HomeMy WebLinkAbout750 Whitevale (PLN 10-16) CULTURAL HERITAGE PROPERTY EVALUATION REPORT: 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering, Ontario SUBMITTED TO: The City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 November 10, 2015 SUBMITTED BY: Laurie Smith Heritage Consulting 4 Bullock Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1S 1G8 613-863-8852 laurie@smithheritage.ca In partnership with: Amy Barnes Consulting and Chris Uchiyama Heritage Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e i Table of Contents 1 Introduction to the Site ............................................................................................................................. 1 2 Methodology .............................................................................................................................................. 4 3 Policy Framework ....................................................................................................................................... 5 4 Historical Context ....................................................................................................................................... 7 5 Architecture and Design ........................................................................................................................ 10 5.1 Stone House ......................................................................................................................................... 12 5.1.1 Interior ........................................................................................................................................... 15 5.1.2 Basement ..................................................................................................................................... 17 5.2 Garage ................................................................................................................................................. 18 5.3 Cultural Landscape ............................................................................................................................ 18 5.4 Archaeological Resources ................................................................................................................ 19 6 Contextual Background ......................................................................................................................... 21 7 Heritage Evaluation ................................................................................................................................. 22 7.1 Design or Physical Value ................................................................................................................... 22 7.2 Historic/Associative Value ................................................................................................................. 23 7.3 Contextual Value ................................................................................................................................ 24 7.4 Statement of Significance ................................................................................................................ 25 7.4.1 Description of Property .............................................................................................................. 25 7.4.2 Statement of Cultural Heritage Value .................................................................................... 25 7.4.3 Heritage Attributes ..................................................................................................................... 26 8 Recommendations .................................................................................................................................. 26 9 Sources ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e ii List of Figures Figure 1: 750 Whitevale Road, Location and Boundary of Property Parcel (City of Pickering, 2015) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Figure 2: 750 Whitevale Road, Context (Base map source: Google Earth Pro, 2015) ......................... 2 Figure 3: Front elevation of 750 Whitevale Road (CU, 2015). ................................................................... 3 Figure 4: 750 Whitevale Road, Current Conditions (Base map source: Google Earth Pro, 2015) ..... 3 Figure 5: Gravestone of James White (Sr.) (Left) and James White (Jr.) (Right) (CU, 2015) ............... 9 Figure 6: 750 Whitevale Road, shown on an excerpt from the 1877 Map of Pickering Township (Base map source: J.H. Beers & Co., 1877) .................................................................................................. 9 Figure 7: Rear (north) elevation of 750 Whitevale Road. (CU, 2015) .................................................... 10 Figure 8: West elevation of 750 Whitevale Road. (CU, 2015) ................................................................. 11 Figure 9: East elevation of 750 Whitevale Road. (CU, 2015) ................................................................... 11 Figure 10: Wooden garage at the rear of the property at 750 Whitevale Road. (CU, 2015) .......... 12 Figure 11: Detail of cornice, stonework and voussoirs. (CU, 2015) ........................................................ 13 Figure 12: West elevation with 6/6 windows, return eaves and stonework. (CU, 2015) .................... 14 Figure 13: Central door on front elevation with sidelights and transom. (CU, 2015) .......................... 14 Figure 14: Fireplace with brick hearth. (CU, 2015) .................................................................................... 15 Figure 15: Wooden stair balustrade with knob newels. (CU 2015) ........................................................ 15 Figure 16: Detail of window casing and paneled dado. (CU, 2015) .................................................... 16 Figure 17: Detail of wooden door casing on main floor. (CU, 2015) ..................................................... 16 Figure 18: Access to basement through cellar door (left) & interior (right). (CU, 2015) .................... 17 Figure 19: Detail of whitewashed stone basement and newer windows. (CU, 2015) ....................... 17 Figure 20: Detail of gravel driveway from house facing towards Whitevale Road. (CU, 2015) ...... 18 Figure 21: A creek runs through the property. (CU, 2015) ....................................................................... 19 List of Tables Table 1: Factors Indicating Archaeological Potential or Lack of Archaeological Potential ........... 