councillor – Ward 2 David Pickles – City Councillor – Ward 3 Neil Carroll – Director, Planning & Development Tyler Barnett – Senior Planner – Site Planning Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. S 20/98 (R08) Nivedita Kar (575 Steeple Hill, Unit #10) Attendee(s): Mr. Kar This application proposes to expand the existing second storey deck to 10’ * 16’.  Tyler advised that letters were sent out for comment to a select number of abutting properties as per the direction of the Site Plan Committee on June 20, 2007. Tyler advised that all residents except one (575 Steeple Hill Unit #11) have either come into the City offices or have telephoned to express their objection to the proposed deck expansion. The predominant concerns with the proposed deck expansion is the loss of privacy due to the closer proximity of the expanded deck to the north lot line, and increase in deck activity that would result with the larger deck area in close proximity to and overlooking adjacent rear yards.  Neil indicated that when the original development was proposed a resident meeting was held (March 23, 1999) with the developer at the time and an agreement was made that the decks at the rear of this block would be kept small in size to minimize any issues respecting lack of privacy. This agreement was struck due to the significant concern expressed by the existing northerly abutting residents.  The Committee recommended that the application be denied due to the continuing concern of adjacent residents.  Neil indicated that he will issue a letter refusing the application based on prior agreements and current Page 2 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) consultation.  Councillor Dickerson advised Mr. Kar of his rights of appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board.  Neil added that Mr. Kar may require permission from the condo board to proceed with any appeals as the condo owns the lands were the deck is to be constructed. 2. S 03/99 (R08) Altona Forest P.S. Addition (405 Woodsmere Crescent) Attendee(s): Brenda Coward – Durham School Board This application proposes to construct a one-storey addition to the existing school.  Tyler provided an outline of the application.  Brenda Coward explained that the addition is required in order to accommodate additional classrooms due to primary class size restrictions of the Province.  Councillor O’Connell indicated that she has received complaints from residents regarding standing water and garbage that is in the forest area along Rosebank Road. Brenda indicated that she would convey this issue to the superintendant.  Councillor Dickerson questioned how the site is going to be accessed during construction. Brenda indicated that the construction management plan proposes that all access be from Rosebank Road.  Site Plan Committee endorsed the application. 3. S06/07 Brookdale Centre (1105 Kingston Road) Attendee(s): David McKay, MHBC Planning Ronald Gagliardi, VGA Inc. Guery Goyo, Brookdale Centre  Neil indicated to Site Plan Committee that the building elevations being presented at this meeting are being done to seek input prior to the applicant making a formal submission to the City for an amendment to site plan approval. Neil indicated that the general layout of the second phase was shown on the approved plans but that the approved drawings did not include approvals for the architectural design of buildings B, C, D & E.  The applicant provided the City with two concepts for Building E: one which had a sloped roof design and Page 3 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) another that provides a flat roof design.  Neil indicated that staff prefer the concept of the flat roof design provided additional modifications are made to the architectural treatment of the rooflines, materials and fenestration.  Councillor Dickerson expressed concern with the flat roof design as proposed and expressed a preference for the sloped roof.  Councillor O’Connell also expressed a concern with the specific flat roof design being illustrated, but noted that her concern was due to the lack of variety in architectural features and materials, and not to a flat roof in general.  Tyler presented the Committee with photos of retail buildings and developments that provide 2 to 3 storey elevations with a variety of rooflines, materials and colours that provide for a very urban streetscape. The examples were taken from other Lifestyle Centres (Easton Town Centre and Crocker Park).  Councillor O’Connell requested that greater attention be paid to the northeast corner of building “E”. One of the photos illustrated a more rounded elevation with second storey and a metal architectural feature that Councillor O’Connell thought would be an attractive element. Ron indicted that such an element could be incorporated into the project and agreed to pursue this element further.  Neil raised the issue of accommodating variety in the elevation designs to give the building block the appearance of separate and distinct buildings that have developed together to provide a main street feel.  The current elevations use the same windows, colours and rooflines for each tenant area.  David Mckay and Ron Gagliardi agreed that the elevations could be modified to reflect the discussion.  A similar architectural treatment will be applied to Building “C” once the design for Building “E” has been accepted. David indicated that the concept drawings will be revised and sent to the City for review.  Ron G. Presented the committee with conceptual elevations for Building “D” which is intended to be a partial two storey building that will have medical offices on the partial second floor and a Shoppers Drug Mart on the main floor. David M. acknowledged that the partial second floor will not comply with the zoning by-law and that an amendment or variance would be required.  Councillor O’Connell expressed strong concern with the partial second floor, the Kingston road elevations and the deletion of the underground parking that was originally Page 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) contemplated. She noted that Building D must have a strong architectural and pedestrian presence to Kingston Road, as this elevation establishes the front face of the total development. Neil expressed staff’s concern with the Kingston Road frontage as well and the impact that this layout would have on the courtyard between buildings “D” & “E”.  Site Plan Committee agreed that greater enhancements are required to Building “D” and that the courtyard area should include features such as fountains and/or chess areas for visitors.  David McKay presented the elevation plans of Building “B” which is intended to accommodate Futureshop. Ron G. advised that this design is reflective of their ‘new look’ store.  The Site Plan Committee indicated that they did not have any issues with the proposed elevations of building “B”.  Geury Goyo advised the Committee that he has been informed by David McKay that the zoning by-law schedules passed by Council for this site contain an error which impacts the location of building “C”. He noted his concern with this error and inquired as to what the City will be doing to correct the by-law.  Neil explained that the staff report and draft by-law associated with Brookdale’s rezoning application recommended that a 20 metre future road be located fully on Brookdale’s property. However, in considering the zoning amendment, City Council directed that the zoning schedules be amended to reflect a 10 metre road provision from the Brookdale property. Unfortunately, in error, the by-law schedules included in the approved by- law did not reflect the full road shift directed by Council.  Neil indicated that to comply with the current zoning schedules, Building C would have to be shifted approximately 10 metres to the south which interfered with the broader site design reflected in the approved site plan. He also noted that Pentan’s solicitor had contacted the City solicitor respecting this matter in order to ensure that City approvals would not be given to Building C in the location shown on site plans with the City. He noted his understanding that Pentan’s objects to any provisions that would potentially result in a road (partial or full) on the Pentan’s property.  Mr. Goyo advised that he was not prepared to shift Building C and stated that the City should take whatever action is necessary to implement Council’s initial direction. He noted concern that a zoning amendment Page 5 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) will bring delay to his development plans and tenant negotiations, and requested that the City move forward quickly to correct its error.  Geury indicated that the floor space that would be left in a southerly shift of the building would not work and he indicated that he already has leases in place for this building.  Neil advised the Committee that we had discussed this issue with Brookdale’s representatives and had hoped that the matter could be accommodated with a southerly shift in Building “C”, to comply with the current by-law.  Neil indicated that the process to rectify this error is through a City initiated zoning by-law amendment application, and that direction would have to be received from Council before an amendment could be initiated.  All three members of Site Plan Committee agreed that the initial direction of Council to require only 10 metres of future public road from the Brookdale lands should be pursued and that the current by-law schedules should be amended accordingly through a City initiated zoning by-law amendment. Meeting Adjourned: 7:30 pm J:\MINUTES\Site Plan\2008\03 June 11, 2008.doc