HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunities in Bloom - March 26 2007 Page 1 CORP0228—2/02 Minutes / Meeting Summary Communities In Bloom Advisory Committee March 26, 2007 10:00 am Main Committee Room Attendees: Mayor Dave Ryan, City of Pickering (Chair) Regional Councillor Bill McLean, City of Pickering (Co-Chair) Tom Melymuk, City of Pickering Dorsey James, Sculptor Julie Oakes, Bloomers & Britches Alan Arsenault, Pickering Town Centre Lorna Murphy, Pickering Town Centre Kathy McKay, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Mike Bender, Toronto Region Conservation Authority Sigrid Squire, Pickering Horticultural Society Jim McCafferty, Durham Separate School Board Absent: John Hannah, City of Pickering Steve Reynolds, City of Pickering Chris Braney, Durham District School Board Larry Noonan, Altona Forest Stewardship Committee Gail Lawlor, Durham Sustain Ability Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Introductions  Mayor Ryan thanked members for attending and said that he is pleased about the City of Pickering’s involvement in the Communities in Bloom program  Members introduced themselves 2. Work Program Overview and Role of Advisory Committee  Tom Melymuk gave an overview presentation to show the work the City has done to date and what still has to be done 3. Discussion  Julie Oakes informed members that the City of Oshawa had won the Communities in Bloom International Award Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate)  Julie noted the importance of having appropriate criteria for the proposed local garden competition, as well as the need for adequate judges and training of the judges  Sigrid Squire advised that the Pickering Horticultural Society will be holding their Annual Garden Tour the last Sunday in June and wanted clarification to ensure there is no conflict with the City’s proposed garden competition  Councillor McLean informed members that Oshawa’s judging is done by wards  It was noted that because the wards in Pickering are so large, judging may need to be done by neighbourhood  Councillor McLean suggested that magnetic stickers for cars be ordered and used by the judges for identification  Jim McCafferty advised that the schools are excited about taking part in the program and that in some schools, garden clubs have been created  Mayor Ryan supported the creation of garden clubs in schools  Julie Oakes noted that in Oshawa, cul-de-sac plantings are judged  Tom advised that there are already various categories included in the garden competition for 2007, but not one for “cul-de-sac”  Kathy McKay suggested creating a CIB link to the Board of Trade’s website  Dorsey James noted there is an opportunity to use Communities in Bloom to encourage people from beyond Pickering to visit the City  Mike Bender informed members that the TRCA is happy to be part of this initiative and would be willing to make sure that any TRCA properties that are to be showcased on the judges tour are open and properly maintained  Allan Arsenault appreciated being invited to the meeting and mentioned that Pickering Town Centre would be pleased to assist the City in promoting Communities in Bloom  Lorna Murphy suggested promoting CIB in the Town Centre’s newsletter  Tom circulated sponsorship packages to each of the CIB Advisory Committee members, and explained the contents  Mayor Ryan invited Shawna Mutton into the meeting and introduced her to members Staff will ensure appropriate selection and training of judges Tom Melymuk to clarify with Sigrid Squire. Staff to order Staff to consider in subsequent years Staff to follow-up with Board of Trade Staff to contact Pickering Town Centre Members to seek sponsorships and advise Shawna Mutton Page 3 CORP0228—2/02 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate)  Sigrid recommended setting-up a CIB table at the Horticultural Society’s May 12th plant sale being held at the gazebo  Mayor Ryan inquired as to if there were garden photos available for residents to view  Sigrid informed members that she had already given garden photos to Rob Gagen  Councillor McLean suggested that in subsequent years the City consider adding backyard properties (ponds) as a category  Dorsey noted that he would be prepared to help involve artists from the community in Communities in Bloom. He suggested they be involved next year to teach school children about the arts, and also invite them to participate (e.g. to work on sculptures that could be displayed outside the school)  Tom suggested the possibility in future years of expanding the garden tour to a garden and sculpture tour  Mayor Ryan again thanked members for attending. He felt that good progress was made at the meeting and members should call if they have any further ideas / suggestions Sigrid Squire will provide more photos, if needed 4. Next Meeting Monday, April 16, 2007 at 10:00 am in the Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 11:10 am Copy: All Members Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads City Clerk