20 Table 2 - Evaluation of the Cultural Heritage Value or Interest of 750 Whitevale Road as Per O.Reg. 9/06 Criteria 1. i., ii., and iii ................................................................................................................ 22 Table 3 - Evaluation of the Cultural Heritage Value or Interest of 750 Whitevale Road as Per O.Reg. 9/06 Criteria 2. i., ii., and iii ................................................................................................................ 23 Table 4 - Evaluation of the Cultural Heritage Value or Interest of 750 Whitevale Road as Per O.Reg. 9/06 Criteria 3. i., ii., and iii ................................................................................................................ 24 Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 1 1 Introduction to the Site Laurie Smith Heritage Consulting, in partnership with Amy Barnes Consulting and Chris Uchiyama Heritage, was retained by the City of Pickering in April 2015 to undertake a Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation of the property listed as 750 Whitevale Road in Pickering, Ontario. The property, also referred to as the James White House, is located east of the hamlet of Whitevale, on the north side of Whitevale Road, in the City of Pickering, Ontario. It is a rectangular parcel, 3.2 hectares (7.92 acres) in area, comprising the southern part of Lot 28, Concession V, Pickering Township (Figure 1). The property is surrounded by agricultural lands to the north and east, a former19th century school house to the west (Whitevale School, 3215 Sideline 28), and the Whitevale Cemetery to the south (Figure 2). There are two buildings on the property: a one-and-a-half-storey, stone house and a one-and-a- half-storey wooden garage. The house follows the Georgian Classical style with five bays, a wide, central door case with sidelights and transom, a side-gable roof, and Classical detailing (Figure 3). It was built sometime between 1851 and 1861 by James White or his son William White. The one-and-a-half-storey garage is a cumulative structure that may include components from the 19th century. The house and garage are surrounded by grassed lawn and mature coniferous and deciduous trees. A gravel laneway runs north from Whitevale Road to the outbuilding (Figure 4). The farmhouse is well setback from Whitevale Road and is enclosed in a mature tree covering. A small, creek runs through the trees east of the house and driveway (Figure 1). The property is currently owned by the Province of Ontario and is managed by Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”). It is listed in the City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register (2008) and is included in the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District, which was designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act in 1993 (By-law 4074-92, 1993). Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 2 Figure 1: 750 Whitevale Road, Location and Boundary of Property Parcel (City of Pickering, 2015) Figure 2: 750 Whitevale Road, Context (Base map source: Google Earth Pro, 2015) Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 3 Figure 3: Front elevation of 750 Whitevale Road (CU, 2015). Figure 4: 750 Whitevale Road, Current Conditions (Base map source: Google Earth Pro, 2015) Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 4 2 Methodology This cultural heritage evaluation was conducted using the criteria in O.Reg. 9/06 under the Ontario Heritage Act. The evaluation was based on information contained in previous reports on the site, additional historical research, and a site visit of the property. The City of Pickering excluded public and stakeholder consultation from the consultant contract, except for the purposes of historical research. The heritage value of the property has previously been examined in the following reports (listed chronologically): • Unterman McPhail Heritage Resource Consultants, The Hamlet of Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Study: Background Report. Prepared for the Town of Pickering, August 1989. • Hough, Stansbury, Woodland, Naylor, Dance Limited – Prime Consultants, D.R. Poulton & Associates – Archaeological Assessments and Excavations, André Scheinman – Heritage Preservation Consultant, Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources Assessment: Technical Appendix. Report prepared for the Seaton Interim Planning Team, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, July 1994. • André Scheinman, Seaton Built Heritage Assessment. Prepared for the North Pickering Land Exchange Team, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Planning and Development Division, November 2004. • Contentworks Inc., Thematic Study and Phase 1 Evaluation of ORC Properties in Pickering. Prepared for Ontario Realty Corporation, March 2009. • Contentworks Inc., Phase II Evaluation of Residences on Whitevale Road, Pickering. Report prepared for the Ontario Realty Corporation, March 2009. • Bray Heritage, Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Background Report: Whitevale Road Heritage Corridor Review. Report prepared for the City of Pickering, May 2010. Sources for additional historical research are noted in the “Sources” section at the end of this document. An exterior and interior site visit was undertaken on June 16th by Amy Barnes, M.A. and Chris Uchiyama, M.A. The current tenant provided access. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 5 3 Policy Framework In Ontario, the Provincial Policy Statement 2014 (“PPS 2014”), issued under s. 3 of the Planning Act, provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development.1 Land use planning decisions made by municipalities, planning boards, the Province, or a commission or agency of the government must be consistent with the PPS 2014.2 The PPS 2014 provides that “significant built heritage resources and significant cultural heritage landscapes shall be conserved” and “development and site alteration shall not be permitted on lands containing archaeological resources or areas of archaeological potential unless significant archaeological resources have been conserved”.3 “Significant” means “resources that have been determined to have cultural heritage value or interest for the important contribution they make to our understanding of the history of a place, an event, or a people.”4 These resources and landscapes are conserved through their “identification, protection, management and use…..in a manner that ensures their cultural heritage value