HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 8, 2016 Page 1 of 5 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday, March 8, 2016 7:00 pm City Hall – Main Committee Room Attendees: Jesse St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services Joan De Gennaro, Clerk/Typist (recording secretary) Charlene Hunt, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Sunjay Mathuria, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Sumaira Munir, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Aline L.M. Revoy, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Kathy McKay, Cultural Stakeholder, Ajax - Pickering Board of Trade Cathy Schnippering, Cultural Stakeholder, Pine Ridge Arts Council Alma Sandoval Betancourth, Cultural Stakeholder, Alma Latina Magazine Absent: Tanya Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services John Sabean, Cultural Stakeholder, Pickering Historical Society Denise Wagner, Cultural Stakeholder, Denise Lester School of Dance Shashi Bhatia, Cultural Stakeholder, Indo-Canadian Cultural Association of Durham Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Introductions J. St. Amant welcomed all and thanked all for their participation on the Cultural Advisory Committee. J. St. Amant advised the committee that T. Ryce sends her regrets and that she is the Chair of this committee. J. St. Amant asked the committee members to introduce themselves and provide a little background on why they were interested in participating on this committee. A round table of introductions took place. J. St. Amant asked if members had the opportunity to review a copy of the City of Pickering’s Cultural Plan. A. Revoy asked if there would be copies available. J. De Gennaro advised that T. Ryce had requested that all members be provided with a binder which would have a hard J. De Gennaro to provide committee with binders at the April meeting. Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) copy of the Cultural Plan as well as the opportunity to keep all paperwork in one location. Members will be provided the binders at the April meeting. J. St. Amant advised that City Staff meet regularly regarding the plan initiatives. They are currently discussing the creation of a public art policy and the promotion of heritage assets. Once staff have completed their initial work, the Cultural Advisory Committee will be asked to review the draft documents and provide comments to staff. 2. Review Draft Terms of Reference J. St. Amant reviewed the current Draft Terms of Reference by section and asked the Committee member to provide comment and discussion. Mandate Committee members requested that the work “expert” be removed, and that stakeholder be defined within the terms of reference. Goals and Objectives K. McKay requested that the phrase Chamber of Commerce be changed to Board of Trade. A. Sandoval Betancourth asked who would be responsible for the research listed in item “E”? J. St. Amant advised that committee members may be asked to research topics and provide summary reports at meetings Composition Committee would like clarification as to why the listed stakeholders were chosen to be on the committee J. St. Amant stated that staff members listed will attend meetings as require to present specific departments input. Committee members requested clarification on the term community within this section. Update: T. Ryce stated that staff would research best practice, however additional research would be welcomed from the committee members. T. Ryce to provide clarification on Committee Composition question at next meeting. Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Discussion regarding the length of the term of this committee took place. All members are welcome to reapply once their current term is over and can sit for another term if selected. 3. Meeting Schedule Meeting Schedule was noted in the Terms of Reference to be held monthly, excluding the months of July, August and December; unless the Committee members feel it is required and then a special meeting date will be chosen. J. St. Amant asked if there were any conflicts with this schedule, all in attendance acknowledge there were no conflicts. The possibility of moving to the third Tuesday in the month to accommodate other members schedules was discusses an all in attendance were in agreement to move the meeting dates to the third Tuesday of the month pending T. Ryce’s approval. K. McKay asked if there were guidelines regarding missed meetings. A discussion took place regarding missed meetings. The consensus was that the Committee is scheduled to meet 9 times per year and that if a member misses a third of the scheduled meetings per year, there should be a consideration regarding the member’s ability to fulfill their commitment to the committee. It was also suggested that the Chair contact the member after the third missed meeting to discuss the member’s ability to fulfill their commitment – understanding that unforeseen circumstances do arise and that the Chair would be able to make a decision on the situation. C. Schnippering asked if this is the final committee or if more members are allowed. J. St. Amant noted that the current committee members adhere to the Composition of the Committee as listed in the Terms of Reference. J. De Gennaro noted that these meetings are open to the public and therefore anyone is welcome to attend. If members of the public wish to speak to the committee they would have to request the opportunity to present as a delegation through T. Ryce. J. St. Amant reviewed again the focus of the committee is to: J. St. Amant to present the possible meeting date change to T. Ryce for approval J. St. Amant to discuss with T. Ryce if meeting dates can be changed to the third Tuesday of the month to accommodate conflicts for other committee members T. Ryce to provide clarification on what the City’s policy on missed meetings may be and if the committee’s suggestion is a viable addition to the Terms of Reference Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)  Assist the City staff with the creation of policy and procedures regarding Culture  Assist staff in discussions about our current Cultural initiatives and how we can enhance and improve the City’s Cultural footprint. 4. Confirmation of Contact Information and Agreement to share. J. St. Amant advised the members present that we would like to share the contact information between Committee members. J. De Gennaro circulated a copy of contact information to be verified and all members present were in agreement to the sharing of this information. J. De Gennaro to contact other members to seek permission to share contact information between the Committee members 5. Other Business J. St. Amant advised the committee that the upcoming Easter parade is a partnership between the City of Pickering and the Legion 606. C. Schnippering advised that PRAC has a few events coming up in April and May and are listed in the newsletter and on PRAC’s website  April 6th is the AGM Arts Event – not your typical AGM – food, entertainment.  Juried Photography Show being held in Ajax McLean Centre the end of April  Artfest – May 28th K. McKay noted that the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade could be used as a communication tool – opportunity to put road closures that may affect business on website and phone loop. Website has a great Did you Know? Section where small details can be displayed about events. K. McKay also noted that the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade has a Diversity Committee. C. Hunt noted she would like to see more Music festivals like those that happen in Toronto. J. St. Amant reviewed our current List of Festival & Events. Page 5 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) A. Sandoval Betancourth noted that this is the Fourth year of the magazine Alma Latina. She advised that she will be participating in the Library’s How to day on May 28th. She inquired about the program In Your Words and Expressions. J. St. Amant advised that this was previously run by the City of Pickering Diversity Committee which has since been disbanded and therefore is no longer a program running. A. Sandoval Betancourth asked about the committee’s role in the development of education programs. J. St. Amant explained that the role is to help the City to develop programs that engage the public. For example the Civic 101 course that the City Development team offered was very successful. Program offered Staff insight into the different areas of City Hall for example: Tax Department, By-law, Planning. Staff from these departments took an evening and went over how these departments operate. This course was a very informative and successful way of engaging the public on how municipal government, in particular the City of Pickering works. Both S. Munir and A. Revoy expressed that they are looking forward to where the committee goes forward. S. Mathuria mentioned Toronto’s Bridging Festival and how he would like to see the City of Pickering consider this type of activity. Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 pm Copy: Director, Culture & Recreation City Clerk