or interest is retained under the Ontario Heritage Act.”5 Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act (“OHA”) permits municipalities to designate individual properties that are of cultural heritage value or interest, based on criteria set out in Ont. Reg. 9/06.6 Designation is done by by-law and includes a description of the property and a statement explaining the cultural heritage value or interest of the property and a description of the heritage attributes of the property. Part V of the OHA permits municipalities to designate heritage conservation districts consisting of multiple properties, and adopt a district plan for managing change.7 A property that is included in an area designated as a heritage conservation district may subsequently be individually designated under Part IV.8 Municipalities must keep a register of property that is of cultural heritage value or interest. In addition to designated properties, the register may include other property that the municipality believes to be of cultural heritage value or interest.9 The OHA provides processes for a municipality to approve proposed alterations, demolition or removal of resources on designated properties or within a heritage conservation district, and requires notice be given to a municipality for proposed alterations, demolition or removal of resources on non-designated properties listed on the register.10 Part IV OHA (individual property designation by municipalities) and Part V OHA (heritage conservation district designation) do not apply to property that is owned by the provincial 1 PPS 2014, Part I: Preamble. 2 PPS 2014, Part III: How to Read the Provincial Policy Statement. 3 PPS 2014, s. 2.6.1 and 2.6.2. 4 PPS 2014, s. 6.0, Definitions, at p. 49. 5 PPS 2014, s. 6.0, Definitions, at p. 40. 6 OHA, Part IV, s. 29. 7 OHA, ss. 41 and 41.1. 8 OHA, s. 41(2). 9 OHA, ss. 27(1.1) and (1.2). 10 OHA, ss. 27 (3), 33, 34 and 42. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 6 government or by a prescribed public body.11 OILC is a prescribed public body.12 However, municipalities are not prevented from including properties owned by the provincial government or a prescribed public body in the municipal register of non-designated properties.13 Heritage properties owned or occupied by the provincial government or prescribed public bodies are subject to the Standards & Guidelines for Conservation of Provincial Heritage Properties (“the provincial S&Gs”), a set of guidelines issued by the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport in 2010.14 The provincial S&Gs require provincial ministries and agencies to establish and maintain a cultural heritage conservation policy and procedures to identify, manage and conserve provincial heritage properties.15 Decisions affecting a provincial heritage property must consider its cultural heritage value and mitigate negative impacts.16 If a provincial heritage property is to leave government ownership, best efforts should be made to ensure its cultural heritage value is protected through designation or easement; demolition or removal should be considered only as a last resort. OILC has followed an internal heritage management process since 2007. The property at 750 Whitevale was recommended as an ORC Heritage Property in the 2009 Phase II report prepared by Contentworks Inc. for ORC. The OHA provides that if a property owned by the provincial government or a prescribed public body is included in a designated heritage conservation district, and there is a conflict between a provision of the provincial S&Gs and a provision in Part V as they apply to that property, the provision in Part V prevails.17 The City of Pickering has adopted a policy to respect and conserve cultural heritage resources as part of the City of Pickering Official Plan (Edition 6).18 City Council shall identify important cultural heritage resources from all time periods, and prevent the demolition, destruction or inappropriate alteration of important cultural heritage resources to the extent possible (s. 8.2). City Council shall maintain an inventory of heritage resources designated or worthy of designation under the OHA (s. 8.7). City Council shall encourage the preservation or excavation of important archaeological sites (s. 8.10). Amendment 22 to the Pickering Official Plan, approved by the Ontario Municipal Board in 2013, specifically provides that the Seaton Urban Area shall be planned as a sustainable community, based on seven key sustainability principles, including to “protect cultural heritage resources and archaeological resources”. 11 OHA ss. 25.2 (2), 26.1 (1) and 39.1.1(1). 12 OHA, Ont. Reg. 157/10. 13 OHA, s. 26.1(3). 14 The Provincial S&Gs are available online at http://www.mtc.gov.on.ca/en/publications/Standards_Conservation.pdf 15 S&G, s. A.2, A.2 and A.5. 16 S&G, s. A.3 17 OHA, s. 39.1.1(2). 18 City of Pickering Official Plan (Edition 6), Chapter Eight – Cultural Heritage. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 7 4 Historical Context 750 Whitevale Road is located east of the hamlet of Whitevale, on the south eastern part of Lot 28, Concession V, Pickering Township. The township was first surveyed in 1797 and Crown patents were issued shortly afterwards. The land around Whitevale was not settled until the early 1820s, when United Empire Loyalist John Major (1768-1831) built a saw mill on the banks of West Duffins Creek. A small settlement, known as Major Mills or Majorville, began to take shape along Concession V. In 1843, Ira White purchased Major’s sawmill and put his son, Truman P. White in charge of operations.19 An ambitious industrialist, T.P. White further leveraged the power of the West Duffins Creek and developed the milling site to include a flour mill. During the 1850s and 1860s, the settlement grew into an industrial centre with the addition of: a planing mill (1866); a stave and heading factory, T.P. White’s wool factory (1867); a sash and door factory; a wagon and steam carriage factory; and the P.R. Hoover and Co. cheese factory. Commercial enterprises included: a general store; a butcher shop; Major Hotel; and a tinsmith shop. Anticipating the growth of the community, T.P. White registered two survey plans, one in 1857 and an amended plan in 1860. The 1869 Ontario Gazetteer and Directory indicates that hamlet’s population was approximately 300 that year. John Shier’s 1870 plan of subdivision was the first time that “Whitevale” was used as the name of the community, in honour of T.P. White; although the mills continued to be called “Majors Mills.” Lot 28, Concession V, comprising 200 acres, was patented to King’s College in 1828. King’s College was an Anglican college established by Royal Charter in 1827; it later became the University of Toronto.20 James White purchased the 100 acres comprising the south half of Lot 28 in August 1853. In January 1854, he transferred the southeastern quarter (50 acres) of Lot 28 to his son William Thomas White. When James died at the end of that year, the remaining southwestern quarter (50 acres) was left to James’ youngest son John. John quickly sold it to his brother William, giving him ownership of all 100 acres. The 1877 map of Pickering shows “W. White” as owner of the entire 100 acres, less a one-acre parcel which William had donated in 1864 for use as a Whitevale School.21 William’s son, Albert Edward White, inherited the 100-acre parcel from his father in 1905.22 Albert sold the parcel to Mary O’Connor. After Mary’s death, the property was sold again through Power of Sale. It was purchased in 1930 by John A. White, Albert’s cousin, thereby returning it to White family ownership.23 John died in 1941, and his widow 19 Unterman McPhail, 1989: 2-2. 20 Friedland, pp. 4, 31, 143, 156, 313, 376, 593–6. 21 “Map of Pickering Township,” in J.H. Beers & Co., Historical Atlas of the Ontario County, Ont., (Toronto: 1877), p. 19. 22 Wood, p. 308. Albert lived in the house in 1910. He had a leasing agreement with Mary Theresa O’Connor from 1925-1930. 23 John A. White (1861-1941) was the son of James Talmage White (1819-1908) and Elizabeth Pugh (1829-1918), and nephew to William Thomas White (1823-1904). Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 8 Mary Ann White sold the property in 1942 to James Edward Stephens, not a member of the White family.24 The property was acquired by the provincial government in 1972. The one-and-a-half-storey, five-bay stone house was likely built sometime in the late 1850s. It is absent from the 1851 census but noted on the 1861 census.25 If built before 1855, it was built for James White; if built after 1855, it was built for William White. The Municipal Heritage Register (2008) provides a date of construction of 1861 and refers to the house as “the James White House”. Around the same time (c.1860), William Thomas’s sister Emma and her husband William Major built a one-and-a-half-storey, five-bay stone house on Lot 26, Concession V (c.1860, extant, 940 Whitevale Road). James White (1775-1855) was an English emigrant who arrived in Pickering Township in 1833 with his wife Mary (1784-1864) and three children.26 He leased 100 acres elsewhere in the township before moving to Lot 28.27 The 1851 census shows that James (aged 76) his wife Mary and three children (William, Elizabeth and John) were already living in a log house on Lot 28.28 The 1851 agricultural census records James White farming a combined total of 150 acres on Lot 28, Concession IV and Lot 28, Concession V: 70 under cultivation (60 for crops and 10 for pasture), and 30 acres wooded or wild.29 There is no known relationship between James White and Whitevale’s namesakes Truman and Ira White. James White is buried in Whitevale Cemetery. James Talmage White (1819-1908)30 emigrated from England with his parents and arrived in Pickering Township in 1833.31 He lived on Lot 27, Concession V with his wife Elizabeth Pugh (1829- 1918)32 and they had eight children.33 William Thomas White (1821-1904) emigrated from England to Pickering as a child.3435 William married Mary Ann Pugh (1834-1902) and had several more children, one of whom was Albert Edward White (1878-1956). William lived in the stone house on Lot 28 until his death in 1904. In 24 Mary Ann White sold the property for $4600. The relationship between Mary Ann White and Albert Edward White is not known. 25 Scheinman, 2004. 26 James and Mary had eight children, four of whom settled in Pickering Township. James Talmage, William Thomas and Emma emigrated with their parents from England. John was born in Pickering Township. 27 Wood, p. 308; and LRO #40. The leased land was on Lot 18, Concession V. 28 Year: 1851; Census. 29 1851; Census. 30 Wood, p. 308. 31 1901 Census. 32 Wood, p. 308. Elizabeth Pugh was the daughter of Hugh Pugh, who is associated with the farmstead at 3185 Sideline 26. 33 Elizabeth (1852-1922), George (1853-1951), Sarah (1855-1928), Eliza (1857- 1942), Edward (1858- 1945), John (1861-1941), Mary (1863-1938) and Ella (1865-1924). 34 Wood, 308. 35 There is some evidence to suggest that William returned to England around 1842, married Catherine Taylor and had several children before returning to Pickering and marrying Mary Ann Pugh.1861 England Census. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 9 1864 he transferred one acre to the Trustees of School Section No. 8 to build the Whitevale School (extant at 3215 Sideline 28). Figure 5: Gravestone of James White (Sr.) (Left) and James White (Jr.) (Right) (CU, 2015) Figure 6: 750 Whitevale Road, shown on an excerpt from the 1877 Map of Pickering Township (Base map source: J.H. Beers & Co., 1877) Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 10 5 Architecture and Design There are two buildings on the property: a one-and-a–half-storey, stone house built in the Georgian Classical style between 1851 and 1861; and a separate, wood-frame garage. Figure 7: Rear (north) elevation of 750 Whitevale Road. (CU, 2015) Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 11 Figure 8: West elevation of 750 Whitevale Road. (CU, 2015) Figure 9: East elevation of 750 Whitevale Road. (CU, 2015) Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 12 Figure 10: Wooden garage at the rear of the property at 750 Whitevale Road. (CU, 2015) 5.1 Stone House The one-and-a-half-storey, stone house is built in the Georgian Classical style, with a five-bay façade, symmetrically arranged openings, and Classical detailing. It follows a rectangular plan with a long façade. The medium-pitch, end-gable roof has overhanging eaves, eave returns and a wide frieze. Interior red brick chimneys are located at each gable end. The house is built of randomly coursed, granite and rubble stone. More detail is given to the even and linear placement of stones on the façade, whereas the eastern, western elevations have smaller stones and more visible mortar. The transition between even coursing and rough coursing is evident on the side elevations. Large stone quoins are placed at all four corners and stone voussoirs are set above openings. Openings are flat-arched and symmetrically arranged on all elevations. The five-bay façade features a wide, central door case flanked by two windows on each side; the three-bay, rear elevation features a single, central door flanked by one window on each side. The façade door case includes a tri-partite transom and sidelights with glazed and paneled sections. The side elevations feature two windows on each storey. In general, windows are double-sash, 6/6 wooden units with wooden lug sills. A cellar door on the rear (north) elevation provides access to the basement. The house has been altered by: the addition of exterior storm units to the central door, transom and sidelights; the replacement of stone voussoirs by single-stretcher, brick voussoirs on the west Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 13 (second storey) and rear (south) elevations; the construction of a wooden porch at the rear entrance; the replacement of at least one window on the east elevation; and the insertion of shutters on façade windows. The house follows the Georgian Classical or Loyalist style which was popular in Upper Canada in the first half of the 19th century. The style is characterized by symmetry, a rectangular form, a centre-hall plan, a low-pitched roof, a wide front door case with transom and sidelights, and Classical details such as friezes below the eaves, pedimented frontispieces, eave returns, and pilastered corners. Other examples of five-bay, Georgian-style, stone houses in the immediate area include 615 Whitevale , 940 Whitevale Road and 1130 Whitevale Road, all of which include a wide-central door case and sidelights, a low-to-medium-pitched roof, and heavily mortared, randomly coursed fieldstone with large stone quoins, in a manner similar to 750 Whitevale Road (the façade of 940 Whitevale is evenly coursed). Figure 11: Detail of cornice, stonework and voussoirs. (CU, 2015) Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 14 Figure 12: West elevation with 6/6 windows, return eaves and stonework. (CU, 2015) Figure 13: Central door on front elevation with sidelights and transom. (CU, 2015) Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 15 5.1.1 Interior The interior follows a centre-hall plan and has 12-foot ceilings on the main floor. It retains many early or original wood finishes and fixtures, including: a stair balustrade with knob newels; a wooden floor (concealed beneath laminate or tile); window casings with deep-set sills and paneled dado; 12-inch baseboards; and door casings with decorative trim. A fireplace with brick hearth may be a later but sympathetic addition. Figure 14: Fireplace with brick hearth. (CU, 2015) Figure 15: Wooden stair balustrade with knob newels. (CU 2015) Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 16 Figure 16: Detail of window casing and paneled dado. (CU, 2015) Figure 17: Detail of wooden door casing on main floor. (CU, 2015) Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 17 5.1.2 Basement The full basement is accessed from the exterior cellar door or through interior stairs. The whitewashed, stone foundation, and original plank flooring of the main level are both visible from the basement. Figure 18: Access to basement through cellar door (left) & interior (right). (CU, 2015) Figure 19: Detail of whitewashed stone basement and newer windows. (CU, 2015) Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 18 5.2 Garage The garage is a one-and–half-storey, wooden structure with a gable roof. The double-width door slides open to permit entry. Windows are located in the gable end. The roof is covered with a thick plastic tarpaulin. Components of the interior, such as hand-hewn timbers and plank flooring, may date to the 19th century. The building does not belong to any discernable functional type or style and has likely been much altered from its original configuration. 5.3 Cultural Landscape The house is surrounded by a grassed lawn to the north and south and encircled by mature coniferous and deciduous trees. A long graveled laneway runs north from Whitevale Road along the eastern side of the house, leading to the garage (Figure 4). The house is well set back from Whitevale Road, and is concealed from view behind trees. An intermittent creek runs through the property to the east of the house and gravel driveway. Figure 20: Detail of gravel driveway from house facing towards Whitevale Road. (CU, 2015) Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 19 Figure 21: A creek runs through the property. (CU, 2015) 5.4 Archaeological Resources Although the archaeological potential of the general area in and around the property is well documented36 the archaeological potential of the property, itself, will be addressed in this section. Archaeological potential determination is based on a number of factors related to the attractiveness of a site for either temporary or permanent human occupation. Archaeological features that are considered when determining potential are generally related to basic necessities of survival (e.g., proximity to water), access to transportation (e.g., historic transportation routes, trails, and navigable watercourses), or access to resources (e.g., raw materials for tool making or construction, or food resources). The Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport lists in its 2010 Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists37 a series of features that are considered, in Ontario, to be related to archaeological potential, or removal of archaeological potential as summarised in Table 1. 36 See Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited et. al., 1994 and Scheinman, 2004 for an overview of archaeological research in the area. 37 Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. Standards and Guideline for Consultant Archaeologists. 2011: 17-18. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 20 Table 1: Factors Indicating Archaeological Potential or Lack of Archaeological Potential Archaeological Feature 750 Whitevale Rd. (y/n) Previously identified archaeological sites Y Water sources: Primary water sources (lakes, rivers, streams, creeks) Y Secondary water sources (intermittent streams, creeks, marshes) Y Features indicating past water sources (e.g., glacial lake shorelines, relic river or stream channels) N Accessible or inaccessible shoreline N Elevated topography (e.g. eskers, drumlins, plateau) N Pockets of well-drained sandy soil, especially near areas of heavy soil or rocky ground Not assessed Distinctive land formations that might have been special or spiritual places such as waterfalls, rock outcrops, caverns, mounds and promontories and their bases. N Resource areas: Food or medicinal plants Not assessed Scarce raw materials N Early Euro-Canadian industry (e.g., fur trade, logging, prospecting, mining) N Areas of early Euro-Canadian settlement Y Early historical transportation routes Y Property listed on a municipal register or designated under the Ontario Heritage Act or that is a federal, provincial or municipal historic landmark or site Y Property that local histories or informants have identified with possible archaeological sites, historical events, activities, or occupants N Archaeological potential can be determined not to be present if the site has been subject to modern extensive and deep land alterations such as: quarrying; sewage and infrastructure development; building footprints; or major landscaping involving grading. N Based on a review of these factors, the property at 750 Whitevale Road exhibits archaeological potential. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 21 6 Contextual Background The property at 750 Whitevale Road is located east of the hamlet of Whitevale, on the north side of Whitevale Road. The property is surrounded by groves of trees on all sides and is not visible from the road. Agricultural lands lie to the north and east and the Whitevale School is located immediately west, although separated by trees. The Whitevale Cemetery, established in 1832 on land donated by Henry Major, is situated on the south side of Whitevale Road, about 130 meters to the east (Figure 2). James White, his son James Talmage White, and his daughter-on- law Elizabeth Pugh are buried at the cemetery. 750 Whitevale Road is part of the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District and has historical links with other resources in the HCD, including the Whitevale School House and the Whitevale Cemetery. The property reinforces the character of the HCD, described as follows: The hamlet of Whitevale is located in a scenic river valley along the banks of West Duffins Creek in the City of Pickering. Dominated by its rural setting and modest vernacular buildings, the hamlet has not changed significantly in character since the late nineteenth century. It had a small but thriving industrial centre until the 1870's, when a disastrous fire effectively destroyed most of the mill buildings except for the feed mill. With the depopulation of rural Ontario during the late 1800s and early 1900s Whitevale's role as a small service centre for the local farming community waned, resulting in the complete disappearance of its commercial enterprises on Main Street with the exception of the general store and the mill. The building style in Whitevale is a mixture of typical rural Ontario vernacular architecture combined with Victorian influences and materials in common usage at the time of construction. The result is a distinctive cohesiveness of scale, mass, decorative detailing and building materials. Although many individual buildings and properties have been altered over the decades, the overall nineteenth century village character has been retained. Most of the existing nineteenth century buildings have wood frame structures, and siding ranging from clapboard, shiplap to vertical board and batten. The majority of structures are one-and-a-half storeys in height with a three bay front facade and centre gable. The rural character of Whitevale, with its narrow tree-lined streets, scenic views over the surrounding agricultural lands and the West Duffins Creek and its steep river valley, provides a distinctive context and setting for its buildings. The community has a rich and diverse character within a relatively small area. Archaeological remains located in and around Whitevale attest to its enduring attractiveness as a settlement area.38 38 City of Pickering. Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Guide, 2013: 5. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 22 More specifically, 750 Whitevale Road reinforces the rural and historic nature of the Whitevale Road corridor within the Whitevale HCD. 7 Heritage Evaluation The property and associated resources have been evaluated for Cultural Heritage Value or Interest (CHVI) under Ontario Regulation 9/06 Criteria for Determining Cultural Heritage Value or Interest under the Ontario Heritage Act. A summary of the evaluation based on the criteria is presented in Tables 2, 3 and 4 below. 7.1 Design or Physical Value The one-and-a-half-storey, stone house is a good representative example of the Georgian Classical or Loyalist style, which was popular in Upper Canada from 1750 to 1850. Its five-bay façade, symmetrically arranged openings, centre-hall plan, medium-pitch side-gable roof, Classical detailing and central door case with sidelights and transom are all features of the style. The house provides a good illustration of local stone construction in the 1850s, including the use of local fieldstone, the even-coursed treatment of the façade, quoins at corners, voussoirs over openings and rough-coursed rubble stone at the rear and side elevations. Table 2 - Evaluation of the Cultural Heritage Value or Interest of 750 Whitevale Road as Per O.Reg. 9/06 Criteria 1. i., ii., and iii O.Reg. 9/06 Criteria Criteria Met (y/n) Justification 1. The property has design value or physical value because it, i. is a rare, unique, representative or early example of a style, type, expression, material, or construction method, Y The house is a representative example of the Georgian Classical or Loyalist style which was popular in Upper Canada from 1750 to 1850. Its five-bay façade, symmetrically arranged openings, centre-hall plan, medium-pitch side-gable roof, Classical detailing and central door case with sidelights and transom are all features of the style. The house provides a good illustration of local stone construction in the 1850s, including the use of local fieldstone, the even-coursed treatment of the façade, quoins at corners, voussoirs over openings and rough-coursed rubble stone at the rear and side elevations ii. displays a high degree of craftsmanship or artistic merit, or N The property does not display a high degree of craftsmanship or artistic merit. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 23 O.Reg. 9/06 Criteria Criteria Met (y/n) Justification iii. demonstrates a high degree of technical or scientific achievement. N The property does not demonstrate a high degree of technical or scientific achievement. The property at 750 Whitevale Road meets the criteria for design or physical value under O.Reg. 9/06. 7.2 Historic/Associative Value The property at 750 Whitevale Road is associated with the 19th century settlement of the Whitevale area and the development of local agriculture. The house was built sometime between 1851 and 1861 by either James White or his son William White, who were among the early farmers in the Whitevale area. Members of the White family continued to live here for more than 80 years, until 1942. 750 Whitevale Road also exhibits archaeological potential, given its proximity to a number of archaeological features outlined in the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists,39 including: a secondary water course, elevated topography, known pre-contact and Euro-Canadian archaeological sites, an early historical transportation route, and as a property listed on the Municipal Heritage Register (2008) and designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act. The property has also not undergone any recent or extensive ground disturbances which might indicate the removal of archaeological potential. As a result, the property has the potential to yield information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture. Table 3 - Evaluation of the Cultural Heritage Value or Interest of 750 Whitevale Road as Per O.Reg. 9/06 Criteria 2. i., ii., and iii O.Reg. 9/06 Criteria Criteria Met (y/n) Justification 2. The property has historical value or associative value because it, i. has direct associations with a theme, event, belief, person, activity, organization or institution that is significant to a community, Y The property is associated with the 19th century settlement of the Whitevale area and the development of local agriculture. The house was built between 1851 and 1861 by either James White or his son William White. Members of the White family continued to live here for more than 80 years, until 1942. ii. yields, or has the potential to yield Y Given that the property surrounding the farmhouse and carriage shed has not been 39 Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. Standards and Guideline for Consultant Archaeologists. 2011: 17-18. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 24 O.Reg. 9/06 Criteria Criteria Met (y/n) Justification information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture, or recently and significantly altered, it has the potential to yield information that contributes to the understanding of the community or a pre-contact culture. iii. demonstrates or reflects the work or ideas of an architect, artist, builder, designer or theorist who is significant to a community. N Designer or builder unknown. The property at 750 Whitevale Road meets the criteria for historical or associative value under O.Reg. 9/06. 7.3 Contextual Value The property is located within the Whitevale HCD and close to the eastern entrance of the district. Its rural nature and Georgian Classical style are important in defining and maintaining and the heritage character of the district and in supporting the rural nature of the Whitevale Road corridor within the HCD. The property is visually and historically linked with the Whitevale School and the Whitevale Cemetery at the eastern end of the HCD. Table 4 - Evaluation of the Cultural Heritage Value or Interest of 750 Whitevale Road as Per O.Reg. 9/06 Criteria 3. i., ii., and iii O.Reg. 9/06 Criteria Criteria Met (y/n) Justification 3. The property has contextual value because it, i. is important in defining, maintaining or supporting the character of an area, Y Because of its location at the eastern entrance to the district, and its Georgian style architecture it is important in defining and maintaining the character of the Whitevale Road Corridor and the Whitevale HCD. ii. is physically, functionally, visually or historically linked to its surroundings, or Y The property is historically linked to the Whitevale School and the Whitevale Cemetery. iii. is a landmark. N 750 Whitevale Road is not a landmark. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 25 The property at 750 Whitevale Road meets the criteria for contextual value under O.Reg. 9/06. 7.4 Statement of Significance 7.4.1 Description of Property 750 Whitevale Road is located east of the hamlet of Whitevale, on the north side of Whitevale Road in the City of Pickering, Ontario. It is a rectangular parcel, 3.2 hectares (7.92 acres) in area, comprising the southern part of Lot 28, Concession V, Pickering Township. The property is surrounded by agricultural lands to the north and east, a former 19th century school house to the west, and the Whitevale Cemetery to the south. The key resource on the property is a one-and-a-half storey, stone house built in the Georgian Classical style with a five-bay façade, symmetrically arranged openings, a centre-hall plan, a side-gable roof, Classical detailing and a wide central door case with sidelights and transom. The house was built between 1851 and 1861 by James White or his son William. The wooden garage on the property has 19th century components but has been much altered and does not contribute to heritage value. The property is currently listed in the City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register (2008) and is within the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District, which was designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act in 1993 (By-law 4074-92). The property is owned the Province of Ontario and managed by Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation. 7.4.2 Statement of Cultural Heritage Value The house at 750 Whitevale Road is a representative example of the Georgian Classical or Loyalist style, which was popular in Upper Canada from 1750 to 1850 and includes many features of the style. The house is a representative example of local stone construction in the 1850s, including the use of local fieldstone, the even-coursed treatment of the façade, quoins at corners, voussoirs over openings and rough-coursed rubble stone at the rear and side elevations. The property is associated with the 19th century settlement of the Whitevale area and the development of local agriculture. The house was built between 1851 and 1861 by James White or his son William, and members of the White family lived here for more than 80 years until 1942. Given that the property surrounding the farmhouse and garage shed has not been recently and significantly altered, it has the potential to yield information that contributes to the understanding of the community or a pre-contact culture. Because of its location at the eastern entrance to the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District, and its Georgian Classical style, the property is important in defining and maintaining the heritage character of the district and the character of the Whitevale Road corridor within the district. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 26 The property is historically linked to other resources within the HCD, including the former Whitevale School, which was built on land donated by William White, and the Whitevale Cemetery in which James and other family members are buried. 7.4.3 Heritage Attributes The heritage attribute essential to the cultural heritage value of the property is the one-and-a- half-storey, stone house. Key elements of the stone house include: • its form and proportions, including the one-and–a-half-storey height and rectangular plan; • its Georgian Classical style, including: medium-pitch, gable roof; symmetrically arranged openings; centre-hall plan; five-bay façade; ; Classical detailing; and wide, central door case with side lights and transom; • its Classical detailing including: the wide, decorative frieze, and eave returns; • its stone construction using local fieldstone, including: even-coursed blocks on the façade, transitioning to rough-coursed rubble stone on the side and rear elevations; voussoirs over openings; and large quoins at corners; • brick chimneys; • surviving 6/6 double-hung window sash; • surviving wood finishes and fixtures, including: the stair balustrade with knob newels; window casings with deep-set sills and paneled dado; baseboards; door casings; and plank floors. 8 Recommendations As outlined above, the property at 750 Whitevale Road meets the criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest under Ontario Regulation 9/06; specifically criteria 1.i, 2.i, 2.ii, 3.i. and 3.ii. While the property remains in Crown ownership, the municipality should consider updating the property listing on the Pickering Heritage Registry to include the Statement of Significance. The results of this evaluation should be shared with the province, along with a request that the property be managed in compliance with the Standards & Guidelines for Conservation of Provincial Heritage Properties. If the property passes out of Crown ownership, the municipality should consider individual designation of the property under S. 29 OHA. The municipality may decide as a matter of policy not to include the interior features of the house in any s.29 designation. As outlined above, the property exhibits archaeological potential. Future cultural heritage policy decisions regarding this property should consider this potential for previously undiscovered archaeological sites or resources and a Stages 1 and 2 Archaeological Assessment should be carried out by a licenced professional archaeologist prior to any below-grade construction activities. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 27 9 Sources Ancestry.com and Genealogical Research Library (Brampton, Ontario, Canada). Ontario, Canada, Marriages, 1801-1928 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010. ---- 1861 England Census. Class: RG 9 Piece 2272, Folio 68, Pg. 32. GSU Roll: 542946 Bray Heritage, Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Background Report: Whitevale Road Heritage Corridor Review, Report prepared for the City of Pickering, May 2010. City of Pickering. Edition 6. Official Plan- Chapter Eight – Cultural Heritage. City of Pickering. 2013. Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Guide. Contentworks, Phase II Evaluation of Residences on Whitevale Road, Pickering. Report prepared for the Ontario Realty Corporation, March 2009. Friedland, Martin L. (2002). The University of Toronto: A History. University of Toronto Press. pp. 4, 31, 143, 156, 313, 376, 593–6. ISBN 0-8020-4429-8. Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited – Prime Consultants, D.R. Poulton & Associates – Archaeological Assessments and Excavations, André Scheinman – Heritage Preservation Consultant, Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources Assessment: Technical Appendix. Report Prepared for the Seaton Interim Planning Team (Ontario Ministry of Housing), July 1994. Accessed online at http://www.pada.ca/books/details/?id=2023&keywords=vardon. J.H. Beers &. Co., Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Ontario, Ont., (Toronto: J.H., Beers & Co., 1877. Land Registry #40. Whitby. Land Abstracts. Library and Archives Canada Year: 1851; Census Place: Pickering, Ontario County, Canada West (Ontario); Schedule: A; Roll: C_11742; Page: 191; Line: 21 Year: 1851; Census Place: Pickering, Ontario County, Canada West (Ontario); Schedule: B; Roll: C_11742; Page: 277; Line: 17 Year: 1901; Census Place: Pickering, Ontario (west/ouest), Ontario; Page: 3; Family No: 27 Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. Standards & Guidelines for Conservation of Provincial Heritage Properties. April, 2010. ---. Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists. 2011. Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.0.18. Pickering-Ajax Digital Archives. 2003. Accessed online at http://www.pada.ca/. Cultural Heritage Property Evaluation Report Prepared for The City of Pickering 750 Whitevale Road, Pickering ON November 10, 2015 Amy Barnes Consulting cuHeritage Pa g e 28 Pickering Women’s Institute. Tweedsmuir History. Pickering Women’s Institute, Pickering: circa 1960. Accessed online at http://www.pada.ca/books/details/?id=70&keywords=tweedsmuir. Provincial Policy Statement. 2014. Ministry of Municipal Housing and Affairs. Accessed online at http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page215.aspx Scheinman, André. Seaton Built Heritage Assessment, Report prepared for the North Pickering Land Exchange Team, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, November 2004. Smith, George. Centennial Souvenir Map of Pickering Township. Pickering Historical Society: Pickering, Ontario, 1967. Unterman McPhail Heritage Resource Consultants, The Hamlet of Whitevale, Heritage Conservation District Study, Background Report. Report prepared for the City of Pickering, August 1989. Wood, William. Past years in Pickering: Sketches of the History of the Community, (Toronto: William Briggs, 1911). Accessed online at http://archive.org/stream/pastyearsinpicke00wooduoft/pastyearsinpicke00wooduoft_djvu.txt.